Coincidentally, Yuzu also came back at this time. Although his expression was a little anxious, he didn't look so anxious.

"I hope you still have this spare time, Yuzu."

The white-haired girl gave her younger sister a look of pity, which made her scalp tingle.

"What... what's the matter?"

"It's okay, the person has been found, come with me in the car."

Xu Lin shook his head, and didn't say any more, but the pity in his eyes never stopped, and Yuzu looked a little scared.


Where is Xuhua Street?

In fact, Yuzi is more familiar with this area than Xu Lin.


"Old lady... shouldn't it be!?"

Halfway through the car, Youzi suddenly understood something, and asked in disbelief.

"It's the one that shouldn't be. I didn't expect that literary girl in your family to have read psychology books."

Strictly speaking, this was Xu Lin's mistake, and he didn't read Qianqian's deepest true thoughts.

"...Am I going to die?"

Yuzu was so frightened that she almost burst into tears, and her whole body was not well.

Although my elder brother usually cheats my sister, but he didn't cheat so hard! ! !Qianqian has a slight tendency to be petite!

"It should...not be so?"

Where is Xuhua Avenue?


The house that Ibika rented was in that block.


"Tea or Coke?"

The petite, black, long and straight girl had a flat expression, and asked softly, as if the person who came was just a junior who hadn't debuted yet.

"Tea is fine."

The quiet, black, long, straight literary girl didn't feel embarrassed to disturb the senior suddenly, she nodded and said softly.

"There's no tea at home, let's drink Coke."

Ok. . .Maybe it's just the relationship between seniors and seniors?

"Tell me, why did you come to me for making such a big commotion?"

The whole ESC club started to read, no matter how slow Yuan Chi was, she could guess something, and that vague guess turned into a clear understanding when she saw the embarrassed girl who came to her door.

"Actually, I didn't expect it to be so big."

Qianqian smiled wryly and continued.

"I just want to meet you alone after Yuzu leaves."

"You underestimate your seniors too much."

Yuanchu smiled, with a hint of reminiscence in her eyes, she smiled softly.

"That's a group of demons and goblins. It's not surprising that they make any noise."

"Well... I've learned a lot."

Qianqian was speechless, just nodded and sighed.

"I'll apologize later, so, senior Tobichu, can we talk about business?"

Qianqian looked at the time on the phone, and her expression gradually became serious.

"Tell me, we still have about 10 minutes."

Yuanchu also looked at the phone, but she was looking at the news in the group. After knowing Xu Lin and the others' actions, it is not difficult to calculate the time to come here.

"Actually, five minutes is enough. I just want to ask you a question face to face."

Qianqian put the phone back into her bag, and she took a big sip of the drink when she was thirsty, completely put down all airs and hiccupped regardless of her image.

"Do you like grapefruit?"

"Just for this?"

Tobichi asked in surprise.

"Well, that's it."

Qianqian nodded and added.

"It's very important, please answer seriously."

"If you have to say it, it's probably..."


Feelings are ambiguous, Qianqian is very clear about this.

So her original intention of asking this question was not to get an exact answer at all, all she wanted to see was Tobihina and her attitude towards Yuzu.

When I was in the agency, I could hear some rumors about the current situation of the two, but they were not accurate after all, so I came to ask in person.

Her style of dealing with things has always been like this, with a bit of stubbornness in her toughness, and a dead-headed one.

But today is different.

Yuanchu is different from what she imagined, and the relationship between the two is also different from what she knows.

Although the elegant girl was dressed in sloppy clothes, her temperament was not exactly the same as her appearance in the live broadcast, it could only be said that it had nothing to do with it.

For a newcomer in the V circle, Qianqian couldn't understand this huge contrast at all.

So the two of them briefly chatted about the issues they were most concerned about, and then chatted about other things, until Yuzi rushed into the house anxiously.

