
Kaguya still has it.jpg

Chapter 120 Fourth, Stop Scolding, Stop Scolding

"What? Kaguya is sick and asking for leave?!"

Fujiwara Chika looked at Shangguan Yun who told the news with a worried expression.

"Hmm... probably caught a cold from the rain last night, so the teacher asked me to take the handouts to Shinomiya's house."

Shangguan Yun looked at the handout in his hand, thinking of Hui Ye's back running in the rain after putting the umbrella in his hand yesterday, he also felt a little guilty.

"Me! I want to visit a doctor!"

Fujiwara Chika instantly switched from a worried expression to an expectant one.

"Are you going?" Shangguan Yun looked at the excited Fujiwara Chika.

It wasn't that he doubted Chika Fujiwara's friendship with Kaguya, but why did you have this funny expression when the other party was sick?

Chika Fujiwara quickly answered this question.

"I have been with Kaguya-san since junior high school. Once, when Kaguya-san had a cold, I went to visit her and learned something."

"That's when Kaguya-san has a cold...he will become very spoiled!"

Fujiwara Chika fantasized about the special side of Kaguya she saw at that time, but it was a pity that she didn't take pictures to record it at that time.

"Love to be coquettish?"

Shangguan Yun had a strange expression on his face, he seemed to have never seen Hui Ye acting like a baby.

It has to be said that a wave of anticipation suddenly rose in his heart.

It's just that Yu Ishigami on the side has a look of disbelief.

He really couldn't imagine such a terrifying Shinomiya-senpai acting like a baby.

Could it be something like 'Your living, beating heart is so cute, can I have a taste'?

"It's super cute! Only when she catches a cold can I see such a frank and lovely Kaguya-san!" Fujiwara Chika still had a nostalgic expression on her face.

"No matter how I hug her, she won't be angry!"

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Chika blushed strangely.

Then he looked at Shangguan Yun with a serious expression, and said, "So it's treacherous for the president to want to monopolize the right to visit the doctor! If you want to visit the doctor, everyone must go together!"

"Uh... let's all go together?"

Ishigami Yu imagined the scene where his heart was ruthlessly dug out by Shinomiya-senpai, and couldn't help shivering.

Also showing a serious expression, he retorted: "When a person is sick, it would seem very uncommon sense to bring so many people to the other person's house, right? It is enough to visit a sick person alone!"

Yu Ishigami said in his heart: "I will be afraid...so I don't want to go..."

"Then I'll go alone!"

Chika Fujiwara wanted to snatch the handout from Shang Guanyun as she said that, but she dodged gently.

"This is the responsibility of the student council president. The teacher asked me specifically."

The reason for Kaguya's illness is related to himself, and he can solve it with a healing spell, but if Fujiwara goes, it will only cause trouble.

However, he admitted that he was also more interested in Kaguya's acting like a baby that Fujiwara said.

"No, no, no!" Chika Fujiwara shook her head frantically, and continued to pounce on Shangguan Yun.

While grabbing the handouts, he said, "If you go to visit the doctor, it might make the condition worse, right? Are you trying to kill Kaguya?"

The president changed Kaguya's name a long time ago, even if Fujiwara was slow-witted, he still noticed the delicate atmosphere between the two.

However, she, Fujiwara Chika, absolutely does not want to miss Kaguya's once-in-a-lifetime moment of acting like a baby!

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch the handout in Shangguan Yun's hands at all, and instead she was already out of breath.


Putting her hands on her legs, bending down to pant for breath, Chika Fujiwara had a look of displeasure.

After resting for a while, he turned his attention to Shangguan Yun again, and said, "We compete in a fair way!"

"What method?" Shangguan Yun asked curiously.

"The selection of patients for this visit will be decided by the 'neurasthenia memory flop'! Do you have any objections?"

"One more thing, this game does not use ghost cards, and there are bent cards or tricks, once discovered, 5 points will be deducted!"

Fujiwara Chika took out a pack of playing cards from somewhere and put them on the table.

As expected of a key member of the board game club, he always carries his playing cards with him.


"I reject!"

Shangguan Yun said mercilessly.

"Oh? Why?!"

Fujiwara Chika was dissatisfied, why should she reject such a genius proposal!

Shangguan Yun looked down at Fujiwara Chika from a high position, until he stared at the other party with erratic eyes and his ears were a little red before saying: "Because you have a problem."

"You, you, you... what are you talking about, president?!"

Fujiwara Chika's small hands froze, but she still retorted.

"First of all, you actually choose to play this kind of game with us who have a good memory. This alone is very weird. Under normal circumstances, you should challenge the game you are better at."

Shangguan Yun had a detached "overlook" in his eyes.

It seems to be saying that your IQ is not worthy of playing this kind of game with me.

Although Fujiwara Chika was very guilty, she still puffed up her cheeks angrily.

