It also seems to be panicked.

"Pfft wwww, okay, welcome again, seniors Lan Ruoye and Xu Ying, hahahaha, do you have anything to say about the performance of the team members just now?"

"Wind Chime is yours?"

When Xu Lin opened his mouth, it was a shock.


The eldest lady didn't answer directly, she smiled slyly and set off smoke bombs.

"So you ordered Fengling to execute so publicly, right? Tsk tsk tsk, I feel heartbroken for Yuzu to be betrayed by the person I trust the most."

Xu Lin shook his head and said pretendingly.

Although the DDs didn't understand, all the livers present understood. The eldest lady was still upset about being listened to by Yuzu yesterday, so she attacked Yuzu when she got a chance.

'What a tit for tat, you deserve to be a senior. '

Yuhua in the back row sighed silently.

'With these two black-bellied seniors pressing me down, it seems that I don't have to think about how to clean up the grapefruit sauce. '

Yuhua, but she is very narrow-minded, and she still can't forget Yuzu's love letter to You!

Although she usually looks carefree and careless, that's because You are there. Don't forget, she has been live broadcasting for a long time. How can she get a living in the live broadcasting business without a little bit of Chengfu.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whose person it is, what are you going to do next? Who will you send next?"

Xu Lin silently gave up on this question, mainly because it was a bit weird, she always felt that it was not just the young lady who wanted grapefruit to die.

Because the juniors are too capable of making trouble, almost everyone is a double agent, and everyone has different IQs and different goals, making the communication link during the pre-match preparations a black box, even Xu Lin I don't know, I can only vaguely feel that it's not just her and the eldest lady, there is definitely more than one person among them who is promoting the public execution of Yuzu.

It can only be said that the damn thing is still going to die, Yuzu likes to dance a little too much, it is normal to be punished.

Chapter 343 The new book has passed the review! ! !Ask for collection!This will be updated soon!

All kinds of twists and turns!

The new book has finally passed the review!

It's quite outrageous. I revised the beginning of the previous book and was rejected for the second time. . .

No application within three days.jpg

I don't want to fight wits with editors anymore.jpg

In short, I gave up driving, lost in the battle of wits with the audit, and started a new book with a good plot.

And then there was this amazing book that was brainstormed at noon, uploaded in the afternoon, and passed the review in the evening!

Fuck! ?No, why!Why! nade?ha? ? ?

What's the point of the review being against me? I've prepared a book on the world view for a long time, but I gave it a brain-hole article?What gave you the courage to drive?

But the problem is that the later stage of this book is more exciting!

In short, since it has passed the review, I will write it carefully first. The subject matter is also quite interesting. I will put the introduction below. If you are interested, please go to bookmark it.

"Hungry Witch"

Pan-universe race consensus manual on [Witch].

1. Witches have a mind-sharing network with each other. The strength of the network increases exponentially with the number of races, and a million people can cover a planet.

2. Witches are a conceptual race, they can be transformed from any animal or plant by their mother queen, and they can reproduce freely, and the reproduction speed is extremely fast.

3. The type of technology is magic technology, and the development speed of technology is extremely fast.

4. A witch has a long lifespan, a long working period, and a short growth period. She has excellent physical fitness, strong magical talent, and a high degree of trust among hardworking individuals.

5. The witch is extremely fond of developing agriculture, and her emphasis on infrastructure is among the best in the multiverse.

6. They share the same queen, and their racial loyalty is extremely high.

7. If you see a witch, run away! ! !Don't look back! ! !

And now, our Queen Jiang Cha is still starving.

Chapter 344 Chapter 48 Dumbly Betrayed! ! ! ?

Who's next?

That's a really good question.

It doesn't matter who is the first party in this game, it doesn't even matter if it's an insider or not, the main thing is to use it to wade in the muddy water to judge the difficulty of the confrontation, but remember the rules?Starting from the second player, the two sides can put the game points on the players who played in this round.

And if you lose, you lose everything.

The difficulty of the game is not high, but if the ghost is successfully backstabbed, the lost points will not come back even if the ghost is finally found.

That is to say, if this round of Missy puts all five points up and is successfully backstabbed by the ghost, then she will lose the five points from the previous round and the five points that should have been obtained in this round. He also sent five points to Xu Lin, but he was able to get five points back in the end, which meant that he lost ten points on the point difference.

So the eldest lady chose to play it safe.

"I choose Shangqiana, and I don't count points."

She dispatched Duda!This woman actually sent out Duda!

Xu Lin laughed on the spot.

"Pfft www, do you believe in Daidai but not in her IQ?"

"Neeeeee! Senior Wakaba!!!"

Chiena's iconic scream was transmitted to the microphone from a long distance away, and the audience who heard it burst into laughter.

[I believe in your loyalty!But I don't believe it!Don't believe your brain! ! 】

[Laughing to death hahahahahahaha]

[Dadai can still be trusted, this kid actually has a good IQ. 】

There are also dull single pushers trying to justify her name.

