A boy who can mess around and tell pornographic jokes, but is extremely well-mannered and comfortable to get along with, he is indeed a very good person if he discards his previous prejudices.

That's why she gave the eldest lady an answer of 'not annoying'.

Not annoying means that they will not take the initiative to refuse, but they will not take the initiative to contact each other. They are still in a relatively unfamiliar stage as dewy friends.

But in the bottom of her heart, what did she think?

Xueyue was joking about the eldest lady, but she had been observing Shuangxue's expression from the corner of her eye. She suddenly found that the expression on this person's face was more real than ever before. Can't hide.

But she knew that Shuangxue would not like Xueyue.

Because she met Shuangxue's mate selection criteria at all - this guy likes the next year, and is an LSP who squats on the balcony and uses a telescope to look at his legs every time a freshman enters school, and Xueyue is just two months older than Shuangxue.

So being curious doesn't mean that she really wants to date herself, and a slight liking doesn't mean that she must pursue someone. It's just that, now, at this time, this subtle mood really makes this time more beautiful. Makes sense a little.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong! Don't delete my account!"

Over there, Xu Youyue, who failed in the bickering, launched the game deletion method, and Xu Lin, who had bronchitis, was defeated almost immediately, and the family status was clear at a glance.

Here, Dadai was still sleeping soundly, and he was smacking his mouth happily, as if he was dreaming about eating something good.

Over there, Lin Mu and Sal were sitting on the side eating melons and watching the show, their movements were like twisting maggots of Yangko.

Here, Xueyue and Shuangxue didn't care about each other, but they had a tacit understanding that allowed them to cooperate one after another, enliven the atmosphere, ignited the fire and made sugar, they were perfect partners.

The atmosphere is relaxed and bright, warm and joyful, this is the ESC club, an ESC club without any performance elements.

There will be a distinction between senior and junior, but it is only a verbal title. There will be innocuous intrigues, but they can help each other many times.

Zero Yue is still recording inspiration and sketching the line draft, but this time it is no longer her new clothes or the cp picture of who and who.

It's the scene of everyone in front of the TV sitting on the ground in a circle, laughing and laughing.

The warm light shines on everyone's heart equally, bringing together this group of people with their own stories, wearing a mask called vup but living a more real life than most people. many.

Fuli walked in halfway and took a photo of them as a commemoration of this collaboration.

Zero Yue drew a picture without an actual scene, and it was released on the third day after the team building ended, causing many people to change their wallpapers one after another.

On that painting, the sun is warm.

Then on the picture, the cp is clear?

Well, Zero Yue, the cp leader, finally failed to give up the idea of ​​drawing cp pictures, and the various inspirations recorded before were not wasted. A picture is like a jigsaw puzzle, and each picture is a pair of cp in business.

Ruoye and Xu Ying were sitting in the gazebo by the mountain road and kissing, Xueyue and Shuangxue were sitting in front of the waterfall pool in the deep mountain, their faces were reddish, Ye Jun and Saar were walking hand in hand on the path full of light spots, Yuanchu and Youzi sat side by side on the swing in the open space, talking and laughing at Yanyan.

Feng Ling took the scenery of eating cotton candy in the dessert shop down the mountain, leaning against the railing and laughing at everything.

And the very center of the picture is Zero Yue herself who is drawing this picture.

This is her original intention of participating in this group building, and it is also a summary of these days, a picture she has drawn.

It is a beautiful scene that is false but actually exists in her memory. . .

ps: Originally, I wanted to persecute Sister Yiboyan and let her stand alone in the middle of the painting, but after thinking about it, it was too bad, so I threw it to Lin Mu, a widow, to make up for it www

pss: The end of this volume is a bit rushed, because Kawen is really powerful, there are too many characters and a bit too many emotional lines, and it is difficult to control them together.

psss: Personally, I only scored [-] points for this volume, and I failed at all. The next volume is going to be disassembled directly, and I will use a linear timeline to write one short story after another, and then connect them together at the end to form this book ending.

pssss: Probably still able to sleep. . .No, write 20 words?

Chapter 377 Lin Jiang is getting more and more crumbs now

On October 23, the weather was fine.

After a day of boring classes, Xuanhuan once again found Vup, which was being broadcast live, on the nearly [-] watch list.

She is a senior old dd, she has been watching v since high school, and has always been a cp sugar eater, from the beginning of the chairman of the miscellaneous fish and Delong, to the later Xie Lajiaolong, and then to the later meaqua , Xia Se Fuxue, cats, cats and dogs, after the Chonglocust incident, they gradually paid attention to domestic vups.

After being in the second creation and doing barbecue, she quit all the fan groups and gradually became the silent majority. Watching v is just to pass the time. Go sell it to a certain Samoyed.

She thought that there was nothing to move her anymore, until today, she clicked on a live broadcast room called Quiet Talk.

Turn up the volume a little before going in.

Then. . .

"Ruo Ye!!! Let Miss Ben die!!!"

A female voice like a dolphin's scream scared her so much that she almost took off on the spot, and the earphones were thrown out directly.

Holding the large earphones, the girl whose screen name is Xuanhuan looked at the title [Xu Ying——Talking quietly with everyone] in a daze, with a slightly sluggish expression, and then inexplicably became a little interested.

It is often heard that ESC clubs are masters of neat work, and seeing them today really deserves their reputation!


In fact, in Xu Youyue's live broadcast room, this has actually been a daily routine recently.

