You must know that demon gods are different from humans. Although they can change into human appearances, they are still demon gods in essence.

"This... we can study it carefully in the future."

For the matter of having a child, Liu Yun did not refuse at all.

But it was the first time for a demon to give birth to a child, and how to do it was a huge problem.

Originally, Ying didn't have much hope for Liu Yun's answer, but unexpectedly, Liu Yun agreed without hesitation.

This is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Shadow's eyes were full of surprise.

Just agree so easily?

She was even prepared to be rejected, but now it seems that her preparations are completely unnecessary.


Afterwards, Ying fell silent and did not make another sound.

I don't know if it's because I'm shy, or because I'm going to graduate school by myself, but Ying didn't move at all.

Liuyun shrugged helplessly, and continued to play around with Keli.


At this moment, Sara, who was still in Kujo Jinya, was ready to go back by boat after finishing all the matters here.

She already knew that the envoys from all over the world had arrived at Daozuma City, and she needed to go back to deal with the next thing.

According to the current situation, almost all the fools in Daozuma have been cleaned up.

Of course, there are many people who slip through the net, but this doesn't affect anything.

What kind of storm can be caused by a defeated general?

After successfully boarding the boat back, Sara hurried back in the direction of Inazuma Castle.

As for why you don't use wings to fly, of course it's because flying consumes more energy.

Even if he flew back by himself, he didn't have much energy to receive those envoys, so he might as well go back slowly by boat.

By the way, think carefully about which conditions are acceptable and which conditions are not acceptable when conducting peace talks with envoys from various countries.

Regarding these, Sara must now think clearly.

It is impossible to think slowly while discussing, it is purely cramming.

Whether or not he can hold the Buddha's foot is still a huge problem.

One more thing, this can be regarded as the first diplomatic incident that Shaluo encountered after taking over from Tianling as the executive agent.

It must be treated with caution, and it must not harm the interests of one's own country.

After returning, Shaluo also planned to summon the important people in Tianling Fengxing's mansion.

Let's have a good discussion together, what should be done and what should be done in tomorrow's situation.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass! !indivual.

Chapter 152 Frightened!Toot is gone!

I took Keli to the Naganohara Fireworks Shop, which is a place loved by children.

Because the incomparably gorgeous fireworks all over the sky came from this place.

Holding Liuyun with one hand and pointing curiously at the fireworks shop with the other, Keli asked.

"Brother Yunliu, why did you bring Keli here?"

Keli seems to have no sense of being in a foreign country at all, she only cares about whether she is having fun or not.

An innocent and cute little cutie who doesn't need to worry so much.

It's fine to let the adults deal with the worrying things, Keli just needs to be happy.

Liuyun is more conniving towards Keli.

As long as he doesn't set bombs indiscriminately in the city and cause too much trouble, Liu Yun won't bother Ke Li.

At this time, Keli suddenly noticed that the Duduke hanging on the schoolbag behind her back had disappeared.

"Eh? Where's Duduke?"

A big question mark appeared on the top of her head, and Keli said she didn't understand.

Why did my beep disappear?

Hearing that Dudu was gone, Keli felt anxious. "eight nine three"

"Tootoo! Where are you, Tootoo? Tootoo!"

Keli called out loudly, and was about to exchange Duduke back.

However, Duduke is just a doll made by Keli's mother Alice, so how could it possibly answer Keli's call.

Seeing Keli's panic-stricken look, Liu Yun quickly comforted her.

"Ke Li, don't worry, let's find it slowly."

He knew very well that Keli regarded Duduke as his first friend and one of his best friends.

This is a doll made by Alice herself, and this doll is adorned with Keli's lucky four-leaf clover and hung on Keli's backpack.

Because of this, Keli and Duduke are almost inseparable good friends.

Dudu is the name Keli chose for her doll. As for the definition, in Keli's view, it is her best friend.

Her best friend suddenly disappeared, Keli was of course very anxious.

