Ever since, the people of the FBI immediately used the lack of manpower and respect for the wishes of the New York Police Department Chief as reasons, and they were not willing to accept this case at all...Of course, when the New York reporters asked, their spokesperson still Will say that the agents of the FBI are working hard, and I believe there will be results soon...

Of course, this must be nonsense, but Chris doesn't pay attention to this kind of nonsense, he cares more about how the compensation for the dead and injured police officers is calculated.

Chris actually felt a little sorry for the three police officers who were killed or injured in the [-]th division. After all, no matter how you look at them, these three are considered good police officers. They followed Chris to fight vampires, kill werewolves, and track down Cultists, from these experiences, they can be said to have seen a lot of ghosts and monsters.

If there is a data panel, these three people may not look good in marksmanship data, but there must be attribute bars such as "fearless" and "resistance to aliens".

Therefore, although the deaths of these three people can be said to have been directly promoted by Chris and were expected, he still felt sorry for their deaths.

But there is no way, since the three of them are standing in the wrong line, then Chris can't show mercy.

At the same time, Chris also admired Sergeant Isidor's life-saving ability. He also looked back through the player's action video and watched Sergeant Isidor's escape from the shooting that night. I am amazed at his decisive action.

After waiting in the police station for a few days, Chris still had no results. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and drove to the New York General Administration alone to inquire about the pensions of the three police officers.

And then... nothing at all. Then, Director McKee, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't let Chris see him. Only a police inspector came forward and said some scenes to Chris, but there was no actual content at all, so he sent Chris back. .

The meaning of the General Bureau is obvious, and the pensions of the police officers in their own sub-bureaus are responsible for themselves.

At this moment, Chris really suspected that Director McKee had a problem with his IQ. Even if you want to save money, you can't save money in this place.

Chris hurriedly went to other sub-bureaus where police officers were also killed and injured to inquire about the news, but the answers they got were roughly the same... The General Administration doesn’t care about the compensation fee. Of course, the directors of the two sub-bureaus have a strong relationship and their voices are loud enough. They went to the Central Bureau There was a commotion, and the pension for the injured and injured police officers was also received, but only half, and the sub-bureau had to fill in the remaining half.

Unfortunately, when Chris went to the General Administration, because of his friendly attitude and soft tone, he was treated like a soft persimmon, and half of the pension was naturally gone.

Want to go back and make a fuss?

Chris thought about it seriously, and still felt that it was okay, there was no need to do this. Although the police station's funds were tight, but because Chris did a good job in funding last year, there was still a little money in the small treasury, which could just be used as a pension Go blonde.

In this way, Chris went back to the sixteenth district, first went to the financial office, asked Annie to withdraw all the funds in the small treasury, and divided them into three parts, and then asked Sergeant Isidor to come to his office.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in." Chris said, he looked at Sergeant Isidore who pushed the door in, and pointed to the three bulging envelopes on the desk with a blank expression.

"This is the death notice of the three police officers. Since they are your police officers, you need to be responsible for calling the family members of those police officers now, and then take them to the financial office to find Annie to get the pension. Over there I said hello."

The haggard Sergeant Isidore looked at the three envelopes with different names in front of him, and was immediately stunned. Since he got the letter at the branch police station, he did not take the police officers' family members to the headquarters to join the police force. The result of the ceremony that should be performed after the death in battle is obvious.

"The attitude of the headquarters..."

"That's the attitude of Director McKee, Sheriff Isidore." Chris replied blankly.

"I can only do my part for the fallen police officers on behalf of the sub-bureau. As for the headquarters, I can't do anything. I just hope that you will have a little brain when you do things next time... That's it, go down and do things."

Isidor didn't say anything, he walked over with stiff steps, picked up the three envelopes, and walked out with his head down.

After Chris returned to the police station, a series of actions were quickly spread throughout the police station by the good police officers. The smart people among them quickly deduced the story behind it. They all felt incomparably angry at the director's disregard for the dead police officers. Even if those dead were traitors, they were still members of the [-]th division before that.

Naturally, the police officers who originally belonged to the Chris camp in the Sixteenth District Police Station became more and more hostile to Deputy Director Malcolm, and many of the originally neutral Patrick's side of the police also jumped to the Chris camp. Some of the defectors in the Malcolm camp felt regretful and wanted to return to the Chris camp.

