Chen Mo looked like he wanted to laugh, but in the end the three fish noticed, and after stepping aside a bit, Chen Mo looked at Amiya who ran out and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, anyway, little donkey For those who have always wanted to participate, then this time you can play with the three fish, are you okay?

Go back to sleep when you are free, and when the four of you go out tomorrow, just say hello to me.

Seeing the three fish nodded briefly in response, and then walked out together with Amiya, as if they wanted to discuss tomorrow's itinerary.

"The four of them?"

Kelsey's voice came to her ears: "You let Amiya go alone?"

Chen Mo heard the words and turned his head to look.

I saw Kelsey, who had already taken a bath, changed into the cat pajamas, and was about to go to bed, but at this time had to change out the cat pajamas, put on a single linen, and walked down the stairs .

So Chen Mo didn't repeat the narration, just nodded and said: "Yes, the little donkey has been complaining to me before, saying that she has no sense of participation, so let her play along

"No, I'm talking about this, I mean, won't you follow?"

"Me? I don't need it, it's not a dangerous job.

Kelsey walked up to Chen Mo, leaned lightly on the back of the sofa, tilted her head, and looked at him seriously and seriously: "Are you not worried about her safety at all?"

No, let's be reasonable.

Deep sea hunters hunted Hai Si, it was like hunters holding guns into the forest to hunt, they were specialized in this job.

To hunt a deer, one hunter is enough, let alone three hunters with three guns to shoot a deer this time.

Letting Amiya follow him is already another shot, and the damage is seriously overflowing.

So what is Chen Mo going to do?

Others held a shotgun, and he drove a tank into it, and then waved his hand, fish and fish!

Don't worry about it!As long as that deer dares to stick its hooves and kick you, I will shoot it?

Let alone the deer, the Deer Shoujing has to run, right?

Whose safety should we worry about?

During this period of time when she should be sleeping, Kelsey is the most relaxed time of the day, but her cat ears are not sticking softly to the top of her head now, but sticking up straight

So at that moment, Chen Mo understood.

He was reasonable, and Kelsey would listen, but the price was that he would not have to sleep tonight, and then tomorrow morning, Kelsey would pack his luggage and go to Salt Wind City with Amiya.

You, a father, don't care about anything, so I, a mother, will do it myself.

That's pretty much what it means.

So Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and then said: "Actually, I'm really not worried about the little donkey's safety, but this is her first time traveling alone, right? Then I'll follow her and have a look." Well, hey, there is still a day when I am forced to work overtime.

Hearing this, the cat ears on Kelsey's head fell down slightly. She supported the back of the sofa with one hand, then leaned over, and kissed Chen Mo's lips: "Here, overtime pay, don't worry about it." complained.

When saying this, Kelsey actually moved her body back slightly to hide.

Because she knew Chen Mo's temperament, if she took the initiative to kiss her, then Chen Mo would definitely hug her and fuck her well, and Kelsey also knew that she couldn't escape, so she just put on a show.

Chen Mo didn't move.

This made Kelsey ask with a little doubt: "What's wrong? Don't you hug me?"


Kelsey suddenly noticed something, she turned her head and looked at the gate in the distance.They stopped.

Kelsey: ...

Chapter 687 "The Shadow of Innsmouth"

He died on the spot.

But as long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

Kelsey, who is psychologically strong, turned her head and stared at Chen Mo for a few seconds without a word, then left without expression.

After that, there was the sound of going upstairs, the sound of closing the door, and the sound of locking.

Well, it looks like I won't be able to go to bed tonight.

Different from Chen Mo's innocent face, the donkey and three fish standing outside the gate at this time are quite embarrassed.

Oh, to be precise, Amiya was the only one who was embarrassed. Skadi and Gokudia didn't react much. They were usually cold and cold, but the ghost shark's small eyes rolled around with interest.

Amiya was the only one standing there, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave, and after Kelsey left, Amiya tentatively called out: "'

"I am here……

Chen Mo turned around, took a sip of tea, and waved at the donkey and three fish: "Oh, come in, come in, didn't you hear what your Dr. Kelsey said? I will accompany you to the forced I'm working overtime, so don't leave, come in, just tell me about your itinerary for tomorrow.

Watching the four people file in, led by Amiya, when they were about to find a place to sit down, Chen Mo waved at the ghost shark again: "That shark is coming to me.''Me?"

Ghost Shark looked puzzled, she turned her head to look at Skadi and Gogudia, then pointed at herself, and said, "Are you talking about me?"

"Yeah, just you, which shark's other than you.

Although Ghost Shark didn't know what happened, but like her cute appearance in front of people, after she walked over and sat down, Chen Mo reached out and stroked her hair.

The shark's body was already weak, and the temperature difference between day and night on the Tower of Babel was huge, so Chen Mo raised her temperature directly, and then helped her suppress the origin stone in her body.

After doing this, Ghost Shark slowly relaxed physically and mentally to the extent visible to the naked eye. If it wasn't for the other two fish still watching, she would have collapsed into caviar comfortably and comfortably on the spot.

Oh, this analogy may seem a bit strange, but it's not bad.

Seeing the shark half-closed its eyes, looking so comfortable that it was about to fall asleep, Chen Mo smiled and patted her little head, then turned his head and looked at the donkey and fish, what's the situation? ?Although I don't think it's much better.

This is a problem left over from history. The country of Iberia once flourished for a while, and then declined rapidly.

Although it has not reached the level of destroying the country... it can only be regarded as lingering.

The key point is that the country of Iberia is unwilling to ask for help, open its doors, and make changes. It is in a mess internally, and the outside world knows little about it.

