Chapter 76

Chu Bai took the plane with him, and a few boys in black suits were standing at the entrance of the Mong Kok Stock Exchange. He was about to go in, but when he opened the door, he was stopped by the people inside.

"What are you guys doing here?"

An exchange manager walked towards him. The manager looked very polite, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and looked at Chu Bai and the others warily. a feeling of.

After all, no one came to buy stocks and brought a bunch of strong men with them, and they didn't come to fight.

"Everyone, the stock exchange is a place where cultural talents come, what do you look like.

I'm afraid I'm not here to buy stocks!

Don't come here to make trouble, there are many security guards here, call the police.

People from the Mong Kok Police Station will be there in 10 minutes. "

While talking, the stock manager stretched out his hand to stop them, with a wary expression on his face. After all, there are often some short mules to pretend to be big. What stocks do you want to buy?The result is a loss when you buy it.

It doesn't matter if you lose money, but once you lose money, you will come to them to make trouble. It is precisely because of this reason that there are more security guards here, and they avoid those short mules.

"Md, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I cut you in half!"

Airplane stared at the stock trading manager very annoyedly, as if he wanted to eat the manager alive, which startled the manager and made him tremble with fear.

"Barbarians are a bunch of savages."

If Chu Bai hadn't stopped the plane in time, the plane's fist would have already hit the manager in the face.

"Airplane, calm down, we are not here to fight, don't cause trouble for me!"

Chu Bai asked the plane to calm down for a while, he was really afraid that the plane would impulsively knock down the manager, so Chu Bai walked up to the manager of the exchange.

When the exchange manager saw Chu Bai, he still looked vigilant, looked at Chu Bai slightly, and said lightly:

"Sir, it's a bit polite to see you look like 10, you should be their leader!

Let me tell you, it's useless for you to threaten me. It's not that you guys can't play, but that you make trouble everywhere when you lose money.

In addition, you don't understand stocks at all, so we would rather not earn your little money.

How much money can you have? ? "

Chu Bai slightly frowned and said:

"There's a lot of nonsense, please help me open an account, the amount should be large enough.

I won't bother you if I lose money. "

Hearing what Chu Bai said, the exchange manager looked at Chu Bai in surprise and said:

"It seems that you understand a little bit. Since you understand everything, then you should also know that the account with a large amount of money must be at least tens of millions.

Are you sure you have so much money in your hand? "

The manager of the exchange looked at Chu Bai and the others suspiciously. He didn't believe from the bottom of his heart that Chu Bai and the others could have any money in their hands. Even if they had, it was only a few million at most.

These dwarf mules can basically live a day-to-day life in luxury, and they can't save much money at all.

The exchange manager thought so in his heart.

"Then take a look, is the money in this passbook enough? If it's not enough, I'll add more!"

As he said that, Chu Bai calmly took out a passbook card, and the manager of the exchange took the card nonchalantly, and glanced at it twice.

But after only two glances, the manager of the exchange was shocked immediately. He stood there in disbelief, looking at the passbook and Chu Bai.

"Ten million, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million... billions!"

The manager counted and couldn't believe the number. He thought he was dazzled. After counting several times, he found that there were [-] million Hong Kong dollars on the deposit card. He was about to go crazy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry sir, it's because I don't know Taishan with my eyesight, so please invite some distinguished guests inside."

After seeing the amount in the passbook, the manager of the exchange immediately returned the passbook to Chu Bai with both hands. At this moment, there was a big cold sweat on his forehead, for fear that he would miss such a big deal if he was not careful. .

He respectfully invited Chu Bai and the others to the special VIP room of the stock exchange, where VIP guests do not need to grab the machines outside to buy stocks like those people outside.

Here, there is not only a place to rest, but also a separate machine for them to buy stocks. You must know that there are not more than a few such VIP rooms in the entire stock exchange.

"Please come inside, sir. I'll ask someone to bring you water right away. I don't know if you want tea or coffee?"

The manager thought that he had spoken to them in such a tone just now, and in his heart he wished to travel back and strangle himself to death, and at the same time, he was a little terrified when he spoke.

"Is there no wine?"

When the plane saw the manager's appearance, he snorted coldly, sat down on the sofa, put his legs on the coffee table, and looked at the manager leisurely.

"This, wine, we really don't have any here."

"Then go out and buy it. What are you still doing here? Remember I want cold beer. If you don't come back within 10 minutes, then I won't drink it."

"Ok, ok, ok..."

Hearing what the plane said, the manager didn't dare to neglect at all, and hurried out to buy wine for them.

"Hahaha, this manager is too powerful. If I knew he was so obedient, I would have sent him to Saigon to buy pineapple beer for me."

Ji Ji and the younger brother at the side sat on the sofa, discussing the manager just now, while Chu Bai sat alone in front of the machine, looking at the stocks on the screen, and was about to start stock selection.

Fortunately, Chu Bai paid attention to information about stocks in his previous life. Although he didn’t pay much attention to them, there were paper stocks that he paid attention to. Those stocks were basically big bulls, and Chu Bai remembered them because of the special contrast. , is also his chance.

Chu Bai remembered that recently, a stock would explode and become the biggest dark horse stock.

Seeing Chu Bai staring at the computer screen intently, the plane curiously walked up to Chu Bai, and suddenly asked:

"Boss, don't you still buy stocks? Or go out and invite someone to come in and analyze it for us, so as not to lose money."

"It's useless to ask them to come in. In the end, they will only recommend some messy stocks to you. Just watch me buy them!"

