It's just a matter of timing.

As for why it was a few days, I just said it so casually. . .

Because you are in a good mood today?

"So I'm just such an unimportant role? It feels like anyone can replace Miss Ben."

But the eldest lady was unhappy, she pouted.


The white-haired girl shook her head lightly, her eyes were unusually serious.

"Believe me, I only met you who can meet so many of my standards at the same time, and it will only be you in my life."

[Aww! !It's not a trick plan, is it?Right?Right? 】

【Brother Ruoye, stop being stubborn, my youth is over! 】

[Wooooow, I'm so sore, what a romantic confession! 】

【So we can make money now, right? ! 】

The moment Xu Lin finished speaking, red scabbards and various gifts were flying all over the sky.

Festive like a wedding scene.

Chapter 332 Chapter 38 Wakaba Live Broadcast

For a while, in Xu Youyue's live broadcast room, the refreshing speed of the barrage has completely surpassed the level that a few people can see clearly with naked eyes.

All kinds of gifts and scissors filled the live broadcast room.

Obviously, it is not suitable for the afternoon slot to start broadcasting, but it may be because of the National Day holiday. After hearing that Sakura Wakaba is really together, more and more dds come here after hearing the news. Looking at it from the mobile phone , the sc column has been filled with red sc of various values.

The one at the head is a [-] SC, and the number of [-] behind is countless.

Xu Lin realized something was wrong.

She felt that if she laughed like before this time and changed the subject to get away with it, she might really get burned.

Youzi looked at this scene in shock, and kept calculating in her heart how much Xu Youyue's wave was just right.

But the eldest lady herself was just reciting sc. She must be happy to be happy, but not because of how much money she made, but because she knew that so many people sincerely bless her and Xu Lin.

This is what makes her happiest today.

And kite chicks.

She smiled happier than the eldest lady.

He was so happy that his eyes narrowed, and his body was still writhing on the bed, occasionally looking at the two people with undisguised envy in his eyes.

Perhaps, this is the love she yearns for the most.

Even if I haven't met them yet, it's great to watch them.

To put it simply, it is the mentality of a sugar cracker.

The biggest difference between her and the DDs in the live broadcast room at this time is that she watched the two live broadcast live.

Although the live broadcast caused her and Youzi to become marginalized people due to the sudden breaking news, they were happy with it.


Xu Lin opened his mouth in embarrassment, momentarily at a loss for words.

Before today, no one thought that their public relationship would be such a spectacular scene.

Even the operators who were still on vacation were alarmed. Sister Feng led a group of little sisters to quickly turn on the computer and start controlling the field, ready to block some inappropriate remarks with rhythm at any time.

Livers even came to the live broadcast room to congratulate, even Bingtang, Hammer, and Jiji all came.

I don't know where the three of them got the news from.

As for Leopard?Hey, this silly kid probably got the news, but PSP is also a friend club of ESC after all, and the operator still came to call SC as a representative.

"Thank you, thank you all."

Xu Lin was still a little speechless, as if all the cleverness in the past had disappeared now, he could only repeat his thanks like a repeater.

Even Xu Youyue is better than her.

At least she still knows how to read the content of sc.

Although the long list of blessing words was no less shameful for the person who was blessed to say it, pl(♀)ay made her completely blush.

"Thanks for the rock sugar sauce, the rock sugar atmosphere~"

After reading the super-large scs of the oil guys in front, the eldest lady began to read the blessings of the livers, and at the same time poked the stunned white-haired girl, signaling her to speak quickly.

"When will you and your wives get married, we will also go with the money."

Accepting the blessings from netizens would make her feel embarrassed and shy, and she would not know what to say, but if you want to talk about this group of acquaintances, then Xu Linke will be in a good mood, and it is just a strange sentence.

"And Jinghua, Jinghua will marry Parry soon, gkdgkd."

"Chichi w, long time no see, thank you for your blessing."

This distinction is so big and obvious that Bingtang and Hammer have question marks on their foreheads.

[Bingtang: Why is she so tactful to me and Jinghua, but so gentle to Jiji? 】

[Jinghua: That is to say, we also paid money! 】

[Jiji: Huh~ It must be because Jiji knows beautiful girls!Right Ruo Ye! 】


Xu Lin denied Jiji's statement almost immediately.

