In fact, Chen Mo just wanted to see if the patriots would also have a side of despair, or helplessness. .

But it's a pity, whether it was last time or this time, the Patriots were serious and boring.So Chen Mo also waved his hand, and it was considered to have passed the topic: "But then again, you old guy, are you the same as that old Wei Yanwu? Your Excellency, Lian Ge


Froststar looked at the Patriot again.After all, don't look at Shuangxing's usual serious and serious appearance, but just like yearning for what is lacking, Boxing Xing actually has a little girlish side, a little dark belly, and a little curiosity.Not to mention the matter about her adoptive father Patriot, that Frost Star became even more curious.

But compared to Chen Mo's humorous ridicule, the patriot still has the old-fashioned appearance: "That's when I was young and ignorant. This title, Your Excellency, is a respect for you. Chen Mo weighed Tallulah on his shoulder again, and then Reaching out and pointing at the dragon cub: "I'm going to take this little thing back now, what about you, do you plan to go with me, or do you want to go with me?"

"I have business with you.

The patriot answered Chen Mo's question, then turned his head, looked at the eye cream star, the shield guard and the infected: "But it's still early, you can wait for them to finish their breakfast before embarking on the journey to have breakfast? Chen Mo remembered it. When he came, he saw the fawn preparing breakfast, and Tallulah looked like he had just woken up.

If you want to leave Ursus and then go to the Tower of Babel, the journey is a bit long.

So Chen Mo put down Talula from his shoulders, and then sat on the log next to the fire.Looking at the busy infected people, setting up pots, lighting a fire, and cooking a big pot of rice, Chen Mo also chatted with the patriots.

The topics of chatting are nothing more than what the patriots did on this snowy field, and whose money did Chen Mo cheat in the Tower of Babel, etc.

Frost star just sat on the sidelines the whole time, neither interjected nor interrupted, and the cute 5's appearance made the passing members of the snow monster team stop and take a few more glances.

"Hey, look at our eldest sister, she is as cute as a little rabbit."

"Nonsense, isn't Eldest Sister just a boy?"

"Small, if the elder sister hears it, you will be beaten carefully."

"Eldest sister won't beat me up!"

"I don't know, but he looks like a good guy who can walk through Ursus, and came here just to cough up his little one, who is that?"

Answer Lula.

"That's right, it's Tallulah, you crossed Ursus just to bring Tallulah back, can you do that?"

"Oh, that looks like a really good guy.

"Let's go, don't disturb them, the eldest sister can finally rest."

"Then let's go order some wine?"

"I'm going to leave later. Are you still drinking? Are you not afraid of being scolded?"

"That's right, then the vodka I have treasured for so many years, it seems that I will hide it for a while longer?"

"Come on, let's go to the side to discuss how to drink, cough, no, how to hide."

"Give me a bite too?!

Frost Star naturally heard the conversation between the Xiangguai team, but she didn't say anything, she just smiled softly, took a sip of the hot drink, and then put the hot drink by the nest fire.

Compared with Frost Star's well-behaved, Tallulah is a little restless.Tallulah had already resigned to her fate after being caught by Bo Chenmo, and when she saw that Chen Mo still knew the patriot and seemed to have a good relationship, Tallulah completely cut off the idea of ​​running away

But sitting beside Chen Mo, roasting the piano fire, and listening to the chat between Chen Mo and Patriot, Tallulah couldn't stay still.

She turned her head and looked into the distance, and when she saw Alina cooking with the group of infected people, she wanted to go over and help.

Chapter 093 After stroking your tail and eating breakfast, let's go back to the Tower of Babel

Kotalulah just got together

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, grabbed her by the tail, and pulled her towards him: "Where do you want to go?"

Maybe it was a little uncomfortable to be caught by the tail suddenly, or maybe it was the pain of the tail, so Tallulah shook the tip of her tail because of it.

"Alina? Ah, that's the name of that little deer." Chen Mo looked in the direction Talula pointed, and after seeing the little deer, he nodded in understanding and shouted at the same time, "Ah Alina, who was far away from Lina, heard someone calling her, so she subconsciously raised her head, looked around for the sound, and finally met Chen Mo's gaze, and Alina pointed at her. For himself, Chen Mo nodded when he saw this: "Well, yes, come here.

Alina was a little puzzled, she subconsciously glanced at Tallulah, and after seeing Tallulah's helpless face, Alina still put down the ingredients in her hand, and fought with the infected people who were also preparing breakfast. After saying hello, he gently twisted up the hem of his skirt, stepped on the snow, and came to Chen Mo.

