After the eldest lady also took a shower and Xu Lin helped her dry her hair, the two came to the living room on the first floor together.

Sure enough, there were people, and no one chose to rest directly.

But it's also true, it's rare for all members to reunite, and the one who directly chooses to rest is something that can only be done with a lot of housework.

"Ah, seniors, you are here too!"

The lively Lin Mu was the first to spot the two of them, and greeted them with a smile.

"What are you all doing together?"

Xu Lin took a quick look, and found that most of the livers were there, and they were still gathered together, not knowing what they were discussing.

"Ah, it's Zero Moon. It seems that she finally couldn't bear the loneliness and came here alone. It's almost here now, and we are about to set off to pick her up."

Lin Mu especially likes to play the role of a commentator offline, which seems to make this girl with a low sense of presence very happy.

[Speaking of which, how did she not be forgotten this time? 】

The eldest lady thought curiously in her heart, but she really gave up thinking because she couldn't come up with a result.

Anyway, it's fine if people come!

"Zero month?"

Xu Lin was a little shocked.

This autistic house that never goes out for thousands of years is also here?Or did you come by yourself?

Fuck, the sun doesn't rise from the west today, does it?

"Well, it's Zero Moon. It seems that she was sent by her parents to the high-speed rail, then she got out of the train station and took a taxi directly. After all, she is a serious road idiot. I understand."

Lin Mu added another sentence.

"And then I got lost at the foot of the mountain with only two roads, right?"

Xu Lin laughed and complained.

Zero Yue's road-crazy attribute is really metaphysical. It's not that she doesn't have common sense, but every time she chooses the wrong route, she will get lost even if she follows the navigation, which is amazing.

"Well, that's how www is. Taxi won't come up here. You have to take a dedicated bus, but you have to wait a long time for a bus, so..."

Lin Mu smiled, as if even she was embarrassed for Ling Yue.

"Okay then, let's go for a while?"

Xu Lin looked at the eldest lady.

"Just take a walk, but Lin Jiang, shouldn't you stay and cook?"

The eldest lady is also in a good mood, but after all, it is almost noon now, and everyone is already starving after climbing the mountain all morning, so someone needs to stay and cook.

This is what everyone is discussing.

"Well, I think I should be able to catch fish, right Xueyue?"

The white-haired girl looked at Xueyue.

This girl seems to like cooking very much. Last time, she still couldn't save face, but she started a food series live broadcast a while ago, so she doesn't care much about it.

By the way, the things Xueyue makes look really appetizing, and she is particularly good at desserts, and even has the skill of painting with coffee.

The nickname is the perfect wife of ESC.

And because Li Hui looks relatively young, she is also called the young wife of her dreams.

"Ah~? You want me to cook again!"

On the contrary, Xueyue looked a little reluctant, holding her head and putting on a pain mask.

"I've been throwing up every day thinking about food videos, I really don't want it, Senior Ruoye!"

"Think about what you did in our room just now, how are you motivated?"

Xu Lin's tone was faint, and his eyes were a little threatening.

"Oh! Senior Xueyue, I like cooking the most! I love cooking, and cooking makes me happy! Today I am the head chef, and no one will compete with me!"

So fast, so fast!

"Ruzi can be taught."

Xu Lin nodded in satisfaction, he has managed a chef, and he still needs to help the cook, after all, it is too much like bullying for one person to cook the meals for thirty people.

The main reason is that everyone can't wait. It is estimated that Xueyue may starve to death when she finishes slowly by herself.

"Then I'll stay and help too, so that everyone won't forget about me."

Lin Mu said sadly.

As for why this is a sad story again, let's not mention it again.

"Sal and I will stay and help cut and wash the vegetables."

Ye Jun also raised his hand.

"Hey, don't take me with you if you don't want to move! I also want to see what Yue Bao looks like!"

But Thrall seemed reluctant.

"Hey, I'll see you sooner or later. If we fellow men don't stay and help, let the girls do it, what would it be like?"

Ye Jun put his arms around Sal's neck, and the two brothers said well.

But it's true, after all, it's not easy to get food for so many people without leaving two strong people.

"That's four, what about the others?"

Xu Lin looked again.

The kitchen of the villa is quite big. After all, it was considered that there might be many people staying overnight, so an open kitchen was specially set up. There are even five gas stoves.

"Yu stay too."

You raised your hand.


Yuhua instantly looked constipated.

Xu Lin was also a little helpless, how should I put it.

She didn't want two more dog rice balls on the dinner table.

"Forget it, www, it's good to spend more time with Yuhua, don't make her too noisy."

But what Xu Lin said was quite tactful, and he put her in the position of the parent who took care of the bear child.

Although the relationship between her and Yuhua is more like that of pets and owners.

"Then let me go, you and Sakura can go, I won't go."

Sister Yan said calmly while lying on the sofa.

"Okay, the rest of you pack up and we're ready to go."

