That's right, after all, it's not easy to be able to perform a whole show well with this kid's EQ and concentration, but it's a pity that he fell before the dawn of victory and was tricked out by the eldest lady at the last moment.

The huge gap between before and after is really unacceptable.

Let Sister Yan coax the kid off the stage, and the red team will be You next.

This child is also very personable, because she didn't speak when she came on stage, but hung a small whiteboard around her neck, and wrote four characters [I am the ghost].


The eldest lady put a question mark on her, and Fuli hurried forward to take this photo and upload it to the computer.

Then the dds in the live broadcast room also raised question marks.

This operation is really no one expected.

A little outrageous, but very grassy.

"Good www good ww, thank you Youjiang for your speech, then how do senior Xu Ying judge?"

"Well... Actually, there is one thing I have to say in advance. It's not that I was suspicious or guessed randomly, but that some things can already be known during the pre-match preparations."

The eldest lady is even a little worried that everyone thinks that she just feels that her subordinates are not serious, so she simply guesses the ghost, so here is a little explanation.

"And actually during the preparation period, Ruo Ye and I also exchanged some information, for example, Sal was repeatedly swearing allegiance to both sides, or it was just..."

"Yuka and Yu have betrayed each other."

【Ah, this couple is okay hahahaha】

[No, our marriage urging association can't be disbanded yet, can it?Is this a successor? 】

[It's outrageous, a group of people, a pair of bgs, five pairs of lilies, a pair of bases, and a single dog, is it really a cp society? 】

[Missy has arranged her lifelong affairs and started to worry about the younger generation, so she is with the eldest sister who got married the first time in the family. 】

The attention of dds is a little crooked. . .

"That is to say, senior, your answer is that Yuu rebelled, right?"


"Then congratulations to the red team for adding another five points, and finally we have grapefruit sauce."


"It seems that our pomelo sauce is a little emotional, so let Senior Xu Ying speak out his answer directly."

[I'm so excited!It is clear that the elder sister thought she was noisy and taped her mouth up hahahahaha]

[Hahahaha, the neighbor next door made me so ridiculous just now, Yuzu's mouth really draws hatred]

[Mt's excellent material]

"Yuzu? Yuzu shouldn't be the ghost, after all, she has helped me a lot."

The eldest lady is still very new to Xu You in this regard. After all, she has no reason to betray her. It is not for the sake of the effect of the show. The effect of her current show is already explosive. It was supported by one person.

The child was just like Xilin, repeatedly inflated and leaking air, and finally tied to the stool by Sister Yan, like a clown.

"Unfortunately, Yuzu Jiang is the insider, and the red team will deduct five points."


Shock Miss.

"Okay, so the final result of the red team is to catch three ghosts, wrong a good person and wrongly catch a ghost, a total of positive five points, and the final total score is 51.125 points."

"At present, it seems that Brother Ruoye's blue team still has a chance."

Xueyue answered.

"Yes, there is still suspense about the final result of the game between the two sides, but the blue team's hope is also a little slim."

Shuangxue nodded and continued.

"Not necessarily, Shuangxue, you may not understand it not long after you joined the club, but Brother Ruoye is the kind of dog-headed military adviser who can't miss anything. It is very likely that the current result is all calculated by her and she can't tell."

Xueyue shook her head, feeling that Shuangxue was still too young.

The external image of the first-term students of our ESC club is that one by one can beat the eldest lady and have money, and the last brother Ruoye is a military advisor.

But these are not simple roles.

Chapter 347 Chapter 51 Being persecuted as a host is a tradition of ESC, I have to taste it

Just when Shuangxue and Xueyue were talking about the host's routine to liven up the atmosphere, the eldest lady couldn't help but came to Yuzu's side and helped her tear off the tape on her mouth, but she didn't untie the rope.

"Phew! Somebody thinks of me. My sister-in-law untied the rope for me too."

Yuzu let out a long breath, twisted his body and said hastily.

"Wait for this first, tell me why you rebelled first?"

Xu Youyue asked in bewilderment, as for untying the rope?Don't grapefruit like to be tied up?It's good to just tie it up like this first.

"I don't want to either! But my sister threatened me! She said that if I don't rebel, I will tell my parents what I did in high school!"

"She doesn't talk about credit at all, and she clearly agreed not to threaten me with this matter!"

Talking about this pomelo, she gets angry because she has been threatened by her brother many times because of this, but unfortunately she is really cowardly, so far she has not found a solution.

Xu's father and Xu's mother are quite open-minded if they don't object to their child Lily, but this does not mean that they will let their daughter be a scum girl who is scolded by everyone. The three views of the old couple are quite upright. A mixed doubles meal is a must afterward.

"Ah this..."

Xu Youyue was thinking.

It's not unexpected why Xu Lin came to instigate Grapefruit, just curious why she made such a big bet and had to instigate grapefruit. anything.