Then, after Chen Mo pointed to Tallulah's side, and Alina sat down obediently, Chen Mo let go of Tallulah's tail.

Tallulah shook her head behind her retracted tail, then exchanged glances with Alina

"Okay, isn't Alina coming here now?" Chen Mo looked as if everything had been settled: "You don't need to go there now, just sit here.

Talula Talula actually wanted to say that she really wouldn't run away, and there was no need to stare at her so guardedly.

But after thinking about it, Tallulah gave up trying to solve it.She is still hiding the fact that she is already an infected person. If Chen Ba finds out, he doesn't know what to say about her.

So instead of having that kung fu, she might as well think about what to do if Chen Mo finds out.

No, let's take the initiative to confess.Tallulah had a good feeling in her heart, and Alina understood what happened.

Isn't it a very good and happy thing for someone to care about oneself?So under Alina's smiling gaze, Tallulah also sat down silently again.

But then, Chen Mo stretched out his hand to Talu again.Seeing this, Talula hesitated for a while, then raised her tail and placed it in Chen Mo's palm again.

So Chen Mo played with Tallulah's tail while turning his head and continued chatting with the Patriot.

To be honest, the feel of Hatalula's tail is a bit different from that of Chen Huijie.The feel of Chen Huijie's tail is that when he touched the root of the tail, it felt a little rough because of the dragon scales, but after that it was smooth, and he could swipe it to the end, and there was fluff on the tip of the tail. A different feel.

But Tallulah's tail feels a bit rough the whole way, but if you touch her dragon scales, it's surprisingly smooth.Moreover, there is no fluff on the tip of Tallulah's tail, but thorns instead.

Although it is not difficult to touch, it is definitely not enough to want to masturbate.

Probably the difference between Eastern Dragon and Western Dragon.While playing with Tallulah's tail, Chen Mo also glanced at the white rabbit beside Patriot.

It's not that Chen Mo is also interested in the rabbit ears and tail of the white rabbit, but that the temperature of the white rabbit is a bit low.

Among all the heat sources, the white rabbit had the lowest body temperature, so low that it couldn't be ignored.

"This white rabbit..." Chen Mo glanced at the patriot: "Where did you pick it up?" Chen Mo didn't post it.

At the beginning, there were many shield guards and infected people around Patriot, but this white rabbit was the only one who was closest, almost standing next to Patriot.

Now the shield guards went to patrol, and the infected people went to prepare breakfast, but the white rabbit didn't leave, but sat directly next to the patriots.This is obvious.

"This is my daughter, Yelena, you can also call her Frost Star, but Patriot didn't hide it. Instead, he used his broad hands to touch Frost Star's head, revealing his identity.

Then, Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Patriot, then at Shuangxing, and before saying the words "How did you, a Wendigo, give birth to a baby?" Patriot spoke in advance , added a sentence: "raise..."

"Oh, I understand. Chen Mo nodded clearly.

It was many years ago that the patriot went to the Tower of Babel last time. At that time, he didn't have this white rabbit by his side.

Then, Frost Star appeared.There is no need to guess at all, just think about it a little bit, and you can understand what's going on.

If Chen Mo hadn't guessed completely, Patriot said he was looking for something, probably it was Shuang Xing's business, Chen Mo could also tell that Kan Xing was an infected person, and her low body temperature was probably due to ore disease.

Chen Mo could understand why the Patriots didn't choose to say it directly here.No equipment, no environment, no medicine, no time.

Apart from simply checking your body, I can't do anything else at all, and maybe it will add chaos to the waiting march.

It was also for this reason that Chen Mo didn't speak out to Tallulah.Does this little dragon patient think he can't see that she is already an infected person?Chen Mo pinched the dragon's tail in his hand, then glanced at Tallulah.

After seeing Talula talking and laughing with Alina, Chen Mo didn't bother her.

Anyway, there is one more reason to spank her, and now let her laugh a little better.

Zhuan turned around and continued chatting with the Patriots.But after chatting for a while, the infected people had already prepared breakfast.

In this environment, don’t expect a noble life such as a piece of steak per person, wearing a suit, and holding a knife and fork, but it’s not enough for everyone to eat a bus that can be used as a hammer. .

Everyone has a bowl of hot soup, hot rice, meat, and vegetables, and enough food. Although it can't be called luxurious, it's pretty good in this kind of ice and snow.There is even wine.

After everyone eats and drinks enough, puts out their beards, packs their bags, and brings everything they can carry.

