Maybe she wants to blow her hair?After all, it was the only one in the bathroom.

Sakurai Saki came to Nino's side.

She slept soundly.

Shake it a few times, but there is no response.

Sakurai Saki sighed and picked her up like a princess.

He has read tutorials on the Internet, and it doesn't take a lot of effort if he puts more effort into it.

As a psychic, Saki Sakurai's physical strength is several times that of ordinary people. It is very easy to hug a girl who only weighs 50 kilograms.

Er Nao leaned against his chest, still not waking up.

Taking it lightly all the way, Sakurai Saki put her on the bed.

Afterwards, he closed the door of Er Nai's room, tidied his clothes, and the belt of his clothes was loose just now.

After tidying up, Sakurai Saki was going back to sleep on the sofa.

Unfortunately, he didn't notice that Nakano Yotsuba heard the movement, opened the door slightly, and saw him tidying his clothes after leaving Nino's room.

Closing the door, Clover leaned against the door.

Muttering to himself: "One flower, two nai."

According to this strategy sequence, the next one should be Sanjiu!Then... Maybe it's my turn!


Chapter 115 The Early Morning After Staying Overnight

Among the five sisters, Er Nai is usually the first one to get up.

She is responsible for the breakfast of the five sisters. There are people in the family who can cook, but she is the only one who cooks delicious food.So of course, Nakano Nino became the cook.But she also had fun with it.

Getting up from the bed, Nino yawned.

Then she froze.

There is a fault in the memory in my mind.

She remembered that she had gone down last night, but why did she appear on the bed at this moment?

Er Nai rubbed the center of his eyebrows and thought about it.

In fact, the answer is not difficult to reason.

There seems to be only one person who can hold himself back without responding.

Pushing open the door, Er Nai went down the stairs cautiously.

Then I saw Sakurai Saki who was still dozing on the sofa.

Er Nao naturally didn't notice that the other party was pretending to sleep.

It is normal for a boy to be asleep at 06:30, and it is rare for a hard-working and self-disciplined human being like her.

Coming to the sofa, Nino looked at Saki Sakurai's face.

It still suits the appetite as always, or in other words, it is perfect no matter how you look at it.

Nakano Nino circled around Sakurai Saki, observing him from various angles.

Recently, Sakurai Saki's attitude towards her is very good, so good that Nino can't bear it.

If you rate Sakurai Saki's attitude towards her in the past, you can only get 40 points at most, but now it has risen to 65 points.

This is a full 50% improvement, and Nino is already very happy about it.

After admiring the other party's appearance, Er Nao stuck it in front of him again.

She reached out, ready to poke Sakurai Saki's face.

Then, when the finger was only five centimeters away from him, Sakurai Saki opened her eyes——

"What have you been doing since just now?"

He wasn't really asleep either, just taking a nap.

Today's superpowers are different from yesterday's, with some side effects, which made him feel bad.

"Thank you yesterday, send... take me back." Er Nai was a little embarrassed when he interrupted his idiot-like behavior, and his speech was not fluent.

"It's okay. As a teacher, you can't let students sleep on the sofa overnight. If you catch a cold, you have to ask for leave, which will delay your study." Sakurai Saki did not lie.

His idea of ​​Nino is purely a teacher and a student.

Even if there were a lot of misunderstandings yesterday, I also watched a lot of things that I shouldn't have seen.

"That's right." Nino didn't get the answer he wanted.

If you answer [I was worried about you, that's why I carried you back], this answer is more in line with Nino's wishes.

But Sakurai Saki would not say that, he would only treat himself as a teacher, Er Nao knew this.

But she wasn't discouraged either.

"Sakurai-san, what do you want to eat in the morning?" She stood up on her knees in front of Saki Sakurai and asked.

"I don't pay that much attention."

"By the way, I prepared a lot of meals last night, and I'll give you a bento later." Nina didn't give him time to refuse after finishing speaking.

