"What are these little bastards talking about? Hahaha, God Meow's fan doubling plan."

The white-haired girl rubbed her red eye circles, laughed and complained.

"Huh? What is the plan to double the number of fans, Lin Jiang, what kind of work are you doing?"

The eldest lady who happened to push the door and came in asked suspiciously, tilting her head.

"It's nothing, I'm just complaining about the brain hole of the barrage www"

Xu Lin turned to look at the eldest lady, waved his hand and explained.

"Are you crying?"

Xu Youyue just stared blankly at her red eye circles.

"Well, I didn't control my emotions when I sang just now ww, it's okay."

The girl's voice was hoarse and delicate like she had just shed tears, and it was more endearing than usual.

"Well, by the way, the intention of Shuangxue you told me just now is...?"

Seeing that Xu Lin said it was all right, the eldest lady didn't ask any further questions, but just changed the subject according to her intentions.

The reason why she came back in such a hurry was because of Xu Lin's vague news, if she didn't ask clearly, she felt like a little milk cat was scratching her heart, itching.

"Oh, it's just that I don't hate it. They are friends, but I don't have any intentions in that regard. If I really want to say it, I can accept it."

"That's really a vague answer..."

Xu Youyue didn't quite understand this feeling, she hadn't been moved before she met Xu Lin, and she didn't know what it was like to not hate it, because.

Ever since she found out that she might be tempted by Xu Lin, she has been absolutely sure that she likes her, and it doesn't matter gender, and doesn't care about appearance, as long as her Lin sauce is still this Lin sauce, then she likes her.

So she really doesn't know the emotional state of ordinary people like Shuangxue, and no love comics will describe this feeling in detail.

"How should I put it? The time spent together should be too short. For the time being, it is better to create more opportunities for the two of them to be alone. In comparison, I am still more worried about Yuzu and Tobichu."

"Although I have talked with Yuzu privately before, the Tobihina side..."

Xu Lin sighed halfway through his speech.

The tone of Yuanchu's side must not be probed by Xu Lin, it is no different from sprinkling salt on the knife edge, and this knife was stabbed by her, although it was Yuanchu's own request, but this is not Xu Linqu A reason to sprinkle salt.

Even in the following time, she had to avoid suspicion. It would be better if she didn't get involved and didn't get involved, so as not to complicate the situation.

"Over there... OK, I'll discuss it with Yan Yan, and you can just eat melons in peace."

The eldest lady pondered for a while, and found that the matter was indeed what Xu Lin said, so she resolutely gave up on this dog-headed military adviser.

"Then I don't care?"

Xu Lin confirmed it again.

"Well, don't worry about it."


Here Xu Lin and the eldest lady are chatting about the next policy of urging marriage, and over there, Yuzi herself is also in a state of confusion.

Walking alone on the tree-shaded path, the girl with short black hair was dressed in simple clothes and walked slowly.

In fact, she didn't know if she really fell in love with that fresh and elegant girl, and this was the point she was most troubled with now.

It's funny to say that she and Tobichu didn't get along very well at the beginning. The conversation between the two in the bathroom of the steakhouse was not to say that it was full of gunpowder, but it was definitely a collision of three views between the two.

Xu You, who treats love as a pastime game, and Ning Que Wulan, who only end up with the character of An Ai.

The relationship between the two can almost be said to be incompatible, so even if Yuzi took in Yuanchu with compassion at the beginning, she ran to her house later when she had nothing to do. But in fact, Yuzu never considered Tobihina as her next game partner.

Well, Yuanchu was not in Yuzu's range of candidates from the very beginning. After all, she was killing time to have fun. If she found such an obviously impossible target, wouldn't she be making herself guilty?

Wanting to be friends more than lovers is Yuzu's view of Tobihina.

But it is a pity that sometimes fate will play some wonderful jokes on her. In getting along day after day, even Yuzu herself did not realize that her possessiveness towards Kite Hina gradually expanded, and when Kite Hina treated Xue The time of Yue's confession reached its climax, so Yuzu couldn't help asking herself in her heart.

"I am, do you like sister Yuanchu?"

She couldn't figure it out, and even felt that her inflated possessiveness was a mental illness, because she had never been so hypocritical in all her previous relationship experiences.

Yes, she thought it was hypocritical.

Yuzu is a sassy and optimistic girl. What she used to hate the most were girls who cried or were too clingy. She never got along with such a 'girlfriend' for more than a week.

They even sneer at the Bingjiao type, and think from the bottom of their hearts that they are little kids who have not graduated from the second illness.

But the fate was capricious, going round and round, and in the end she herself became what she once hated the most.

Is it scary?Yes.

It's really scary.

[Isn't this still hypocritical now! 】

Yuzu ruthlessly spurned herself in her heart.

But there is no way to deceive yourself.

