Chen Mo, who was left alone in the coffee shop, looked at Laplande's leaving back, nodded with some emotion, and took a sip of iced coffee.

Wolves have natural enemies.

For example, lynxes will attack lonely wolves, not to mention the notorious wolf hunters.

But it may be a bit funny to say, in the past, Laplande would never have imagined that she would fall into the hands of the same person repeatedly, although what that person did was more like a person than a person. Dog, but the man still called her "gouzigouzi".

In a sense, it can be regarded as encountering a nemesis.

Laplande bought a bottle of water at a small roadside shop, and drank more than half of it with a gulp, barely diluting the so sweet taste in his mouth.

And she didn't fight Chen Mo on the spot. On the one hand, she had more important things to do and didn't have time to stay on unimportant things; , added a lot of sugar

Throwing the water bottle into the trash can, Laplande took out the note with the road map and remembered it in her mind. After licking the corner of her lower lip, she pressed the hilt of her sword, turned around, and faced Gabby Go to the location of the Nuo family.

Chapter 511 The signal to start the attack started with an explosion

It feels really quiet, and there are not many pedestrians on the street.

Normally, in a mobile city controlled by the family, walking on the street, you would see a team, or even a bunch of well-dressed mafia in suits and leather shoes, every now and then.

Even if the Gambino family is established as one of the five major families, there are not only those five families in Syracuse. It is still a bit of a dream for Gambino to monopolize a city. After all, even the former Texas family Didn't do it.

Those below want to climb up, and those above want to stabilize their positions. This also leads to fires between the two families, which is not very common.

Even the passers-by on the road noticed this. Everyone looked uneasy and hurried past Laplande, and when they saw Laplande dressed in a black robe, they hid one by one. far away.

But Laplande just wants to laugh now.

She prepared an extremely detailed plan, planning her path for the next few years, even before she died. Even if Texas left her, she gritted her teeth and persisted, but now, Laplande understands She is just an ordinary person, and she can't do anything with her own strength.

She is just a killer, she is just a Dugu whose family has been destroyed, even if she is hailed as a lunatic because of her crazy behavior, even if her hands are stained with countless blood, even if she supports most of the mafia and even some families are jealous, she can face her. What can she do with this mobile city?

How should she board this mobile city with her own strength?

Break in?Into the caravan?Spend years disguising your identity?Or did he deliberately lose and let others capture her back alive?

But Chen Mo told her that if she showed her identity, others would open the door and let her go. It was just such a simple and rough guide.

That's why Laplande wanted to laugh.

It's as if everything she thinks, thinks, and possesses is just child's play in Chen Mo's eyes.

No, neither.

Laplande's feelings towards Chen Mo are only curious.

The more time and depth of contact with him, the more curious Laplande became.

So even if Laplande has trust in Chen Mo, even if Chen Mo has described the course of action to her last night, Laplande is still curious, Chen, no, or Chen Mo and Ms. Sicily, To what extent can it be achieved.people and such.

The Lucchese family, one of the five largest families next door, had more than 5000 organizations in its heyday, more than 2000 people in a single mobile city, and more than 100 partners

As for the Gambino family, I am afraid that there are only a lot more. With this kind of number, when Laplande came to the huge mansion of the Gambino family, he found that it was exactly the same as what Chen Mo said.

All the patrolling personnel disappeared, most of the family members went out, the entrance of the house was empty, no one was seen, only the gate was left open to Lapland.


One of the five big families, the Gambino family who committed countless crimes, but no one could do anything about him, even infiltrated the bureaucracy, and began to control the entire mobile city, it was as simple as that. simple!

It was just that along with her laughter, there was also the communication device in her pocket.

"Although everyone jokes and laughs ten years ago, Gouzi, you have a nice smile, but I wouldn't say that you are disturbing the people."

"But I still have to remind you, Gouzi, if you don't want to see others laugh with you, you still have 10 minutes at most."


No matter how terrible the methods of Chen Mo and Ms. Sicily are, the Gambino family are not fools, and Gambino can only detect things that passers-by on the street can detect.

So 10 minutes?


