Immediately afterwards, the conical metal emitted a strong light again, and the lights in the office returned to normal.

Everyone looked at the metal cone-shaped object.


The hatch in the middle of the conical metal device opened, and a projector-like thing was exposed, gradually projecting a woman in white clothes and white hair from top to bottom

When the researchers saw it, they couldn't help being surprised and said, "It's so delicate."

After it was completely projected, everyone only saw the woman in white clothes and white hair moving her mouth, but they could only hear a strange sound.

At this moment, Xincheng Zhefu suddenly said: "What does she seem to be talking about?"

After speaking, he took out a small electronic device from the cabinet: "Maybe it can be translated with a voice translator."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????


Tetsuo Xincheng continued to operate the translator with the translator, and called Ye Rui who was next to the computer.

Ye Rui immediately knew what Xincheng Zhefu was going to do, and immediately started to operate on the computer.

As Ye Rui continued to operate on the computer, sound waves were collected and gradually merged into one.

The voice is translated!

And the voice of the white-haired woman in white came out clearly,

. . . 0

"Everyone, I am You Lian, the head of the Earth Guard. The arrival of this time machine on the earth means that the earth will undergo many great changes one after another. The first signs are the monster Gelzan that shakes the earth and the monster Mel that cracks the sky. Resurrection."

When Dagu heard this, he immediately thought of something, and said excitedly: "The monster Gorzan! The monster that appeared in Mongolia is Gorzan."

The voice of the woman with white hair and white clothes continued to come.

"The only one who can protect the earth from catastrophic catastrophes is the giant pyramid. That giant used to be the protector of the earth. He hid his fighting body in the huge pyramid, and then restored it to its original light form. I went to my hometown."

"My descendants, your task now is to revive the giant. To defeat the monsters Gorzan and Merba, there is only one way to revive the giant, and that is to let..."


Chapter 352

At this time, the projection screen began to flicker, the sound was intermittent, and finally the projection screen suddenly disappeared.

Everyone woke up from the shock of the white-haired woman's words and began to calm down.

Obviously, what the white-haired woman said made them a little unacceptable and a little suspicious.

Captain Ju Jianhui looked at the R&D staff and asked, "Dr. Jiancun, what do you think?"

Dr. Jiancun paused, and then said: "This time machine is modeled on comets in the solar system, which seems too outrageous!"

Apparently even Dr. Kenmura couldn't believe it.

After listening to Dr. Jiancun's words, Dagu suddenly excitedly said: "It's true! She said that Gorzan will appear, isn't it true?"

Zong Fangcheng thought about it, but still didn't quite believe it and said: "That may not be the monster Gorzan!"

"Melba will appear too!"

"Dagu team member, if you believe in this time machine, it means that you used to have a better scientific civilization than us."

After listening to Dr. Jiancun's words, the corners of Dagu's mouth trembled, and finally fell silent.

Seeing that no one believed Dae-gu's words.

Kirisaki walked over with Delias and Anakinomiya.

Kirisaki patted Daiko on the shoulder, gave him a positive look, but said nothing.

After all, monsters will continue to appear soon, and facts speak louder than words.

Seeing the affirmation and trust in the eyes of the three, Dagu calmed down and developed a good impression of the three new members.

Dagu felt that he seemed to have a natural intimacy with the three of them, but he couldn't explain why.

He felt like he had found a teammate.

At this moment, four people go together!


As the researchers took the meteorite shell for analysis, everyone in the victory team sat around and studied the movement of the earth's plates, trying to find something out of it.

Soon Dr. Kenmura came back again, followed by Masami Hori.

"I analyzed the radioactive elements of the meteorite covering the outside of the time machine, which was formed in the formation between 25 and 38 centuries BC."

Horii Masami continued: "About 3000 million years ago, the Cenozoic Tertiary Oligocene."

Looking at everyone's puzzled eyes, as if they didn't understand what he meant, Horii Masami continued: "In short, it was a long, long time ago when human beings appeared on the earth...  …"

"My God!"

Everyone understood this time and were amazed.

I can't help but wonder, is it true that there were more advanced technologies before human beings appeared?

Just when everyone was silent in the shock in their hearts, the alarm suddenly sounded.

A player appears on the screen.

"A monster appeared on Istan Island, and now the image captured by the satellite is being transmitted."

Soon the real-time screen was connected, and a monster with wings appeared in front of everyone. With the flapping of the wings, boulders were easily crushed.

This monster is different from the previous ones. It not only has a pair of huge wings, but also has red eyes, a slender neck, and a thin mouth.


Like a giant bird, it made strange calls under the moonlight, and it seemed that even the sky trembled.

