How do I treat them normally, and they turned out to betray me like this.

This time, I must clean the portal. "


Lian Haolong was so angry that he smashed half of the corner of the table next to him with his palm.

Seeing his brother Lian Haolong being so angry, Lian Haodong didn't dare to say anything, but a strange light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Brother, it's not a mistake. Sister-in-law is so kind to you, and she works hard for the group's affairs. Logically speaking, she shouldn't do this.

It can't be that someone is interfering with it, trying to provoke the relationship between you and sister-in-law, so as to break down our loyalty and trust?

This matter must be investigated. "

"I hope so, but I sent Tianhong to check it several times, and besides me, only your sister-in-law has access to the account, who else could it be?

She wants money, yes, she can tell me directly!But she actually united with outsiders to plot against me, I absolutely can't bear it.


This time I must ask her clearly. "

Lian Haolong stared angrily, as if he was going to eat Su Su alive, Lian Haodong looked at him like this, feeling a little scared in his heart, so he found an excuse and left here.

After walking out of the headquarters of Zhongyixin Company, Lian Haodong found a place where no one was around, and secretly sent a text message with his mobile phone. The text message was an anonymous text message, and it would not be possible to find out who sent it.

At the same time, Susu's cell phone on the other side received an anonymous text message, which was sent to her by Lian Haodong.

Susu looked at the content of the text message, and her expression changed instantly. Ah Fa, who was sitting beside her, felt something was wrong, and also looked at the text message on the phone.

However, after Ah Fa read this text message, his face became very ugly like Susu's, and he even had a trace of fear, because he knew that their affairs had been exposed.

Su Su put away her mobile phone, but the content of the text message on the mobile phone made her bewildered. She instinctively sensed a hint of danger. It showed that Susu still noticed something was wrong, without any hesitation, she turned her head and told Ah Fa who was beside her:

"Ah Fa, Brother Long already knew about the two of us making false accounts. He has already discovered that hundreds of millions have been lost on the accounts. He immediately finds a safe place and discusses what we should do about this matter. 10 minutes Then send me the address."

Ah Fa also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he was also very panicked now, without thinking about it, he just nodded and agreed.

"it is good!"

Poor Lian Haolong never thought that his wife would betray him, and what Lian Haolong didn't expect was that his younger brother, who he had spent 5000 million to rescue, also wanted to plot against him.

It's just that what Lian Haolong doesn't know is that Lian Haodong's thoughts like this are no longer a matter of a day or two. For a long time, Lian Haodong has been suppressed by Lian Haolong. He gradually became a little crazy.

Lian Haodong also wanted to be a loyal and trustworthy elder brother, but because Lian Haolong was his elder brother, he was a few years older than himself, so he had to be under Lian Haolong's hands and be a younger brother with peace of mind. Dong was very unconvinced and unwilling.

It was precisely because Lian Haodong's ambition had been suppressed by Lian Haolong for many years that Lian Haodong broke out completely. He was going to take advantage of this incident to complete his plan.

Chapter 70

In the golf course, the sky is clear and the clouds are moving slightly. Susu is swinging a club on the outdoor golf course from time to time. Behind her, there is a caddy helping her carry the golf bag.

At this moment, Ah Fa also came to the outdoor golf course with his golf bag, and when he saw Susu playing golf here, he immediately pretended to be a little surprised.

Ah Fa's acting skills are very good, and he is still known as a fairy hair in the world. Even Zhong Yixin's insiders don't know that Ah Fa and Su Su have such a good relationship, and they are also old bastards.

Lian Haolong hadn't done anything to them yet, so Susu and Ah Fa didn't turn their faces directly.

But they know time is running out.

When Lian Haolong was ready to attack them, it was too late.

"I didn't expect Sister Susu, you also play golf, it seems that you are quite proficient in playing golf!"

Ah Fa also handed over his ball bag to the caddy, and then walked to Susu's side.

Susu smiled slightly, looked at the golf ball in front of her feet, swung the club and hit it out.

"What are you going to do? Just play casually with those rich people, and you'll be able to play a little while you're having fun. The reason why you come here is to tell some little secrets conveniently."

"Tell me a little secret here, aren't you afraid of being overheard?"

Ah Fa followed behind Susu, pretending to look around vigilantly, to see if anyone was here to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Susu handed the baseball bat to the caddy, and the two walked towards the empty place together.

"What are you thinking, how can someone eavesdrop on such a big place, unless you have a bug on your body, do you have a bug on your body?"

Susu looked at Ah Fa with a smile on her face and said.

"That might be. Now I heard that there is a kind of bug. Isn't it possible to hear it from a long distance of "[-]"? Who knows if someone has secretly installed a bug on my body? Then the little secret will be known by others!"

