Really lowered his head slightly, and saw that Zhai Gong was looking at him curiously with his little head up.

With a slight smile, I really already have plans in my heart.

The other party's purpose is likely to come for him. In this case, as long as Ying and Wu are by his side, the other party may not show up.

So I really chose to use my tricks and transfer all the powerful people around me.

Seeing that there are no powerful people around him, the other party will definitely not be able to help but come out.

As for whether the other party will hurt himself, I really don't think the other party can do it.

Although his force value is very weak, it does not mean that he is as weak as an ordinary person.

A demon god is a demon god after all, and will never be within the reach of mortals.

Moreover, Mana really wants to see who is behind this scene.

What kind of plan did the other party have, and it reached the newly awakened self.

"Zhai Gong, what we have to do now is to wait slowly, I believe...someone will come in soon~ˇ."

The mysterious words made Zhai Gong shrug helplessly.

No matter before or now, when you really speak, there is always some falsehood.

If you are not particularly close and familiar with people, it may be difficult to tell what he said, and it is impossible to know whether it is true or false.

Wu, who was going all the way out at this moment, finally left the main hall and stood outside, feeling a little cold.

Looking at the surrounding ground, I saw that the ground seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice.

You must know that it is not cold weather now, and even if it is cold weather, the position on the ground is not enough to freeze.

This is obviously man-made.

Looking around, Wu suddenly saw a shadow flashing past quickly, jumping over the fence directly in front of him.

Now that the other party has already shown up, it is naturally impossible to sit here and wait for death.

Taking out the Inagaki of Naginakusa, Wu's eyes were full of seriousness.

Although she didn't know who the other party was, she actually made trouble under her nose, and she must catch him back.

Lightning flashed, and the ice layer on the ground was blown to pieces.

Wu stepped forward on the ground, his body turned into a thunderbolt, and went straight to the figure who had just left.

After Wu was drawn away, the lady came out from the shadows she had been hiding in.

Just now, such a person was not her at all, it was just the effect she created.

The reason why Wu didn't notice it was because the opponent's speed just now was too fast, and it disappeared in a flash, and it was too late to observe carefully.

"Finally gone, one can stop me!"

With evil eyes in her eyes, the lady approached the door step by step.

After arriving at the gate, the lady kicked the door open with one kick.


The action was very rude, and the gate of the castle tower was opened rudely.

This is the lady's first visit to this place.

Seeing such a spacious environment, the lady was not very surprised, because she had seen similar huge palaces before, so it was not a big deal.

Walking all the way to the inside, the lady is looking forward to it.

I will be able to get the heart of God right away. To be precise, it should be the exchange condition for obtaining the heart of God.

At this time, Zhen, who was in the main hall of the Tianshou Pavilion, still looked at the articles in front of him.

She paid almost no attention to the lady who was getting closer.

As for Zhai Gong, his eyes were fixed on the bottom.

She knew that the woman who was approaching here definitely had bad intentions.

The lady finally came to the depths of the main hall, and saw the truth sitting on it and still revising the work.

"Lord Thunder God, it's the first time we meet. I want to ask you to borrow something. Would you like to borrow it?"

The lady raised her neck proudly, as if she had no intention of saluting.

There are very few people who are able to do this without being polite when they see a god.

Neither humble nor overbearing, and even looked a little arrogant.

If it was Sara who was here, I'm afraid he would have already started scolding the lady.

People who dare to be rude in front of the general should be punished properly.

I'm really curious about what the lady just said.

"'~What would you like to borrow? I wouldn't mind lending it to you if I had it.

Of course, if I don't have it, or it's not in my hands, there's nothing I can do about it. "

Zhen really stopped the pen in his hand, put the article aside, and observed the lady below curiously.

Long golden hair, hanging on the shoulders, with dark red earrings on the ears, and a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

Wearing a black crown mask covering the right half of the face, wearing a black and white dress, sleeves connected to a red striped cloak of black velvet.

Beside her, there is also a white magic weapon floating.

It feels very frivolous, and seems to have no sense of respect for the gods.

Really wasn't offended by the lady talking to him like that.

Feeling angry just because the other party doesn't respect you is unnecessary and unworthy.

As a god, time should be spent on more meaningful things, not on these trivial things.