Shangguan Yun continued to add: "Then you still said nonchalantly that 5 points will be deducted for cheating? It should be directly disqualified from the competition, right?"

At this moment, Yu Ishigami picked up the poker cards on the table and looked them over carefully.

"The outer frame pattern of these playing cards seems to be slightly different. It looks a bit like a number?"

Then he showed a suddenly enlightened expression, with undisguised disgust in his eyes, looking at Chika Fujiwara whose expression was almost out of control.

"This is simply a poker card for cheating! Fujiwara-senpai is so treacherous! Despicable! It's so embarrassing to be so well-prepared and yet reveal her truth immediately!"

"And it was discovered that I made my own rules just to be on the safe side. This is the most embarrassing thing!"

"It's a shame! It's really a shame! If it was me, I would have gone home a long time ago, why would I have the nerve to stay here!"

Ishigami Yu opened fire and said that his mouth should not be too poisonous.

"Ahem... Ishigami, stop scolding..."

Seeing Fujiwara Chika's shame from the beginning to the frightening coldness in her eyes, Shangguan Yun couldn't help but remind Ishigami Yu who spoke vigorously.

To prevent the other party from being killed by Chika Fujiwara who became angry from embarrassment.

Well... it's all for the harmony of the student council.

In the end, because Fujiwara Chika's plan to cheat ended in failure, the candidate to visit the doctor naturally fell on Shangguan Yun's head.

Seeing Fujiwara Qianhua's expression of unwillingness but gritted teeth to bear it, Shangguan Yun felt a little funny.

Angrily glaring at Yu Ishigami and Shangguan Yun, Chika Fujiwara walked away from the student union with heavy steps.

While walking, he was still muttering, "Damn president, hateful Ishigami! Woohoo! My cute version of Kaguya..."


After school, Shangguan Yun talked to Thor and the others, and hung up the phone under the dissatisfaction of the other party.

I bought some presents and brought the handouts to the Shinnomiya Villa again.

Chapter 120 Five Absolutely 'Don't' Do Strange Things to Missy!

"I want to eat a can of peaches, Hayasaka..."

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was lying on the bed, spoke coquettishly to Hayasaka Ai like a child.

"Good! Good!"

Ai Hayasaka agreed, feeding Kaguya with a small spoon mouthful by mouthful.

"In this way, Sleeping Beauty woke up because of the prince's kiss, and after going through all kinds of things, they lived a happy life together...Congratulations...Congratulations..."

Ai Hayasaka held a fairy tale book and read it softly.

Then he looked at Shinomiya Kaguya with a somewhat dazed expression, closed the storybook, and leaned in front of her with a rare smile, and said, "Are you happy listening to the story?"

"Happy... read it again..."

Hui Ye murmured softly.

"Forgive me, this is the fourth time..."

Hayasaka Ai looked helpless, such a young lady is cute, but she is just too clingy.


Just as she was about to open the storybook again to tell a new story, the doorbell outside the door suddenly rang.

"Ah! A guest is coming, I have to go and have a look first, just lie here and don't move!"

Ai Hayasaka tucked the quilt for Kaguya and walked out of the bedroom.

"At this time, who will it be?"

Pick up the tablet and open the camera image at the gate.

When Ai Hayasaka saw Shangguan Yun standing at the door, she was slightly taken aback.

Hastily pressed the button to open the door, turned on the horn and said, "Please come in!"

Then he trotted quickly towards the door.

Shangguan Yun walked into the courtyard, looked at the huge Sigong villa, sighed "luxury", and walked in.

When she saw Ai Hayasaka standing at the door and waiting in a maid outfit, she waved her hand and said hello, "Hayasaka, good afternoon, I'm here to deliver school handouts to Kaguya, and help her treat her cold by the way."

"Senior Shangguan, please come over here in person. The eldest lady is in the bedroom, and I will take you there right away."

Hayasaka Ai maintained the professionalism of an excellent maid, did not greet Shangguan Yun, accepted the gift from Shangguan Yun politely and gratefully, and welcomed her in.

Shangguan Yun followed Ai Hayasaka to the door of a room and stopped.

Hayasaka Ai directly knocked on the door and said, "Miss, there is a guest coming to visit you!"

After speaking, without waiting for anyone to respond, he opened the door directly.

Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya wearing a suspender nightdress and shorts sitting on the ground, with a large box turned over in a mess in front of her, Hayasaka Ai had a headache and said, "Miss, what are you doing here?!"

"Because I haven't been able to find it..."

Shinomiya Huiye seemed to have not noticed Shangguan Yun's arrival, and said a little aggrieved.

"What are you looking for?" Hayasaka was puzzled.



"Hmm...summer vacation is coming soon, Hayasaka, you will set off fireworks with me, right?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked expectantly at Ai Hayasaka.

Ai Hayasaka turned her head, as if she couldn't bear to look directly at her young lady's posture.

"I know you're looking forward to the summer vacation, but you're still sick, so don't leave the bed."

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