As Ah Fa was talking, he pretended to check his body, and only after confirming that there was no bug on his body did he completely relax his vigilance.

Su Su looked back at Ah Fa and said:

"Stop it, you know it's funny, what about that? Do you have any ideas?

Have you thought about our next step? "

In an instant, Susu put away the smile on her face just now, and became very serious, and Ah Fa also looked preoccupied.

After all, they originally planned to prepare the accounts first, and then secretly take out the money, but unexpectedly, Lian Haolong didn't know where he got the news, and suddenly started to check the accounts, and everything was taken out. He found out, and they have now confirmed that the news in the text message is true, and Lian Haolong's actions have been a little weird these two days.

Even a little wary of him, Ah Fa!

Ah Fa and Susu have been with Lian Haolong for so many years, they are the most clear and sensitive to Lian Haolong's every move!

If it weren't for the consideration that sister-in-law Susu still controlled the company's accounts, etc., they estimated that Lian Haolong might have done something to them long ago.

It was precisely because of this that Susu and Ah Fa panicked and discussed in secret. They had to make a decision as soon as possible.

Ah Fa frowned and said:

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

After thinking about it, Su Su suddenly mentioned an important person, and suddenly said:

"Fourth Uncle is the most important person to Lian Haolong. He is the benefactor behind Loyalty and Faith, and behind all of Lian Haolong's business, if we find someone to kidnap him, we will A ransom of [-] million.

As long as the [-] million ransom is in hand, then we can recruit soldiers to fight against Zhong Yixin, and completely separate from Lian Haolong.

The two of us have worked so hard for so many years.

Even if we want to leave, we must take a sum of money to leave, otherwise we will lose too much!

Even if you run away, you can't do without money! "

"it is good!"

Hearing what Susu said, Ah Fa nodded in agreement. After all, if something happened to the fourth uncle, Lian Haolong would definitely help, not to mention that he also wanted to get another sum of money.

But there was one thing that Ah Fa was worried about.

"But so much cash, can fourth uncle's family get it out? You must know that he is a serious businessman, if he takes out so much cash all at once, he will definitely be checked by the note.

Let alone 1000 million, even if he goes to the bank to withdraw [-] million in cash, the bankers will inform Tiao Zi. "

Hearing Ah Fa's words, Su Su couldn't help but smile. She has been managing the company's accounts for Lian Haolong for so many years, and she knows this matter best.

"The fourth uncle's family will definitely not be able to get this money for a while.

I didn't expect to get it from my uncle's family, Lian Haolong valued my uncle so much, don't think about it, Lian Haolong will definitely take the money for my uncle's family.

What Lian Haolong lacks most is tickets. He never swipe his credit card when he sells No. [-] boy, and he never asks for a check when opening a house. Let alone [-] million in cash, even if it is [-] to [-] million, he can take it out. "

Hearing what Susu said, Ah Fa was completely relieved about the money matter, and the specific matter of how to kidnap the fourth uncle was left to Ah Fa.

To be on the safe side, Ah Fa didn't send his own people over there, but hired a few professional gangsters with money. These guys were very agile and much more ruthless than his little brother. They took his little brother over there, Not only is it easy to expose, but it may not be successful.

In order to ensure the safety of his fourth uncle, Lian Haolong specially hired two secret bodyguards for his fourth uncle, and these two secret bodyguards are not fixed, they will be randomly replaced by two people every once in a while, in order to prevent someone from betraying, so as to To ensure the safety of fourth uncle.

In addition, the two secret bodyguards also had a secret code with the fourth uncle's bodyguards. They communicated through the car lights. Every time the fourth uncle went out, the two secret bodyguards would first go out to investigate the outside environment.

After confirming that there was no danger, they informed the people inside through the signal on the headlights, and only then did Fourth Uncle leave in the car.

Because of this, Ah Fa and the others need to get rid of the two secret bodyguards first. When they went out to drink tea, Ah Fa sent someone to secretly drug them in their tea, and after they passed out, they were taken away. hid.

Ah Fa sent two other people to replace the secret bodyguards, sitting in the car and waiting for the opportunity.

Not long after, the fourth uncle was going to go out. At this time, the fourth uncle's bodyguard saw the signal sent by the secret bodyguard through the car lights. He knew that the situation outside was safe, so the fourth uncle was very relieved and prepared to get in the car and leave.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

But at this moment, those two people disguised as secret bodyguards suddenly came out, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, holding pistols, and directly shot and killed fourth uncle's bodyguards at the scene.

Then a car stopped, and the two immediately threw fourth uncle off the car, put them in their own car, and drove away.