It's a pity that one day is a traitor, and one is a traitor for life. Unless Chris said forgiveness, otherwise, the police officers below would not accept it at all, and would not like to see such traitors, and it would be even more impossible to accept them again. .

At the same time, similar incidents also happened in other sub-districts. It doesn’t matter whether there are police officers killed or injured, or not. The chief, only the chief of the sub-bureau, the police inspector and other high-level officials, is fine now. The money-saving operation of the general bureau has caused the low-level police officers to start to lose their morals.

"I can't figure it out, Director McGee, Commissioner Dennis, and Mayor Godfrey of New York, what do they want to do, to separate and suppress the New York police? What good does this do for them?" Chris thought to himself, and He didn't know if it was because his political IQ was too low or because of insufficient intelligence. He wanted to break his scalp, but he didn't come up with a reliable result.

Chapter 162: Chapter 150 Seven Problems

"My God, I am such a smart person, how can I have such a stupid brother like you?" The angry Godfrey yelled loudly in his home like a penguin in front of him, with his fat head and ears lowered Head, Commissioner Dennis who silently accepted his brother's abuse.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?"

"I want to save some money?"

"Saving money? Oh, my God, are you doing this to save money? You are killing yourself. How dare you save the pension of the New York police and not pay it!"

"They will die because of an order given by McGee without permission. What does that have to do with me?" Dennis retorted with a stiff neck.

"The police are dissatisfied. They want to kill people, and they also go to McGee..."

"Do you think they will tell the difference?" Godfrey sneered, it was the first time he found that his brother's mind was so empty, without any brains.

Dennis fell silent.

Seeing his brother's appearance, Godfrey wanted to continue cursing, but he didn't know what to curse, and his stomach was full of anger.

Damn, why did Godfrey arrange for McKee, a rich boy with a senator's father's background but no ability, to be the police chief?Didn’t he want to control the NYPD so that the benefactors behind it can accomplish their goals and continue to provide funding and other support for Godfrey’s campaign?

Well now, my stupid brother is actually doing some stupid things to dig his roots in order to save a small amount of money.

Finally, he let out a long breath and said sharply.

"Go, hurry up and send down the pension. You have to pay all the pensions that haven't been paid before, and you have to make up for the half-paid ones. Go quickly, and the matter will be settled tomorrow!"

Dennis responded, turned his head and left, leaving Godfrey wandering around in his room, sighing.

However, it was too late for Commissioner Dennis to mend the situation. The cracks in people's hearts had already appeared.

Most of the New York Police Department's branches now, except for some branch chiefs who are dissatisfied with Director McKee because of power issues, even a large number of grassroots police officers have a sense of distrust of the General Bureau.

This is an opportunity for Chris, but he is too lazy to seize it. The reason is very simple. He is very busy. A Springfield rifle, and corresponding gun repair parts.

For the iron-blooded manufacturing company that has not yet developed, this is considered a large order, and Chris attaches great importance to it, and he tracks the progress of the order completion throughout the process.

At the same time, maybe there is a problem with the world's economy, or maybe someone on Wall Street in the United States is doing something. When Chris didn't pay attention to economic news, someone suddenly reported a somewhat unusual thing to him.

"There are three times more homeless people in Hell's Kitchen than last year?" Chris looked at Inspector Patrick in surprise.

"When did so many homeless people come?"

"After Christmas, people came to Hell's Kitchen one after another." Inspector Patrick reported.

"From that day on, the police officers patrolling the street found that there were new faces coming to Hell's Kitchen, because this happens all the time, so they didn't care, and no one planned to report it, the sheriffs including me They also ignored this problem. It wasn't until two days ago that Sergeant Douglas said that the recent robbery and theft had more than tripled compared to last year. We didn't find out that there was a problem. Then we conducted an investigation and found that the number of homeless people had increased. "

"And this?" Chris scratched his head in disbelief, puzzled and thought of something at the same time... Could this be a harbinger of the economic crisis?But the timeline doesn't match up.

"Did you ask them why they became homeless?"

"I asked the police officer patrolling the street to ask." Patrick reported.

"Some people were kicked out by their families when they became adults. They became homeless because they didn't find a job in time. Some were catering bosses, and some were financial managers. The stocks they handled fell to the bottom. bankruptcy."

Alas...the more I listen to this, the more I feel something is wrong.

Chris thought for a while, and then slapped his thigh... Fuck, this is not something the players did.

"What's the matter, Chief?"

