Lin Mu complained.

"This is my baby!"

"Forget it, don't care about it, has Eina-chan been a host before?"

Ignoring Lin Mu and Zero Yue who were making a fuss over there, Xueyue looked at Chiena with a smile and asked.

"Definitely not, how could Daidai have such experience."

Sal, who didn't eat much at night, just unpacked a bag of potato chips, and quickly swiped a wave of presence.


But Chiena just nodded, looking at the topic in her hands in silence, with a hint of nostalgia on her expression.

"Wow! When and when? Can you tell me?"

"When I was in the third grade of elementary school, um, I once had the experience of hosting a school program."

"It's appalling."

He said blankly, raised his head, and repeated it with a serious face.

"It was horrible because I was pretty much standing on stage and didn't say a word."

"This is really..."

Even Xu Lin didn't know what to say, and the eldest lady even hugged Chiena in distress.

Just thinking about it makes me realize how embarrassing that scene was, and I was still a primary school student at the time, it was a lifetime of psychological shadow.

"If you don't want to host, don't force it? Anyway, we are just chatting this time."

Xue Yue also said worriedly.


He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he suddenly smiled.

"Everyone misunderstood ww, how could I choose me to host the party in this situation, I didn't have any lines, but the teacher saw me cute and asked me to be a mascot."

"Then why do you say it's horrible?"

Lin Mu couldn't help asking curiously, and then Chiena slapped her face, and said in a tone that she couldn't bear to look back on.

"Because I tripped over an electric wire when I was leaving the stage, and fell on my back."

"As expected of you www"

Sal clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm done sharing my story, it's time for the seniors to tell it, I'm curious if Senior Ruoye had any experience of social death when he was young~"

One thing that has always been emphasized is that Chiena is really smart, and her EQ is not low. . .

She is just a child, and she is a bit childish because she has not been in contact with society, but in fact she has a lot of careful thoughts, and it is not a problem to deceive others when necessary.

"I'm waiting here with you, girl, hahaha"

Xu Lin was amused, it was just a small talk meeting anyway, in fact it doesn't matter to change the topic, but just when she was about to share her magnificent primary school life, the door of the room opened.

The one who came in was a cute girl with short black hair and a soft voice.

Ok. . .

Do you think it was Shuangxue who changed her clothes and made a fake noise?

No, not at all.

"I said, Fenglingjiang, do you really think I can't tell you apart from Shuangxue if you wear a wig, make-up, and wear the same clothes?"

Seeing the girl's pretentious appearance, Xue Yue couldn't help complaining with a dark face.

"Ahhhhhh! I'll just say no! Shuangxue, you big liar!!!"

ps: I recommend a video for everyone, it's from vup, a very cute one, who sings very well.

Video number: BV1zy4y1x7Yf

Chapter 374 Chapter 77 The little girl who hit the ball

"I'll just say no! Shuangxue, you big liar!"

The wind chime pierced by a sentence grabbed the wig and threw it to the ground!

"You should struggle a little more..."

Shuangxue, who was dressed in handsome men's clothing and hadn't changed at all, appeared from behind her and said helplessly.

"What a struggle! I don't care about you, I'm going back!"

Feng Ling turned around and left, she would only believe Shuangxue's nonsense if she was a fool, so don't stay here, otherwise she will probably have to work overtime.

"Ah this..."

Spreading her hands, Shuangxue looked at Xueyue again and said with a sigh.

"Senior Xueyue, you can broadcast live almost normally, right?"

"What conditions did you use to lure Feng Ling over?"

Xue Yue didn't ask him a question, but asked in doubt.

“A hot pot meal...”

"Then you are not at a loss~"

"Yeah, so Senior Xue Yue let me into the house?"

"Okay, let's barely pass the test."

Xueyue's tone was particularly cheerful, and for some reason, she always felt that she was in a particularly good mood now, as if making Shuangxue suffer was her gain.

But in fact, neither of them made money, it was Feng Ling who made money, changed clothes and came over to make a fuss and made money for a hot pot meal.

"Call me next time something like this happens."

Lingyue held the hand-painted board and raised her head to look at Shuangxue with a serious face.

"You little girl, usually when I ask you to go out for dinner, I don't get any response."

The eldest lady hugged Lingyue over and teased her maliciously.

"It's different, it is."

Zero Moon shook her head calmly.

"What is it?"

"It's an equivalent exchange."

