After Dasha came, he suddenly saw a stranger sitting in the office.

Dasha scrutinized and looked at the plane sitting on the sofa beside him, and looked at Chu Bai with some doubts.

"Boss, who is this?"

"He's called Airplane. He's my new recruit today. You can trust him. Get to know him first. I'll find a chance to introduce him to Tony and the others later."

While talking, Chu Bai took out his Lamborghini key, and walked out from the desk.

"Let's get to know each other slowly on the way, and I'll take you to a place."

Chu Bai took Dasha and the plane to the parking lot. The plane saw a sapphire blue Lamborghini parked there, its eyes lit up for a moment, and it rushed over in one stride.

"Lamborghini is really powerful!"

Aircraft stretched out his hands, as if stroking his lover, caressing this Lamborghini carefully, his whole body and mind seemed to be immersed in this car.

After he broke away from his previous bosses and saw the prosperity of Hong Kong Island, he wanted to be a boss himself.

Be a good enough boss!

I can't help but see the sports car!

"Don't touch it, don't touch it, the boss cleaned the car with great difficulty, it's all dirty by you."

Dasha saw the unseen appearance of the plane, as if he had seen the first time he saw this car. After all, there are not many Lamborghinis in Hong Kong Island in this era, but he still couldn’t help it. He looked at the plane mockingly.

"Uh, okay!"

Chu Bai didn't pay attention to these two ignorant people who were somewhat similar, and directly sat in the car. Seeing this, Dasha and the plane hurriedly got in too.

Not long after, Chu Bai drove them to Tiansheng Street in Saigon in a Lamborghini, and behind the Lamborghini were dozens of younger brothers driving behind to protect them.

After all, he had just taken down Saigon, so Chu Bai had to follow someone to protect him.

Tin Shing Street is the street closest to Causeway Bay, and it is also the most prosperous area in Sai Kung. An eight-story building stands here.


Chu Bai parked the car at the door of this building, took out the key and put it in his pocket.

The car behind also stopped, and the people above got off the car one after another, and then stood not far away smoking while watching over Chu Bai and the others.

The plane raised its head, and couldn't help looking up at the building from below. The eight-meter-high building made it a bit dazzling for him to look at the sun.

The plane couldn't help but enviously said:

"I really don't know who is so rich and can buy such a building. If this building is my house, I will definitely transform it into the most luxurious, famous and fun entertainment city on Hong Kong Island."

"Come on, how much does it cost to buy such a building, you'd better be sober."

Dasha couldn't help talking about the plane aside, interrupting the plane's wild thoughts.

"Who said this house is not ours?"

While Chu Bai was talking, a satisfied smile appeared on his face and said:

"This building is the property of our Four Seas Group, and I will hand it over to you two in the future. I plan to open a Four Seas Entertainment City here."

Hearing what Chu Bai said, both Dasha and Ji Ji's eyes widened.

The two of them never imagined that they were just talking, and that their boss, Chu Bai, had already bought this building, and was going to transform the entire eight-story building into a Universal Entertainment City.

Airplane is already very excited. He has just joined the Four Seas Group, and he did not expect to receive such an important task. The most important thing is that Chu Bai actually adopted his opinion, and he really wants to build this place into the most prosperous place in Saigon. entertainment city.

This is a whole eight towers.

If it is really transformed into an entertainment city, even on Hong Kong Island, it may be one of the best places.

Chu Bai patted the plane's shoulder and said:

"I leave it to you here. You can go and see how it is going to be modified. You can learn how other entertainment cities do it.

I will also guide later, and I will give you a construction book.

Let Dasha handle the decoration, and the food stalls are on the right track for the time being, there is no need to send someone to look at it, you can just concentrate on decorating the entertainment city here now. "

After all, Chu Bai is also a person of the later generations, and he has met people who have met various entertainment activities and decorations, and he has plans in mind.

We have planned how to arrange this entertainment city!

