Big D said a little aggrieved.

In front of Dun Bo, he didn't dare to be as arrogant as he was when he was facing Chuanbao and old ghost C.

But Deng Bo asked calmly as if he hadn't heard what Big D said: "I just want to know, are you going to create a new He Liansheng?"

"I'm better than Ale! They are blind, so they have to admit their mistakes?" Big D answered the question again.

"Let me ask you again, are you going to create a new He Liansheng?"

0.4 Big D said in a deep voice: "I just want everyone to be well, but everyone refuses to accept me. That's so boring. Why don't we do our own thing."

Hearing this, Deng Bo understood, "That's fine, let's fight."

"Fuck! This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, are you trying to strangle me to death!?"

Big D roared excitedly.

"No one can mess up the gang. If you split up now, all the brothers will beat you." Deng Bo said lightly.

Big D was completely furious, "Okay, let's fight! Who is afraid of whom! Let's see who dies first!"

"Big D, don't be ignorant, there is still time to turn around now."

Chuanbo persuaded from the side.

"I don't know what to do? Obviously you forced me!"

Big D grabbed the railing and shouted: "Ah Le is better than me! In terms of territory, manpower, and contribution to the club, how can he be better than me? Why is he in charge!? I don't agree !"

"So what if you don't agree, this is the common decision of all uncles, and it represents the rules of the society. Since you are a member of Liansheng, you have to obey."

Old ghost C snorted coldly in disdain.

"Fuck you Ma De, I just refuse to accept, I must establish Xinhe Liansheng!"

The voice of the big d echoed continuously in the cell.

Chapter 129

Police station, Huang Zhicheng's office.

"Sit down, Fat Deng."

Huang Zhicheng said to Deng Bo.

Dumbledore sat down on the chair, gripping his trousers with both hands.

When he entered the police station, most of his belongings were confiscated, mainly things that could cause death, such as watches, belts, shoelaces and the like.

"There are dozens of gangs on Hong Kong Island, and there are many people like you in the mix. It would be impossible without the Hey Society emblem.

My duty is to crack down on the emblem of Hei Society, but I only want order, and I will not take care of it if I am honest and responsible.

But if anyone makes trouble, I'll hit him!Beat to death! "

Huang Zhicheng sneered and said: "I don't care how you elected to sit in the office, whether you support A Le or Da D.

I only want you to deal with them, and Liansheng does not allow chaos. "

For Huang Zhicheng, it doesn't matter who sits with Liansheng, as long as the streets of Hong Kong Island are calm and calm.

"We don't want to make a mess, but the big d is very difficult to deal with."

Deng Bo said.

"Difficult to deal with? How did you go with the big d?" Huang Zhicheng asked while drinking tea.

"Not so good, he said he was going to quit He Liansheng and build a new He Liansheng."

Deng Bo said lightly.

"Xinhe Liansheng!? Did you make a mistake!"

Huang Zhicheng took a mouthful of tea and sprayed it out.

"I'm asking you to deal with Big D and stop him from causing trouble, instead of asking you to make things bigger!"

Huang Zhicheng stood up, pointed to Deng Bo's nose and asked, "Fat Deng, what the hell are you doing?"

"I didn't play tricks, the big D insisted on being the chairperson of this session, I asked him to endure it for two years, and promised that he would be selected for the next session, but he didn't listen.

The talk broke down, and he clamored to establish Xinhe Liansheng, and I couldn't help it. "

Deng Bo said slowly, with a very calm expression on his face, as if he was not talking about the split with Liansheng, but some trivial matter.

"No way? Then what do you want?"

Huang Zhicheng asked.

Deng Bo was silent for a second, then said lightly, "Fight, Big D wants to split and win together, so he can only fight."

Upon hearing this, Huang Zhicheng patted the table and shouted: "Fat Deng, what tricks are you playing? I didn't come here to make trouble for you! 10"

"Do you think I want to fight?"

Dun Bo glanced at him, "Even if I say no to fighting, my brothers will not accept it. They all use the banner of the gang to make a living. Now that someone wants to split the gang, they can't bear it."

"So what if those gangsters refuse to accept it? Do you think He Liansheng is a company, and what you are doing is a legitimate business?

Let me tell you, whether you have food depends on whether we give it to you! "

Huang Zhicheng knocked on the table and sternly shouted: "If we don't give it, you can't even do the valet parking business! Go drink the Northwest Wind!"

However, Deng Bo was not frightened by Huang Zhicheng, he nodded and said: "Okay, let's see what will happen if there is no valet parking on the street,

Hey, what will happen if there is no food for Shehui? "

"Try it, I will arrest whoever dares to commit a crime, one will arrest one, and two will arrest one pair!"

Huang Zhicheng stared into Deng Bo's eyes and said.

Deng Bo snorted, "He Liansheng has 5 people, and there are several 10 clubs in Hong Kong Island. Without rules, there is no order. Let's see if the prisons on Hong Kong Island can accommodate so many people.