The lady shook her head slowly, her red lips parted slightly.

"No, to be precise... this thing belongs to you, but it's not on you now."

She (Nuo Hao) has already said so much, even if she really doesn't know, she has already guessed what this thing is at this time.

Something that belongs to me, but now it doesn't belong to me.

Apart from the dream Yixin, the weapon I gave to my sister, I'm afraid...the only thing I have is the God's Heart.

The reason why Dream Yixin can use it is because their sisters are twin demon gods, and their power can be shared.

But the dream is handed over to outsiders wholeheartedly. If you don't understand the mystery of it, I'm afraid it can't be used.

Then the greatest possibility is that the other party came for the heart of God.

"What you want... is the heart of God?"

His mind was really clear and calm, and he didn't make any performance after knowing the other party's purpose.

His face was still very calm, as if he was not affected by the other party's words at all.

I just mentioned it a little bit, but I didn't expect Zhen to guess my purpose. I really deserve to be the first generation of Thor.

As the stragglers say, he has a brilliant mind.

PS: Thank you for the 100 VIP points for Apyu! !

Thanks———What is the author's 100VIP points! !This name (⊙o⊙)...!stalk.

Chapter 209 You Now... Have Any Choices?lady who dare not act rashly

But even if such a smart god, so what?

Without a strong force as a support, relying on a smart mind, what can you do when no one is guarding you?

Instead of just admitting to yourself.

The lady can be said to be full of ambition now, although she doesn't like the guy who is a skirmisher.

But I have to admit that this guy's plan is still somewhat useful.

At least I have successfully come to the castle tower now, and I have seen the first generation of Thor with my own eyes.

The ladder in front of you is the distance between yourself and the other party.

Without any fear in her heart, the lady stepped onto the stairs and walked up step by step.

Seeing Zhen who was getting closer and closer to her, a gleam of joy flashed in the lady's cold and arrogant eyes.

At this time, there was a sudden scolding sound.

"Stop! This is not something you can come up to!"

The lady at this moment, who had just walked half of the stairs, stopped slightly after hearing the sound, and set her eyes on Zhai Gong who was at the side.

"A talking fox? So what if it's a talking fox, can you stop me now?"

As soon as the words fell, the lady continued to move forward on her own.

And Zhai Gong was about to continue to scold the lady, but he didn't really say much, but suddenly stopped Zhai Gong.

Being stopped suddenly, Zhai Gong took a slightly strange look at Zhen.

She couldn't figure it out, why did she really want to stop herself at this time?

Although he has not turned into a human form yet, he still has considerable spells.

Facing women, you don't necessarily lose.

As long as you can delay for a while, and both Ying and 930 Wu are back, there will be no problem.

"Zhai Gong, don't be so anxious, she doesn't dare to do anything to me, and she can't do anything to me."

Just so confident.

Not to mention that Zhen himself is a demon god, even if he does not have a strong force value, he is still among the demon gods.

Furthermore, if the person in front of him really wanted to hurt himself, he might have to face the anger of many people.

Can the other party afford it by then?

I really don't think the other party can afford it.

At this time, the lady has successfully walked up the final ladder and came to the real opposite.

There was an icy aura exuding from his whole body, which made people feel very cold and arrogant.

Facing the lady exuding bursts of cold air, I really didn't care at all.

Holding Zhai Gong in one hand, a soft voice sounded.

"Heart of God, I can give it to you, but... we need to make a deal."

There was no panic at all in the voice, it was very calm.

Hearing this, the lady frowned.

"Are you asking me? Do you think... you still have a choice?"

Seeing Zhen who is so calm and composed, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Faced with himself, he still acted like he didn't care, which made him very embarrassed.

Of course I'm upset.

Comprehending and rising slightly, Zhen gently stroked Zhai Gong's white hair and continued.

"It's not my request, it's just an exchange, and do you think you can really hurt me?

Although I am a god with little force value, you seem to have forgotten that I am still a demon god.

And you... are just a mortal, do you think you can hurt me with just your strength?

Or is it that the reason why you are like this is the authority bestowed by the gods? "

This is not true confidence, but the fact that this is the case.

The force is not strong, but compared to other demon gods or big monsters.

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