You mean those two gag pictures in Zero Moon?That doesn't count, Shitu will only increase because of sharing and will not decrease, and it is not troublesome to make a compressed file and pass it on.

Smoothly pasting the tape back on Yuzu's mouth, the eldest lady rested her chin in thought, trying to figure out Xu Lin's intentions.

Grapefruit: "@#%¥&@#%#¥&@!"

I don't know what she is talking about, but I can only vaguely hear the word [Zha Zhong].

But soon she knew Xu Lin's intentions.

"Then which team member does Brother Ruoye want to make a statement first?"

Wait for Xu Lin to do it, Shuangxue asked.

"Statement? No, no need for that."

"I know my players too well, and I trust them, so I don't need a confession statement."

Xu Lin waved his hand and said with a smile.

[It's over, brother Ruoye is going to give it away? 】

[What do you know, if you win the game, what should Missy do if she doesn't let Brother Ruoye go to bed at night? 】

[I don't think so, just wait, Brother Ruoye definitely has something to say. 】

"So Brother Ruoye, you mean that there are no ghosts in your team?"

Xue Yue asked quickly.

"How come~!"

The white-haired girl looked at Xueyue in surprise, as if she was asking why you could say such a thing, whether you were showing your intelligence or insulting mine.

"Then what is your answer, brother Ruoye?"

"Kite Chick Forest Mujie Flower Zero Moon Wind Chimes."

She looked at the corresponding person without saying a name, her tone was still very flat with a smile.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure none of them will turn traitor, right? My 'players'~"

Yuanchu: "I won't say anything."

Yuanchu spread her hands, her rebellion was almost on the surface from the beginning, and the game was played well just because the blue team would not lose too early.

Lin Mu: "Senior, you have to trust me! I really didn't betray!"

Lin Mu felt that he could still save it.

Yuhua: "..."

The reason for flower formation is the same as that of the kite chick.

Zero month was a backstab that was beyond Xu Lin's expectations. Fortunately, Xu Lin had reserved a margin of error within [-]% from the beginning, otherwise the car would have been overturned.

Feng Ling: "I have a showdown. I am actually a double agent. Senior Ruo Ye, do you think that the ghost I filled in my game information is not?"

Feng Ling was confident. It was impossible to guess whether a two-way spy like her was an insider or not, so she was sure that Xu Lin was just gambling on luck.

But Xu Lin really wasn't gambling on luck.

"Well, Fengling, although you have self-confidence is a good thing, but do you know that you were sold by Thrall a long time ago?"

That's right, the older Thrall was not just a double agent, but a triple agent. He even sold his only ally to try to gain Xu Lin's trust, he was like a third party in this game.

"Huh!? Senior Thrall!! You traitor! Liar! I will never trust you again!"

The wind chime loudly accused Thrall of his evil deeds.

But Sal. . .

He dug his ears and pretended not to hear.

"So Shuangxue, is my answer correct?"

Xu Lin turned around and asked with confidence.

"Wonderful, so wonderful Brother Ruoye, Senior Xueyue is right, you are indeed the smartest person in ESC."

Shuangxue applauded symbolically. He really enjoyed this good show today.

From instigating grapefruit to uniting Thrall and later even being caught off guard by Zero Yue's backstab, he looked so calm and unhurried.

"Stop pretending, I don't believe Zero Moon's rebellion didn't have you and Xueyue in it, it's really okay to intervene as a host? What about your professional ethics?"

Xu Lin rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Fortunately, the pre-match preparations were too chaotic, so she reserved enough room for maneuvers to be cautious and did not deliberately accurate to the point difference after the decimal point, otherwise, she would really overturn this time.

"I didn't. It's all Shuangxue's own idea, and it's him who went to contact the eldest lady."

Xueyue threw the pot away quickly, but Shuangxue calmly bent over to Xu Linya and saluted as a gentleman.

"The ethics of the host is to make the show more interesting, and everything else is secondary."

[Cao www co-authored until the end, Xueyue and sister Yan didn't participate? 】

【Hahahahaha, that's right, the host doesn't exist just to make the show more interesting. 】

【Shuangxue is also dishonest. 】

"Perfect conduct."

Even Xu Lin applauded for him.


"That doesn't excuse you from breaking the rules of the game."

The rules of the game clearly stated that the host cannot stop and interfere with the progress of the game. As for why there is such a rule. . .

"So what do you want to say, senior?"

Shuangxue's left eyelid suddenly started to twitch wildly, with a bad feeling.

"Yiyi! Put on women's clothing~!"

The white-haired girl snapped her fingers handsomely.

It was only then that Shuangxue noticed that he had been surrounded by everyone in the middle at some point, and Sister Yan, who was walking towards him with a pink dress in her arms, just filled in the last gap.

"Come here~!"

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