"Fang Yuan is so kind-hearted! Being so disgusted by Jia's family! He even brought out leftovers for Jia's family to eat! What a kind person! If it were me, Jia's family wouldn't even be able to eat shit!"

"Sticks are not a good thing either! Little bastards without a tutor! Look at the children in our courtyard who are as big as sticks, who usually plays with sticks? To be honest, Fang Yuan took this dish and fed it A dog is better than giving it to the Jia family! Feed it to the dog, and the dog knows how to wag its tail! The Jia family is a family of shameless beasts!"

"Although it's leftovers! But Fang Yuan's family's leftovers are also delicious! I'm getting a bit greedy! Tsk tsk tsk! It's cheaper for Jia's! Sigh!"

"Fang Yuan is really a good person!"

236. Here comes the leftovers, hurry up and eat them!

Listening to the discussion of the people around the audience.Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

It's true that I'm a good person, so that's right!

And a good man is a good man, not the Virgin!

For the Jia family, Fang Yuan didn't have ~ so much kindness!

However, at this moment, Fang Yuan still had a kind look on his face, and said to Jia Zhang: "It's okay, Bang Geng is young, how can I have the same knowledge as Bang Geng?"

"Our family can't eat these dishes anyway..."

"Good! Good!"

Fang Yuan hadn't finished speaking yet.The stick stem immediately became excited.

Clapping his hands, he jumped three feet high, interrupting Fang Yuan's words.

He was a little afraid of Fang Yuan before, afraid that Fang Yuan's dish was not for his family!

Seeing Fang Yuan's attitude now, Bang Geng no longer has any worries, and instantly became happy!

From just now to now, he has been so hungry that he can't stand it!

At this moment, the plate of leftovers in Fang Yuan's hand is even more fatally attractive to him!

Stick stem immediately approached Fang Yuan cheerfully.

He shouted at Fang Yuan: "Give it to me! Give it to me! I'm starving to death!"

Looking at the uneducated appearance of the stick.The onlookers also frowned for a while.

What kind of family can educate what kind of children!

Beggars know how to say a few pleasant words before begging!

But the appearance of Banggen is simply a leftover in Fang Yuan's hands, it should be given to him as it should be!

However, for the uneducated behavior of Bang Geng, Fang Yuan's face did not change at all.Instead, he smiled.

He just handed out the food in his hand.

Seeing this, Sticky Immediately couldn't wait to take it.


It's just that when Bang Geng happily wanted to finish the dish in Fang Yuan's hand.

After Bang Geng's hand just touched the dish in Fang Yuan's hand.The dish suddenly fell to the ground.There was a crisp breaking sound.

A plate of dishes was also in the debris, stained with a lot of dirt!

Seeing this scene, Bang Geng was stunned for a moment.

The people around were stunned for a moment.It was also a pity.

"Oh! Fang Yuan's food is so good! Just ruined like this? What a pity!"

"This is awesome! It's okay to be uneducated! Your hands and feet are so clumsy! Everything you give to your hand can be broken! What a waste of things!"

"I think this is God's will! He doesn't deserve such a good food in his life!"

"Fang Yuan is so kind, hey! You might as well give me the leftovers! It must be delicious to eat with corn bread!"

Hearing everyone's regret, Fang Yuan smiled in his heart.

It seems that the plate was knocked to the ground with sticky hands and feet, but in fact it was all created by myself with the ingenuity of Jiuyang Zhenqi!

However, in the eyes of others, it was indeed smashed by a stick!

And after the stick came back to his senses.Also started to cry immediately.

Although he didn't understand why the plate in Fang Yuan's hand just touched it, the plate smashed to the ground!

But this is the closest step to Fang Yuan's food!

And I was so hungry just now, I can eat it soon!

Now that it has become like this, how can sticks accept it?

While weeping, Stick Terrier yelled: "Woooooo! I didn't mean to!!! I'm hungry! I'm hungry!"

But for the stick that broke Fang Yuan's plate.Jia Zhang's family was also inexplicably angry!

0.. Ask for flowers.......

Stick is hungry, she is also hungry, and Jia Dongxu is still hungry in the room!

Seeing Fang Yuan send out such a plate of leftovers!

Jia Zhang was also extremely happy waiting for the stick to be taken back to Jia's family, and then the whole family could satisfy their hunger!

Now because of the miss of the stick, it was shattered all of a sudden!


Immediately, under the circumstances of unknown fire, Jia Zhang took three steps and two steps, and came to the stick.It's a slap to the stick's neck!

After slapping BangGong, Jia Zhang didn't let go of his anger. Instead, he opened his mouth and scolded BangGong: "Why are you crying! You are a clumsy, clumsy trash who has more success than failure!"

"It's a good dish, just spoiled by you!"