"It's nothing. I just think that this situation can't continue. If it continues like this, the crime rate will increase. The police are exhausted all day long, and there is no way to catch these robbers and thieves."

"Yes." Inspector Patrick felt deeply.

"These new homeless people now rob and steal the most food. After a period of time, they accept the fact that they are already homeless. I'm afraid they will ruthlessly rob property and murder people."

"I have to find a way to reduce the number of these homeless people." Chris stood up and walked around the office.

"Do you need me to take the brothers to drive some of them away?" Patrick asked tentatively and cautiously.

"This is not a solution. It can only cover up for a period of time. Those who have been driven away will not find a way out in other places in New York, and they will come back sooner or later." Chris rejected Patrick's tentative proposal. He said in his office After turning around several times and crossing for a long time, he finally made up his mind.

"In this way, inspector, you go to gather your police officers, go to various places in Hell's Kitchen to find those homeless people, and screen them. Some homeless people who do not abuse drugs, do not drink alcohol, and have hope for life are called together. Let’s rent a warehouse to give them a fixed place to live.”

"Director, do you want to feed them?"

"I want to provide a little help, have a fixed accommodation and food, can clean up personal hygiene, have a decent appearance, and then I will buy some small items such as cigarettes, matches, etc., and let them retail on the street in New York to earn some money for myself. Food and accommodation." Chris said his plan.

"And in the process, they can also use this opportunity to find a new job. After they have a salary, they can also move out of the warehouse and leave Hell's Kitchen."

"It's a good idea... but there will be a lot of difficulties in implementing it." Patrick is not optimistic about Chris, this is a slightly naive idea.

"Start-up funding, as well as staffing to manage homeless people, are issues."

"I will fix these problems, you just go and call the police to do things."

"Okay, then I'm fine."

Chapter 163: Chapter 150

Chris became busy, and he didn't devote much energy to managing Deputy Chief Malcolm who was jumping up and down in the police station. He was busy renting a warehouse.

There is currently no money in the police station, so Chris did not use the public funds of the police station, but ran to find someone to sponsor... Don't tell me, there are really people who are willing to sponsor Chris's whimsy.

For example, the boss of the Ax Gang in Chinatown, Chris hadn’t made two trips outside, the Qi Le boss didn’t know where he got the wind, so he took the initiative to find Chris, and told Chris very sincerely that he was a He is a very caring person, and he himself admires the charitable work Director Chris is going to do, so he wants to provide a free warehouse next to Chinatown, not in Chinatown, for Chris to use.

Of course, Chris was not impolite, and signed a contract with him, paying Qi Le a symbolic one dollar to rent the commercial warehouse, and then he was going to pay for someone to clean it... After the money was paid out, he was not yet ready to hire anyone , Chris thought for a second.

Hey, why should I pay someone to clean it, can't the bums who are coming can't work?After eating and drinking enough, if they don't even tidy up their lodgings, can these lazy people be saved?

Thinking of this, Chris set up a large pot in the warehouse with peace of mind, left a container full of clean water and some pots and pans, and left.

Soon, in less than two days, the police officers under Inspector Patrick brought over a dozen homeless people who they thought could be saved. The first batch of rescued people included men, women and children. Chris Give them food, let them cook and eat by themselves, and then clean up the warehouse. They did as they did, but some moved quickly, while others moved slowly. It seemed that they knew they were being lazy.

When Chris saw the situation, he knew that he had taken it for granted. He turned around and went out, took out gold coins and hired a few players who were in Hell's Kitchen to manage the warehouse, and before leaving, he also gave out the plan he wrote , Let them manage these tramps, and the task of turning the latter from ghosts into humans is left to the players.

At the same time, on the other side, just when Chris' attention was diverted from the police station, Deputy Director Malcolm also noticed this incident, perhaps for the purpose of seizing power, or for the psychology of a gambler. With more than a dozen policemen and Sergeant Isidore who defected to him, they raided a residential building in the 11th block of No. 48 Avenue in Hell's Kitchen, captured several small people in the building, and seized 30 Barrels of illegal whiskey spirits.

When Chris left the homeless warehouse and returned to the sixteenth district police station, he was dumbfounded when he saw the hill of wine barrels piled up on the lobby on the first floor and smelled the smell of alcohol surrounding the police station.

"Where did these wines come from?" Chris held his forehead, feeling a little dizzy.

"Deputy Chief Malcolm just seized the result after he led his men to raid a private house behind the 48th block." Sergeant Regina on the other side of Zhang Hall hurried over and whispered in Chris's ear Said.