After arranging tasks for Dasha, Chu Bai took the plane back to the pier. Chu Bai had already called Tony over, and arranged for the plane to meet Tony.

At this time, Tony was already in the office, sitting alone on the sofa and waiting.

"Tony, this is the plane, new brother!"

As soon as Chu Bai entered the office, he introduced the plane to Tony. Tony believed in Chu Bai unconditionally, so when he saw the plane, he completely let go of his guard against strangers. Nod.

"I'm Tony!"

The plane also quickly grinned and said:

"I am the plane, the plane flying in the sky!"

Chu Bai returned to his desk and sat on the boss's chair. Seeing that there was no estrangement between Fei Ji and Tony, he felt relieved.

"Tony, go find a better tailor factory in the next two days, and make black suits for all the security company personnel below."

"Customized black suit? Why do you want to make a suit? Don't you guys dress well?"

Tony was puzzled as to why Chu Bai arranged for him to customize suits.

Although they are a security company, they are actually collecting protection fees under the guise of a security company, and this is exactly what Chu Bai is worried about.

"I've already said that now our Four Seas Group is not a short mule, we want to develop into a formal group, we need to be formalized, so we need suits to regulate them.

In addition, you need to find a bigger training ground. Although we are a security company and need a lot of manpower, we don't need waste. What we need are elites who can fight and chop.

Airplane is a newcomer, let him follow you during this time, and you can take him with you by the way. "

Hearing Chu Bai's detailed plan, Tony agreed, and the security group's development is becoming more and more formal, which is also a good thing for them.

"Understood, boss!".

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for evaluation tickets*

Chapter 32 300 million to buy a restaurant! (fifth more)

After a few more words, Tony turned around and took the plane out of the office.


Tony was very efficient in handling things, and took down the training base in a few days. Saigon is a remote place with a lot of land.

It is very simple to set up a large training base.

The plane itself has strong fighting skills, so Tony hardly needs to discipline him. In the training ground, the plane can even help Tony train the new security personnel.

In addition, the aircraft's anti-strike ability is particularly strong, which makes Tony's eyes shine. After a little regular training, he is definitely a good player.

Shout out to Chu Bai for seeing a treasure!

"Whoo, whoa, whoa..."

A week later, in the training ground, there were hundreds of people participating in training here, and every strong man was sweating.

After the past few days, Tony has already taken care of all the suits and uniforms, and the expansion of the pier is about to be completed. On the other side of the building, the building of Universal Entertainment City has also been simply renovated.

At this time, Chu Bai was sitting in the office, smoking a cigar slowly, after these few days, basically everything has been settled.

There was a faint blue smoke from Chubai's cigar. He was worried about one thing. The expansion of the pier was basically completed, and the four fishing boats were officially put into use.

And with the expansion of the wharf, more and more private farmers' fishing boats dock here, and the amount of seafood caught is three times as much as before, and it will only increase in the future.

Logically speaking, it should be something to be happy about the sudden increase in fishing volume, which will greatly increase the profit of the dock, but Chu Bai is worried about this matter.

With so much seafood, the best seafood is monopolized in his hands, and there is no seller at all, all of which are piled up in the dock icehouse. If they are not disposed of in time, they will all rot. It is not a small loss.

The main profit of the wharf lies in catching seafood, charging docking fees, etc., but if all the high-quality seafood monopolized becomes a loss, is it not worth the gain for him?

In the future, the monopoly of Superior Seafood will definitely become a large capital flow for the Four Seas Group.

But now there is no big buyer of seafood, and these seafood cannot be processed in a short time, so it is impossible to really let them spoil here.

Chu Bai took another puff of his cigar, suddenly thought of something, and immediately called Fu Bo into the office.

"Master, we really can't fit the high-quality seafood at the pier, and the warehouse is full of seafood, you have to think of a way to get rid of them!

I have contacted several old friends who are willing to help with a small portion of seafood, which is already their maximum limit.

