No, when did you melt the world of ice and snow?You only melted my ice?Am I still standing here?

Later, when Shuang Xing went to ask Tallulah what that sentence meant, Tallulah said again [... Isn't that how we divide labor?Although it makes sense that you use carrots to attract their attention, the box star can also know that Tallulah is worried about her.

That's a staff!Not carrots!And my responsibility is not to use carrots to attract their attention. Every time the two of them quarrel, a large part of the reason is that Tallulah always likes to take it for granted and do all kinds of things that annoy Frost Star Come.

Obviously you look good in other places, but why is this the only one? I don’t know who taught Tallulah.

Chapter 396 Mudstone

Now this sentence is also.Ever since the two of them chatted a few words about Chen Mo last time, Tallulah didn't know where she made a mistake, and every now and then she whispered to her whether she should go back to the Tower of Babel.

In the eyes of Dao Xing, the never-tiring Mo Xiang looks like she wants to abduct her to the Tower of Babel and sell her.

You're the leader of the Unification Movement, huh?Why do people want to kidnap and traffic people?If this really needs to be explained, it can only be attributed to the family tradition that has been passed down in one continuous line.

But Frost Star didn't know, so she only felt that Tallulah was annoying.It was the same this time, Frost Star only thought that Talula had found some reason to come to her ear and whisper.

But when Frost Star was about to refuse as before, she first caught a glimpse of the text on the communication device.The writing is in Yan Guo language, so I can't understand it, but Shuang Xing still recognizes its signature.

"Is this from Mr. Chen Mo?" Shuangxing shook her ears, looked up, and asked, "The reason why you said you want to go back to the Tower of Babel this time is..."

"Well, it's just as you think. Seeing Frost Star's words, Tallulah is getting more and more serious, right? So we really have to go back."

If it is Chen Mo, then he will definitely use this to make fun of it. When Shuang Xing heard the words, after knowing that Talula would not deceive them on such an important matter, Shuang Xing sighed and said: I have told him many times, let him go back to the Tower of Babel to see his voice

Tongue refused, and he said that he can't fall, and he won't fall, so nothing happened, and he didn't know what the old stubborn was trying to do. "Little Stubborn is talking about Old Stubborn.

Looking at Frost Star and Patriots, Tallulah, who was almost out of temper, complained in her heart.But then, Shuang Xing also stood up holding the white rabbit doll in his arms: "Then I will inform my dad. Seeing Frost Xing waving at her, then turning around and walking away, Talula stood He chuckled lightly for a while.

The two of them had a quarrel just now, but now they reconciled as before, but this is what Tallulah would like to see more.

Intalulah is sincere and treats them as family members. They laugh and cry, suffer and enjoy, and have a little friction and temper. This should be the expression of the family's true feelings, not the hypocrisy of compliments.

So after seeing that Frost Star had run to the Patriots, Tallulah also turned around and started to inform the other partners of the integration movement.

The camps are set up in a circle, and at the same time they have a care for each other—if something happens, it is easy to find someone.

Not to mention the fact that the patriot will hold the spear in his hand, and then in a majestic and majestic voice, when he shouted "All! Assemble! Line up", it has already attracted the attention of almost everyone.

With a little more explanation, everyone knew that they were about to leave for their next destination.But among the busy crowd, it wasn't just the Patriots' shield guards that stood out, there was actually a Sarkaz mercenary squad.

Although this team was temporarily recruited by Tallulah after Chen Mo sent a suggestion that "we can recruit more Sarkaz people during this time".

But it's really a treasure.

Several huge stone statues composed of mud and rocks are carrying piles of goods in an orderly manner. In the past, heavy objects such as food, tents, resources, weapons and equipment that had to be transported by manpower were transported in that Saka After the mercenary team joins, all of them will be borne by those giant stone statues.

This not only saves most of the manpower, but even doubles the speed of their expedition.

And, in the event of a conflict with the enemy, those colossal statues can also serve as a powerful support.

The contribution made by the Sarkaz mercenary team after joining the integration movement is obvious to all.

So not only the Sarkaz members of the mercenary squad were quickly accepted, but even the leader of that squad was loved.

Oh, there it is.

It was a person dressed in white armor, fully armed from head to toe, not even a piece of skin or a single hair could be seen, and the whole body was tightly wrapped... I don't know if it was a man or a woman.

This is the captain of the Sarkaz mercenary team, code-named "Mud Rock".

Those huge stone statues are the origin stone technique of mudstone.

But according to Mudrock herself, she's actually troubled by the fact that she's so beloved by the reunification movement.

Muyan felt that she was just doing what she could, but for some reason, suddenly many people came to talk to her.

Even the position of "Captain of the Sarkaz Mercenary Squad" was promoted by her companions.

Their team was just a group of mercenaries who signed up for warmth at the beginning, but ended up taking it for warmth. For some reason, more and more people began to call her "Captain" and "Leader". The name of the class.

Then, at some point, Niyan really became the captain of this mercenary team, and Niyan himself was completely emotional.