The plane touched its head, nodded and said:

"Okay, boss!"

Chu Bai suddenly saw the name of a real estate on the screen, Baile Real Estate.

Chu Bai had a very clear impression of Baile Real Estate, because this stock fell very sharply at that time, and many people lost their fortunes because of this stock, but it was a good stock.

Seeing Chu Bai staring at the stock, Ji Qi moved over curiously.

"Bai Le Real Estate? Recently, many people jumped off the building because of this company. It is said that they bought their stocks and lost all their money. They really can't bear the pressure."

The plane suddenly realized something, and looked at Chu Bai seriously.

"Boss, you don't want to buy the stock of this company, do you?"

"You're really right, I just want to buy the stock of this company."

Because in Chu Bai's memory, this company was operated by insiders.

And because today is Friday, the stock market will be closed until the weekend, and stocks will not be able to trade at that time.

This company will receive a large amount of financing investment on Friday afternoon, and their stock will skyrocket all the way, becoming the hottest dark horse in the stock market.

Chu Bai looked at the time and estimated that it has fallen to freezing point. It is already 03:30 in the afternoon, and the stock trading time stops at [-] o'clock, so it is just right to start at this time.

"Boss, you want to lose all of the Four Seas Group. This stock has been falling. Do you dare to buy it?"

Qi Ji noticed that Chu Bai wanted to buy this stock, and even an uninitiated layman could tell that he would definitely lose money if he bought this stock, and Chu Bai still bought 2 million at a time.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have a sense of what stocks to buy."

Chu Bai entered a series of numbers, directly entered all [-] million Hong Kong dollars, and bought this Baile Real Estate stock.

The time is approaching four o'clock bit by bit, and there are only 3 minutes left before the stock closes.

Although Baile Real Estate's stock has rebounded slightly, these are just flashbacks in the eyes of outsiders, because that slight increase is really of no help at all. saved.

"Bai Le Real Estate is impossible. It seems that he is hopeless and is about to hit the limit."

"It is estimated that when the stock market opens on Monday, you will never see this stock again."

Just at the last minute of the stock market closing, suddenly the number of this stock on the big screen rose.

"It's gone up, and Baile Real Estate has gone up!"

Suddenly someone in the hall started shouting, and all the attention was attracted to this stock. Some people thought it was just a flashback, and it would not rise much at all.

But in a short period of time, the curve of this stock has been rising, and it has risen linearly.

"Look, Baile Real Estate has actually risen, and it has risen several times at once."

"How could Baile Real Estate go up?"

"Is this a joke?"


In this short period of 1 minute, Baile Real Estate's stock suddenly soared, which completely caught the entire stock market by surprise. Many people wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, but they just entered the numbers Go in, just about to enter the payment password, only to find that the stock market has been closed.

Airplane watched the stock on the screen rise in a straight line, and he suddenly realized that the stock that Chu Bai bought seemed to have made a profit.

"Did the boss make money with this stock?"

"It seems that you are not stupid. You have made a small fortune, but you will not really grow up until later."

Airplane couldn't help touching his head. It can be said that he didn't know anything about stocks. He was best at fighting and hacking people.

Seeing that it was almost time now, Chu Bai returned to the company, asked the plane and the others to stay, and drove the Lamborghini straight to Master Ding's house.

"Come here, what else can you bring?"

"Come over to see Master Ding when you have time, how could you come here empty-handed?"

Master Ding greeted Chu Bai personally at the door, and politely took the precious tea that Chu Bai had brought for him. Master Ding liked drinking tea the most.

Chu Bai 467 followed Master Ding to his study.

Talking here will never be heard by outsiders, and it is also convenient for them to speak.

Chu Bai didn't intend to go around the bush, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

"Master Ding, you also know that my business is getting bigger and bigger, and now I have enough funds, I want Lord Ding to help me introduce some high-level people.

I want to use them to enter the real upper class. After all, if you want to become a tycoon, this is essential, and you must integrate into this level. "

"I understand your thoughts, don't worry, I will arrange it for you in a while.

After all, your Four Seas Group is not small. "

Chu Bai couldn't help nodding, "Then Chu Bai will be here first, thank you Ding Lord."

"It's okay, you are my favorite junior, the more you can hang out on Hong Kong Island, the better.

There was light on my face as well.

What's more, I still have friendship with your parents.

I should give you a hand, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to Saigon to find you. "


Then he said some more things, and after drinking tea with Master Ding, Chu Bai left.

After Chu Bai returned to the company, he immediately called Tony to his office and ordered:

"As business at sea increases, so does our number of ships.

Now Hong Kong Island is not too strict.

Just our chance, just here luxury is everywhere.

It can be smuggled abroad.

Tony, you..."

He let Tony continue to increase the fishing company's ships, and in the fishing company's business, carry out freight business and open smuggling routes.

Now the smuggling business is the most profitable, especially going to the mainland and south of the Yangtze River, the profits are huge, and many side businesses make money from it. The most important thing is that the current control in this area is not special. Seriously, after all, it is still the most chaotic period on Hong Kong Island. This kind of opportunity to make money was prepared by Chu Bai when he was working on the Saigon Wharf.

Now is ready to start entering this line.

Chapter 77

A month passed quickly.

During this period, the sea business of the Four Seas Group was very prosperous, and Tony handled affairs quickly. After Chu Bai ordered, he quickly found a smuggling route and shipped a large number of luxury goods to Yuenan and other places.

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