Lin Jiang has always been the one who takes on the male role in love, probably.


The next morning, when Xu Lin woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. The girl with messy white hair lifted the quilt and got up in a daze, and subconsciously covered the girl beside her who was kicked by her. Quilted, wearing a baggy pajamas, following the instinct of the body, went to the bathroom to wash up.

After tidying up her hair a bit, washing her face and brushing her teeth, Lin Jiang, who was completely awake, went back to the bedroom and glanced at Xu Youyue who was still asleep, bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then turned and walked towards the kitchen Get ready for breakfast today.

But she didn't notice that the corner of the girl's mouth that was supposed to be sleeping suddenly raised slightly, she couldn't help but rolled around on the bed and messed up the quilt that Lin Jiang had carefully arranged before calming down and falling asleep slowly.

And the white-haired girl who was preparing breakfast didn't know anything about it every morning, and she even wondered why the eldest lady could mess up all the quilts in just four or ten minutes.

Use a small bowl to put half a bowl of rice in the rice bag, add two bowls of water, and a bottle of [-]ml sweet milk, cover it, plug in the power, and press the button to cook porridge.

Fill the wok with water and wait for it to boil.

At this time, you can play with your phone a little bit and send a good morning post.

In fact, Xu Lin doesn't really like this kind of thing that has to be reported to the fans, and the behavior of posting news sooner or later-it's all Sister Feng's task.

So Lin Jiang's good morning news became more and more strange. At first, it was just a daily cooking report, and then I added a little complaint, after that. . .Anyway, today's morning news is like this.

[Morning, brothers, today’s breakfast is sweet milk porridge. Although it’s my first time making it and I haven’t checked the recipe, I’m inexplicably confident that I don’t need to add sugar, because my lady and I are already sweet enough. 】

Here are two beautiful pictures.

It's weird, so there are a lot of complaints.

[I was stunned to see that brother Ruoye, are you showing your affection or talking strange things. 】

【Golden Wood Water Fire You】

[Good guy, are you really diabetic? 】

Well, the audience comments were a little weirder.

After reading a little bit of the comments of the early-rising social animal student party members, Xu Lin turned down the volume of the phone and played a quiet piano piece.

It was recommended to her by her good brother, and the title of the song is "Blessed Lovers".

A very nice piece of music, especially suitable to listen to during the time period between morning and mid-morning.

Boil the water, throw two eggs into it and boil it, wait for 13 minutes and then crack two eggs, the lady likes to eat soft-boiled eggs, so after several months of training, Lin Jiang has already Perfectly mastered the precise time to cook the soft-boiled eggs.

Fortunately, both of them have the kind of physique that does not get tired of eating eggs, otherwise it may take a while to hone this technique.

After the soft-boiled eggs were cooked, the white-haired girl scooped up two poached eggs and put them on a plate, sprinkled a little sea salt and put a slice of mint on top.

Then pick up the boiled eggs, peel the skin, and pour a little seafood soy sauce.

Put the two bowls of eggs on the dining table, turn around and wake the young lady up.

She is a cat's tongue. She can't eat hot food, so she needs to calculate the time. It's best if it's neither hot nor cold.

Chapter 408 Chapter 30 Silent DD Series Linjiang Live Streaming

It's another Saturday, and Xu Lin doesn't have a live broadcast scheduled for tonight.

The eldest lady went home for dinner, and brought the tea gift from Xu Lin by the way. By the way, the very tea-flavored tea delivery plan that the two discussed during the team building has been completely implemented successfully.

Xu Youyue's father and the boss's father are almost quitting because they don't have good tea to drink. The boss is either sleeping in the dormitory or the company and dare not go home.

On Xu Lin's side, Dad Xu also happily agreed to send some of the tea leaves, um, I'm really happy, if it wasn't for the fact that he was so distressed that he almost cried.

Lin Jiang can only say one thing about this.

It also happened to take advantage of this opportunity to let Lin Jiang have a good impression on the young lady's parents, so as to ensure that she would not be kicked out when she was scheduled to visit at the beginning of the year.

"Take a good look at the house today~"

Holding the tea leaves that the white-haired girl solemnly handed to her, the eldest lady rubbed her face, which was worried about gains and losses, with a bit of a smile.


Xu Lin nodded, and the moment the eldest lady went out, she had fun in an instant.

"Wuhu~! Take off! Go find another woman!"

Well, there is no live broadcast scheduled for today's Lin Jiang, which means she has plenty of time to roam around in the live broadcast room in the virtual zone.

After thinking about it, Xu Lin started a live broadcast directly, and changed the title to [Assault d, silent, no recording. 】

Then he turned off the microphone directly and flipped through the watch list.

She had wanted to broadcast it like this for a long time, and the timing was just right when the eldest lady was not at home today.

[What the hell is a surprise d! ? 】

[Are you also a silent vtb? 】

【Good guy, I've already seen that Shenhui is scheduled. 】

On the screen, the white-haired girl blinked her beautiful red pupils, then suddenly showed a smirk, and directly clicked on 1551's live broadcast room.

【Grass, brother cool】

[Brother Ruoye, you are watching! 】

[Good guy, you're actually watching the barrage. 】

Lin Jiang and Brother Shuang didn't know each other at all, but just like Brother Shuang said, this is a person who doesn't need to introduce himself at station b.

You may not know him, but it is impossible for you not to have seen the screenshots of his speech, and it is impossible not to have heard of his memes. This is Brother Shuang, a silent department. . .Wait a minute, it seems that it is not a silent department now, so how about the host of Quesi.

Professional chick, part-time World of Warships anchor (dog head)

In an instant, Xu Lin's live broadcast room was full of question marks.