This morbid desire has grown so strong that she can't even manage her emotions, so what else can she use to comfort herself?

In the end, she was left with two choices.

[-]. Changing from the past was not done slowly, and chased the kite chick.

[-]. Stay farther away, further away, reduce contact, and let the seeds you like die of drought.

The former is hell-level difficulty, the latter. . .

It was hellish torture for her.

This is really a dilemma.

"Hey! Grapefruit! Come back for dinner!"

what. . .Is it too much to think that she has already experienced auditory hallucinations?

"Hello!? Can you hear me! Why don't you bring your mobile phone when you go out? I've been looking for it for a long time."

Ok. . .This illusion is quite realistic.

Yuzu couldn't help reaching out to pinch the kite chick dangling in front of her eyes, and got a black lined expression on her face.

"Are you just letting this sleepwalking go? Hurry up and go back to eat, I'm going to starve to death!"


Yuzu nodded, secretly looked at her hand held by that person, her tightly pursed lips slowly curved slightly.

Isn't it the difficulty of hell!

I, Xu You, rushed!

Chapter 364 Chapter 67 What does self-inflicted evil mean?

"Whoa, whoa, brother, what should I do!"

At night, in Xu Lin's room, Yuzu hugged the white-haired girl's thigh, tears streaming down like she didn't want money.

"Ah? What's the matter again?"

Leave the matter to the eldest lady, Xu Lin, who has been nestling in the room and not caring about world affairs, scratched his head with question marks all over his head.


"No, what's the use of crying, hurry up and talk about something, so I can think of a way for you."

Although he looked disgusted on the surface, in fact Xu Lin's heart was also tugged with Yuzu's tears.

She dotes on her stupid younger sister very much, and she is merciless in persecuting her if she has nothing to do, but in fact her attitude towards Yuzu can be said to be doting.

Otherwise, as early as when the pomelo became scum in high school, she would directly report to Xu's father and Xu's mother for mixed doubles. How could she have the chicness of the next three years?

Moreover, all the extra expenses for Yuzi's unsightly appearance were also provided by Xu Lin.

"Oh (sobbing), I'll say it then."

"Hurry up, hurry up."


In the afternoon, Yuzu, who had made up her mind, finally got out of the previous state where her life was not worth living, and she put all her energy into preparing to attack Kita Hina.

Although Yuzu seems to have no points at ordinary times, she is actually very reasonable in her heart. She is very clear about the impression she gave to Tobichu before. This impression needs to be reversed slowly and bit by bit.

That was her course of action tonight, too.

"Miss Yuanchu."

On the way back to the villa for dinner together, Yuzi, who lowered her head and made a small calculation in her heart, suddenly took two steps forward, bent over and hugged Yuanchu's arm, and said with a smile.


But Yuanchu didn't seem to be concentrating very well, so she just responded in a daze.

"Why did you come out to look for me, my sister?"

Taking advantage of the situation and intimately hanging on Yuanchu's body, Yuzu kept a distance that was neither far nor near, which might be ambiguous but also a bit like a younger sister acting like a baby, and asked intimately.

"Senior is broadcasting live."

Yuanchu glanced at Xu You calmly, a little surprised that this kid had some kind of insanity today, but she didn't push her away.

"What about Miss?"

"I went out to play with Xueyue."

"So sister Yuanchu, you didn't take the initiative to come to me!"

Puckering her mouth in a little disappointment, Yuzu complained coquettishly.

"Is it because you don't have a b number in your heart? If there is no one else, do you think I would like to take a trip?"

Tobihina and Yuzu decided in their hearts that today's Yuzu must have taken the wrong medicine, rolled her eyes and wanted to push her away.

"Then I won't eat it!"

Yuzu hugged Yuanchu's arm forcefully, not letting go at all.

But kite chicks. . .

Yuanchu immediately took off her coat and shed her shell, she continued to walk forward without looking back, and only left a word angrily.

"I love it or not!"

Of course, Yuzu finally chased after him.

. . . .

"...Are you always this greasy when chasing girls?"

Xu Lin looked at his older sister, feeling a little powerless to complain.

How should I put it, isn't this the most classic scene where a stupid little girl meets a straight man of steel?Although classic, is there something wrong with these two leading actors!

Yuzu, your character design is broken, do you know it!

"Usually...Usually it's normal, this time it's different!"

Waving her small fists, Yuzu blushed and quibbled.

"So? This little failure won't hurt you, right?"

Just change the strategy. The most suitable way to deal with people like Yuanchu is to approach her subtly and give her a sense of security. Xu Lin believes that it is absolutely impossible for Yuzu to miss it.

So I became a little interested in why this guy cried so badly.

"Of course this little setback can't beat me! The problem is going back to my room after that...it's a nightmare."

Yuzu covered her face with a slap, her expression was indescribable.

"Oh? Tell me?"

. . . . . .

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