"Silly, of course we will have a chase in the next few months~"



The next day, Tobichu was woken up by a messy sound.

At first she thought it was because she forgot to close the window when she went to bed at night, and heard the voices of the old people exercising in the morning and the children going to school in the community, she turned over and was about to go back to sleep.

But after a while it felt wrong again.

Why is there the sound of moving heavy objects?

"Why is the neighbor next door decorated so early in the morning! No one is allowed to sleep!"

After muttering a little irritably, all the sleepy bugs in Yuanchu ran away. She was obviously still sleepy, but she just couldn't fall asleep with peace of mind. He opened the door in a pajamas ready to see what was going on.

Then she saw it.

Grapefruit, and the neatly stacked packing boxes and a particularly large suitcase beside her, the girl with short black hair wiped off her sweat after seeing the kite chick, and waved her little dirty paws with a smile .

"Good morning, Sister Yuanchu! I've moved here!"


Yi Yuanchu's still-awake mind couldn't understand what was going on, she just stared blankly at Yuzu, replied blankly with 'good morning', blankly closed the bedroom door, and went back to bed Wrapping himself tightly in the quilt, he fell asleep in an instant.

'It's definitely a dream, right?Absolutely? '

Why did Yuzu suddenly move here!To be fair, this is my home, right?Even if you have the key to move here, you still have to get my consent!

although. . .

Although it's not that I'm unhappy, but we just said that kind of thing last night, I said such hurtful things last night!

Am I being embarrassed?

Stupid pomelo.

Chapter 427 Chapter 48 esc Love Research Joint Operation Command!

The right to choose was actually handed over to Yuzu by Tobihina herself.

First gave her the key, then set aside a bedroom for her, and later arranged a computer and live broadcast equipment.

Little by little, she gave up her own space, and let Yuzu, the short-haired girl who was always smiling, come in, step by step, into her world.

Maybe Yuanchu didn't realize it herself, but people who have been lonely for a long time really want to be with her subconsciously. The desire to communicate is not like a social fear at all, not only during the live broadcast, but even when they go downstairs to buy groceries occasionally Sometimes I would chat with the grandpas and aunts on the road. The words I said were not very nutritious, but I felt inexplicably in a good mood.

People, after all, are social animals. Rabbits will die if they are too lonely. In fact, people are the same.

It was because of this that Yuzu could enter her world so quickly, and moved into this home on her own initiative today, which made her a little happy.

"I'm going downstairs to buy some groceries."

After a while, Yuanchu's little head finally came to her senses. She sat on the bed in her pajamas and sorted out her thoughts. After changing her clothes, she got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom door. Sure enough, she saw Yuzu who was busy arranging her clothes. It was a bit embarrassing. I don't know what to say, so I can only leave a sentence stiffly and run away.

"Ah good!"

Yuzu was also stunned, then nodded in a low voice like a wronged little daughter-in-law, watched Yuanchu wash her face and brush her teeth, and didn't say a word to her until she changed her shoes and took the keys and walked out the door.


The moment the anti-theft door closed, Yuzu fell on the sofa as if her strength had been taken away, tossing and turning over and over with the pillow in her arms.

"What to do, how to do, embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing!"

She wailed and screamed so loudly that even Yuanchu, who had just left the house, could hear her.

"Pffw, you little idiot."

Although I also felt a little embarrassed that I didn't know what to say, after hearing Yuzu's screams, Yuanchu's mood improved a bit, she cleaned up the expression on her face, and Yuanchu, who was standing at the door waiting for the elevator, turned around again Put it in the lock of the door.

He opened the door and entered the house as if he didn't know anything.

"Ah, I forgot to bring my umbrella..."


Well, it was the expected scream ww.

Yuanchu, you are really wicked.


After turning around and hitting Yuzu by surprise, Yuanchu carried a folding umbrella in her bag and continued to wait for the elevator with a double umbrella in her hand. Coincidentally, a neighbor next door, a grandmother in her seventies also carried Going out with an umbrella, she glanced at the umbrella in Yuanchu's hand and smiled, and said in a loving voice unique to the elderly.

"The little girl also goes out to buy food?"

"Yes, grandma, this rainy day is really annoying. Do you want to go out?"

I can't say how familiar Yuanchu and this neighbor are, but they have always met each other and greeted each other a few times after living together for a few months.

The residents on this floor of the community where they live are actually only the old lady's family and Yuanchu, so it's a bit difficult not to talk.

"It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and if it's raining, I can't stop eating, right?"

The elevator stopped in front of the two of them, and Yuanchu gave way to let the old lady go up first while blocking the elevator door with one hand, and then she entered the elevator and said with a smile.

"Yeah, fortunately there is a dryer now, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to dry my clothes."

"That's right, little girl."

"what's wrong."

"I saw someone moving in from your house this morning. Is someone coming to live here?"

The old lady's casual question made Yuanchu unable to react for a while.


"If you ask me, it's actually good for the three little girls to live together. You can save some money by renting a house."

But the old lady took it as a tacit agreement, and continued to talk about this topic.

"No, no, where is the third person? The one who moved here today is Xu You, the girl with short hair that grandma said you looked at with vigor."

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and the old lady was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile.

"It turns out that the little girl is not rented with you. The slow legs are the first to get on the elevator, and the fast legs are the first to get off the elevator. I am old and can't block the way of you young people."

