"But... what is the meaning of the gift game?"

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to the Moon Rabbit girl.

"'Gift Game' is a game in which 'gifts' are used to compete with each other."

"The organizer formulates the rules. If the contestants meet the victory conditions without violating the rules, it will be regarded as a victory. Otherwise, it will be the organizer's victory."

"In addition, the structure of the gift game is very simple, that is, the winner will receive a prize provided by the game 'sponsor'."

"...Can you play the game without the consent of the other party? It's too overbearing!"

"Normally, both parties need to agree to proceed, but if the black rabbit guessed correctly, the other party should be... the devil!"

The Moon Rabbit girl who called herself Black Rabbit lowered her head and said solemnly.

"What it is?"

"It sounds...it seems very powerful!"

"No matter what it is, it will not be Rick's opponent!"

"Huby, I also believe what Rick said."


"Devil King? It sounds interesting!"

Nihui Izayo who was on the side raised his eyebrows, and a ready-to-movement expression appeared on his face.

"... Please don't have any dangerous ideas. The Demon King refers to the Shura gods and Buddhas who have the privilege of "host authority" and abuse this authority. In case they initiate the gift game, no matter what No one can refuse!!!"

"Ah, that is to say, is Yao being targeted?"

The one who said this was a young lady who looked like a young lady—— Kuen Asuka.

"However, since I also entered that maze, why is Yō the only one being targeted?"

This is not only her doubt, but also the doubt of everyone present.

"...This point, the black rabbit can't explain it..."

The partners who were summoned with great difficulty encountered the worst situation before joining their own community——

Being targeted by those wanton demon kings, it can be said that its ending is already doomed.

...However, it was she who brought her to this place. Even though she hadn't joined her community yet, in Kurotu's heart, she was already her partner.

If you are a partner, then you must never give up——

Thinking so, the moon rabbit girl looked around at the people present who exuded the aura of problem children, and said cautiously.

"As you can see, it was the black rabbit who summoned you to this world~"

"Correspondingly, people will also answer your various questions about this world for you."

"However, before that, Black Rabbit hopes that everyone can work together to help her pass this gift match. During the gift match, Black Rabbit will answer any questions for you~ As the nobleman of Hakoniwa, Tsukito, compared to Ordinary people know a lot—"

Berry had a solution, but before he had time to establish a good relationship and coax these people into the community, he encountered such a big crisis.

Moon Rabbit, who doesn't have many chips in his hand, can only use "the information he knows" as a condition, hoping that these people can help the girl who was unfortunately involved in the Demon King's Gift Competition.

Chapter 80 The Moving Scourge——The Devil!

"Well, it's very troublesome if you don't know anything, so at least tell us some basic information!"

Rick said unceremoniously to the Moon Rabbit girl in front of him.

"Does everyone think so too?"

Hei Tu asked the other people present, and what he got in return was a pair of affirmative eyes.

"...Then, I understand. But before that..."

While saying this, the black rabbit opened his arms wide as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.

"Welcome to the world of Hakoniwa, everyone!"

"Box Garden?"

"YES! The so-called 'Hakoniwa' is a stage created for the holders of powerful gifts to have fun and enjoy themselves."

As Kuroto said this, he pointed to the city surrounded by a huge wall on the other side of the forest.

"That is, that place—"

After a slight pause, the black rabbit continued to explain.

"Everyone, you should know that you are not an ordinary human being, right?"

Leaving aside the unidentified three girls who don't look human, Heitu said to the other four.

"You all have very strange powers, or various strange abilities, but no matter what kind of power, their essence comes from the Shura gods and Buddhas of this world, or demons, or elves, Or the stars all over the sky and so on."

"We call this kind of power bestowed by Shura gods and Buddhas——"


"Because Black Rabbit knew that everyone possessed the highest level of human gifts, so he sent you an invitation letter without authorization, inviting you from other worlds to this world."

"Other worlds..."

"In other words, there are actually many worlds outside of this, right?"

Jiuyuan Asuka said so, but seeing the expression on her face, she didn't look surprised.

Since there are different worlds, even if there are other worlds, it is very normal.

What's more, letting other people fly... and the girls who are obviously different from humans, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for her to exist in the world before her.

"YES! There are actually many worlds outside of Hakoniwa, but you don't need to pay attention to this issue."

The Moon Rabbit girl replied energetically.

"However, there is a problem that Black Rabbit doesn't understand. Why did seven people come here in one go..."

Immediately, Kuyuan Asuka, Kasukabe Yao, and Nihui Izayoi all cast their gazes on Rick and the others.

"Bunny girl, the little brother over there and his companions should not be summoned by you, right?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, there was a look of affirmation on the face of Reverse Izayoi.