With the addition of Sister Yan, there will be a few people from the staff to help, which is enough, so Xu Lin didn't ink any ink, and simply set off with the rest of the staff.

In fact, there is no one left.

After all, there are still a few in the room who haven't come out www.

As for why so many people were brought along, the reason was that Zero Yue chose the path to climb the mountain, and got lost on the small fork road that was approaching the top of the mountain.

So positioning or something is completely useless, so I can only bring more people and spread it out to find it.

But fortunately, it is noon and the weather is good, so I am not afraid of any danger, and the place is not big. If everything goes well, it may take a few minutes to find it.

A group of people changed their shoes and set off to the location that Zero Yue could finally describe clearly. Yuzu activated her reasoning skills.

"The last location that Senior Zero Yue could describe clearly is here, and according to her description, it was only after walking for another 5 minutes that she realized that she seemed to be going the wrong way."

Pushing the flat glasses borrowed from Xueyue, Yuzu's strength cosplays Conan.

"But what will happen if a road-crazed person who is not consciously aware of the fact that he is lost? What do you think about this, old lady?"

"My lord... Bah! Look at that fart! There are only two forked roads here, how can you look at it, the girl in Lingyue must have taken the small road to the small waterfall in the back mountain!"

Xu Lin subconsciously wanted to pick up the joke, and then suddenly realized that there were so many people watching, and gave Yuzu a hand knife to cover up his embarrassment.

That's right, there is a small waterfall on this mountain.

ps: (2/7)

Episode 320 Chapter 27 Career Leader Zero Moon Sauce~!

The air around the waterfall is very fresh.

The winding and long path is surrounded by overgrown weeds, dew condensed by water vapor is shaking on the emerald green branches, and the sound of the water falling is deafening. In this place far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, a girl in a black student uniform with black and beautiful hair hair sitting by the pool.

She took off her brown round-toed leather shoes and black knee socks and placed them neatly on the shore. Her two white feet were completely soaked in the mountain spring water, feeling the refreshing coolness.

The beauty is like an elf in the mountains.

The girl who is barely taller than Xu Ling is Ling Yue.

She stays at home all the year round but uses home equipment to exercise her perfect body. She has a bright childlike smile on her face, and she seems to be talking to herself, but it is completely overwhelmed by the sound of the waterfall.

Xu Youyue pulled Xu Lin's hand in shock, and said in her ear.

"So Zero Moon is so beautiful!?"

The white-haired girl nodded in agreement.

"I finally know why the boss recruited this serious social fear."

Lingyue was specially signed by the boss, not only the later juniors, but even Xu Lin and the eldest lady didn't know the reason why the boss signed her. From the live broadcast, yes, she draws very well, but she can draw There are more girls drawn.

The song is also sung well, but only to a good degree.

The effect of the show is perfect, come on, what can a heavy society do? It's been more than half a year since its debut and it has only passed [-] followers, and all the third-term students have passed [-] and almost [-], okay?

But now that he saw Ling Yue himself, Xu Lin finally understood the boss's mood.

[It would be a waste if such a lovely girl doesn't sign it! 】

It's just a pity that they are a virtual anchor club after all, and they can't let employees rely on their faces for food.

Everyone looked at each other, but they couldn't find anyone who was willing to break the harmonious picture between man and nature and call Ling Yue back.

We can only stop together at the intersection of the woods and appreciate silently.

The eldest lady who fell in love with taking pictures recently took out her mobile phone to record this scene.

Everyone just waited silently for 5 minutes until Ling Yue turned around.

Then the child was so frightened that he almost fell into the pond.

It was really close, the skirt was wet.

. . .Zero month perspective. . .

Hello everyone, I am Zero Yue, one of the second-term students of ESC Club.

Not a member of the xp club, really not!

Just a few days ago, I suddenly knew that everyone was going to go to the mountains to sleep together, but I didn't want to go, after all, it was too far away, I would definitely get lost, it would be embarrassing, I don't want to.

But just this morning, Xu Ying, the senior of the first-term student, suddenly sent me a lot of photos. I clicked them curiously, and they were everyone's sleeping faces.

Yiyi, who even sleeps in such a dignified posture, the curled kite chick, and the shapeless grapefruit sleeping in big characters, Sal and Ye Jun are so handsome and cute boys, and the children born in the fourth period are also very loving , it looks very united, Lin Mu slept on Xueyue's lap, hehe, I have never heard of these two people having an adulterous relationship before, You and Yuhua are really a couple, they look very warm, Sister Feng So small but so cute.

After looking at the photos, I could barely control my desire to draw, but somehow, even the drafts I typed out didn't satisfy me.

It seems that something is missing, the things drawn are not as good as the photos taken by the eldest lady with her mobile phone from an amateur angle (meow meow, this is also blocked?) Retouched photos.

So I decided to go and see everyone offline, which should allow me to find out what is missing.

It was the first time I went out after three years, and I was confused the first time I changed my clothes and walked out of the room.

Should. . .Why are you taking a taxi?

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