"Sister Feng, do you have anything else to explain? If there is nothing else, I will take the three of them to visit the office first and then go to class."

After Sanmengxin finished their self-introductions one by one tremblingly, Xu Lin saw that the atmosphere was going to quiet down, and quickly opened his mouth to hint.

"If you come to me in the future, Luo Ye, there is a linkage to let you go, and there is nothing else left."

Sister Feng flipped through her work notes, nodded and turned to leave.


Xu Lin agreed with a smile, and then quietly winked mischievously at Sanmengxin behind Sister Feng's back.

"Well, let me just say that Sister Feng is scary!"

"I can hear it!"

But before the three little ones had time to reply, Sister Feng made complaints from a distance, and they were so scared that they immediately fell silent again.


Xu Lin smiled happily.

Sister Feng, or what kind of person Fengwei is, she can't understand it very well. Maybe in Sister Feng's world, the tall and handsome boy was the one who communicated with her, but Mrs. Xu Lin's boss, Miss Yan, knew that Lin Jiang is Brother Lin, and Luo Ye is Luo Ye.

She has never changed, she has become just Feng Wei's cognition.

Back then, it was this naughty girl who was so beautiful that she established the operation department of ESC.

"Let's go, I'll take you for a stroll and meet someone by the way."


Xu Lin was the first to take a few people to the operation office, she went directly to the boss's office.

There is also a labor contract waiting for the three of them to sign.

"Yo, Ruoye, I haven't seen you bring a newcomer for a long time, why, just work so hard for that?"

As soon as the door of the boss's office was pushed open, the chubby figure laughed and joked.

"For a temporary guest appearance, after the debut, I still have to let other people lead it."

Xu Lin rolled his eyes angrily, then let Yunyun and the others come in.

"Let me introduce you. This is the boss of the ESC club. You can just call him the boss. It's almost 90 words. It's fine."

"Hi boss."

Sanmengxin is still a bit cautious, but the boss's plump and chubby image is like a Maitreya Buddha, which always attracts people's favor, so he is not so afraid of Sister Feng.

"Yunyun, Qianqian, Xiaoge, right?"

The boss didn't get close, and seized this rare opportunity to be awed by the employees to establish a little dignity.


"Come on, here are three contracts, sign them, and you are members of ESC."

The boss took out three entry contracts, handed them to the three with a smile, and observed them carefully.

This is a habit he has developed. A person's general character and social experience can be seen from his attitude towards the contract.

"Boss, why are you talking like bandits in the mountains? We are a serious company."

Xu Lin complained angrily.

"Hahaha, it's actually not bad!"

The boss laughed out loud, but his eyes on the three of them did not leave.

Yunyun was the simplest one. She picked up the contract and looked at it carefully. After realizing that she couldn't understand it at all, she waited for Xiaoge and Qianqian to make a decision.

Qianqian was relatively careful, reading word by word silently, not fast as if she was afraid of missing a few words. She was obviously wary and careful, but she had no social experience.

Xiaoge is relatively more mature, just looked at the job content and benefits, carefully checked the company name to confirm that it was the same as what he knew, then checked to see that there was no subpage, and then put down the contract.

After all, it was a job introduced by my roommate sister, so the probability of risk is relatively small. ESC has a good reputation, and there are no scandals or internal conflicts. Such a company can be at ease.

"No problem, sign here, right?"

Although Xiaoge is asking, he has actually picked up a pen and is waiting to sign.

"That's right, it's here, remember to sign the first page too."


Yunyun trusted Xiaoge, and she had no patience to read the contract, but after seeing her confirming that there was no problem, she signed it with a swipe of a pen.

Qianqian is still reading carefully.

But Xu Lin estimated that this literary girl probably suffered from dyslexia, and subconsciously wanted to finish reading.

The whole group just waited silently, no one disturbed her by speaking.

It wasn't until 3 minutes after Yunyun and Yunyun finished signing that she woke up and signed her name with a blushing face.

"On behalf of all members of the ESC club, I welcome you to join."

The boss stood up from the chair, nodded in satisfaction, and shook hands with the three newbies one by one.

However, sometimes some things are just so coincidental. At this rare moment when the boss is a little majestic, an uninvited guest rushes in.

"Boss! Clean up your office. Sister Feng said she would hold a meeting for us!"

It's wind chimes. . .

Speaking of which, the sixth-period students just happened to be brought by a few of them, so I guess that's what Sister Feng talked about in the meeting.

It was only after Fengling broke in that she noticed the situation inside. First, as a society, she was subconsciously nervous when she saw a stranger, and then relaxed after seeing Xu Lin.

A little embarrassed smiled at the boss with a mournful face, then turned to look at the newcomers.

"You are the sixth generation, right? I am the wind chime of the fourth generation."

After several months of work experience, this socially fearful girl finally has the appearance of a senior, introducing herself confidently and generously.

Chapter 436 Chapter 57 Let me clarify, this is not a rumor

After the three of them got to know Feng Ling briefly, Xu Lin led them out of the boss's office.