"Hahahaha, who said that grandma's legs and feet are very agile."

The topic just stopped at a mediocre position and ended. It simply didn't involve any in-depth things.

But Yuanchu's thoughts gradually drifted away following the old grandma's words.

Holding an umbrella and walking in the community on a rainy day, she carefully recalled when she got used to having a person always come to her house at that fixed time, and she got used to having dinner made by that girl herself every night. I am used to chatting with her before going to bed, and I am used to having her take care of my dysmenorrhea.

But thinking of this, Yuanchu suddenly looked at the light blue double umbrella in her hand, and smiled softly.

When did she get used to carrying a double umbrella when going out, then when did she get used to the existence of grapefruit.


It takes 21 days for people to get used to one thing, but in fact this sentence is a rumor that a classic scientific explanation has been misunderstood by the public.

21 days is the time it takes for a person to get used to the loss of an arm, and it takes 66 days of perseverance for a person to get used to one thing.

But it's a coincidence.

"Coincidentally, Yuzu and Yuanchu have known each other for exactly six days. Both of them are used to each other's existence, and they are also used to the world with her. It takes a long time to develop this habit. If you want to give up, you also need a long time."

The white-haired girl sits on the boss's office chair and holds a meeting for everyone.

There was a row of people sitting quietly in front of her, Xu Youyue, the boss, Sister Feng, Li Huiyan, Jiehua, You, Sal, Shuangxue, and those who couldn't make it to the meeting also came to the meeting through video calls.

"Our ESC club has always adhered to a saying, that is, the love career of our colleagues is the love career of our cp party. When they are together, it is our harvest season."

"So the purpose of calling everyone here this time is to solve the problem of emotional advancement for this pair of people who are in trouble in love. The current situation is that when the two of them are used to the sudden appearance of each other in the world, they start a relatively forced cohabitation. life, then there will inevitably be a period of embarrassment, during which various things may happen, and they are likely to confide in you."

"At this point, I hope that everyone can unite and actively exchange information in the unified combat command to achieve the greatest assist results. For this reason, I also specially invited three foreign aids, who are also three colleagues who will debut as the sixth-generation students .”

After a little bit of manipulation, Xu Lin connected the video call with three more people.

"Let's welcome Qianqian, Yunyun and Xiaoge."

Chapter 428 Chapter 49 The Legendary Dormitory 404

So Xu Lin, who is serious about making things happen, is really scary.

Missy and Sister Yan couldn't help laughing when they heard the names of the three girls.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yunyun~!"

The first person to speak was also the most energetic Yunyun in the pomelo dormitory. Speaking of which, Xu Lin was able to trick the other two into the ESC club this time thanks to this little house girl.

Well, I got old with this kid, and even knew the name of XP Club long ago. When Xu Lin invited her, she agreed to come to the audition.

"I'm Qianqian, please take care of me."

Long before coming here, Yunyun and Xu Lin briefly explained to the other two girls what vup is and what the ethos of the esc club is like, so they are not particularly nervous at the moment.

"Just call me Xiaoge, please take care of me."

A handsome female voice sounded, making everyone's eyes light up. There are not many gender-neutral girls whose voices are of such high quality. This can definitely become one of her characteristics.

If Yunyun among the three is particularly willing to debut, then Qianqian agreed because of some slightly complicated emotions. As for what it is, let's talk about it at that time.

As for Xiaoge's words, she was simply dragged together by Yunyun's softness and toughness. She spent a morning fully understanding the various stalks of the ESC club, until it was a well-known CP domestic sales club. He brought his own CP to debut.

Well, Xiaoge was the one chosen by this rough-natured kid.

I really don't know what kind of expression the iron-t girl will have when she hears this reason.


Everyone else said welcome words as if they were welcoming newcomers to the group, and a few of them were very special.

It's you Sal!

What is 'Welcome newcomers to jump into the fire pit'!

"I didn't expect to get all the people in a dormitory to make their debut. Senior Ruoye, you are working too hard."

Lin Mu was a little helpless to complain.

"What, the three of them came in through the formal interview process with their unique skills, well, I didn't expect all three of them to pass the interview."

In fact, youzi mentioned to Xu Lin before that the roommates in her dormitory were actually quite suitable for debut, but she didn't take it to heart at the time, and she suddenly remembered it two days ago and asked sister Yan to find it Someone contacted and it turned out to be a good guy.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in such a small university.


Let's press Xu Lin's arrangement first, not to mention leaving a little suspense, here Yuzi and Yuanchu's awkward first day of cohabitation is not over yet.

Yuan Chia, who went shopping for vegetables, was going home after all. After wandering around the neighborhood for almost two laps, she finally sighed silently and made up her mind to go home and face the reality.

"Actually, cohabiting with Yuzu is not unacceptable."

Talking nonsense that she didn't even believe, Yuanchu got on the elevator and got off the elevator, took two deep breaths, just about to insert the key into the door to lock it, but the door was already opened.

"Ah, sister Yuanchu."

Yuzu opened her mouth in a daze, and spoke slowly and softly.

"Well, I'm back."

Tobichi nodded, trying to make her movements look more natural, put the umbrella by the door and began to change her shoes.

"Are you going out? It's raining outside."

For some reason, Yuanchu subconsciously continued the second half of the sentence, as if her body was used to speaking like this.

"Ahaha, actually I skipped class today, and I have a more important class in the afternoon, so I have to hurry back."

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