But since she was the captain, Niyan was responsible for her companions, so she investigated for a long time and went around. Finally, Niyan led the team to the frozen soil in the extreme north of Ursas. , found the integrated movement.

At that time, after Talula heard about Muyan's experience, to be honest, she was a little dumbfounded.

But she can also understand.After all, compared to the Sarkaz who wore thin mercenary equipment and held sharp knives or staffs, Muyan's attire was really conspicuous.

In addition to the armor that is fully armed to the teeth, Muyan even has auxiliary exoskeleton power armor. The weapon is not the usual sword, gun, sword or halberd, but a giant hammer.

The presence of the visor makes Mudrock's voice even thicker and duller, making it almost impossible for you to easily judge Mudrock's true gender.

I won't mention whether Muyan is strong or not, but just because of her appearance, many people will misjudge her size and strength.

like a group of students

Among the group of mobs who looked like they were joking, a humanoid and beautiful monster suddenly appeared. It must be that the boss didn't run away.

The mud rock is probably this kind of existence. When encountering an enemy, the first thing people see is mud rock, and they will subconsciously think that the mud rock must be the strongest. It seems to be a matter of course to regard him as the captain of this team.

Just like this integration movement, if it is not explained, the vast majority of people will probably think that the leader should be a patriot, right?

Chapter 397 Beware of Chen Mo

However, the main reason is probably because of Muyan's character.Unlike Sarkaz, who mostly do whatever they want, use money to do things, and be unreasonable, Mudstone belongs to the unusually rare "sophisticated" category.

Mud Rock was in contact with the Integration Movement, and it was Mud Rock who had a face-to-face conversation with Tallulah. It was Mud Rock who sorted out the pros and cons and made Tallulah finally agree to let them join.

Under such circumstances, even Tallulah thought that Muyan won the position of captain by relying on strength.

see you

Although Talula would not comment on how Mu Yan was.

He glanced at the huge stone statues carrying goods in an orderly manner in the distance, and then turned his head to look at the mudstone controlled by that person.

Thinking that they were going to the Tower of Babel and meeting Chen Mo in the future, Talula felt that it was still necessary for her to remind Mu Yan, so as not to be betrayed by Chen Mo.

But Muyan seemed to have already noticed Tallulah's arrival, she turned her head slightly, and when the horn on the wearer's visor also pointed towards it, Tallulah smiled and raised her hand to say hello.

According to the family heritage, Tallulah is also a straightforward person, so she went straight to the topic: "Our destination after that is the Tower of Babel. Have you heard of this?"

Tower of Babel." Under the visor worn by the mudstone, a dull voice came: "I have heard that, I was lucky enough to get a copy of the last flyer, so what do you mean——

"Ah, no, we have a cooperative relationship with the Tower of Babel."

Talula found a neutral word, and said, "So there will be no conflict, but if you are talking about Muyan, you should pay attention to the leader of the Babel Tower."


"Well, the leader of the old Tower of Babel is called Chen Molai, he is very nice, and Niyan is a little enlightened. The leader of the Tower of Babel is interested in her? Why?

She is a Sarkaz, she has no merits on her body, and her status is not worth much. The set of stolen armor she wears is usually not easy to take off, and there are very few people who know what she looks like. In this case, Why are you still interested in her?

Are you interested in this armor set?

Muyan didn't know why, and Tallulah had reminded her enough, so Tallulah nodded her head and said, "We're leaving soon, be careful not to fall behind.

Muyan watched Talula turn and leave, while continuing to manipulate the giant stone statues to carry goods, while still wondering why the leaders of the Tower of Babel were interested in her.

This kind of temporary stationing, temporary departure, and integration movement has actually been experienced many times.Not to mention that the mud rock team was helping this time, so soon, everyone packed up, dismantled the tent, extinguished the bonfire, and gathered together to wait for their leader.

"We, at this time, lived in the Tower of Babel."

The patriot stood at the head of the crowd, and he said: "I think you still remember that place, the soil, the grass, the sun, the warmth, the food, the wine, and—"

Before Patriot could finish his sentence, he turned slightly sideways and looked at Tallulah behind him.

Tallulah knew the Patriot's intentions, so when the Patriot stepped aside to make way for her, Tallulah also stepped forward.

Seeing everyone's yearning and excitement because of those few words, Tallulah said the last sentence: "Also, our new home."

"It's over?"

"Well, I conducted a general survey of the interior of Rhodes Island. Although most of them are still usable, there are also some areas that need time-consuming cleaning.

Kelsey is wearing a protective suit.Walk down the steps of Rhodes Island, and walk towards Chen Mo at the same time.

Although as a doctor, it is natural to be so strict in protection, but one

I always feel that Kelsey looks chubby and flat in that protective suit.

It's as if a cat puts on a penguin costume and walks towards you while swaying and catwalking.

So Kelsey directly bypassed Chen Mo, went to a distance, took out the disinfection instrument, and glanced at Chen Mo.

