This is the case with Xu Lin and Missy. In the beginning, neither of them had any drama of love at first sight. They were just ordinary colleagues, and they were in constant contact, gradually changing from work communication to private communication to Communication on the bed, from meeting in the company to going shopping in private to meeting at home.

This is the most common and ordinary love process, but it can also give birth to the most unwavering love and the most sincere love.

The reason why other people fell silent is simple, because everyone has been asked the same question more or less, who was in their mind at that time?

No one knows, but everyone who has a fruit knows.

Because she is shy.

Although the answer is obvious.

"I don't know Missy, so you have plotted against me so early?"

Xu Lin lightly turned on the microphone to break the silence.

"Why, Miss Ben is just greedy for your health!"

Xu Youyue replied confidently, whether it was the tall and handsome male version of Xu Lin or the petite and cute female version of Xu Lin, she liked her very much, so what if she is only good-looking?Love sometimes depends on the face!

"All right, all right, what you said is right."

Xu Lin smiled, and answered jokingly, which made the young lady even more unconvinced.

"Then tell me when you fell in love with me!"

"Well...then I should think about it."


It was about early summer in June, and the sun was just right.

Xu Lin was invited out by the eldest lady again, this time the reason was to eat cake together and buy new clothes for Xu Lin.

I have said it before, Xu Lin is a person who wears more than a dozen short-sleeved short-sleeves of the same style in summer, and whoever is not paying attention thinks that this product does not change clothes. Xu Youyue has been upset about this for a long time , then implement the action.

"Sure enough, your taste in dressing is as bad as your mouth!"

At the first sight when we met, the eldest lady's face darkened.

Because Xu Lin is really like what I said yesterday, wearing exactly the same clothes as when they went out together for the first time this summer, and the pants are quite fashionable, but black hip-hop jeans with Mickey Mouse long cartoon short sleeves are Isn't it a bit too weird?

"Then I have something to say. Clothes were originally invented to keep warm and prevent sunburn. Is there any problem with my pursuit of comfort?"

It's not that Xu Lin doesn't know that his clothes don't look good, but the main reason is that he's lazy and doesn't want to buy new clothes. The suit he was wearing was bought for him by Yuzi when he was a freshman.

"Forget it, forget it, it's all nonsense, anyway, let's go shopping together first!"

Xu Youyue didn't bother to argue with him, this person's mouth full of crookedness is really unacceptable, it's hard for you to quarrel with him in his logical trap, because this guy has a wealth of experience in dealing with Yuzu and Xu Ma), but it was the first time for the young miss to quarrel with him on this issue, so of course they couldn't quarrel.

It's like you are arguing with others, neither side is prepared, but it is the first time you have come into contact with this debate topic and the other party has fought both pros and cons for countless times, the result can only be that you will definitely lose.

"Okay, miss, please."

After casually sweeping away a shared electric car, Xu Lin did a standard act of a housekeeper inviting someone to get on the car, Xu Youyue's head was full of black lines.

To be honest, with the family conditions of the two of them, it's fine if you don't drive yourself when you go out. She didn't expect to ride an electric car. Now that I think about it, there are still some black lines.

But at that time, the two hadn't talked about family affairs, the identity of the eldest lady's boss's cousin had not been revealed, and Xu Lin never mentioned her own family affairs, so neither of them could see that the other was a rich second generation.

Well, Xu Lin is dressed like a commoner from top to bottom, so the eldest lady can't tell, but the essence of Xu Youyue is that Lin Jiang is blind and can't recognize those famous brands.

There is no way, if you ask a straight man who has never been in a relationship and is not interested in this aspect to distinguish famous brands, it is like asking elementary school students to do advanced mathematics.

"That's it, the eldest lady got into my car for the first time. Well, the shared battery car is a bit more high-end than the shared bicycle."

Speaking of this, Xu Lin made a little joke.

"Farewell, if it wasn't too tiring to ride a long distance that day, you would definitely sweep two shared bicycles directly!"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes and turned back angrily.

"So Ruoye, how did you trick Sakura Sauce into your hands? Teach me and teach me! I want to be a rich woman too!"