"Director, what Deputy Director Malcolm did, will suffer."

"Of course I knew it was going to happen." Chris took a deep breath and calmed down the complicated emotions in his heart.

Deputy Director Malcolm knew that he could not open up the situation in the police station with ordinary means, so he deliberately led people to search for bootleggers, looking for work for the [-]th division, and looking for enemies!

After Chris took office at the 48th District Police Station, he was able to work in peace until now. He was not targeted by various gangs in Hell's Kitchen because he did not touch bootleg alcohol. The bootleg alcohol storage location in the [-]th block, Chris did not do you know?He knew it all too well, it's just that Chris didn't want to touch it, because bootlegging was a fuse connected to a ton of gunpowder.

It's all right now, Malcolm's rush to the street took the initiative to ignite this fuse.

"Chief, I still remember one thing. Although the 48th block is not a fixed site of the Kilfe Mafia, that house is a sales point for them to sell bootleg alcohol." Sergeant Regina reminded in a low voice.

"Deputy Director Malcolm took over their family's point of sale. I'm afraid the people in Kilfe won't let it go like this."

"I know, I'm still very clear, the gangsters in the entire Hell's Kitchen must know that the people in the [-]th District took the initiative to go out and raided a bootlegger warehouse for no reason. Those black bosses are now sending people everywhere to conspire and discuss , how to teach us a lesson in the [-]th division." Chris was so irritable that he walked a few steps in circles outside the gate of the police station and said back.

"Reggina, you go out and release the news now, saying that this is a misunderstanding, and that it was caused by the new Deputy Director Malcolm who didn't know the rules and was eager to make contributions."


"Then, at the same time, you have to send someone to take the police officers who are on vacation and patrolling the streets. In short, all the people who can return to the [-]th division immediately will be brought back to me. If you can't come back for the time being, you can go to Sheriff Douglas. Let him send someone to notify the police officers, and tell them not to come back to Hell's Kitchen alone within these three days."

Chris's instruction made Regina stunned for a moment.

"Director, are you?"

"Of course, the news is to stabilize the gangster first, and then gather people to strike first." Chris whispered, showing a ruthless expression.

"Since we've done it, then we'll stop doing it and beat all the bastards in Hell's Kitchen. Otherwise, we'll be subdued this time, and what prestige will the [-]th Division have in Hell's Kitchen in the future."

"Understood, I'm going to do things right now." Sergeant Regina was also a little excited for a long time, and after returning a salute excitedly, he turned and ran out of the police station.

After Chris finished all this, he walked into the police station. As soon as Deputy Commissioner Malcolm and his men were in the hall, they stood beside the barrel hill and greeted Chris with a smile.

"Director Chris, look, I..."

"Go and inform the detectives of the Prohibition Bureau, tell them that we have seized something in the [-]th division, and ask them to send someone to take it away." Chris didn't want to talk to Deputy Director Malcolm at all, and turned his head to the police officer on the side. .

The smiling Deputy Director Malcolm's face quickly darkened.

"Director, it's not good for you to do this."

"Your credit, I will have someone report it to the General Administration. It's just that it is the work of the Prohibition Bureau agents to seize bootleg alcohol. We don't need to intervene in their field and hurt their feelings." Chris didn't want to deal with the dead. He waved Malkan away impatiently.

"That's it, go get your weapons, we're going to spend the night at the police station tonight."

"Director, you are going to tear yourself apart with me like this, and you want to talk to the president..."

Chris ignored him, and walked directly past Malcolm to the second floor. He was going to tell the weapon room custodian something, and he didn't have time to argue with a corpse. While walking, Chris also While opening the system interface, he began to compile some mission newsletters to be released.

+Mission release: Return to Wall Street. +

Chapter 164: Chapter 150 The Night of the Great Cleansing ([-])

Chris asked Sergeant Regina to release the news of his appearance, which confuses the thinking of many gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, because they have also heard about the events in the [-]th district, and know that an airborne man has come to the police station Under the leadership of the deputy director, he fought for power and profit with Director Chris, who was not a nosy at first.

Therefore, those bosses who urgently gathered for a meeting have branches of opinion.

"We're going to get rid of that bad-behaved police chief and let them know that bootlegging is our money and they can't touch it!" Someone shouted loudly in the conference room where the meeting was held... This is a man with a big head and a thick neck, like Big white guy like a butcher.

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