The younger brother responded, and concentrated on steering the car around in the alley.

On the other side, Chu Bai and Tony were driving a Rolls-Royce, speeding along the main road.

"It seems that those people gave up and did not continue to chase."

Tony glanced in the rearview mirror and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be too happy, they don't give up so easily."

Chu Bai said lightly.

At this time, he had regained his former composure.

"So what if you don't give up, can they catch up with us with just a few broken business cars?"

Tony said disdainfully.

Just as Chu Bai was about to speak, a violent warning suddenly came from his heart.

"Turn left!"

Chu Bai grabbed the steering wheel and beat him to death.

Les Lais' body turned sideways in an instant, leaving four deep tire marks on the ground.

At the same time, at the entrance of the alley next to it, two commercial vehicles rushed out and brushed past the Rolls Royce.

Just a little bit, the two sides will collide.

"Keep driving!"

Chu Bai gave Tony an order, then grabbed Tony's two Glocks, and pulled the trigger on the commercial vehicle outside.

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots like popping beans suddenly sounded, and the dense bullets hit the commercial vehicle, smashing the front window, and the little brother in the driver's cab became a bloody man in an instant.

The rest of the people in the car were too suppressed to look up, and hid behind the seats one after another.

Rolls-Royce drove away with the team.

Chu Bai didn't choose to stop the car at this time, although he could eliminate everyone on the commercial vehicle at this time, but this is Haojiang after all, he didn't know if more enemies would appear later, and they had already used firearms , is likely to attract great attention.

To be on the safe side, it's better to go back to 493 in the half-level villa area first, to eliminate the impact of this incident.

"Tony, tell all the security personnel to gather at the villa and stop staying outside."

Chu Bai ordered, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


Connected there soon.

"Hello, Mr. Chu?" Beng Yaju's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I was attacked. There were at least [-] gunmen. I suspect it was from Mo Luobing."

Chu Bai cut to the chase and said directly.


Beng Yaju was stunned when he heard Chu Bai's words.

"Mr. Chu, are you kidding me?" Beng Yaju asked in disbelief.

"What do you think?"

Chu Bai's voice was cold.

Beng Yaju immediately understood that it was impossible for Chu Bai to joke with him on this kind of matter.

"I understand Mr. Chu, I didn't expect Mo Luobing to strike before us.

Sorry, sorry, Mr. Chu, it was my negligence that caused you to be attacked. "

Beng Yaju said to Chu Bai with apology.

He cooperated with Chu Bai to deal with Beng Yaju, and he was responsible for providing information related to it. After all, he was a local force in Haojiang.

But now this kind of thing happened, Mo Luobing's gunmen had already attacked Chu Bai, and he didn't realize it beforehand, and he had to rely on Chu Bai to call him to find out the situation.

No matter what, Beng Yaju felt that he had to apologize to Chu Bai.

"Okay, I will talk about the apology later, the most urgent thing now is to prepare for the follow-up attack of Mo Luobing.

After I mobilize enough manpower, I will start a war against Mo Luobing. "

Chu Bai said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Mr. Chu, I will explain to you immediately, and I will definitely give you an explanation!

Fuck, Mo Luobing is looking for death! "

Beng Yaju didn't say anything, and quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he called the military adviser A Liao over, "A Liao, hurry up, call all the brothers and prepare for the war with Mo Luobing."

A Liao was taken aback when he heard this, and asked back:

"Boss, why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden, didn't you say you have to wait a few days before?"

Beng Yaju sighed, "Don't be in a hurry, Mo Luobing didn't know why, and suddenly launched an attack on Chu Bai, dispatching more than 20 gunmen."

"More than 20 shooters!?"

A Liao gasped, "Isn't Chu Bai dead?"

"That's not true, I don't know how Chu Bai escaped, but he just called me, and it didn't sound like he was injured.

In short, we have to make preparations as soon as possible, and go directly to war with Mo Luobing.

There is no need to hide it anymore at this time, let's just lift the plate. "Beng Yaju said.

After hearing these words, A Liao also nodded,

"Boss, I understand."

He immediately picked up the phone and called the little bosses below, telling them to bring all the horses to Beng Yaju's villa to gather.

At this time, Beng Yaju's wife came over, looked at Beng Yaju and A Liao who looked strange, and said worriedly: "Husband, what happened?"

"It's okay, you go back to your room, don't worry." Beng Yaju waved her hand to her, signaling that she didn't have to worry, but there was no way to hide the irritability and tyranny in his brows.


Mid-level villa area.

