"Then why are you puffing up your mouth?"

"Hmph! I'm used to it!"

Lin Ye smiled without saying a word, hugged her sideways, and a fresh fragrance hit her.


He gradually fell into a deep sleep.


"Damn it, why are you always aiming at your ears?"


The next day, Lin Ye wondered, "Hey, why is there water on the bed?"

Chapter 83 Take Her Out

"Kushina, get up!"

"what happened?"

A small head poked out from under the thin quilt, she rubbed her eyes, and yawned lazily.

"Did you wet the bed?"


As soon as these words came out, she instantly felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her, and she became very sober.

Her eyes kept spinning, and in the next second, she had an idea: "Naruto did it!"

Lin Ye nodded slightly, he also thought it made sense.

She is 27 years old this year, so she still has the habit of wetting the bed.

The only possibility left is Naruto who is not yet three years old.


After breakfast, Lin Ye held Naruto on his lap.

"Clap clap clap!"

"You kid, you're so big, why are you still wetting the bed?"

While patting, he said seriously.

"Wow wow~"

Papa, I'm afraid, I won't dare again in the future. "

"Naruto, I'm sorry, forgive me."

Uzumaki Kushina on the side lowered her head in shame.

After a long time, Lin Ye rubbed his ass: "Naruto, in order to punish you for wetting the bed, father and mother decided to let you stay at home alone today, remember?"

"Okay, I get it now."

"By the way, if there is anything, just touch this kunai."

After saying that, Lin Ye put the hidden weapon engraved with the flying thunder god formula in his hand.

Then it transmitted the sound to the little Nine-Tails in the body: "Nine Lamas, Naruto please."

"Old man of six paths, don't worry! With me here, he will not be in danger."

Due to the close distance, the little nine tails and the Yang nine tails in Naruto's body are connected by heart, and it can also hear it.

"Lin Ye, shall we set off now?"

Uzumaki Kushina blinked slightly, smiled, and looked at him expectantly.

"No, your hair is too conspicuous, you have to wear a hat."

"You wait, I'll look for it."

After a while, she put on a round white sun hat and curled her red hair inside.

"Is this okay?"


Lin Ye stepped forward, and a princess hugged her in his arms: "Hurry up, let's go!"

She blushed instantly, and her heart was pounding even more.

When he came to the courtyard, Lin Ye threw Kun Wu into the sky, but he fell from the sky just after flying ten meters high.

"Kushina, you...you are too heavy."

He kept panting heavily, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Her face became even redder, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Can this be her fault?Can you not get fat by eating so much big fish and meat every day?

Besides, she only weighed a hundred catties, so she wasn't too fat!

"Hmph! Let the old lady hold you!"

As she spoke, a princess hugged Lin Ye in her arms.

"Unexpectedly, she doesn't look big, but she's actually really big."

Lin Ye muttered to himself, stopped talking nonsense, and threw Kunai high into the sky again.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

In a blink of an eye, he and Kushina flew hundreds of meters into the sky, and then he threw a handful of kunai towards the distant ground again.

In the next second, the figures of the two appeared in a forest.

Beautiful summer, the sun is so good.

Uzumaki Kushina smiled happily, and tears fell down unconsciously.


She took a deep breath of air, feeling the taste of freedom. She had been waiting for this day for three years.

"Lin Ye, thank you!"

She said it from the bottom of her heart, with sincerity in her words.

"Don't cry, forget Minato! I will be your star and sea from now on."

He held her in his arms and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.


Her face was reddish, and she lay shyly in his arms, very warm and safe.


An hour later, the two appeared in the Land of Fire.

"Jiuxinna, why are you always wearing a long green dress?" Lin Ye asked.

"I... I have too few clothes, only two or three."

She looked embarrassed.

"You are really stingy. You are so rich, but you are reluctant to buy a piece of clothing."

"Hmph! I...I stay at home every day, what do I buy so many clothes for?"

Lin Ye held her hand: "You are so arrogant, I am happy today, choose two as you like, and treat it as an early birthday present for you."


"Let's go!"

Afterwards, the two came to the clothing store, Uzumaki Kushina chose a white dress and a big red cheongsam.


After visiting the capital city of the Land of Fire, they went to the beach again.

I also deliberately found a place where no one would disturb me.

The breeze blows and the cool breeze blows.

The two played and played while playing in the water.

Tired of playing, just lie on the beach to rest, and eat some barbecue by the way.


At this time, her face was flushed suddenly, her hands were tightly grasping the corners of her clothes, her legs were close together, and she was trembling slightly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ye asked.

"I...I need to pee!"

She was so shy that she wished she could dig a hole and bury herself.

"It's really a lazy donkey - a lot of shit and urine!"

"You...you are the donkey. Besides, I am very diligent."

She blushed and retorted, feeling almost unable to hold back.

"You solve it on the spot!"

"You...you must not peek!"

She looked shy and looked at him pitifully.

"Don't worry! Am I that kind of person?"

After the words fell, Lin Ye closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Uzumaki Kushina no longer hesitated, and slowly squatted on the sand.



Suddenly, she screamed again.

"what happened again?"

"I...I'm out of paper."

"Isn't there sea water? Make do with it!"



Late at night, in the dark room, Lin Ye muttered to himself, "It's okay, it's not dark!"

Chapter 84 Living Together

In August, the cicadas are calling.

On this day, under Uchiha Mikoto's repeated requests, Lin Ye came to her home as a guest.

"Hey, isn't Fu Yue at home?" He asked.

"Brother Lin, don't you know? He usually only comes back at night."

She smiled and responded softly.

"Sister Meiqin, I wonder why you asked me to come?"


Her eyes opened slightly, her face showed helplessness, and she sighed: "Brother Lin, Itachi seems to be a different person recently, although he talks and laughs on the surface, but I can feel the loneliness in his heart.

So I want you to enlighten him. "

"I know about this. A few months ago, Itachi's companion died. I think he couldn't accept the death of his companion and kept closing himself up."

"I...I thought he came out of the shadows."

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