"That's Sister Fengling. I used to say that the people in the ESC club are all handsome men and beautiful women. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it! They are all so beautiful!"

As soon as Yunyun left the door, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

So far, the liverers of the ESC club she has met are only those few people, Xu Lin, the eldest lady, the three first-year students, Yan Jie, and a wind chime and a grapefruit.

But their appearance is really at the ceiling level.

"It's okay, but it's true that the average appearance is online. You can see more beautiful v when you debut. Tobihina Yuka and You are here."

Xu Lin said with a smile, and took a few people to the operation department.

Although everyone has a clear scope of responsibility for the operation of the esc club, they often help each other out by making guest appearances, so it is necessary to know all the operations.

It's just that in the past, Sister Feng led the newcomers to go through this process, but today it was replaced by Linjiang.

"Let me introduce, this is the operation hamster, well, I suggest you be careful w"

Compared with Sister Feng who met each other seriously when she was with her, it was much easier for Xu Lin to bring her here, because she would always make black farts on the people she was introducing, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed.

"Brother Ruoye, don't mess with me, why am I so grumpy, I'm obviously angry at those little bastards, okay?"

The hamster rolled his eyes helplessly, and greeted the three of them with a smile.

"Hi, newcomers, nice to meet you, I'm Xiaozhi."

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was doing nothing aside, also came over, leaned against the hamster with a slightly intimate gesture, and waved her little paw.

"Well, some people on the Internet have been saying that the specialty of our ESC agency is domestic sales. Let me clarify that this is not a rumor."

Xu Lin followed the persecution in an instant.

But it's more obscure, only Xiaoge understands it, Qianqian didn't get this stalk because she didn't know much about ESC, and Yunyun just didn't react.

"Hello w, I'm Xiaoge."

The handsome girl rarely spoke with a smile, and introduced herself a little more casually.

"Hey! Brother Ruoye can talk nonsense in bed, but you can't talk nonsense. Your liver's reputation has nothing to do with our operation, it's just a colleague relationship."

The hamster quickly explained.

"Oh, what did I say? Hamster, what are you rushing to explain?"

But Xu Lin, an old fishing master, choked the hamster for a long time with one sentence and didn't know how to answer it.


It was only now that Yunyun came back to her senses, her smile was a bit narrow, but she still gently said for the hamster.

"I'm Yunyun, please take care of me!"

"Hi Yunyun~"

Xiaozhi also directly skipped the topic just now, and everyone in the group tacitly pretended it never happened.

It’s a pity that the operation of Phase [-] and Phase [-] is not here today, but it’s okay. Anyway, there are still opportunities in the future. Next, Xu Lin brought the three of them to meet Fuli and the others, and then came to the painter’s area and asked them to find each other. Mothers.

In fact, it is to talk face-to-face with the artist's wife about her thoughts on her avatar.

Although the artist's wife of the ESC club is not that famous, she was hired by the boss at a high price. The style of painting is very mature and cute. The three of them can't say much, they can only chat casually about their requirements.

It is much easier to deal with than Party A.

After this trip, Xu Lin took a few people back to the live broadcast room and started class.

After the class, it was a long time since I was preparing for the live broadcast in the ESC club.

Because it was too late, and I didn't have time to go home to prepare things for the broadcast.


Xu Lin, the long-lost and not very familiar with foreign media, still has some expectations.

Didn't it say that ESC and PSP have reached a cooperation before? After the first round of large-scale linkage between the two parties, there are actually quite a few small-scale private linkages, and the object of Xu Lin's linkage today is also a person from PSP.


A host who is clearly a singer but doesn't sing well every day, either playing games or talking about strange topics.

It can be regarded as a good mix in the male vup. Li Hui is a very cute little boy with purple hair and red eyes. He is set to be a demon king who came to the world to undergo trials.

Although why the devil's trial came to the world to do this is a bit of a complaint, and in fact, from the performance of this man, he is not so much here to accept the trial as to overcome social fear.

Really, it would take a lot of effort to face the sauce in the prior communication.


"Yeah! Hello, hello."

The immature boy's voice over there is still a little nervous, which is the result of the two of them having communicated many times. The devil king who disappears as soon as the linkage is reached, really lives up to his reputation.

"Don't be so nervous, Youyou ww, I'm not a bad person."

"Show off your usual aura of looking for 1 in the live broadcast room!"

The white-haired girl laughed and teased him with a soft-girl voice.

"...Brother Ruoye, stop making fun of me."

"Hahahahaha, okay, is the live broadcast ready? If it is possible, we will start streaming."

"Well! It's all ready!"

Live, let's go.

"Hi, everyone, good evening, this is Lan Ruoye, the first-year student of ESC Club. Today is a long-lost collaboration, and we finally have a new friend in our live broadcast room."

Although this time the live broadcast was broadcast simultaneously by Youyou and Xu Lin, in the previous discussions, it was decided that Lin Jiang would be the topic leader.

There is no way, Youyou is really socially afraid!A person who can stutter so nervously with his captain even in his live broadcast room, you expect him to host the linkage?

That would definitely be embarrassing to death!

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