He Liansheng's people wanted to borrow troops from Chu Bai, this kind of thing was really not a trivial matter, and Luo Tianhong also knew that he had no right to help Chu Bai make decisions.

"Wait a minute, I'll contact the boss now."

Luo Tianhong said something to Mrs. Lei, then walked aside, took out his mobile phone and called Chu Bai.

Beep beep.

The phone rang for a long time, and was not answered until it was about to hang up automatically.

"Tianhong, what's the matter?"

Chu Bai's voice came over. He was massaging Ruan Mei, loosening his shoulders, but he was interrupted by Luo Tianhong's phone call.

"Boss, and Liansheng's big d brought more than 30 people to the entrance of the entertainment city, saying that they want to see you."

Luo Tianhong said respectfully, his attitude towards Chu Bai was different, and he even used honorifics.

This is a manifestation of his respect for Chu Bai from the bottom of his heart, even when he was loyal and trustworthy, he never had such respect for Lian Haolong.

"Big D wants to see me? Did he say anything?"

Chu Bai asked curiously.

He thought for a while, and there didn't seem to be any conflicts with Liansheng before, and he couldn't fight with Big D. He didn't know why the latter suddenly ran over to see him.

"They said they wanted to borrow troops from you."

Hearing Luo Tianhong's words, Chu Bai's eyes froze and he pondered for a while.

"Borrowing troops..."

Chu Bai immediately understood the reason why Da D asked him to borrow troops. A few days ago, he just learned from Da Fei that He Liansheng was electing a new seat.

Among them, Big D and A Le are two possible candidates, and the competition is very fierce.

Now it seems that Big D should have lost to Ale and wanted to become independent from He Liansheng, so he asked me to borrow troops.

Chu Bai recalled the plot related to the big d, and immediately said: "I see, Tianhong, please tell them to wait a while, and I will rush over immediately."

"Good boss." Luo Tianhong responded.

"That's it, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

After Chu Bai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Is there something wrong with the company?"

Ruan Mei, who was on the recliner, asked.

Chu Bai landed on Ruan Mei's clean white Ruyu's back, on which a large amount of skin cream had already been applied due to the massage.

It looks like the whole back is quite clean and shiny.

"A person I don't know, but has some strength, came to the door. There is no way, I have to deal with it."

Chu Bai suppressed the appetite welling up in his heart, and explained to Ruan Mei.

"It's okay, you can deal with the company's affairs first, and leave me alone." Ruan Mei said softly.

She has always been considerate and will never play petty temper in front of Chu Bai, this is what Chu Bai likes most about Ruan Mei.


Chu Bai rubbed Ruan Mei's hair, said apologetically, "I'll come back when I'm done with the matter, and continue to massage your shoulders."

Ruan Mei blushed, "Okay, okay, hurry up, don't make the people over there wait in a hurry."

Seeing her appearance, Chu Bai laughed.

Immediately after he simply cleaned up the essential oils on his hands, he changed into a custom-made suit, and then walked out of the villa and got into the Lamborghini.

While driving away from Repulse Bay, Chu Bai called the plane.

"Airplane, immediately prepare fifty boys with outstanding looks, I will use them right away."

Chu Bai ordered.

Since he was going to meet Big D, Chu Bai definitely couldn't just drive there by himself, and he had to prepare for the pomp and circumstance.

Especially this time, Big D still came to ask him to borrow troops, and he also brought more than 30 younger brothers.

Chu Bai has to pay more attention to face-to-face meetings.

When the two met for the first time, they didn't know each other well, so they could only show their strength in this simple and straightforward way.

"Yes, boss!"

The plane over there agreed to come down.

By the time Chu Bai arrived at the Four Seas Security Company, there were already fifty boys lined up downstairs.

These people are tall and tall, with bulging muscles and fierce expressions on their faces, making it easy to tell at a glance that they are not easy to provoke.

Chu Bai nodded, very satisfied with the handling ability of the plane.

"Boss, what do you think of these?" Airplane leaned over and said.

"That's right, that's it for them."

Chu Bai said.

These fifty people are not a big deal individually, but together they have a very strong momentum.

Not to mention Chu Bai, even if it was a beggar on the street leading fifty such mighty and strong men, others would think he was a big boss, pretending to be a beggar on purpose.

"set off!"

The plane yelled at the group of boys.

Fifty people got into more than a dozen cars, followed Chu Bai's Lamborghini, and drove towards Sihai Entertainment City.

Four Seas Entertainment City.

Big D and Mrs. Lei were sitting in the sofa area of ​​the hall, and Changmao and a group of younger brothers stood behind them.

"Damn, Chu Bai is too airy, why don't you come?"

Big D was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, it's not 15 minutes yet, be patient." Mrs. Lei said helplessly.

Sometimes she is also very tired. Big D is straightforward and straight-tempered. This kind of character often behaves like a child who loves to lose his temper.