A line of words suddenly appeared on the screen of the live broadcast [No word is allowed in today's live broadcast. 】

Then suddenly there was a group of people missing in the live broadcast room.

Xu Lin:. . . .

Can't you be more obedient, these little bastards.

Because he really didn't know Brother Shuang, so Xu Lin was very cowardly and directly *dropped Brother Shuang's live broadcast room, and turned around to start today's official session.

d well.

First of all, there is a very good singing vampire, Mu Xiaoling, who sings very high-pitched and is also a DD. He is a very hardworking and powerful vup who often appears in the comment areas of various vups.

The whole job is also pretty good, but it's not particularly good, either it's not good, or it's a bit of a hell.

For example, what kind of crazy mosquitoes are flying.

The whole world is a family of dd, and there is nothing to worry about directly doing Xiaoling's live broadcast of Linjiang.

"Brother Ruoye? Ruoye? Which Ruoye!"

To be honest, some viewers who like to be megaphones may like to watch vups interact all day long, but most of them are old DDs with multiple live broadcast rooms. The live broadcast room is used as background music, and then a live broadcast room for playing games is opened, and a live broadcast room for chatting is opened.

If there are too many, she will find it too noisy, but three are still okay.

So she can also understand the audience who are the microphones. Although she has emphasized that no word is allowed, it would be strange if one line of words can control the audience.

But Xiao Ling's reaction still exceeded Xu Lin's expectations - this kid's dd is as real as a bt.

[Lan Ruoye sc100: Xiao Ling, good evening, I'm fishing to listen to the song. 】

"Oh! Okay, okay, thank you Brother Ruoye for the 100 yuan sc! Is there any song you want to hear, Brother Ruoye? Just order it, you deserve to have a vampire brand on-demand player."

[Lan Ruoye sc100: Oh, let's go to the high-pitched chef. 】


Xiaoling is indeed a very cute and lively girl, and she is also very skilled in her daily work, but she is drooling. . .

How should I put it, it doesn't feel like I'm working hard.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【Grass, as expected of Wakaba】

[The crumbs are dead grass hahaha]

"Isn't it the soprano chef! Xiaoling can sing!"

And then she actually sang it. . .

No, is the song of Soprano Chef really a human can sing! ?

Xu Lin knocked out a line of barrage in shock [No, no, no, don't force it! 】

Then I felt a little bad, double-clicked to delete, and changed it to [No, no, no, don’t play the high note again, I’m going to cry. 】

Xu Lin is a person who can't sing high notes. Her singing skills are not very good. She can't compare to a professional, let alone a song whose voice has been kissed by an angel. Bass 'to dry break proof too.

There is one thing to say, before Xu Lin's transformation, the high-pitched voice is equal to the broken voice, which is considered a low voice. Well, the natural alto with a tooth decay is a bird skin!

【Brother Ruoye, isn't there a song? 】

[Xiaoling sang, brother Ruoye, where's yours? 】

[Lan Ruoye: Me?I can sing snakeskin!Kneel down okay guys! 】

Decisively appointed Xiao Ling as a captain, Xu Lin hung up for a while and chatted with Xiao Ling for a while, then ran away directly.

Because the little bastard is already jumping on her face.

"I sang, I sang! Brother Ruoye, where's yours? Next time you sing back to me to compare this song!"

[Lan Ruoye: Can't sing farewell, never see you again! 】

Then × dropped the live broadcast room and moved to other people who were broadcasting.

"The hammer is broadcasting, go to Kangkang."

After looking through his 600+ watchlists, Xu Lin found the next target of disaster.

Hammer's live broadcast is still very interesting. Xu Lin will watch a little when he is free. Although he can't stand his strange accent, this does not prevent Xu Lin from admiring his interesting soul, especially Hammer Parry Bingtang. At that time, it was really the best teaching material for the whole department of vup.

All kinds of textbook-style chores are done without hesitation.

But a certain Baimao obviously forgot that she jumped over the hammer's face during the linkage between her and Bingtang before. Although everyone seemed to have forgotten about it afterwards, Jinghua did not.

Not only did he not forget, he was even ready to bounce back at any time.

"Is Luo Ye here?"

"Ahem, Ruoye! Are you looking at me!"

"Tomorrow I'm going to link up with Missy Luo Ye, do you have anything to say?"

The white-haired girl silently gave the bastard a middle finger in front of the screen, then clicked on the sc column, and deliberately changed it to the column of 30 yuan.

[But you still don't have a girlfriend, mother Jinghua. 】


ps: recently opened a mc server in the group, I strongly requested to add a mechanical power module, and then I spent a whole day to make a fully automatic pigeon wheat machine.

Yes, it’s pigeons, not harvesting, because all the harvested wheat has mysteriously disappeared, and there’s not a single wheat seed left for me QAQ

Section 409 Chapter 31 #Mrs. Hamster leaks the top secret of ESC#

Leaving behind an exasperated hammer, Xu Linguo slipped away and moved to the battlefield.

If you don't run away, you will definitely be caught by Jinghua and join him in the live broadcast, but tonight's Lin Jiang is here to catch fish, and has no intention of doing linkage, so he slipped away.

"Where are you going next..."

Xu Lin struggled to move the mouse over the ids of the vups that were broadcasting, and looked at the barrage saying who was broadcasting, Brother Ruoye, let's take a look, and finally turned around and ran to a big Muling's live broadcast room.

Well, psp belongs to Ximoyou.

A Zhengtai vup with a relatively soft voice, who sings very nicely, is the type Xu Lin envied most before his transformation. The voice is clean and beautiful, and he can control a variety of genres, which is a perfect song.

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