Only now did she understand why Liu Yun said that her punishment was too light and that she was too merciful.

Facing the begging of these people, Liu Yun didn't take it seriously.

With a slight downward hook of the finger, several tiny bolts of lightning fell from the sky, directly hitting the bodies of the remaining thieves.

The thieves who were struck by lightning trembled all over, and some even lost control of their bladder and bowels.

He was covered in black smoke, lying on the ground with his eyes rolled up.

It's not enough for Liu Yun to kill all the people, just eliminate the wretched bosses, and it's almost enough to punish these guys a little.

I believe that after they have experienced today's pain, they will never dare to do it again in the future.

Originally, Shen He thought that Liu Yun was going to kill him, so he was about to stop him.

Unexpectedly, the result is different from what I thought, there are more or less gaps.

Noticing Shen He's expression, Liu Yun winked and teased.

"What? Do you think I'm a demon god who likes to kill people?"

Hearing this, Shen He blushed slightly, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

She really thought so just now, mainly because Liu Yun's method of killing the boss of the Treasure Bandit just now was really scary.

Looking back at the trembling treasure thieves on the ground, Liu Yun said coldly.

"Remember what you said just now. If you continue to do it, you won't be so lucky next time."

Although everyone was trembling and even rolled their eyes, they could clearly hear Liu Yun's words.


"'t dare."


Some people have better physical fitness and can still say a word or two, but they can't hear clearly.

Almost all the filth flowed out of the trousers, and Liu Yun had no interest in staying here any longer.

He grabbed Shen He's hand with one hand and led her out of here.

After experiencing what happened today, these treasure thieves no longer dare to continue to do evil.

Shen He, who was being dragged away all the time, looked down at the hands held together by the two.

Since she was a child, except for her master Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun, she has almost never been held in such a hand.

For some reason, she felt even more secure.

When he was held by hand, he seemed very at ease, as if staying with his master Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun.

Due to his childhood experience, Shen He is actually not very willing to contact other people.

She is withdrawn.

She also knows a little about her own fate, and those who are destined to have a good relationship with her will not have good results.

It is for this reason that the master bound himself with a red rope.

But the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a demon god.

If I stay with him, maybe...he won't be affected by his own fate?

Shen He couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

It is impossible for the majestic demon god to be affected by his mortal fate.

Thinking of this, Shen He couldn't help but tightened Liu Yun's hand a little bit.

Maybe... Maybe I met the right person when I was here with Dao Wife.


On the other side, Inazuma Castle, in the study of Kujo Kamaji, the mansion of Tianling Fengxing.

The conversation between Kujo Kamaji and the skirmishers finally came to an end.

Although he still doesn't believe in skirmishers in his heart, Kujo Kamichi has no other choice at all now.

If you don't cooperate at this time, it is very likely that you really have no chance to regain your own position 963.

The people of Kujo's family are not as supportive of themselves as they were before, because of what happened before, most of them now support Sara even more.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Kujo Kamaji, who was already at a disadvantage.

It is impossible to regain this position by relying on the support of people in the family.

Although Hiiragi Chisato had already agreed to his proposal, it was impossible for the Hiiragi family and Kanding Xingxing to support her.

This has already cut off a road. Now, even if Kujo Kamichi doesn't want to believe in skirmishers, he has no choice.

With the support of Liuyun behind Shaluo, he has no chance of winning.

The stragglers who had already moved in under the contract had a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.

Regarding Kujo Kamaji's thoughts, he was very clear in his heart.

The other party wants to use yourself, so why don't you want to use the other party?

The two sides are just using each other, just to see who can meet the needs of the other side first.

"Remember what you said just now, since you have proposed to Hiiragi Chisato, then make a fake show."

At first, I thought that the idiot would say something, but I didn't expect that I wanted to make a fake show and get married for real.

Hearing this, Kujo Kamaji was a little angry.

"What do you mean? Even if Hiiragi Chisato marries me, it's impossible for me to get the support of Hiiragi's family and Kanding Mahogany. What's the point of getting married?"

The purpose of his marriage proposal is just to gain support.

Now knowing that there is no support, of course he doesn't want to get married.

Although Hiiragi Chisato is good, and I have a good impression of the other party, but with my identity and status, isn't it hard to find such a good-looking woman? .

Chapter 258 Those who make big things don't care about small things, they control everything

The straggler who heard this said with a smile and sarcasm.

"I didn't realize that you are such a person, hehe! If Miss Hiiragi found out, I'm afraid her heart must be very painful."