Baa Li was more interested in some weird places, and sat next to her regardless of her own CP.

"Anyway, that's how we set off to the mall."

After riding the battery scooter for 10 minutes, the two of them were numb after they arrived at the shopping mall. It was not the first time Xu Lin took a girl on a battery scooter, but it was his naive younger sister before. , just don't get mad.

As for the eldest lady, it was the first time in her life that she met a man who invited her to be the back seat of the battery car, and they shared it!In addition to feeling very interesting, I am also a little shy about sticking at such a close distance.

People are numb, but clothes still need to be bought.

At that time, Xu Lin could clearly see that Xu Youyue was subconsciously going to those famous brand stores as soon as she entered the mall, but just as she was about to walk there, she paused and looked carefully at what Xu Lin was wearing. The total value of the shoes must not exceed 100 yuan, and I went to the shopping mall to look carefully at the guide.

In the end, I chose to take Xu Lin to a men's clothing store that was a bit expensive but still affordable.

"At that time, I felt that this girl is very good at taking care of others, and she is indeed a very good friend."

"Huh? Have you remembered such trivial things until now! Suddenly I feel a little kimo! Ugh!"

Section 398 Chapter 20 A true story, a carnival of nothingness.

The story of Missy and Xu Lin is over, and then it's time for the much-anticipated part of Guangyiguo.

It’s not that CP is not as popular, but compared to the combination of Wolf Sheep and Sakura Ruoye, who live together and have nothing to do, they go to each other’s daily interactions and have a lot of sugar. It's a lot slower, and there aren't that many interactions, so everyone is looking forward to what stories the two will tell.

"Okay, thank you Wakaba-senpai, and the story of Sakura-senpai, it's really a sweet, sweet love. Before this, I always thought that this kind of love only existed in novels, but now it seems that it can also be done in reality. Look forward to it, and I hope everyone can find their other half.”

"Then, next, the topic comes to Guang Yiguo again. How are you two, are you under pressure?"

"There's a lot of pressure and a lot of pressure. I just hope that we will uphold the rules of fairness, openness and fairness in this game. Well, it's better to use less off-the-market tricks from some invisible people."

Brother Guangyi's voice trembled when he said this, and he gritted his teeth.


Xu Lin secretly smiled and said nothing.

"Huh? What happened?"

Yiguo asked confusedly.

"Forget it, as soon as you come to fruition, just remember to play with Luo Ye as long as you have nothing to do..."

Brother Guangyi let out a long sigh, looking at this silly girl in his family, he had nothing to say.

【What happened? 】

【What kind of flowers did Ruoye do again? How did she get so angry?】

[No, no, Ruo Ye won't really do anything for a show, right]

[Upstairs has cerebral palsy, even the statistics software is from XP company, what does Wakaba want to let Brother Guangyi know?]

[Go and see Brother Ruoye's dynamics and you'll know, hahahahahaha. 】

So what did Xu Lin post just now?

It's very simple, she reposted the preview of this linkage, and pulled a ticket.

Of course, if she was canvassing for herself, Guang Yi would definitely not be in the current tone, but the object of Lin Jiang's canvassing is Guang Yiguo. . .

Yes, Xu Lin, in his feed, called on the fans of ESC to vote for Guang Yiguo.

This coquettish light doesn't even know how to complain, okay?No, you are also a victim of the fire, Ruoye, you are out of the sea of ​​suffering now, it’s fine if you don’t help the brothers and sisters in the past, it’s your fault that you hit the well with your backhand and put the manhole cover back on, okay?

If He Yiguo takes back the sweetest CP, how would you make Guang Bahai's CP fan think?Where are Koichi's fans?

Wait a minute, forget about Brother Guangyi, let's hurry up and marry Brother Guozi, don't harm other people, okay?You damn light novel hero!

#中单光一He De He Neng#

"Pfft www that, Brother Ruoye, don't be like this, don't be like this, it won't be good if it spreads like this, it will make it seem like our xp club can't win."

Xue Yue also saw Xu Lin's movements at this moment, couldn't help but laughed outright, and quickly smoothed things over.

