
As soon as he turned around, Victory, who was transformed into Yotsuba, had already appeared in front of Thor.

"Snake Heart Sword, Crescent Moon Cutting Waves!"


Clover's body was like the dark Shepparton who had penetrated Thor's incarnation, and came behind Thor.

And Clover is now on Thor's body in the dark Shepparton posture behind.

There has also been a crescent-shaped dark red cut mark!


The dark red crescent-shaped slash was like a bomb, and it exploded on Thor's body in an instant!


Bang, bang, bang!


The dark Shepparton incarnated by Thor was shaken by the explosion and rolled to the foot of a mountain in the distance.


As if annoyed.

Thor in the dark Shepparton posture directly hammered the ground with his huge palm.

"Thor, Thor, are you all right?"

Clover worried.

Thor was so relaxed just now, she thought that this move would not cause any harm to Thor, so she didn't stop.


Chapter 348

If other people say this.

Kirisaki will definitely feel that this is a hypocritical concern, a performance of tea ceremony!

However, the person who said this was Yotsuba.

Then it means that Clover must be simply caring about Thor.

Clover's purity is so high that it is unimaginable!

Although she is also shy, Kirisaki thinks Yotsuba is like a child.

I don't understand anything, I just know how to laugh all day long.

"But..." Kirisaki looked at the situation below, scratched his chin and said, "Isn't it a bit unfair?"

Clover held a knife in his hand.

As for the dark Shepparton in Thor 19, let alone only a few skills.

And the best melee weapon is only the huge palm that comes with it, which is not a weapon at all.

After hearing this, Kanna on Kirisaki's shoulder nodded repeatedly and said:

"Ah Wu Ah Wu."

"That's just not fair."

"Thor doesn't have anything."

Kanna poked Kirisaki's cheek in Tregear's posture, pointed at Thor and Yotsuba below and said.

The fire spread all over the world, and Tregia was regarded as the savior by Neon.

Now she was poked on the cheek by a cute little lolita.

If people see this, it is estimated that Kang Na's name will be as popular all over the world as Tregia the next day.

It is even said that it will attract the jealousy of countless female fans of Tregia who is the incarnation of Kirisaki.

"Okay, then I'll give Thor a weapon."

Misaki said.

But it wasn't because Kang Na was acting cute to him that he agreed.

It's because Kirisaki really feels that if she doesn't give Thor any help, her disadvantage will really get bigger and bigger.

After all, it was the first transformation, and Dark Shepparton didn't have any skills.

The gap was directly opened by Clover.

"Kisaki, what are you going to give her?"

Delias looked at Kirisaki curiously.

She guessed that it shouldn't be a particularly powerful weapon, otherwise, wouldn't this be an obvious partiality?

In the next second, Delias saw Kirisaki summoned by Kirisaki.

A look of obvious surprise immediately appeared on his expression.

Just look, Kirisaki leaned forward with his right hand, and said softly: "The Dark King's Holy Sword, Holy Sword, Forehead Holy Sword!"


A mass of dense dark energy instantly appeared in Kirisaki's hands.

Then it slowly condensed into a shape like a short blade——

This is the weapon in the form of Ultraman Geed, but it just exaggerates the power of darkness!

The aura emanating from it made Delias and the C-class girls next to her feel incredible.

"It's the first time I've seen such pure energy!"

   B was surprised.

Even Anna Jin Zhigong felt a little unbelievable.


"That's it!"

Kirisaki decided.


"Kisaki, you're not going to give this to Thor, are you?"

Delias looked at Kirisaki in surprise, as if this was such an unbelievable thing.

Kirisaki frowned and said:

"That's right, is there something wrong?"

"Of course!"

"The aura on this sword is no joke!"

"Also, it's Thor's first transformation!"


Chapter 349

"Let's not talk about whether Clover can fight this sword, and Thor, who materialized for the first time..."

"Is it impossible to grasp such a strong dark energy?"

Delias reminded eagerly.

Fearing that Kirisaki would have an evil intention, he gave Thor this seemingly ominous sword.

"It's okay, what you worry about won't happen."

Kirisaki smiled mysteriously.

Immediately, without waiting for Delias to continue to persuade, Kirisaki immediately flew to the ground.


"Dark Shepparton Viktorium Flash!"

"Snake Heart Sword Draw your sword and cut!"

Yotsuba and Thor on the ground are still fighting!

They respectively released a huge dark red slash and a black red beam of destruction, blasting at the opponent at the same time!

"Okay, let's pause for a while."

Kirisaki landed on the ground and slightly released some energy towards his body, forming a barrier.

The attacks of Thor and Yotsuba landed on Kirisaki's light blue transparent barrier.

It was absorbed instantly without a trace!

"Master Kirisaki?"

"Fog, Kirisaki?"

Yotsuba and Thor watched Kirisaki's move in surprise, wondering why he suddenly stopped the battle.

However, compared to Yotsuba who was simply surprised.

Thor is obviously more unnatural.

After all, this is the first time she came here and faced Kirisaki head-on, and she felt a little flustered in her heart.

Force yourself to calm down.

Then he looked at Kirisaki who stood between Yotsuba and her.

Just lo and behold, Kirisaki suddenly waved his hand at Thor, and the Dark King's holy sword appeared in front of Thor in an instant.

"This is your weapon...々."

Misaki said.


Sure enough, just as Kirisaki had expected, Yotsuba suddenly became dissatisfied.

"Master Kirizaki is so eccentric. Give Thor a weapon like this, it's very powerful at first glance, I can feel the breath!"

No wonder Clover is dissatisfied.

Because the aura emanating from the Dark King's Holy Sword is indeed very surprising.

At the moment when the Dark King's Holy Sword appeared.

Clover felt the majestic dark energy emanating from this sword!

It's even scarier than her Snake Heart Sword!

"Don't panic, you have it too."

Kirisaki smiled and said, "But, it's not a weapon."

"Not a weapon?"

Yotsuba looked at Kirisaki in confusion, not knowing what he meant by this sentence.

Not a weapon?

What else could it be?

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