And the stick who was already extremely sad because he broke the dish was beaten and scolded by Jia Zhang when he broke in.Immediately I couldn't take it anymore.

Stick immediately started kicking and beating Jia Zhang: "You bastard! Why did you hit me! I didn't mean it!"

"Immortal! Immortal!"

"Come again with Fang Yuan, a bastard! I'm hungry! I'm hungry!"

Hearing what the stick said.All the people present looked at Mrs. Jia Zhang with weird expressions!

Although it's childish!

But Fang Yuan just gave the Jia family a plate of leftovers!

Although it's a stick, I can't grasp it!


But in front of Fang Yuan, Bang Geng began to call Fang Yuan a beast!

Also asked Jia Zhang to go and discuss with Fang Yuan for food!

This kind of behavior is simply disgusting like shit!

Needless to say, the Jia family must have said such things behind their backs!That's why the stick stems blurted out in a similar manner!thousand.

237. The Gluttony Talisman Shows His Power, The Stick Turns into a Beast and Bites Jiazhang!

And heard the words of the stick.Jia Zhang's expression also changed.Immediately yelled at BangGong: "BangGong!"

"What are you talking about!"

After being yelled at by Jia Zhang, BangJiao also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue!

Immediately stopped kicking and beating Jia Zhang.Looking at Fang Yuan, he was at a loss.

At the same time, the crowd onlookers were also discussing.

"What a white-eyed wolf! It must have been taught by the Jia family behind the scenes!"

"That's right, thanks to Fang Yuan's kindness, he gave them leftovers to Jia's family regardless of past suspicions! Bang Geng actually called Fang Yuan a beast! It's not about revenge

Such a reward! "

"Even if the Jia family is pitiful, I won't have any sympathy for "Six Six Seven". This is the retribution of the Jia family!"

"Fang Yuan is so kind! If it were me, I would rather feed the leftovers to the dogs than give them to the Jia family!"

Don't criticize the Jia family like everyone else!

Hearing Bang Geng's words, Fang Yuan didn't even change his expression!

However, it doesn't mean that Fang Yuan is generous!

Faced with this situation, if you can still be magnanimous, that is not the Holy Mother, but mentally handicapped!

Looking at the stick, Fang Yuan just quietly took out the [Gluttony Talisman] from the system warehouse from the previous treasure chest.

After taking out the 【Gluttony Talisman】, Fang Yuan immediately silently recited the incantation that activates the talisman!

Following Fang Yuan's urging, that [Gluttony Talisman] immediately turned into a faint yellow light invisible to the naked eye!

He flew towards the stick with lightning speed!

Following that ray of yellow light, it completely sank into the stick's body!

Stick stem felt his whole body froze for an instant!

Immediately, a sense of extreme hunger filled BangGou's mind!

Soon, Stickyong became like a walking corpse unconscious, with bloodshot eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth!

Like a hungry wild beast!


Immediately, under the stunned eyes of everyone!

The stick actually lay on the ground, grabbed the leftovers that fell to the ground with his hands, and ate it with big mouthfuls!

He didn't even have any scruples about the fragments of the broken dish, he put it in his mouth and chewed it!

In the blink of an eye, the stick's hands and mouth were covered with blood because of the sharpness of the fragments.

It looks very terrifying and hideous!

But the stick doesn't seem to feel any pain, instead, he grabs the leftovers on the ground even harder and continues to eat. He doesn't even have any estimate of the sand on the ground, and desperately grabs and sends it to his mouth!

That appearance is like a reincarnation of a starving ghost!

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhang was also stunned!

After being stunned, Jia Zhang immediately stopped loudly at the stick: "Hey, hello! Stick!!! My little ancestor!"

"What are you doing! What are you doing!!"

"Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Don't you think it's messy enough? Is that thing edible?"

While talking to stop, Jia Zhang pulled at the stick in distress and panic!

But at this time, under the action of the [Gluttony Talisman], the stick has lost even his basic sanity!

He's all about filling his stomach!

The extreme hunger and emptiness in his stomach made BangGiao completely indifferent to other things!

For Jia Zhang's pull!

Instead of stopping, the stick glared fiercely at Jia Zhang!

Seeing BangGong's bloodshot red eyes, Jia Zhang was also shocked!


Before Jia Zhang could react, suddenly Jia Zhang felt a sharp pain in his hand!

This severe pain made Jia Zhang scream out subconsciously!

I saw that at this moment, the stick was biting Jia Zhang and holding his hand!

That posture seemed to tear a piece of flesh off Jia Zhang's body!All the onlookers were shocked for a while!I couldn't help but took a few steps back!


Jia Zhang, who had reacted, also roared angrily at the stick!

But this roar didn't seem to restrain the stick!

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