"Although I can understand what you mean, it doesn't seem appropriate to put this stalk here..."

The white-haired girl complained violently.

The others were stunned for a moment, and didn't realize what it meant until Xu Lin finished complaining.

"Hey~ Senior Ruoye, won't you continue the previous topic?"

Chiena looked left and right, always feeling that something was wrong, she held her little brain and thought for a long time before she came to her senses, and asked hastily.

"Huh? What topic?"

Of course Xu Lin didn't forget, but she just wanted to tease Dadai, and deliberately pretended that she had forgotten everything.

"Then my carefully thought-out manuscript is all in vain!"

Qiane Nai was in a hurry, after she finished speaking suddenly, Xueyue and Shuangxue covered their foreheads together, but she didn't realize if she said something wrong.

"Do you want to write a manuscript?"

Xu Lin also pretended not to understand and continued to ask.

"No, no, I didn't think about the manuscript, yes, absolutely not!"

The small hand was cranked like a fan, and the eldest lady could feel the breeze.

"That's right~"

"No more! Seniors are bullying people!"

"Okay ~ Ruo Ye, don't bother with her, hurry up, I'm also curious about what earth-shattering things you did when you were in elementary school."

The kind lady couldn't stand it anymore, she decisively abandoned Lingyue and hugged Dadai, the two shortest girls in the ESC club were hugged by the lady who was the second-to-last echelon in height, they looked like they were underage The junior high school student's elder sister holds two primary school students//sisters, the scene is very cute.

"Ah, okay, then it exploded in elementary school..."

Xu Lin paused, and was interrupted by Lin Mu in the middle of his speech.

"School toilets, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

She scratched her head, a little puzzled.

"We all know!" *7

The others complained in unison.

"Ah, here... let's talk about another thing. I think everyone should have heard similar stories, that is, most schools are built on random graves, and they are said to be able to use the yang energy of children to disperse them." Ghosts, right?"

Xu Lin turned to another story.

Speaking of this is really a very miraculous thing, it seems that there is such a legend circulating in schools all over the country, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"But it's usually fake, right? I didn't hear about mass graves when I was in elementary school. It's all legends I came across later."

Although Shuangxue nodded, she also held different opinions.

"Well, most of them are not, but our primary school is really built on the mass grave, I'm pretty sure of that."

Xu Lin spread his hands, expressing that the legend is actually true.

"Ah... Brother Ruoye, how do you know?"

On the contrary, Thrall wondered why Xu Lin knew such strange things.

"Because I went to investigate at that time~"

"As expected of you."

Thrall was speechless. With his brain circuit, he still couldn't understand such a strange person as Xu Lin.

"Ahem, let's get down to business. At that time, I went to investigate this matter just out of curiosity to verify whether it was true or not, but what I didn't expect was that the next week after I verified this rumor, suddenly there was another another strange rumor."

When Xu Lin said this, she showed an expression of extreme panic, as if the memory of what happened next gave her the creeps.

Everyone was attracted by her serious tone and expression, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of rumors caused Xu Lin to be so frightened. Only the eldest lady looked at her helplessly.

[It started again. . . 】

"It is said that in the dark night when no one is there, after the last teacher of the school has left the school, a little girl in red will appear on the flag-raising platform on the playground, while patting the ball, singing the song that was widely spread in the last century. The Ball Ball Song."

When Xu Lin said this, he smiled easily.

"Actually, I didn't believe www at the beginning. After all, it is possible for the school to be built on a mass grave, but after the founding of the people's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a master, so how can there be ghosts? It must be made up by a certain parent to deceive children."

"But this rumor spread so widely that within three days even my mother knew about it, so I also became curious. One night after school, I sneaked out of the house and went to the school to find out."

When Xu Lin said this, his voice became deeper and deeper, but he controlled it very well. It was the kind of unconscious voice transition, gradually changing from a soft female voice to a deep and quiet uncle's voice.

"But I did see it."

"A little girl in red is standing on the flag-raising platform, happily patting the ball. That is definitely not a human being, I'm sure."

"Because there is no light source around, but I can see her face clearly."

"So Brother Ruoye, we are not a ghost story conference today..."

Sal couldn't help complaining, although Xu Lin's storytelling ability was indeed so strong that he couldn't help but bring it in, but this thing is really an ordinary ghost story, right?

"The little girl who hit the ball, a ghost story that used to be very popular."

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