She has been staying with Duduke for so long.

When I am alone, I can talk to Dudu quietly if I have anything to say.

But now, Duduke has disappeared unexpectedly. To Keli, it is no less than a bolt from the blue.

Leading Keli to search around aimlessly, it was just a doll after all, and Liu Yun couldn't perceive its existence.

"555~! Duduke... Dudu is gone!"

The tearful Keli couldn't hold back any longer, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She never thought that Duduke would disappear one day.

This is something Kelly never thought about.

Her best friend disappeared so suddenly, which made Keli very sad, even a little desperate.

She really wanted to find Duduke, but she didn't know where to look for it, and she didn't know where she lost it.

If I had known earlier, I should have paid more attention to Dudu Ke, otherwise it wouldn't be like this now.

Seeing the very sad Keli, Liu Yun also felt distressed, and gently stroked the little Keli's head.

"Ke Li, don't worry, you will definitely find it."

He was only focused on playing with Keli just now, and never thought that Dudu would disappear.


At this time, Liu Yun heard the sound of someone humming, the voice was still very familiar.

Take a closer look, isn't that the Xiao Palace?

At this time, Xiao Gong was still holding a small thing in his hand, which looked yellow and had a four-leaf clover on it.

Isn't this Keli's Duduke?

"Kelly! Look what I found?"

Liuyun pointed at the Duduke in Xiaogong's hand.

Ke Li, who was still sad at first, looked in the direction of Liu Yun's finger after hearing the voice.

In the end, I happened to see the little doll that Xiaogong was holding in his hand. Isn't this just his beeping mouth?


After seeing Duduke, Keli screamed excitedly, and immediately ran towards Xiaogong.

Zhai Gong, who had been lying on Liu Yun's shoulder and hadn't spoken a word, shook his head helplessly after watching this scene.

What a child, the speed of this face change is too fast.

One moment he was still crying non-stop, and the next moment he laughed happily.

Xiao Gong, who was humming, suddenly heard a burst of cheerful laughter.

Opening his eyes slightly, he happened to see Keli running towards him.

"Eh... eh?!"

Eyes widened suddenly, Xiaogong couldn't react in time.


Keli yelled happily and flew towards her.

He threw himself on Xiaogong, and a huge force came, and Xiaogong was instantly crushed to the ground.


Xiao Gong, who fell to the ground, let out a cry of pain.

She didn't understand what was going on at all, how she was suddenly thrown down by a little girl.

When Xiaogong realized it, he had already fallen to the ground.

Touching his aching butt just now, Xiao Gong saw clearly this cute little girl, who was happily hugging the little doll he picked up.

After thinking about it in my heart, I understood.

This must be the doll that the little girl lost. Seeing that she had found it, she ran over so excitedly.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the side.

"Ke Li, get up quickly, this big sister of Xiaogong, but you are still on the ground."

Hearing the voice, Xiao Gong turned his head to look over, and just in time saw Liu Yun walking over with a smile on his face.


Just about to change the other party's name, Xiaogong suddenly remembered.

What the shogunate army suddenly notified before.

According to the notice of the shogunate army, after seeing Liu Yun, all people can't directly call Mr. Liu Yun's name, but call him Yun Liu 0....

Although he didn't know why, Xiaogong knew that he still had to abide by it.

So he quickly changed his mind.

"Master Yunliu!"

Hearing that Xiaogong's title had been changed, Liu Yun nodded secretly.

Chiyo's efficiency is still quite high.

At this time, Keli was still very excited, only Duduke existed in her eyes.

I have already forgotten that I should get up from Xiaogong.

Liu Yun hugged Ke Li and picked her up.

Needless to say, the petite Keli has a very light body.

With a little force, Liu Yun hugged Ke Li in his arms.

At the same time, he stretched out his other hand to Xiao Gong, Liu Yun said with a smile.

"Get up quickly, the ground is cold."

Seeing the palm close at hand, Xiaogong grabbed it without any hesitation.

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