Of course he wasn't speaking for Hiiragi Chisato, he just wanted to mock Kujo Kamaji.

Hearing this, Kujo Kamaji's face turned slightly cold, and he snorted softly.

"Huh! Those who make big things don't care about small things, let alone just a woman, it's no big deal."

In his eyes, Hiiragi Chisato was just a stepping stone for him.

Now that this stepping stone has become a stumbling block, it should naturally be kicked away.

He is realistic and ruthless.

With a slight shrug, the stragglers may not have any interest in such things.

"Well, since we have chosen to cooperate, you should naturally accept my request.

Don't worry, I have a way to help you win the position of the Heavenly Leader, but have to listen to me, understand? "

What he wants is an obedient dog.

If Kujo Kanji is obedient, it's okay to give him the position of leader that day, and it will be of great benefit to him.


Although Kujo Kamaji has not had a long political career, he also understands what the words stragglers mean, and wants to make himself a running dog of the opponent.

Feeling very upset, Kujo Kamichi really wanted to drive away the stragglers, but he also knew that you had no other choice now.

The most important thing now is to win the position of Tianling Xunxing first, and everything else can be discussed later.

After he got the position of Tianling, if he was disobedient, what would a mere straggler do to him.

After being silent for a while, Kujo Kamichi decided to listen to the stragglers first.

"……it is good!"

Things can be discussed later, the most important thing now is the present.

"Then you should prepare for the wedding first. I'm waiting for your good news."

After speaking, the straggler walked to the door, pushed it open, and quickly disappeared into Tianling Fengxing's mansion.

Kujo Kamaji sat down on his chair, looking a little lonely.

Originally, I had an absolute advantage and the support of many people, but just because Sara had the support of Liuyun and the general, I had to give up my position.

This made him feel uncomfortable, so he must change the status quo, even if it means paying a huge price.

After a while, Kujo Kamichi finally calmed down and called for an attendant.

"You arrange it right away, and publish a notice to everyone in the rice wife that I and Miss Hiiragi are going to get married.

As for how long the wedding will be, let's wait until ten days later, it just happens to be an auspicious day~ˇ. "

The time of the marriage was decided by the Hiiragi family, and it was written in the letter I returned before.

Originally, Hiiragi Chisato thought that this time was too fast, but Matsuura hoped that she could get married earlier, so she set this time.

The attendant didn't expect the time to be so rushed, and felt a little surprised.

But since the Patriarch has already said so, he, as a servant, naturally has nothing to say.


After answering, the servant turned around respectfully and left the study.

Kujo Kamaji didn't know why the straggler asked him to marry Hiiragi Chisato.

However, he guessed that the stragglers must have their own purpose, and it is absolutely impossible to be that simple.

"Damn it! Skirmisher! When I get the position of Tianling Executive, I must show you some color!"

Kujo Kamaji didn't like this feeling of being controlled.

It's not easy for my father to step down. I thought I could be in the top position and control everything, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

All the rhythms were disrupted, and various problems followed.

He wants to control everything, but now he finds that he can't control anything.

Not only can't control everything, he can't even control his own marriage.

And the straggler who left Tianling Fengxing's mansion had already achieved his goal, and was lying leisurely on a roof at this time.

He was not in a hurry at all, and the next thing seemed to be under his control.

As for why he wanted Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chisato to marry, the biggest reason was because of Matsuura.

In the past, when the Fools cooperated with Shinsuke Hiiragi in Kanding, Matsuura, as the first family under the Hiiragi family, naturally had entanglements in this matter.

It would definitely be a good thing for the skirmishers if Hiiragi Chisato could be allowed to give up the position of Patriarch and Kanding Xunxing and let Matsuura succeed him.

Although I don't have much contact with Matsuura now, it doesn't mean that I can't contact him anymore.

He had met Matsuura, that guy was not a law-abiding person.

Moreover, the fools have Matsuura's handle in their hands, so they don't worry that the other party will not cooperate with them.

All of this was already planned by the stragglers.

"Hehe! It's getting more and more interesting, Dao Wife... will become more and more chaotic.

Demon God Liuyun, this time... I want to see how you will deal with it? "

For Liu Yun disrupting his plan before, the skirmisher has always been very upset.

But he knew very well that with his own strength, it was impossible for him to face Liu Yun, who is a demon god, and that would be tantamount to courting death.

It is commonplace for skirmishers to play tricks in the dark.

Being able to cause trouble to the other party without having to do it yourself is simply not too comfortable, so why not do it?

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