No matter how much, they have no money to collect seafood! "

Uncle Fu had already turned gray, but he still devoted himself to doing things for the Chu family. When Chu Bai's father was still alive, Uncle Fu had worked hard for the Chu family all his life.

Originally, before the Chu family changed, Uncle Fu was ready to enjoy his old age, but he didn't expect something wrong with Chu Bai's family. Uncle Fu even took out all his family wealth to help Chu Bai, and he put all his thoughts on Chu Bai. at home.

Chu Bai was naturally very moved by Fu Bo's good intentions, but compared to so much seafood, he could only deal with a small part of it, and there was no way to stop the loss in time.

If you want to completely dispose of all these seafood, you must find a big buyer.

But in a remote place like Saigon, there is no big buyer at all for a while, and Chu Bai has no contacts to find such a big buyer for the time being, so he still has to digest it by himself.

"Forbe, I have decided to spend 300 million from the book to buy a big restaurant.

We digest it ourselves.

This big restaurant specializes in premium seafood! "

"Buy a restaurant?"

Hearing what Chu Bai said, Uncle Fu was taken aback for a moment, but then immediately understood what Chu Bai meant.

The wharf catches seafood, and ordinary seafood can be sent to their food stalls for direct digestion, but the high-quality seafood is not only caught by their own fishing boat company, but also the high-quality seafood collected by other fishermen through monopoly.

These high-quality seafood, ordinary food stalls simply cannot digest many people.

For the time being, the restaurant has not yet found a large restaurant that can digest such a large amount of high-quality seafood, which has led to a backlog in this regard.

Or Chu Bai's contacts are too few.

There is no way now, if they build a big restaurant by themselves to sell high-quality seafood, it will definitely relieve a large part of their memory.

After all, the high-quality seafood monopolized by the Four Seas Group is basically good!

Not bad no one wants to eat!

And how much to use and how much to catch is part of the control, so that the problem of overcrowded seafood on the pier can be alleviated at once.

Uncle Fu looked at Chu Bai with some relief. In just a short period of time, the young master he had seen growing up since he was a child seemed to have suddenly become a big man in his own right. When he really grew up, Uncle Fu suddenly felt that the Chu family There is hope for the future.

Chu Bai pinched off his cigar, walked up to Uncle Fu with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Fu, I will leave this matter to you for the time being. Remember to choose the location of the restaurant on Tiansheng Street. Sorry for the trouble, Uncle Uncle."

"Young master, don't worry, just leave this matter to me, and I will do it right away."

After finishing speaking, Fu Bo turned around and went out to buy a restaurant. Now the accountant has a lot of money.

After the seafood matter was settled, Chu Bai completely let go of his troubles. He drove his Lamborghini and prepared to go to the Rose Bar to relax.

Chu Bai didn't bother the little girl either.

Chu Bai was driving a Lamborghini, and just parked the car at the roadside of the Rose Bar. At the entrance of the bar, a boy in a black suit saw the license plate number of the Lamborghini, ran over immediately, and bowed deeply to Chu Fan .

"Hello, boss, please give me the car keys, and I will help you park the car."

"it is good."

Chu Bai tossed the key to the younger brother, and took a look at the Rose Bar on the side of the road. There were three security personnel of the Four Seas Group in black suits and uniforms standing on both sides of the Rose Bar, each with a very serious expression.

When they saw Chu Bai, they all stood in place and bowed slightly to Chu Bai, then stood in place again and continued to observe the surrounding situation.

It seems that after a period of training, these security personnel have undergone a qualitative change, basically from a short mule to a real regular security personnel.

Although, when it's time to kill people, they still kill people.

But it already looks a little bit better, which makes Chu Bai feel a little more satisfied.

As soon as Chu Bai walked into the bar, Ah Zai trotted over from the dance floor in the middle of the bar to greet him.

"Boss, today, you have time to come and see me."

"Hurry up and serve the boss wine!"

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