Rolls-Royce returned with the convoy, Tony got out of the car first, followed by the younger brothers, and finally Chu Bai.

They protected Chu Bai and quickly moved into the villa.

With the previous gunman attack, Tony and the others all became nervous, even to the point where there was a lot of panic, fearing that there were also gunmen ambushing here in the villa.

In comparison, Chu Bai was much calmer. He did not receive an early warning, which meant that the villa was safe.

Chu Bai went to the bathroom to take a shower first. When he was on the pedestrian street, he leaned on the car and scurried around on the ground.

After taking a shower, Chu Bai changed into a clean suit.

He came to the living room, where Tony was constantly on the phone, urging the security personnel distributed in various hotels to hurry up.

Seeing Chu Bai appear, he put down the phone, "Boss, are you alright?"


Chu Bai waved his hand and said to him: "Tony, call Tian Yang Sheng and ask them to come over.

By the way, by the way, bring all the firearms from last time. "

The firearms that Chu Bai mentioned were the ones used to deal with Han Biao, and there were all kinds of models.

Now that Mo Luobing has already made a deadly move, Chu Bai no longer needs to be timid, and he can play the biggest one if he wants to.

If Mo Luobing dared to send gunmen to attack him, Chu Bai would naturally retaliate, more ruthlessly and accurately than Mo Luobing.

In addition to the accuracy, the gunners decide the outcome, but also the power of the firearm.

For example, Tony's two modified Glocks can suppress more than a dozen gunners who only have the big black star in a short time, and the opponent who hits them can't look up before the bullets run out.

In the same way, if Chubai's men were equipped with a large number of firearms in the Haojiang warehouse, at least in terms of firepower, they would be ahead of Mo Luobing's men by a large margin.

"Good boss."

Tony nodded, then called Tian Yangsheng instead.

"Yangsheng, you bring your brothers to the villa to gather, and by the way, bring all the firearms in the warehouse." Tony said directly without wasting time.

"Take all the firearms?"

Tian Yangsheng was taken aback, "What are we using so many firearms for? Are we going to start a war with the local forces in Haojiang?"

"It's Mo Luobing, this bastard didn't know if he took the wrong medicine, and sent a bunch of gunmen to attack the boss. We almost couldn't come back."

When Tony mentioned Mo Luobing, he gritted his teeth in hatred.

When Tian Yangsheng heard that Chu Bai was attacked, his usually calm tone suddenly became tense, "Is the boss not injured?"

"That's not true. Not only was the boss not injured, he even killed a whole car of people by himself."

Tony thought about it for a while, he didn't even know how Chu Bai did it, he remembered clearly that Chu Bai didn't go out with a firearm today.

Not only are there no firearms, there are no knives.

With bare hands and being attacked suddenly, Chu Bai was able to kill a carload of people, (baae) this made Tony feel unbelievable.

"It's good that the boss is not injured." Tian Yangsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He wasn't surprised that Chu Bai had killed so many people. In his opinion, this was normal, otherwise he wouldn't be the object of his allegiance.

"I'll take people there right now, and they will arrive in half an hour at most."

Tian Yangsheng said something and hung up the phone.

"Brother, is there something wrong with the boss?"

Tian Yangyi came over and asked, he heard some voices on the phone.

Tian Yangsheng nodded, "The boss was attacked by Mo Luobing's people, and now he is telling us to go there."

"Fuck, dare to do something to the boss? Are you impatient?"

Tian Yangyi couldn't help cursing angrily.

The other five people also stood up one after another, "Brother, why don't we go directly to Mo Luobing and kill him to avenge the boss."

Several people were filled with righteous indignation, extremely angry about Chu Bai being attacked.


Tian Yangsheng shook his head, "The boss told us to go to the villa to gather, and the boss's order shall prevail.

Now that we are loyal to the boss, we can't be as lax as before. We must obey the boss's orders in everything, understand? "


Tian Yangyi and the six people shouted in unison.

"Okay, pack up and get ready to go."

Tian Yangsheng said, several people got ready one after another.

Those who put on clothes put on clothes, and those who put on weapons put on weapons. In just a few minutes, all seven of them were ready to fight.

Tian Yangsheng picked up his m2000, "Let's go!"

A group of people walked out of the room and called ten security personnel outside.

This group was previously transferred to Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi to deal with Han Biao Niu Bi. They were only transferred here for a few days, but Tian Yangsheng never returned them after the task was completed.

"Go to the warehouse first, get all the firearms, and then go to the villa to meet the boss."

After getting into the car, Tian Yangsheng gave instructions.


The younger brother nodded, started the car, and drove towards the warehouse.

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