The three invitation letters, Kuyuan Asuka, Kasukabe Yao and him all received it, but the four over there did not.

"Accordingly, it shouldn't have been summoned by the black rabbit..."

"I think this question should be put aside for now. What we need to know now is information about this world, right? Especially related to the Gift Game and the Demon King!"

Rick said so emphatically, and changed the subject.

"...That's what I said."

Moreover, more strength means more confidence... Only those who don't know anything and just came to this world from the outside world will join their own community.

While feeling a little depressed in his heart, there was not much abnormality on Heitu's face.

"Heitu just said that the so-called 'Gift Game' is a game where people who have 'Gifts' use the 'Gifts' to compete with each other."

"The contestants who win in the game can get the 'reward' provided by the organizer——"

"It may be some gifts, such as strength, speed, wisdom... It may also be some weird props and so on."

"The organizer...is that the demon king who caused the two little girls over there to hallucinate just now?"

Jibril asked curiously, pointing to the direction where Kasukabe Yō and Kuen Asuka were.

"No... the sponsor can be anyone, as long as it is the party that hosts the game, it can be called the 'sponsor'."

"It may be some Shura gods and Buddhas who are doing nothing to test human beings, or some forces that hold competitions for a certain purpose, etc.—"

"The organizer provides prizes, and the participants pay a certain amount of chips to participate in it..."

"As for the chip, it can be anything... right?"

Rick's eyes flickered with something called excitement, and he asked the black rabbit.

"YES! Whether it's wealth, land, objects... or the strength, wisdom, courage of human beings... or even the gifts they own, even human beings themselves, they can all be used as bargaining chips!"

While Hei Tu said so, his expression became serious.

"Although participating in the gift game, if you lose, you will lose the chips you paid, but if you win, you will get the prize from the organizer—"

"So, in this world, the gift game is a very important link, and it is also an indispensable link!"

"Ah... everything can be decided by the game—is that so?"

Sure enough... this world is at the right place!

Isn't this similar to the world of No Game No Life?

"YES! This is a world where games determine everything—"

"In addition, the laws of this world also prohibit crimes such as robbery and theft. It is an unforgivable crime to use gift games to commit crimes! If someone does this, then these illegal guys will be punished accordingly."

However, there are still some differences. At least, in Game Life, with the star cup, he can completely prevent these illegal acts, because this is the concept from the planet and the world itself. After he formulates the corresponding rules , as long as it is a creature that exists in that world, it is absolutely impossible to violate the rules!

And this kind of law is not perfect after all, and it cannot completely prevent this kind of thing from happening.

thought Rick.

Well, it seems that I am still stronger at this time!


For some reason, Hei Tu suddenly twitched, looking embarrassed to speak.

"Heitu would like to invite everyone to join the community of Heitu...is that okay?"


"That's right, if you want to play the gift game in this place called 'Hakoniwa', both the organizer and the contestants must play the game in the name of the 'community', so everyone who comes to this world must You have to join a 'community'!"

"Isn't this just like the 'guild' in the game?"

"However, Yao didn't join any forces yet, so why did she still get involved in the gift match?"

Jiuyuan Asuka frowned and asked puzzledly.

"...This is just a general situation."

As if something he didn't want to mention was mentioned, Hei Tu's tone lowered slightly, and even the pair of ears on his head lowered.

"In this world, some Shura gods and Buddhas will have something called 'host authority'."

"You can ignore the wishes of the contestants and forcibly pull people into the gift game..."

"And those who abuse this right are called by us..."

"The moving natural disaster—the Demon King!"

Chapter 81 Tampered Rules

"Although it is said that Kasukabe Yōichi was designated by the Demon King, if everyone joins Kurotu's community together, it can be regarded as the Demon King's initiation of a gift game to our community!"

Having said that, a smile appeared on Heitu's face.

"In the beginning, it was stipulated that only the contestants listed on the contract documents could participate, but this rule was revised to—"

"If it is a member who has not yet joined the community due to various circumstances, after joining the community, the gift game will be changed to a gift match between the devil and the community!"

"Although it would be more difficult if it was directly pulled into the gift game, but this kind of gift game that needs to be completed in various places in Hakoniwa can just be used as a fuss!"

"...Wait, are you saying that Hakoniwa's rules changed a while ago?"

Rick's eyes shrank suddenly, and he asked quickly.

"Do you remember the exact time?"


Heitu tilted his head and pondered for a moment.

"...It happened three years ago."

"At that time, there seemed to be some turmoil in the upper floors of Little Garden, and the rules also changed a lot. I heard that there were still rumors that Little Garden would be rebuilt..."

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