Especially after seeing the pair of blue horns on their heads, these people don't understand, it turns out that this is the green ghost.

"That's a green ghost! There are really green ghosts still alive?!"

"I thought it was just a story, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"They won't hurt us, will they?"

"Master General and Lord Liuyun have already said no, then we should trust these two adults."


Most people are still a little bit afraid of the green ghost, but compared to before, it is much better.

Gradually, the number of people began to increase, and they all began to watch the green ghosts without knowing it.

The green ghosts who were surrounded by groups were still a little timid.

Even if they are green ghosts and stronger than humans, they dare not make trouble at this time.

After finally being able to leave their current life, they must not do anything out of the ordinary just because of a momentary impulse.

"What are you doing here? I heard that a green ghost is coming, where is it?"

At this moment, a loud voice came from behind the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, a burly figure squeezed away many people and walked in.

A body of strong muscles, plus the pair of red horns on his head, all of which clearly indicated his identity.

"Red Ghost?!"

Zhuo Ye cried out in shock when he saw the other party.

It was Ichito Araki who came here, and he can be regarded as a well-known figure here, and there are still many sources of news.

I knew it immediately, there was news of the green ghost here, so I hurried over.

After seeing clearly that the group in front of him were really blue ghosts, Araki was both surprised and delighted.

"It's really a green ghost!"

In the past, Ichidou Araki thought that the green ghost was just a legend, and it no longer existed.

However, judging from the current results, it is finally good. The green ghost has not been exterminated, it is just hidden.

"You..." x2

Zhuoye and Ararataki fought together and seemed to have something to say.

After discovering such a situation, the two stopped at the same time and said in unison.

"You first!" x2

Good guy!

The tone of voice seems to give people the same feeling.

Chapter 171 Chiyo's No. [-] General!Just one, the least powerful

The atmosphere at the scene was so embarrassing, Kazuto Araraki said hastily.

"Let me tell you first, are you really green ghosts?"

Zhuo also nodded.

He had heard about red ghosts in human society, and knew that red ghosts still lived in the human world.

"We are indeed green ghosts, and we came here just to join Chiyo-sama again."

He didn't hide at all what his purpose in coming here was.

Because there is no need to hide.

Only by taking refuge in Chiyo, the Qinggui clan can live under the sun again, instead of living in a remote mountain village.

No need to worry about being sick without medicine, or hungry and having nothing to eat.

In order to survive better, they must come to seek refuge with Chiyo-sama.

Ararataki understood clearly, and said loudly.

"Sure enough, you already know about Lord Chiyo, and now I, Ichito Ararataki, is the number one general under Lord Chiyo!

On behalf of Chiyo-sama, I welcome you to return to the big family of Ghost Clan! "

Good guy!

I don't know who gave this guy the courage to blatantly claim to be Chiyo's number one general.

Do you want a face?

Chiyo had never said such a thing, and it was entirely what Ararataki Ichito himself claimed.

But... Zhuo Ye and the group of green ghosts actually believed it.

As soon as he heard that Ararataki Ichito was the number one general under Chiyo's subordinates, Takuya and the others were immediately in awe, with a little excitement on their faces.

"My lord, can you take us to meet Chiyo-sama right now? We want to explain to her clearly the current situation of our green ghost clan."

Having been recognized as the number one general under Chiyo-sama, Arataki Ichito suddenly laughed.

"Haha! Of course there is no problem. Come with me. I know where Chiyo-sama is now."

He had seen Chiyo before, and took those red ghosts to the castle tower.

Take these green ghosts with you at this time, maybe you can meet them just in time.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to meet Chiyo-sama, and the green ghosts were very happy.

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you sir!"


Bowing quickly to thank them, they seemed to have seen an extremely bright future.

"It's easy to talk! Then let's go together."

After finishing speaking, Ararataki grabbed Takuya and rushed towards the castle tower.


On the surface of the sea, Liuyun led Keli and walked forward step by step.

