"Brother Ruoye, you are waiting for my mother!!!"

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, brother Ruoye did a great job! 】

[Laughing to death, it’s up to you to use it in the end hahahaha]

【Now I'm curious about what is in Tobihina's box】

"Well~ well~ senior, don't be angry, calm down, calm down."

Shuangxue comforted Xueyue with a very good temper.

"Phew! This bastard, let's see if I don't expose her black material in a while!"

Xueyue gasped, Xu Lin's sudden attack really made her feel ashamed, she looked angry, but her face in front of the screen was completely red.

"In short, Yuanchu's impression is almost like this. She is a rotten person who hasn't rotted to the end."

Probably this is a good friend. When I became angry from embarrassment, I still didn't forget to say something to the black sister.

"Senior Saar, let me tell the story, senior, take a break first."

"Okay, come here."

Shuangxue is still very gentle, and took the initiative to end the topic so that Xueyue had a rest time to adjust her state.

Well, in fact, it was Zero Yue who was really unfamiliar and had nothing to say, so he had to answer, otherwise he would be quite interested in seeing Xue Yue angry.

"Perhaps everyone's biggest impression of Senior Thrall is the yin and yang. Let me explain a little bit here. Senior Thrall is not only yin and yang, he is actually very black-bellied."

【Let me clarify.jpg】

[You explained a snake skin www]

"I don't know if you still remember the inner ghost contest held when we were sleeping together. In fact, there are still many behind-the-scenes tidbits that have not been revealed. What impressed me the most is that Senior Saar was doing things like crazy at that time, and there was no trace. He provoked many people to muddy the water."

"He's just a very standard chaotic camp character, not for winning or losing, he just thinks it's fun."

"It hits the nail on the head, Shuangxue, Thrall is that kind of person."

Xueyue nodded, agreeing with Shuangxue's statement that the child Sal really made his debut for fun, which can be seen from many details.

"No, no, no, I'm not a needle worker. How can I say it's three centimeters in diameter?"


"What are you talking about, you little pervert, hello!"

Chapter 448 Chapter 69 Brother Wakaba's single push reveals the secret!

As a member of XP Club, Shuangxue's driving skills are also very nb.

However, because of the status of the host, the speed of the invited guests is a little faster every time, so they usually act as a brake to prevent the live broadcast from being banned.

This is also the reason why he always calls Xueyue together - one foot brake and one hand brake, double insurance, otherwise he really can't control the scene.

"Okay, ww, I'm not kidding, senior, don't be angry. Next, I want you to talk about your impression of Senior Zero Yue. This senior is too mysterious, and I have almost never had any interaction with her."

[Low EQ: Autistic Dead House High EQ: Mysterious]

[Shuangxue has a high EQ ww]

[Laughing to death, it's okay to be mysterious, what's so mysterious about broadcasting every day]

"Zero Yue, in fact, Zero Yue doesn't really like the atmosphere of linkage, which is the main reason why she refused to collaborate."

Xueyue organized the language a little bit. As a social butterfly of the ESC club, she is naturally connected with Zero Yue, and the relationship is not bad. She is one of the few people who can chat with Zero Yue.

Miss Yuanchu was the only one left, and she was not even familiar with Sister Yan and Sal.

"She came to be a vup as a part-time job. According to rumors, rumors, Zero Yue actually agreed to debut because she was so annoying by her boss."

"Pfft www, dare to ask senior, where did this rumor come from?"

Shuangxue smiled, and asked knowingly.

"Hey, the boss said he drank too much during the first team building."

Xue Yue waved her hand and said it directly without any scruples.

[That's still a fart rumor, grass wwww]

[Rumors spoken by the parties themselves hahahaha]

[Laughing to death, we don’t know how many things there are in your company. 】

"So Lingyue's main job has always been painting, and she has no interest in CP business. It is said, it is said that she has a green plum, and the two of them are almost living together now. The two live in the next building, and Lingyue will go there every day. Cook for their family."

Xueyue made another rumor, but this time she whispered to herself without waiting for Shuangxue to ask.

"Well, this is said to be according to Zero Yue himself."

In fact, that green plum from Lingyue has already appeared in her live broadcast room, and viewers who often watch Lingyue also know that there is such a person, although he did not make a sound in the live broadcast//, but related information It also exposed a lot in the casual chat in Zero Month.

Qingmei, who grew up together since she was a child, is about to get engaged after graduation. No one in the two families objects, and even the opposite family already treats Lingyue as a daughter-in-law.

Ome Sangdai is called Ling Ling, a butter master, cpr18 essay writer, a lolita who is a foodie, Ling Yue once broke out in the live broadcast room when Ling Ling frantically teased her that she did not cook meat for a week threaten.

So calm.

[It is said that = according to my own words]

[Hahahaha, those couples are also super sweet, is the boss interested in making Ling Ling debut?]

[Yes, we want to see butter! 】

"Don't think about it, Ling Ling's live broadcast will definitely not be able to pass the super-management level, so don't waste the money on that set of models, and save some effort for the wives."

Xue Yue directly vetoed the audience's request.

In fact, Lingling has already entered their private group, Xueyue is very clear about what kind of person she is, to describe her in one sentence is '2000 yuan for walking', it is impossible to release it live.

"I also think not letting Lingling debut is a decision to save STF www"

Shuangxue also had more or less contact with it, so she smiled very happily.

"So if you want to look at this aspect, you can go to Lingyue and ask. Anyway, if Lingling really wants to debut, Lingyue can give birth to her directly, although I guess she will die young even if she is born. gone."