I entered the Hei Society emblem when I was 12 years old, and I can't get my bottom line. There are some things that need to be principled. "

After hearing these words, Huang Zhicheng slowly sat back on the chair.

He knew very well that Deng Bo's words were not meant to scare him, but the truth.

"Is it necessary to fight?" he asked.

"It's a big deal."

Dumbledore said.

Huang Zhicheng thought for a minute, then nodded abruptly, "If this is the case, then do it quickly for me, and get the big d done in the shortest possible time, and I can pretend that nothing happened."

This is his biggest compromise. What Huang Zhicheng wants is a peaceful Hong Kong Island, and he is willing to make some concessions for this.

"Thank you, Inspector Huang."

Dumbledore smiled.

"But the ugly words are up front, if you don't get the big d done in time and make things worse in the end, then don't blame me for being rude.

I can't catch 5 people with Liansheng, but it's no problem to catch you bosses, and the prison on Hong Kong Island can also release them! "

Huang Zhicheng warned.

"Goodbye, Inspector Huang."

Dumbledore left the office with his trousers in his hands.

An hour later, Dumbledore, Chuanbo and Old Ghost C were all released.

This was Huang Zhicheng's order. Since he wanted Deng Bo to deal with the big d, of course he would give Deng Bo enough time.

Compared to them, Big D is still squatting in the cell.

Two days later.

"Come out."

The police officers opened up Da D's cell and released him.

I caught him before because I was only suspected of being engaged in the Hey Club Emblem activities, and there was no other evidence. 48 hours of shutting down is already the limit.

"Tch, it's too much to do, why don't I have to let Lao Tzu out in the end?"

Big D snorted, walked out shaking his head.

He looked at the other cells around him, and there was no one there.

Dumbledore claimed that they had gone out the day before, and only he had been locked up for 48 hours.

"Fuck, even the police can't get through with me."

Big D cursed.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't want to stay here, leave quickly."

The policeman waved his hands at Big D in disgust.

Big D didn't say anything, and followed the police officer out of the cell.

This is a police station after all, no matter how crazy Big D is, he doesn't dare to argue with the police here, if the other party accuses him of assaulting the police, it will be broken after ten days and a half months.

At this juncture, Big D has no time to spend here.

He walked out of the police station and saw his car at the door, a dark brown Bentley, and the motorcade behind it.

His wife, long hair and a group of younger brothers were waiting for him there.

Mrs. Lei was leaning on the car door, and when she saw the big D coming out, she immediately twisted her body and walked over.

"Husband, have you had any problems in the past two days?"

Big D shook his head, "It's nothing, except that I can't play P, everything is fine."

Mrs. Lei gave him a slap, "When are you still saying this, I've heard about it, what kind of Xinhe Liansheng you want to do, it's already spread in the world, and many people say you're overthinking yourself. "

"I'm overwhelmed?"

Big D chuckled, "It wasn't Deng Bo's group of old guys who forced me, I understand that if I don't get out of Liansheng independently, I won't be able to rise to the position.

As long as there are those old bastards around, I will never be able to be the sidekick of He Liansheng. "

"But how did you fight and win against so many people alone?"

Mrs. Ray asked worriedly.

"Whether you can fight or not, you have to fight with real swords and guns to know. My big d has been on the road for so many years, so I am not afraid of them!"

Big D shouted loudly, but it could still be seen from his eyes that he lacked confidence in what he said.

Although Big D is the boss with the strongest overall strength in Liansheng, but after all, there is only one person, uniting with the other bosses of Liansheng, it is almost a crushing advantage to Big D.

Big D himself knows this.

But the words about establishing Xinhe Liansheng have already been released, and they were said in front of Deng Bo, Chuanbo and others, and spread to the street. If they repent now, Big D will not have to mess around in the future.

"It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not. The difference in strength is so big, it's useless if you are not afraid. The younger brothers under your command are not fools. If you let them die, they will be the first to betray you."

Mrs. Ray said slowly.

"Then what do you say, I've let my words out, and now there is no turning back! And I must be the sitter, this is my goal in this life!"

Big D growled impatiently.

In fact, when he was in the cell two days ago, Deng Bo asked him if he really wanted to establish Xinhe Liansheng, and he hesitated at that time.

It was also because of this that he did not respond positively to Deng Bo's words several times, but instead told how difficult and wronged he was.

The purpose is to hope that Deng Bo can change his words and let him become the sitter. In that case, he won't have to engage in new and joint victories.

But it's a pity that Deng Bo didn't say that in the end, and instead said to fight if he wanted to.

In this way, Big D has been pushed to a dead end. If he shrinks back at this time, then no one in He Liansheng will obey him in the future, and what he says will become no different from farting.

Mrs. Ray lit a cigarette, took a drag, and stuffed it into Big D's mouth.

"If you have to fight, the only chance of winning is to borrow troops!"

"Borrow troops!?"

Big D was taken aback, "Who borrowed it from? It's not like others don't know the current situation.

Once you lend me manpower, you will fight against the whole He Liansheng. Who would be so stupid as to lend me at this time?

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