Every time you take a step, the water under your feet will automatically turn into ice.

Originally, Liu Yun only controlled the power of thunder and wind more than 2000 years ago, but among the many demon gods he defeated, there are many demon gods who control the power of other elements.

After so many years of digestion and absorption, it has been transformed into its own power.

Therefore, Liu Yun can also control the power of these elements.

The power of ice element is just one of them.

This level of condensed water turning into ice, to Liuyun, is like sprinkling water, simple and simple.

Yula, who followed behind and observed for a long time, never saw how Liuyun used the elemental power.

Generally, if the owner of the God's Eye wants to use the elemental power, he must pass through the God's Eye.

Therefore, it will be seen that the elemental power is released through the eye of God.

But no matter how carefully Yula observed, she still couldn't find where Liuyun released the power of the ice element.

The water surface under his feet automatically turned into an ice surface. It is impossible to say that the eye of God is under his feet.

Unless there is a hole in the brain, who will put the God's Eye bestowed by the gods under their feet.

Isn't this an insult to the recognition of the gods?

I believe that as long as you are the owner of the Eye of God, you will not do such a stupid thing.

"How did this did he do it?"

Yura frowned slightly, feeling intense curiosity about this man.

How could Liuyun, who was walking in front, not feel Yula's gaze behind him.

The other party has been watching him, observing himself carefully, as if he wants to see something.

Liu Yun guessed that he could also guess, it must be these, and then how did he control the power of the elements.

For the Demon God, controlling elemental power is nothing more than an instinct.

Similar to the owner of the Eye of God, the Demon God can easily control the power of the same element as himself.

Of course, it was impossible for Liu Yun to tell Yulaming directly about this point.

If he said so, wouldn't that directly expose his identity.

After a while, we finally arrived at this small island.

It may only be tens of square meters, and there is almost nothing on the island except for some weeds.

On the edge of the island, you can also see many fish swimming in the water.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! There are so many fish here! Suck!"

Seeing so many fish swimming, Keli couldn't help wiping the drool that was about to flow from the corner of her mouth.

She has absolutely no resistance to frying fish.

Keli, who likes fried fish very much, has the urge to throw a bomb whenever she sees fish in the water.

But thinking about what Sister Lisa said to her before, Keli hesitated a little.


After hesitating for a long time, Ke Li was too embarrassed to say her request to Liu Yun.

What Keli thought in her heart was, if her request was too much, brother Yunliu wouldn't blame herself, right?

She didn't want to because she wanted to fry fish.This angered Liu Yun.

That's why he hesitated so much, and didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Yula, who followed behind to the island, saw Keli like this, and immediately thought of what she wanted to do.

After all, in the Knights of the West Wind, almost everyone knew that Keli liked to fry fish.

Yura came over and reminded first.

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"Ke Li, don't fry fish! Otherwise, your elder brother Yunliu won't be able to help you later."

Keli, who originally had a small expectation in her heart, immediately died down after hearing this.

Pouted sullenly, but it seemed as if he had suffered some huge grievance.

But Yura was completely unmoved.

At this time, the Keli people looked so pitiful, but if they really fried the fish and caused trouble, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, for such a poor Keli, Yura can completely turn a blind eye.

I'm afraid I'll take a step back if I see too much, so it's better not to see.

Seeing the downcast Keli, who seemed a little lost, Liu Yun squatted down slightly, and gently stroked her small head.

"Okay, Keli, don't you just want to fry fish? I agree."

Ke Li, who was still in a very depressed mood, suddenly regained her spirits when she heard this.

......... 0 ......

He raised his head, stared at Liu Yun with bright eyes, and asked expectantly.

"Brother Yunliu, is it really possible? Is it really possible?"

Those sparkling eyes, no matter who looked at them, they probably couldn't refuse.

Even Yura had already prepared in her heart, but when she saw such a look, she couldn't refuse at all.

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