Xueyue made a simple summary, and then decisively started the next topic.

"Then it's the first term. Shuangxue, you choose. Who should we talk about first?"

"Well... I seem to be more familiar with the first-year seniors and Luo Ye, so that's it?"

"Okay, then tell me, and I'll add."

Xueyue resolutely handed over the right to speak to Shuangxue to fish for herself, and her voice couldn't hold up after chatting so intensively for so long.

But she didn't forget what Xu Lin did just now, she was secretly preparing to hold back her big move!

"Speaking of what Senior Ruoye said ww, I was actually quite shocked when I saw her for the first time. Senior, do you know? Senior Ruoye is the teacher of the emergency response course in our training, but after she finished a section At the end of the class, when I summed it up, I only said one sentence.”

"I probably guessed it."

Xueyue thought about it and understood.

"'An accident happened? The whole gang is submitting!'"

"Hahahahahahahaha, it really seems like something she can say."

Xueyue immediately burst into laughter.

【Brother Ruoye is a master at keeping alive】

[I still remember the time she changed the model when she returned from her fake graduation, it made me laugh so hard]

"At the time, I thought it was just because of her personality, she just said it casually, but later I found out how does this person keep what he says? If there is an accident, he will just go straight to work!"

"Brother Ruoye is this kind of person... Are you finished? Then I'll start to add?"

Xueyue's big move has already been read, and she can't wait.

"One more thing is that Senior Wakaba really did his best to the juniors. Senior Sakura complained that she was like a mother ww, but anyway, I am still very grateful to her, she is one of my guides. "

At the beginning, Ruoye said that you can tell me if you have something to do. Feng Ling and Daidai who have never experienced the workplace may not understand, but Shuangxue understands it.

But thank you, thank you, persecution is still indispensable, so his next sentence is: "Okay, I'm done, Senior Xue Yue, come here."

[Lan Ruoye: Wait a minute, is that how you thank me?Stop Xueyue! 】

"Sorry, Senior Ruoye ww this is not a battle I can participate in ww."

Shuangxue apologized with a smile, but Xueyue had already begun to clear her throat tactically before she finished speaking.

[Lan Ruoye: Shuangxue, you bronchitis! 】

"Ahem, there's one thing we haven't said, but I think since Brother Ruoye is such a black-ass junior, it's time for us to unblock some things."

Xueyue rolled her eyes, and the voice that overwhelmed Shuangxue began to slowly tell the history.

"I don't know if anyone has ever been curious about Brother Ruoye's love history. In fact, for a long time, Brother Ruoye had an idea."

"That is to link up with a certain Japanese V, and she even said this at the beginning."

"'That's my one-timer for life, you know? It's my favorite vtb!'"

Chapter 451 Chapter 70 Brother Ruoye's single push is a girl with chlamydia w

A single push about Lin Jiang.

In fact, this is something that must exist, but it has not been revealed before.After all, Xu Lin was an old DD before he joined ESC, so he naturally had a single push in his heart.

"Brother Ruoye actually singled out Sarah Xingchuan, the one from 2434, you know Shuangxue, right?"

Xue Yue ignored Lin Jiang's obstruction at all, or did Xu Lin's obstruction only have the opposite effect because it was too petty?

"Ah, I know, I know all the livers of 2434? I spent a lot of time studying it back then, Sara Xingchuan... In fact, it looks like the type that Brother Wakaba would like. How should I put it, with Sakura-senpai In some respects, they are somewhat similar to ww, they are both very lively and lovely girls."

Shuangxue nodded, said with a suppressed smile.

Speaking of the liver Xingchuan Sarah. . .

The two labels of Dad Live and Chlamydia Infected are indeed very well-known, but in reality, she is indeed a very real and lovely girl.

Unlike ordinary v, the appearance of a dead child makes her look more real, which perfectly matches the avatar.

'I want someone to give her a hard punch in the stomach. '

This is the most pertinent evaluation of her, but in fact, the combination of this subtle sense of arrogance and her skilled apology gesture makes people feel very cute.

"Indeed, there is nothing wrong with Xingchuan Sarah as a liver. The problem is that brother Ruoye once said that Xingchuan Sarah should be used as a criterion for choosing a mate."

As soon as Xueyue broke the news, she didn't stop at all. After a set of combined punches, Linjiang probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

[Lan Ruoye: Xueyue, you are so cruel! 】


[So Ye Ge likes this style? 】

"If you put it that way, I can understand why Brother Ruoye and Sakura-senpai came together. They are basically in line with the standards. They are both very real girl images, cute and naughty."

Shuangxue paused at this point, and after thinking about it, she still didn't say the next thing.

How should I put it, in fact, the one-leaf cp he ate before. . .

Although Sakura Wakaba is very sweet and easy to admire, but Yiye is also easy to admire for that kind of happy friends and quite a relationship (referring to the life-and-death high school career)!

It's a pity that Sister Yan and Ruoye have basically never linked up alone, and there will definitely be a young lady in the middle when they get together occasionally.

They were the first two to meet, but they became friends of friends who needed Xu Youyue to act as a bridge between them to get together. In fact, in Shuangxue's eyes, it was a pity.

"What about Yiye's CP? What do you think of Shuangxue?"

Although Shuangxue didn't say it out loud, Xueyue brought up the topic again because of the silky nature of the topic.

"It's a pity. Although the popularity was very high for a while, it finally disappeared under the official announcement."

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