Facts have proved that Daidai's IQ is still good. It can't really be said to be good, but it is too uncontrollable. No one knows when she will be in a daze, just like when she first tried to broadcast the game before.

The game is a wolf, Duda's speed is extremely fast, and she is addicted to playing all the way, killing and killing all the way without being deflated, which disappointed all dds to the extreme.

Then he was in a daze while beating up a wolf, and was deflated on the spot.

Or one time the DDs proposed to let her take an IQ test, and she did very well before, far surpassing the group of husbands in the vup class (especially Leopard) and then spent the second half in a daze, and the test time ended , got a husband's score.

Anyway, that's it. Missy really didn't have any expectations for her from the very beginning. Getting the points is a surprise. Not getting the points is counted. Chiena was assigned to her team to balance the difficulty. Otherwise, all the ghosts on Xu Lin's side would still play this game with a hammer!

"Ahem, what about you, Senior Ruoye? Who do you want to send to play, and score points?"

Xue Yue asked with a suppressed smile.

"Then Yuanchu, I'll score three points."

"Okay w, then the players from both sides of w will be invited to enter the field."

Shuangxue, who had had enough laughing, had just come back and was laughing again, almost bursting out, but there was no way, Xueyue had already run to the side to laugh, and if he didn't go up, she would go on top.

As a result, the most difficult thing to be the host of the ESC association is to hold back the laughter, which he had never thought of before.

But if Xue Yue said it, there should be an additional item [Resist and don't hit people with your hands, keep a calm mind and don't have high blood pressure. 】

"Senior, you actually don't trust me? How did you make a three-pointer?"

Yuanchu complained like a joke when she came up, but Daidai had already swung her fists to hit the young lady.

"How come, I'm not doing this for tactical considerations. The three-pointer is safe, and I believe in you."

Xu Lin raised his hands to pretend to be innocent.

It's not that she doesn't trust Yuanchu, the main reason is that she doesn't trust her a little bit, and she isn't afraid of her betrayal, or she is worried that she will retaliate against herself.

Ok. . .Just cowardly.


Tobichu shrugged, then raised her hand on the spot.

"Can the host start? I'm still rushing to Yuzu Jiang to join in the fun."

"Alright, so is Chiena ready?"

Frost Snow looked to the other side.

"Oh, ready!"

Dadai, who was swinging the young lady's little hand, suddenly changed from a fist to a palm, and raised her little hand high.

"Okay, then Senior Tobihina will start asking questions first."

Chiena's key words are 【Pure Love】【Props】【Creampie】

It's strange to some extent, with a very common xp, the difficulty is the highest so far, and the relatively dull xp is the most normal one in the agency. . .

"Then the first question first, does Eina-chan like Lily's book?"


Tobichu was fine, but Chiena blushed and her voice was as small as a mosquito.

It's too early for kids

"Do you like more casual sex scenes?"

But what does this have to do with my ruthless Tobihina-chan?Bullying juniors is one of the joys of being a vup, one has to taste it.


"Then you...forget it, don't ask, the answer is pure love."

Yuanchu directly guessed the answer, the main reason is that the dumb xp really has nothing to guess. The [-]% is pure love of lily, but the operation has brought up the element of pure love separately and put it together with the other two to mislead people at first glance. Just thinking of the bg book is a bit difficult.

"So Eina-chan, what's the answer?"

"'s pure love."

"Then congratulations to the blue team for scoring another five points, plus the three points that Senior Ruo Ye gambled, the current total points of the blue team is 11.5 points."

"Okay, let's ask Chiena-chan next."

This episode was hosted by Xueyue, but there was nothing exciting about it, and she didn't complain about it. It was almost the same as Shuangxue's hosting style.

Then Dadai gave her a breakout point.

"That, I abstain."


Not only the two hosts, but even the livers in the back row stood up in shock.

Everyone guessed that he would rebel, and in fact they were all double agents, but no one thought that Daidai would rebel, and then all eyes were on the old god sitting on the sofa with his arms folded. On the white-haired girl who squinted her eyes and revealed a mysterious smile.

"How did you make Eina rebel?"

The eldest lady looked puzzled, but her mood swings were not that big. The main reason was that Chiena's five points were counted as a surprise by her from the beginning, and there was not such a big gap. It can make her earn five points steadily.

"She didn't rebel, I just told her that as long as she abstained, she wouldn't have to ask those shameful questions."

Xu Lin spread his hands and smiled very proudly.

【This is what I didn't expect】

[Who would want this special meow!Brother Ruoye's grasp of psychology is too strong! 】

[Good guy, after this show is finished, the xp club will be renamed Neigui Club, the club with the highest average IQ in the entire vup circle. 】

A shocking news suddenly made the live broadcast, which had been somewhat dull, suddenly full of discussions.

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