Chen Mo has paid attention to this country because of its prosperity, and Chen Mo has also observed this country because of its decline.

But the longevity species, for the longevity species, there is actually no difference between 1 year and 100 years.

For example, Chen Mo said that he started studying medicine at the same time period as when he picked up Kelsey, but this so-called "time period" may span a hundred years.

So much so that if you ask Chen Mo to talk about the historical process and major events in the past century, he can chat for a day, but if you want it for a day or an hour, he probably has to look up the information.

So when Chen Mo said this, he obviously looked at Geyudia and said, "Didn't you come from Yanfeng City? Tell me what you saw. It's terrible."

Gloria's expression was aloof, and the routine was brief, but under Chen Mo's gaze, she still spoke in detail: "The city is deserted, there is no food, the residents are ignorant, the church has colluded with the sea descendants from the deep sea, The bishop made the residents superstitious in a demagogic way, and

"Also, the local people still have the tradition of exchanging food with sea monsters through living sacrifices?"

Chen Mo's interruption made the aloof Gesuda slightly startled.

"I do not know."

Chen Mo shrugged: "But I've heard a similar story, in which there is a scene of living sacrifice, and now it seems that it is really exactly the same."

"A story?" Gejudia frowned: "Among the stories of people on land, there are also stories about the deep sea? Could it be that you wrote it, Mr. Chen Mo?"

Chen Mo raised his head, glanced at the library, and then got up: "Forget it, come with me, I'll show you all.

Seeing that the ghost shark had already dozed off, he didn't call her.

When Chen Mofu looked at the donkey and two fish, he walked down the stairs towards the library on the third floor

Amiya followed closely behind, and when passing by the bedroom on the second floor, she whispered to Chen Mo, "Brother, you and Dr. Kelsey, are you... all right?" "

"Well... I'm not a child anymore."

"I feel so too."

"The sky is high and birds can fly, little donkey, you have to be independent after all."

"I feel so too."

"But your mother doesn't think so. She is afraid that you will fall and roll, so she asked me to follow you."

"Me too?? I don't think so!'" What don't you think?Donkey rolling?Um! "

"Oh, then throw a dog and eat it..."

"elder brother!"

When Amiya waved her arms angrily, they had already arrived at the library.

The collection of books on the entire floor made both Skadi and Glodia look sideways.

Because there are some books and some content in it, which even the country of Agor does not have, and even the deep sea hunters have never heard of them.

Curiosity is the essence of being human, and these two fish were no exception.

And while they were looking left and right, Chen Mo went straight to the area marked "Children's Books" in front of the three of them, reached out, and took out a book of Amiya from the bookcase: ... Children's books?

elder brother?

Under Amiya's subtle gaze, Chen Mo handed the book back to Gokudia, and said, "No, just this one, read it yourself.

Gouda reached out to take it, and Skadi also looked over.

The title is unremarkable, and the cover is featureless.

Gloria glanced at the author's name, it was... r, Lovecraft.

Chapter 688 Pass it on, Skadi wants to cut down two with one sword

Amiya ran to the bookshelf first, and glanced at the place where the book "The Shadow of Innsmouth" was placed before.

Then she discovered that the two adjacent books, one is Little Red Riding Hood - this is Avanti.

So at that moment, Amiya understood why she hadn't read this book before. After all, the other two books had a greater psychological shadow on her.

Only Avanti's donkey talked, and Amiya probably turned around and left when she saw it, let alone look at the other books.

But this doesn't explain it, brother, why did you put these three books together?

There is no logic at all.

Amiya turned around and turned back, looking at Chen Mo with a delicate expression, until she came to the side of Skadi and Geyudia, Amiya then looked away, and read the book together with the two fish "Shadows of Innsmouth"

The general idea of ​​this story is that an outsider, unable to extricate himself after seeing a special piece of jewelry, went to the town of Innsmouth to explore.

When outsiders are generally rejected in the local area, the outsiders vaguely learned the truth of the year from an old man. After experiencing a series of horrible things, the outsiders found that they also had the blood of monsters, and finally fell for them. of the same kind.

Unlike Skadi and Gloria who frowned and then looked at each other, Amiya clapped her hands in amazement after reading it.

Although I don't know why, in the book, my brother will comment "water monkey" on the paragraph describing the "deep diver".

But "the figure has the vague features of a human figure, but the head is that of a fish" - this is the original text.


The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, the donkey in Avanti, the fish in this book

So brother, you sort and classify the books according to whether there are animals in the book?

This made Chen Mo look strange.

After reading the two fish, Skadi and Gloria, they were like [Who wrote this book? ", "Is this a story? Or a book of prophecy" expressions.

Only this Amiya put her little hands on her waist with a little pride and complacency on her face.

what?Do you want to go through the value judgment again?

So Chen Mo stepped forward, looked at Mia's face, and then reached out to pat her small head.

bang bang...

It caused Amiya a lot of pain, and she slapped his hand off: "It hurts so much, brother, what are you doing?"

"I'll see if you're stupid."

Chen Mo nodded seriously: "Fortunately, I'm not stupid, little donkey, if your reaction is [嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿", then I'm not good at it, but I have to hit you on the head with a mallet.

Amiya: ...W

If you are not stupid, you will be knocked stupid.

Seeing Amiya covering her head and feeling aggrieved, Chen Mo turned his head with a smile and looked at the two fish: "Have you finished reading it? Is it exactly the same as what I said just now? If Gloria doesn't listen Persuasion, if the ghost shark is taken away forcibly, then with the temperament of the little killer whale, she must go after it directly, and then the original normal development of the story is exactly the same as this book.

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