Sakurai Saki didn't want to refuse either.

He never refuses the kindness of others.

It would be too much to refuse everything, and the distance now is good.

After a while, the rest of them got up.

They did not come down together, but in batches.

"Saki-kun~ good morning~" Sanjiu walked down the stairs in a little confusion, and then sat down on the sofa.

She fell in the direction of Sakurai Saki.

"So sleepy~" she muttered.

This one should be the one with the worst temper tantrum among the five.

It feels like the persona has changed.

From a three-no girl to a three-no girl who can act like a baby, there is a big difference.

Sanjiu lay sideways beside Sakurai Saki, her slender eyelashes were fighting with her lower eyelids.

"If you don't get up, you will be late."

"Oh~ Saki-kun is bullying people~" Sanjiu finished.

The body remained motionless for a few seconds.

She sat up with a ruddy complexion.

"Are you awake?" Sakurai asked.

It seems that Sanjiu didn't realize that she was here just now.

"Yeah." Nakano Sanjiu walked towards the bathroom.

Sakurai Saki had just washed up.

There is a brand new unopened set of toiletries here, which seems to be a spare, just ready to use, and May also reminded me last night.

The third to come down is May.

She was wearing a star hair accessory at the moment, and greeted Sakurai Saki——

"Good morning, Sakurai-kun."

The voice is very characteristic of her, not a little angry, full of energy, very steady!

Sakurai Saki also said good morning.

Wuyue took one more look at Sakurai Saki.

She felt that the other party was choreographing herself in her heart.

The fourth is Yotsuba. Judging from her appearance, it seems that she went to call Kazuka to get up first, which is why she came down so late.

"Hi, hi! Good morning! Sakurai-san!" a voice full of vitality.

"Good morning, Yotsuba." After Sakurai Saki replied, she looked down at her feet.

There, there was a cockroach.

Sakurai Saki controlled the other party and climbed to a place where the five sisters could not see.

Today's Sakurai Saki is the animal's partner, he can control all the animals, he can't have a high IQ, but ordinary birds and insects are still fine.

Girls are afraid of cockroaches, except Chika Fujiwara, she dares to grab them with her hands, she doesn't look like a girl at all.

Finally, Yihua came down slowly with a lazy expression.

"Teacher-chan~ good morning~"

"Good morning."

The next sentence deliberately amplified the voice: "Is the bath water from last night useful?"

"Yes." Sakurai Saki replied.

Although under the persecution of Shinobu.

Sakurai Saki doesn't like to lie about this kind of thing, just like he didn't escape Chika's question yesterday.

"..." Now it was Yihua's turn to be shocked.

It actually worked.

In the kitchen, Nino heard the discussion between the two, and the hand holding the miso soup trembled, and almost didn't drop it.

Wash... bath water?

Nino almost forgot that Sakurai Saki lived at her home yesterday.

And also took a shower.

Then he didn't put his...

'Damn, that style is too conservative...'

If he knew that he would see him, Er Nai would have changed to a more daring one. As for the underwear being seen, he had seen it anyway, and now regretting it is useless.

The recent experience made Er Nao know one thing, that is - glasses must be carried with him!

Even the old-fashioned frame glasses can't give up. When contact lenses can't be found, they can save lives!

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, with my own eyesight, I won't even be able to find the door of my house.

After cooking, Er Nao shouted to everyone.

There are six people at the dining table today, but fortunately there are enough chairs.

During the meal, everyone didn't chat too much. We have to go to school later, so we have enough time to chat.

Before leaving, Er Nai divided up the lunch boxes of the sisters.

Then he glanced at Sakurai Saki.

Handed him the largest of them all.

"Here, your bento."

Er Nai pretended to be careless, and said, "Bon voyage~"

She was secretly experiencing the feeling of newlyweds.

Sakurai Saki: "I'm leaving."

Satisfied with getting the answer she wanted, Nino urged the sisters.

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