I'm going to masturbate you now, why are you still planning to spray me with disinfectant?However, Chen Mo also heard Kelsey's words to his liking: "Well, that's right, after all, this is also the place of Rem Billiton, so I'd feel more at ease in my own home, right?

Kelsey nodded to Chen Mo while taking off the protective clothing she was wearing.

Anyway, it means that it will take some effort to clean up Rhodes Island completely, so let's drag it home and get it done.

Chen Mo put down the cup of tea in his hands, stretched his waist, and said, "Okay, let's go back, where are W and the little donkey?"

"Amiya is in Corusil, she is very excited now, and seems to want to write down all the internal structures of Rhodes Island, so don't bother her.

What do you mean I don't want to bother her? Do I seem to be someone who would run to her to watch movies or play games when the little donkey is doing homework and can't go out to play?

Chen Mo could only shrug his shoulders indifferently, then turned his head and said, "Okay, what about W?"

In fact, Chen Mo knew where W was, after all, the temperature feedback was always there.So Chen Mo is a little strange, why did W, who Ming just said he was going to explore the treasure, go to the bridge of Rhodes Island now.

And after Kelsey sterilized herself, then turned around and walked towards Chen Mo, she said, "W, she seems to be very interested in the bridge, so the real reason why I asked Mon3tr to take her up is that , Kelsey and the others were exploring the inner area of ​​Rhodes Island, but they were honestly wearing protective clothing. As a result, that girl W passed by wearing a small skirt and sneaking

But with W's temper, if she was crushed by Kelsey, she would definitely not be able to keep her mouth shut, and then there would be no more.Hanging on the top of the tower, no, this should be hanging on the bridge.Can traditional arts be lost, right?




Zhongjing Structural Plus Park Dimensions China-Vietnam China Association Network Refers to: Meltdown

Restores friendly unit life to Kelsey

Tianlu Mon3tr

Chapter 398 How about the scenery of the bridge?

I know what W is like cursing on the bridge.

Getting up, intending to go to the bridge to put W down, and then return to the Tower of Babel, when Chen Mo made a doubtful voice, he also turned his head abruptly, and turned in one direction.

Kelsey could see this movement too much, so she immediately understood that it should be something sensed by Chen Mo's temperature feedback.

"Tower of Babel, what happened at home?" Kelsey asked.

Chen Mo also nodded at this, and smiled

"Warfarin at this time?"

"You guessed pretty well. There's no time; Nightingale couldn't bear the long-distance travel because of her inconvenient health, so Shining stayed with her;

It was only that idiot Warfarin who said something righteously, "You all went out, so this Tower of Babel is the housekeeper? So of course I have to stay, and I must ensure that when you come back, you will not find your house." stolen" or something like that.With Warfarin's temperament...Kelxi felt that Warfarin must have gone to die again.

And Chen Mo lived up to expectations. After sensing for a while, he turned his head, looked at Kelsey, and said, "Well, Warfarin is touching my bed, from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, from the pillow to the bed. The quilt, ah, looks like a slut, it's really scary. Kelsey

When you say the word fear, can you not smile so brightly on your face?Kelly sighed a little tiredly.

If it was W who sneaked into Chen Mo's room, then it's okay for you to say that W is a slut, after all, with W's temperament, she would probably have to roll around on Chen Mo's bed.

But if it's Warfarin... then it's probably collecting Chen Mo's hair, nails and other things, and wants to use them for testing.

When Kaierxi was muttering in her heart, she also glanced at Chen Mo, and when she saw that Chen Mo's troublesome spirit was burning, Kaierxi opened her mouth: "Looking at you like this, you should be from You knew from the beginning that Warfarin would do this while you were away? Then why didn't you bring her here by force?

Chen Mo waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Besides, if Hua Farin is really brought here, then when we go back, it will be hard to find a reason to put her on the top of the tower."

Kelsey, you, oh, forget it, I'm used to it.

But after going back, there seemed to be one more thing to do.Kelsey, who felt a little headache about this, sighed softly again, and said, "Let's talk about Warfarin after we go back. Now let's put W down and go. Are you going to go up and let me go? You don't want to go." If not, I will let Mon3t drop her.

go down?Then W really has to find Kai Miaomiao and you desperately.So in the end, Chen Mo went to the bridge.

There is actually no difference between the bridge and the tower. You just need to find the highest place and look up to see the person hanging on it.

Before Chen Mo got to the bridge, he heard W's cursing voice from afar, words like "old woman", "smelly lynx", "meowing with a stinky face", Turn them out one by one without emphasis, even if W is swearing, it is not Zaan swearing. On the contrary, W's voice is lazy and numb, which makes people feel itchy. It also made her voice look quite cute.

If you don't care about W's cursing appearance, just listening to W's voice is indeed a different kind of enjoyment.

But unfortunately, this enjoyment is only for those who love her.Therefore, when Chen Mo came to the bridge, the first thing he saw was the W hanging on it, and the second thing he saw was the Mon3tr huddled in the corner, with two sharp knives covering his ears, and he was cut into pain. , but does Mon3tr have ears?

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