"It's because Jiji has my home address."

Because Xu Lin bought the game console from Jiji's house, this girl must have her address.

In other words, Jiji could come to the door to block people and find Xu Lin to pk offline.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha good guy】

[Brother Ruoye, your road is narrow, the road is narrow! 】

[Jiji: We are no longer number one in the world, brother Ruoye?What about pushing me alone? 】

"Oh, this one I push must be push..."

Just as Xu Lin was about to explain, Xu Youyue's dangerous eyes drifted over, and she was so frightened that she immediately changed her words.

"I will always single Missy.jpg"


[Attack and attack are clear, Ying Ruoye is locked, irreversible! 】

[Woooooh, Ye Gongdang is down! 】

"I didn't do anything, Jiji-chan comes to play with me when I have time, we don't bring Luo Ye!"

Xu Youyue said with a smile.

[Jiji: Okay, okay!By the way, Brother Ruoye, you are really a scumbag! 】

[Bingtang: Sakura Gong is good!I said it must be Sakura Gong! 】

[Jinghua: Ruoye, you can't do it, how can you be a wife and be strict? 】

"What is strict wife control? I am not strict wife control."

Xu Lin's face was blushing and his mouth was stiff.

"That's right, my elder sister is doting on his wife, and it has nothing to do with being strict with his wife~?"

Is it true that after staying in the ESC club for a long time, everyone will learn a skill of yin and yang, and the old pomelo's words are not so heart-wrenching?

"Isn't it just to wake up sister-in-law every day, cook for sister-in-law every day, help her prepare for the live broadcast, write scripts, practice songs with her, and serve tea and water for sister-in-law."

"How can this be said to be a strict wife? This is obviously a perfect and chic maid. If I don't know how old my sister is, I will buy you a maid outfit?"

Pi Piyou turned her head to look at Xu Lin, and teased her with a smile for exposing her background.

"Yuzi... If you want to die, just say so!"

What Xu Lin said was gritted his teeth. It felt like he wanted to stuff the grapefruit back into Mother Xu's stomach and remake it.

But Yuzu ignored her, she had been feeling sick for a long time about these two couples, and she wouldn't stop if she didn't talk about it today.

As for Xu Lin?

Heh, what is she afraid of with the eldest lady supporting her?

"By the way, let me give you a direction on how to eat sweets. My sister and sister-in-law lived together before I went to college. You should ask them about the specific situation~"

"In short, the scene I saw before when I was young can be said to have shocked my mother for 100 years."

Pipiyou clearly felt that her elder sister's anger gauge was on the verge of bursting.

"Grapefruit! You bitch is going to die for me!!!"

Xu Lin finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She's going to kill this little bastard today!

The white-haired girl rolled over and got off the bed, and started chasing Yuzu before she even had time to put on her slippers, and rode her under her backhand, just about to spank her ass to show her brother's majesty, but she didn't expect it. . .

door, open.

"Yo! Senior, you and Missy are finally together!?"

The pink-haired girl opened the door and shouted.

Chapter 333 Chapter 39 Everyone's Blessings

When Lin Mu led a group of people to push open the door first, what he saw was a white-haired girl in disheveled clothes riding on his younger sister, and her girlfriend and juniors were smiling and watching the play together.

"Sorry to bother you, goodbye!"

She slammed the door shut, turned to her colleagues and said solemnly.

"The scene inside is too bloody, please watch it with the company of your parents."


Sister Yan typed a series of question marks.

Sal quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the Missy's live broadcast room, taking advantage of the delay of the live broadcast to see the whole story.

Still outside.

The live broadcast room happened to show the scene where Yuzu broke the news crazily and then Xu Lin became furious.

Then came Lin Mu's voice.


Everyone has realized it.

Don't say that this group of people is smart, even Dazhao understands it.

"Hey, isn't it just grapefruit's daily life, what's the matter?"

Sister Yan walked to the door and pushed Lin Mu away, opened the door suddenly, then closed the door again, turned around and said to everyone with a serious face.

"Let's go in later."

So what did she see?

Hey, what a coincidence, Sal hasn't had time to exit the live broadcast room yet.

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