Seeing this, Dagu's pupils shrank, and he said affirmatively, "It's the monster Melba! It's the sky-cracking monster Melba!"

When Zong Fangcheng saw the huge monster, he pursed his lips and said, "Why did the monster appear there?"


Chapter 353

Dagu looked at the crowd and said affirmatively: "The earth is undergoing changes. You Lian is right. The time machine is real. Geerzan and Melba have appeared!"

Speaking of this, Daiko looked at each other with Kirisaki for some reason and said: "The rest are the giants in the pyramid!"

At this moment, Ju Jianhui asked, "Where is the giant of the pyramid?"

Da Gu was silent for a while, after all, You Lian gave too little information.

"I can find the Pyramid! I will find it soon." Ye Rui kept typing on the keyboard with both hands, very serious and focused.

Soon everyone looked at the display screen 19. According to the limited information given by the time machine, Ye Rui used super high computer technology to continuously determine.

Soon as the positioning became more precise, a location was determined.

Seeing the positioning, Xincheng Zhefu suddenly exclaimed: "It's actually in RB!"

"We must find it!"

With the appearance of the monster Melba, everyone began to believe You Lian's words at this time. With the affirmation of the captain Ju Jianhui, everyone quickly acted and got ready to go.

Soon the three Shengli Feiyan fighter jets sped out from the base, and under the leadership of the deputy captain Zong Fang, they flew towards the positioning.

Arriving at the location given by Yerui's team members, everyone stopped the fighter jets and started looking for the location of the pyramid.

Everyone looked around. This place was surrounded by hills, lush trees, and gurgling streams.

Horii Masami and the others said in disbelief, "How could there be a pyramid in this place?"

Zongfang Chengyi, who stayed on the fighter plane, said to everyone through the communication machine: "Everyone pay attention, keep in touch, and act cautiously!"

Suddenly, Captain Jian Hui communicated through the headquarters communication: "The headquarters calls the No. [-] machine, and the headquarters calls the No. [-] machine!"

Zong Fang immediately responded to the battle, but heard Captain Jian Hui say: "The monster Melba has started to move!"

At this time, everyone was already far away from the fighter jet.

Kirisaki, Anna Nishinomiya, and Delias moved together, and the others dispersed.

In fact, the three of them could see the light from the pyramid, so they walked there with Kirisaki.

Delias said to Kirisaki: "Do we need to help Daiko?"

Hearing this, Anna Nishinomiya also looked at Kirisaki.

Kirisaki shook his head and said, "No need!"

Dagu was walking alone, and when he came to a wooden bridge, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Da Gu, Da Gu!"

The sound was intermittent and seemed unreal, but it was in my ears.

Dagu looked around, and suddenly saw a golden light emitting in the distance, much like a pyramid.

At the same time, Lina, Hori Masami, and Xincheng Tetsuo reunited.

Xincheng Zhefu glanced around, wondering: "Is there really a pyramid here?"

Horii Masami said: "How can satellites fail to capture the pyramid that can accommodate giants? It is absolutely impossible!"

Suddenly, Horii Masami looked up and couldn't help but exclaim.

Lina and Shinjo Tetsuo also looked into the distance.

I saw Dagu standing on the wooden bridge in front of him, and a huge pyramid stood in front of him.

At this moment, Dagu suddenly ran towards the pyramid.

The three of Lina exclaimed when they saw this scene, and wanted to tell Dagu not to go, but Dagu had already run away.

The three hurried to follow, but because they were too far away, they couldn't keep up.


Chapter 354

On the other side, the monster Merba spread its wings and flew towards the pyramid at a very fast speed.

Gorzan emerged from the underground of Akita City, and the high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete collapsed, splashing countless dust.

As it moved, tall buildings were destroyed, and no one could prevent it from moving.

When people saw this huge monster for the first time, they were terrified and ran away one after another.

And on the big screen in Tokyo Commercial Street, there are also current affairs news screens.

"Special news, just now in the northeast of Akita City, a giant monster with a height of 50 meters appeared. It destroyed many residential buildings and is currently moving northeast."

"From the TPC World Peace United Organization, a monster also appeared in Mongolia this morning. Whether this monster is the same monster as Akita's is currently under investigation."


Lina and the three followed Dagu to the front of the glowing pyramid.

At this time, the first deputy captain of Makoto Zongfang and the three of them also reunited.

Everyone saw that Dagu had already reached the bottom of the pyramid.

From here, the pyramid exudes a virtual golden light.

Several people had already received the news that two monsters had come in this direction and wanted to organize Dagu.

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