"I'm sorry Brother Guangyi, I really can't afford to win, I'll give this laurel crown to you and Brother Guozi, okay?"

Xu Lin said with a serious face.

"A gentleman convinces others with virtue, and the nature is healthy and self-improving, so..."

So just a backhand canvassed for the wolf and sheep group.


Baa Li is stupid.

"Isn't it? Is the v-circle already curled up like this? Kong Rong didn't let Li like that!?"

Baa Li also understands it very well, and directly cooperated with Umi to take out the mobile phone to swipe all the fan groups, the captain group, and repost the dynamics, all of which can be promoted, and they are canvassing objects!

Frost Snow Moon. . .

"Cough, cough, cough! Don't be like this, don't be like this, it's really unnecessary!"

Shuangxue almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva, and coughed several times before recovering.

"Pfft!!! Baa Li! I didn't take you to play like this!"

Xueyue, who was watching the fire from the other side, sprayed a mouthful of water directly on the computer screen, but who is she?

"I'm sorry Brother Guangyi, I'm cuter for you guys!"

Then decisively mobilized all members of the ESC club to canvass for Guang Yiguo.

"Then it's well known that we don't have many other things in VR, but there are quite a lot of people."

"Yes, yes! There are more people than people, right! We are not afraid!"

Well, there are really many people in vr, probably the box with the largest number of people in the x circle in China, so when the big brother Guangyi spoke, vr also started to move.

The object of canvassing - Guang Yiguo!

Hey~vr is an old tradition, one party has difficulties and all parties like it, besides, it is still the corporate culture to promote Huoguang Yiguo, this is all right, under the leadership of vr brother, most of the entire vr members collectively rebelled against Guangyiguo, pulling people crazy, Hahahahaha and votes were swiped in the barrage.

It's been a long time since the v circle has been so lively. After the ESC Club, PSP (after all, it's an ESC Friends Club, which was promoted by Xueyue), and VR, all the people from all walks of life gave their thumbs up.

First, the melon-eating army headed by Bingtang Hammer Parry arrived on the battlefield, and then the barbecue group who were too busy to catch members' women's clothing to release their energy came after hearing the news.

In the end, oil guys from all walks of life began to pull votes for the cp they supported. Nima, a small linkage in this kind of scene, it was like a large-scale variety show. It is false to say that the V circle fan circle, Because the V circle or the live broadcast circle is originally the second fan circle, it's almost the same.

Think about the Xingxiu District many years ago, and look at the anchors of Station N back then. When it was chaotic, it might be a little more chaotic than the rice circle.

Cough cough, let’s get down to business, after Guang Yiguo shared the story with each other, Xueyue and Shuangxue were pulled up to top the bag again. There was no way, there were too many voters, and the software would not be able to count them for a while.

No one expected that Xu Lin's simple whole play of light and fruit would turn into a carnival for the entire V circle. It doesn't matter whether he supports the CP on stage or not.

It doesn’t even matter who you vote for or not, what’s important is to participate in this high-profile carnival, feel the thrill of indulgence, watch big red scs floating around, and see familiar ids Arch fire is the biggest fun tonight.

As for whether those eight people on stage are really true love, are the stories shared true?

Most people don't care, so who cares?

In this ethereal internet world, in this more virtual V-circle, 'reality' is a rare attribute, but what the carnival of the Internet cares most about is truth.

A well-designed character design and an image drawn with painstaking efforts are enough to attract a large number of audiences. It is true that they can retain them, but they are by no means the elements that attract them.

Just like this rave tonight.

After the people leave the building, how many people will stay for those livers on stage?

ps: Is it false?False, because the light fruit is no longer visible.

Chapter 399 Chapter 21 Why do you two settle everything in bed?

The live broadcast is over, and God returns, but it has nothing to do with the anchors.

The white-haired girl pushed open the door and walked out of the bedroom. Seeing that the one she loved did the same, she looked at each other lightly and smiled.

"It's late, it's time to go to bed."

Xu Lin nodded, walked towards Xu Youyue, and said calmly.

"Aren't you in a good mood?"

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