"Hahahaha~ So there are still such types of literary works, isn't this just a cool article www"

The scene in the living room was completely different from the tense and gunpowder she had imagined. The two girls chatted harmoniously and friendly like sisters, and the atmosphere was extremely cheerful.

"...what's the situation?"

Yuzu didn't turn her head around for a while, and asked in a daze.

"Yuzu, you're back."

Tobichi didn't explain, just smiled and waved to her.

"Then it's getting late, so I won't bother senior."

Qianqian didn't even give Yuzu a look of affection, she stood up politely and bowed.

"Ah, let me see you off."

Until the two walked past her, Yuzi couldn't figure out what was going on with this special cat, but Xu Lin understood it clearly from the bystanders.

So she patted Yuzu on the shoulder, and the pity in her eyes deepened a little.

Maybe this silly boy doesn't know what he's going to face next?

Chapter 454 Chapter 73 Yuzu's Miserable Career

This time the incident caused a lot of publicity, and Qianqian also apologized to everyone.

The newcomers have a deeper understanding of the seniors.

The seniors also mixed in to treat Linjiang to dinner.

The eldest lady was satisfied after eating the melon.

It seems that there is no harm in the whole incident, and everyone got what they wanted.

So who are the losers?

Sisters of the Xu family~

Lin Jiang's carefully planned plan failed, Yuzu learned the truth in advance, and Yuzu. . .

Looking at Yuanchu in front of her, she was silent and embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"Brother! Help!!! Sister An Ai completely ignored me!"

Quietly, Yuzu sent a message for help while Yuanchu was not paying attention to herself.

What I got was Xu Lin's merciless reply of "Farewell, I can't save you."

In this complicated situation, even Lin Jiang has nothing to do, her head hurts just looking at it, so she can only pretend to be dead when her sister asks for help.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Grapefruit sauce is so miserable!"

On the contrary, the eldest lady smiled very happily. How should I put it, um, she just gloated.

The eldest lady has always had no conscience.

"Youyue, don't laugh so happily..."

Xu Lin looked at the eldest lady helplessly, and whispered.

"But... it's just hahahahaha, it's so funny wwww"

The eldest lady laughed and rolled on the sofa, encroaching on the living space of the two little ones.

So Lin Jiang couldn't help laughing.

"What a headache www"

"You don't look like you have a headache ww"

"No way, Xiaoyue, don't talk nonsense, I have quite a headache."

At the same time, the operation department also sent out the long-prepared debut announcement of the sixth-term students. Amidst the cheers, everyone guessed how long the newcomers would be able to know this time.

And the most important thing is grapefruit and kite chick. . .


"An... Sister An Ai."

Putting down the phone resignedly, Yuzu looked at Yuanchu, who was hanging clothes by herself, and mustered up the courage to call out in a low voice.


But Tobichu's reaction was still very flat, and even had some facial paralysis, making Yuzu unable to read any emotions at all.

A woman's heart is like a needle under the sea, Yuzu has truly realized this truth today.

"Would you like to have supper?"

Yuzu forcefully spat out a few words against the stiff, cement-like air, but was resolutely rejected by Kite Chick, who had been prepared for a long time.

"Ah, no, I plan to go to bed early today."


The air was awkward again, as stiff as a pool of stagnant water, making Yuzu almost suffocate, this is the first time she has encountered such an embarrassing situation after so many years in love.

Facing the person she likes, she has no possibility of speaking at all, she can only sit on the sofa with her head down like an angry little daughter-in-law, peeping pitifully at the kite chick.

But that sister An Ai, who was very gentle and considerate to her in the past, didn't notice her mood at all today, and went back to the room directly after drying the clothes.

"What should I...what should I do..."

All the strength in her body was taken away by the soft sound of the door being locked, and the girl with short black hair collapsed on the sofa and muttered to herself sadly.

The vitality of the past disappeared, and countless sorrows emanated from her body.

Regret almost overflowed, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was just an ordinary girl, if she hadn't been so frivolous before, would it be better.

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