It seems that everything she thinks, thinks, and possesses is just child's play in Chen Mo's eyes, so what will Laplande do when Chen Mo has shown her a way?

Sit down and have a good chat?Ask yourself and Texas that the two families will be destroyed, is it because of them?

Don't be stupid, Chen Mo, who holds everything in his hands, told her from the beginning to the end, "The door is open to you, and the next step is your own business", "Gambino Everyone in the family was slaughtered.

Laplande firmly believes that only the dead cannot tell lies.

After discovering that even the security system was shut down in the house, Laplande did not treat herself as an outsider. After observing the overall structure of the house, she turned around and walked towards the warehouse. . .

If all 250 to 300 official members of the family are present, then the next step will be a war of attrition, and it just so happens that this is actually Laplande's shortcoming.

Laplande is not stupid, she is not reckless, she is simply used to that desperate style of play, so now, naturally, she has to change her strategy.

She also had a family, and she knew everything about the family, so she pulled out her two swords, and with a crisp bell sound, one sword cut open the throat, and the other pierced through the heart, leaving this place in the

Kicked the dead body that hadn't uttered a single wail until it died, and entered the warehouse with blood dripping from its feet.

Originium explosives.

Most countries avoid the infected, even Syracuse is no exception, but ironically, they need Origin Stones to make energy, weapons, and staffs.

And the stocks piled up here can be regarded as helping Laplande a lot.


A huge explosion sounded from the warehouse, resounding through the entire house, the flames soaring into the sky and the billowing smoke sounded the first sound of this battle of revenge. V

Chapter 512 Lapland has been waiting for you for a long time

It feels like the body is being hollowed out.

These words are too apt to describe the current Gambino.

Today is an ordinary day, today is a day of peace, and today is a day of hope.

But Gambino lacked the sensitivity to danger as a wolf, the control of the situation as a leader, and the vision for subtle changes as a businessman.

Because he is a tough guy.

It's not a pejorative, it's an adjective.

Contact the second in command of the family, everything is normal.Contact the members of the core, everything is normal.

After contacting various internal and external departments, everything is still normal.

In the end, how did Gambino know that something really happened?

It's funny, because of discipline and sophistication.

Those people under him are all a few catties and a few ounces, Gambino is very clear, although he has not yet reached the level of a second fool, but when he went straight down one by one, those so-called subordinates

The whole fucking elite.

Isn't this a joke? If he had all the elites in his hands, he would have competed with the Sicilian female boss long ago, so how could he be only subordinate to one of the so-called five major families.

After realizing this, the hairs on Gambino's back stood on end, and he panicked. His first reaction was whether Ms. Sicily wanted to kill him.

Although in a sense, Gambino guessed right, but dear

Laplande, that dog, doesn't play his cards according to the routine.

Chen Mo gave her 10 minutes. If Laplande can control it properly, one by one, one by one, then in these 10 minutes, Laplande can at least assassinate all of them.

Of course, this is only the most ideal situation, but at any rate, the next obstacle can be cleared in advance.

As a result, the dog Laplande first stabbed a hapless warehouse manager to death, and then set off fireworks in the warehouse.

Such as thunder on the ground, tremors in houses, and loud noises made most people panic.

But Gambino himself has calmed down. He is a reckless, brave and foolish man who wants to use force to solve everything. What Laplande does is stupid, which seems to be subtle. As if meeting the radio waves, Gambino instantly felt that this must not be Ms. Sicily, this should just be someone who came to trouble him.

"Where did the explosion come from?"

"It's a warehouse!"

"Send someone to search for me. If you can catch them alive, you will catch them alive. If you can't, you will kill them. But save your face. I want to see which family it is that dares to come to my side to make trouble."

"Also, call me today's patrol, security guards, and warehouse managers. Are they eating dry food? Let this little bug slip in."

"Sir, please let them bring their weapons and guns, we will rush there too."

"I'm Castellano, I've arrived at the warehouse now, cousin, you—"

"Hello? Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"


"Damn, something went wrong, hey! You guys, take me to increase the number of people, hurry up!"

From the earphones, they could still hear Gambino's cursing and exasperated voice, but they couldn't say a word at this time.