[By the way, this is the number of eardrums. . . 】

【Has brother Ruoye been possessed by a chinchilla recently?Why is it getting more and more crumbly. 】

[Probably because I released my nature after changing my image. . . 】

Since the team building came back, as Xu Lin said in the previous chat about the linkage, Ying Ruoye still broadcasts separately, and there is almost no linkage.

However, there are more and more live broadcasts, and Brother Lin is doing more and more strange things.

"Skin! Give Miss Ben another skin!?"

Xu Youyue was holding a broom like crazy and hammering at the girl who was wearing a white sheet, with a white rectangular note on her mouth, wearing a spirit streamer, her face was as pale as a foundation, except for a pair of red pupils that blended in perfectly. White-haired girl with white wallpaper.

"Scare me!? Pretending to be a ghost!?"

"Is it because Miss Ben has been too kind recently that you treat me as Gauss!? If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a Persian cat!"

When I was chatting with the audience, I turned around and suddenly saw a ghost-like thing standing behind me with a flashlight, only a pair of glowing red pupils. How would a normal person react?

I don't know, but the eldest lady's reaction was to beat her up with a broom!

"Wow! Miss, I was wrong! Don't hit me! Don't hit me! Ah~ it hurts!"

Xu Lin ran with his head in his arms, running wildly all the way.

But the live broadcast room was full of laughter and laughter, admiring this never-to-be-tired comedy.

[Certainly, isn't Ruo Ye clear about her family status yet? 】

[Miss: Family place~~?She just feeds the cat! 】

[Good guy, why is the fight here more severe than that of the wolf and sheep?Is it true that beating is kissing or scolding is love? 】

【No, brother Ruoye's death skills are much stronger than Baa Li. . . 】


Throwing a certain dead white hair on the bed, the eldest lady sat back in front of the computer and let out a long breath of relief.

"Huh? Did I turn off the microphone?"

Then she found that the barrage was still talking about what happened just now, mocking Xu Lin crazily.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's talk about who has the final say on this family matter this time, right? Ruo Ye? It's just a weakling!"

It’s not a big deal if you don’t turn off the mic. Anyway, for the safety of the live broadcast, the two call each other out by name no matter what during the live broadcast. The defense is that one day they really forget to turn off the mic—then the eldest lady doesn’t care whether the mic is turned off or not. , almost every time Xu Lin was dealt with was broadcast live.

【Domestic Violence Live (Dog Head)】

【Miserable as leaves】

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, where did we talk just now?"

Glancing at the poor white-haired girl lying on the bed holding Nike and carrying Kailu, she felt a little sour.

Although at the suggestion of some viewers, in order to wake up in the morning and see the two little cats at home, Xu Lin was directly called to sleep together, but every morning when he woke up, he could see the two little cats nesting in the bed. The warm picture of falling asleep together in the arms of a petite girl who is sleeping sideways.

It was very warm to watch once, but after watching too much, the eldest lady became more and more lemony.

Why!Why didn't one of them sleep with me!

No matter how you say this lady is a beautiful girl, okay?All your canned cat snacks are bought by me, okay?Two unfamiliar white-eyed cats!

[Talking about the next linkage]

"Oh, yes, there seems to be a linkage after a while, Shuangxue called me, Luo Ye, are you going?"

The two of them are good at this point, no matter how much trouble they usually make, they will never really get angry. The last second they were chasing and killing madly with a broom, and after getting angry, they immediately resumed their daily routines.

Because it's not just torturing the opponent, it's torturing yourself.

"Huh? What theme?"

Xu Lin got up and sat by the bed, picked up his phone and asked.

"It seems to be the most powerful cp fighting?"

Xu Youyue couldn't remember clearly either, but she just said something with some doubts.

"No, absolutely not!"

Rolling his eyes, he resolutely refused.

【go!Isn't this champion stable? 】

[Dimensionality reduction attack, here it is! 】

[Wait a minute, I remember that Shuangxue didn't just invite people from the club this time, did he? 】

"Huh? Is your favorite wolf and sheep among the guests?"

The eldest lady understood Xu Lin's pain points better than the audience, so she said calmly when she saw that she was a little unhappy.

"Okay! I'm going!"

Scratch Baimao made the decision on the spot!

"Oh~~ you went?"

The eldest lady smiled narrowly, and there was something else in her voice.

"Don't drive indiscriminately, okay! This way you will compete with others for the design!"

Xu Lin understood in seconds, and complained while covering his face.

【? ? ? ? 】

[Miss, is this driving skill getting more and more proficient? 】

[After all, they have lived together. .Right? 】

"You, you, what are you talking about! I'm the only one who didn't!"

Seeing the barrage, the eldest lady blushed instantly and quickly retorted.

"Ahem, let me clarify."

Seeing this, Xu Lin hurried to Mike.

Xu Youyue's live2d had two faces within the range of facial capture, and her expression immediately became erratic. Coupled with Xu Youyue's shy expression, it looked very strange.

"What strange things are you going to say again!"

The eldest lady hurriedly blocked the mouth of this bastard, but she had used this trick so many times. Xu Lin was already on guard, and Xu Youyue kissed her on the cheek with a tilt of her head, which did not affect her speech at all.

"Although we sleep together every day, the young lady almost always sleeps naked, but nothing really happened between us?"

ps: Today I will recommend some videos that lsp likes to watch, a very cute young lady.


Chapter 378

[Although I smoke and have promiscuity, I am a good girl? 】

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