As a result, she often has to coax big D like this, and she is more like an old lady than a wife.


At this moment, a continuous roar came from outside.

"The boss is here."

As soon as Luo Tianhong heard the familiar sound of Lamborghini, he knew that Chu Bai was coming, and there was no second such cool sports car in Hong Kong Island.

".` Boss Chu is here?"

Mrs. Lei's face brightened, she pulled the big d to stand up from the sofa, and walked to the entrance of the entertainment city.

Immediately, they saw a convoy on the street driving towards here quickly.

The leader is a Lamborghini with a cool shape, and the continuous roar is exactly the sound it makes.

Soon the Lamborghini stopped at the gate of the entertainment city, Chu Bai got down from above, and casually threw the key to the driver.

Behind him, more than a dozen cars stopped, and fifty strong men in black suits got out of the car and ran to stand behind Chu Bai.

Big D and Mrs. Lei were shocked when they saw this scene.

They could tell that the younger brothers behind Chu Bai were all elite fighters, and with their muscles, one-to-many would not be a problem.

And there are as many as fifty such younger brothers.

Big D swallowed his saliva, and looked back at the younger brother behind him.

Except for long hair and a few people who are passable, the rest are ordinary goods.

At first, Big D didn't think much of it, but compared with others, he would die, and compared with Chu Bai's younger brother, he was almost the same as a crooked melon and cracked dates.

Even putting aside the physical factor, the clothes of the two parties are too different.

Chu Bai was wearing high-end black suits. Although they were not custom-made, they were also expensive brand suits.

On the other hand, at Big D, there are more than 30 boys wearing everything, they look like a group of extras.

"Boss Chu, I finally see you."

Mrs. Lei was the first to come back to her senses, smiled sweetly, and said, "I've heard that Boss Chu is a good-looking talent. I didn't expect to see him today. He is even more handsome than the rumors."

She looked at Chu Bai, her eyes scanned all parts of Chu Bai's body back and forth, especially when she skipped over those sculptural muscles, she couldn't take her eyes off her.

"Cough cough."

Seeing his wife's appearance, Big D coughed quickly.

He walked up to Chu Bai and squeezed out a smile, "Hello, Boss Chu, I'm He Liansheng's big d."


Chu Bai shook hands with Da D, and said: "Tianhong has already told me what you want to talk about, please come inside, let's chat while drinking."

"Okay, since Boss Chu said so, let's do as we please (Li's)."

Both Big D and Mrs. Lei have no objection, this is Chu Bai's territory, and they have something to ask for.

A group of people came to the bar area in the entertainment city and walked into a box.

Chang Mao, Luo Tianhong and others took their younger brothers to guard the door of the box, only Chu Bai, Da D and Mrs. Lei entered the box.

"Big D, let's talk about it now, what do you mean by borrowing troops?"

Chu Bai asked while pouring wine for Da D and Mrs. Lei.

"Boss Chu, I just came to trouble you because I really had no choice."

Big D has a straightforward temper, and he explained clearly his old background as soon as he came up.

"Those old people in our club gave Ale the seat, I went to protest, but it didn't work, so I don't plan to play with them anymore, I want to create a new and joint victory by myself.

But they accused me of splitting the club, and mobilized the rest of Liansheng's bosses to gather the strength of the whole club to kill me. "

Big D told Chu Bai the whole story, and of course there must be some part of beautifying himself.

After listening, Chu Bai nodded, "So you can't fight against the whole He Liansheng alone, so you asked me to borrow troops?"

"That's right, you are the only one in Hong Kong who can lend me manpower." Big D said.

Chu Bai chuckled, looked at the big d, and asked with great interest: "How are you sure that I will lend you soldiers?

Once it is lent to you, it means becoming an enemy of He Liansheng, which is not easy to do. "

Chapter 131

"Boss Chu, as long as you are willing to lend me troops this time, I can give up the territory of Santiaojie."

Big D directly promised.

"The site of Santiaojie is very good, but what I have to pay for it is my staff and the enmity with the entire Heliansheng."

Chu Bai said slowly: "And this is based on the premise that you have resisted the blow of Liansheng, if I lent you manpower, but in the end you didn't carry it through.

At that time, don't talk about Santiaojie, I can't get back the manpower I borrowed. "

Hearing what Chu Bai said, the faces of Big D and Mrs. Lei were not very good-looking.

"Boss Chu, you may have overestimated He Liansheng."

Mrs. Lei stared into Chu Bai's eyes, "My husband controls at least one-third of Liansheng's territory, and he also has the most people.

You only need to lend us 500 people, and we can withstand the attack of Liansheng.

With so many bosses in Liansheng, they are not a whole after all, and it is impossible for them to attack us with all their strength. "

"I admit you are right."

Chu Bai nodded, in his heart he was inclined to lend troops to Big D, so that he could reach inside He Liansheng.

The reason why he said this just now was just to raise the price.

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