The advance team led by the second boss, Mr. Neil, never returned, and now the second batch of thugs, led by Castellano, finally arrived in front of the warehouse.

The originally clean and bright corridor has now been stained red by blood. No matter what color the original corridor was, now it is only dark red, occupying the entire field of vision.

Laplande took off her black robe, wore a white lining, and held two swords. Although her clothes and skin were inevitably stained with blood, her silver-white single ponytail was instantly beautiful and brilliant. A moment of eternity.

Yes, even if Laplande, standing in the sea of ​​blood, is so pure and dazzling, it is still just a momentary illusion.

Under Lipland's feet, there was a pool of blood, and there were countless corpses and pieces of flesh and blood piled up in the pool.

Rao fights and kills all day long, and these family members of the other mafia Huojing have never seen such extreme scenes. Some people with weak psychological endurance may spit it out on the spot

The first batch of advance team had already died tragically at the hands of Lapland, and now she was quietly waiting for the next batch of prey to come to her door. The first explosion was just to attract him.

At this moment, Laplande glanced at them.

In the silver pupils, there were prayers and carols, but she grinned, with two sharp swords in her hands in front of her, and Laplande rushed towards

At that moment, all the members of the second batch of thugs led by Castellano had their hairs standing on end, their tails exploded, and the threat of life pierced through their hearts. They reacted subconsciously, not fighting back, not resisting, but flee.

But what he thought in return was blood blooming from the chests of the members beside him.

The still warm blood splashed on the face, and the stench choked into the nostrils, making people sick.

The screams next to his ears hit the last line of defense in his heart all the time. Castellano bit the tip of his tongue in exchange for his sanity to return. He opened his mouth and roared: "Fire! Kill

The pale reflection of the blade, the color rendering of the Originium ammunition, Lapland's white and smooth skin was instantly covered with wounds, soaked and stained red, but this did not stop Lapland even for a moment.

The sharp blade in Laplande's hand still swung down, and the blood and screams still surrounded his ears.

The interference of street fighting hindered the last gun shooter, but the first knife-wielder couldn't take advantage of it. Laplande's desperate fighting style made everyone who confronted her feel terrified.

With one swing of a knife, one strike of a sword, Laplande is not afraid of death, but these people are.

They couldn't do it by force. Seeing that Laplande had no intention of hiding at all, and even pretended to make money by killing one more person, these people forcibly withdrew their knives and stood in their way because they didn't want to die. However, what he got in exchange was Laplande's ruthlessly falling sharp blade.

Chapter 513 Your Dear Laplande Came to Find You

Killers and gangsters are different.

What killers have learned since childhood is the skill of killing. Every knife and sword they swung is just to kill the opponent, while gangsters are just to make a living.

So they will spare their lives, and they will give priority to protecting themselves than killing people.

And those who stay in this mansion are all core members, and they will only cherish their lives even more.

But Laplande is just an ordinary person after all. Even if she is a killer, she is still an ordinary person.

On this continent of Terra, there are indeed many existences who can fight against a hundred, act like natural disasters in human form, and change the entire battle situation with one person, but Laplande, she is obviously not.

She will still feel pain, still feel tired, and still show flaws.

So using the terrain, using people's hearts, and using the gourd baby to save grandpa to control the damage within an acceptable range, Laplande used these to create an advantage for herself.

As Laplande took the next attack, it seemed that he finally suffered from the pain. When there was a slight pause in the movement, Castellano saw the opportunity, drew the knife in his hand, and moved towards Laplande's attack. The shoulder slashed away.

No mortal wounds were given, but because he was still flustered by fright, Castellano eagerly wanted to cripple Laplande's hands, disarm her, and pull out a wolf's claws.

Can clearly feel the touch of the blade touching the flesh, Castellano was excited and thankful that he got it, but when he looked up to see his results, what he saw was Laplande

Without crying out for pain, without saying a word, Laplande just glanced at the blade on her shoulder, and then cut Castellano's throat with a backhand knife.

With the blood rushing to the mouth and the pain of the heart being torn, the last image castellano saw

It was Laplande who cut off his arm with a sword, pulled the blade out of the flesh and blood of his shoulder, and then threw it away like garbage.

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