Ah Fa looked at his fourth uncle who was struggling desperately in the back seat of the car, and finally felt relieved. Unexpectedly, it was much easier than he imagined.

As long as this fourth uncle is in his hands, even if Lian Haolong knows that they did it, he will never dare to act rashly in the slightest. The fourth uncle, the benefactor behind the back, is too important to Lian Haolong for his loyalty and trust.

Ah Fa let out a sneer.

"Ha ha......"

Next, you only need to send someone to deliver a letter to Zhongyixin, and then you will be waiting to collect the money.


A few hours later, Lian Haolong held the envelope in his hand, and couldn't help but look sad. He and his younger brother Lian Haodong were sitting in the office to check the surveillance at the door of the fourth uncle. The footage of the kidnapping of the fourth uncle at the door was all recorded by the surveillance down.

Lian Haodong looked at the surveillance. They had watched this surveillance video many times. Lian Haodong was getting tired of watching it. He could not help but sit on the chair with his hands on his head, and said impatiently:

"Brother, this is definitely someone deliberately messing with us, I'm afraid they know that there is a conflict between us and the Four Seas Group, and they want to take the opportunity to stab us.

Now other associations are too presumptuous!

They simply don't take our loyalty and faith seriously! "

Hearing what Lian Haodong said, Lian Haolong just nodded slightly, thought for a while and said:

"That might be, anyway, everything now has to be based on the safety of Fourth Uncle's life, let's let the matter of the traitor in the company go first, save Fourth Uncle first and then talk about it.

Uncle Si is the most important thing to us! "

In fact, Lian Haolong already guessed in his heart that this was Susu and Ah Fa's fault. Recently, he also sent someone to secretly watch Susu and Ah Fa. However, the safety of the fourth uncle is more important now. Long has no time to talk to Su Su and Ah Fa.

"Okay, then I'll go and inform my fourth uncle's house to prepare cash, and then I'll send it over in person to see who this group of people are?"

Hearing what Lian Haodong said, Lian Haolong gave him a blank look, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Fourth Uncle's family is obviously engaged in serious business, how could they come up with such a large amount of cash, when the time comes to withdraw money from the bank, it will definitely be seized by the police.

We have to pay for it ourselves. "

Just in case, Lian Haolong planned to pay the ransom of [-] million yuan himself, Lian Haolong told Lian Haodong very worried, for fear that he would make something happen again.

"Before fourth uncle is rescued, don't do anything, don't think about doing anything, everything will be discussed after fourth uncle is rescued.

There are also Susu and Ah Fa. After this matter is over, I will definitely go to these two people to settle the score. 0”

Seeing that Lian Haolong was burning with anger, Lian Haodong nodded and hurriedly withdrew to prepare the [-] million cash.


One day later, near Zhongyixin Company, there were two boys in black suits on a tall building, holding binoculars and watching Zhongyixin's movements closely. When they saw Lian Haodong holding two Heavy black travel bag when entering the company.

They immediately took the phone and told Chu Bai about the matter immediately.

Chu Bai had already sent someone to squat near Zhongyixin Company to monitor the situation of Zhongyixin, and told the people below that no matter what movements they had, they had to tell him immediately.

When Chu Bai knew that Lian Haodong was carrying two black travel bags, he guessed it. It seemed that Susu and Ah Fa had completely fallen out with Lian Haolong and the others. Let Susu do it.

After hearing the news, a sneer appeared on Chu Bai's face, and his expression was very gloomy, like a scheming person plotting some bad things to disturb the world here.

After Chu Bai made a phone call, he called Tony to the office and told him:

"Tony, you are from Yuenan, so you should know the situation in Yuenan very well.

Now I want you to go to Yuenan again, and help me find a group of gunmen from there, and then buy a batch of arms. I want those people to be desperadoes, the kind of people who are not afraid of death and dare to fight and kill.

The firepower of the ammunition must be strong enough, it doesn't matter how much it costs, just tell Fu Bo how much money is needed. "

Hearing what Chu Bai said, Tony was slightly shocked. After all, such a big move must be Chu Bai's plan to do something, but Tony was a little excited. He wanted to fight with a gun for a long time. Punching is too boring.

"Boss, is there any big move going on in the near future! Can you tell me first, let me satisfy my greed first, I haven't killed anyone for a long time!

I just want to try real firearms recently! "

Seeing Tony's anxious look, Chu Bai shook his head helplessly. This is Tony who is considered the most stable person among several people. If it was replaced by Airplane and Ahu, he probably wished he could take it now. He rushed out with a machete.

What's more, this time, arms will be used.

There are not many opportunities to play with firearms, so the people under him naturally fight for each other.

Chu Bai said directly:

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