Chen Mo walked at the front of the team, holding Tallulah's tail in his hand, and led the team of patriots across the Xiangyuan, through the forest, and left the territory of Ursas.Then, head towards the Tower of Babel...

Chapter 094 Do You Think You Don't Need To Be Beaten?

Their mighty multitude crossed the borders of Ursus without hindrance, and the Tower of Babel was within reach.

Compared with the harsh winter in the Usasti Plain, the desert plain where the Tower of Babel is located is as warm as spring.

Even after walking such a long distance, it still feels a little hot.In the team, there were quite a few infected people wearing padded jackets and overcoats, and they had already taken off their clothes one after another. Some were wearing vests, some were wearing single clothes.

But Frost Star is the only exception.Frost Xing was still wearing her generous overcoat and scarf, and she gave Baohao her own look like a snow rabbit with fur ears, and the air she exhaled from her mouth was still cold.

But Frost Star herself doesn't seem to mind at all, she is even quite willing to use herself as a cooling source, close to those infected people who feel hot, and provide them with a comfortable temperature Chen Mo naturally noticed Frost Star Through the observations along the way, I have a general understanding of the negative effects of the ore disease of the box star on her.

This must be checked carefully.

Now, they have come to the Tower of Babel.

Stopping outside the Tower of Babel, Chen Mo let go of Tallulah's tail, then turned his head and looked at Patriot: "I don't care where you want to go, but anyway, you have to stay here for a few days at least , where to live, old guy, you should also know.

Although the number of Patriots is a bit large, the rooms in the Tower of Babel are quite large.If it's embarrassing to be favored by others, the tavern over there can also provide accommodation services. "

After saying this, Chen Mo spoke again as a reminder: "But, the Tower of Babel also has the rules of the Tower of Babel, don't you understand?"

"I know..." Patriot nodded: "I will take good care of them and teach them well.

Anyway, as long as those infected people don't make trouble in the Tower of Babel, where they should live after that is the patriot's business, and Chen Mo doesn't bother to care about it.

"Then you are busy first, let me deal with other things first." After finishing speaking, Chen Mo stretched out his hand, grabbed Tallulah's tail again, and dragged Tallulah into the Tower of Babel. Kai said: "Then it's your business, little guy, now go upstairs with me.

After Talu beat him and was dragged forward for a certain distance, Talula also turned around, and followed behind Chen Mo obediently and cleverly.

Although Talula knew about the Tower of Babel and that it belonged to Chen Mo, it was her first time here, so with the sound of "da, da, da" made by her high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor, Talu La also raised his head and looked at the majestic building.

She wanted to give her some compliments, but Chen Mo didn't give her that chance.

Pulling Tallulah's tail, he walked up the spiral staircase and came to the bedroom area on the second floor.

Walking in the corridor, Chen Mo casually pointed to the rooms passing by: "You can choose any room as your bedroom, and the rooms without a sign on the door are empty rooms.


Talula didn't understand Chen Mo's intentions for a while, but she also knew that no matter how much time was delayed, she would be beaten in the end anyway.

So she turned her head and looked at the names such as "Kelsey", "Amiya", and "Warfarin" written on the sign on the door. room

That's it? '

Hearing this, Chen Mo stopped and turned to look at the room Tallulah pointed at.

Kelsey's room next minute?You really know how to choose.But Chen Mo didn't say anything, just nodded, turned around, stretched out his hand, opened the door of the room, dragged Tallulah's tail into the room, and then pointed out: "The key is hanging over there." On the walls of the house, remember to put it away later, the quilts and daily necessities are all new, you have never lived in Tallulah.

She has lived in rooms in small villages and tents in the snow and ice before, so this room is not only not bad, it can even be said to be a bit luxurious.

So after Chen Mo briefly introduced the room, Tallulah nodded.She walked around the room, then twisted up the hem of her clothes, sat on the bed and felt it—it was still soft.

If I can sleep here at night, I think I can sleep well.Do you want to call Alina to try it too?

While Tallulah was thinking this way, she saw Chen Mo shut the door with a bang, and then when Tallulah was taken aback by this, Chen Mo locked the door again with a click.Tallulah:

Tallulah stood up subconsciously. She was not afraid of what Chen Mo would do to her, but worried that Chen Mo would spank her now.

"Brother, you" Talula asked, "you don't have to be in such a hurry...

Let me make some mental preparations first?Chen Mo just glanced at her when he heard the words, and ignored her: "Show me your arm."

Tallulah was stunned for a moment, then touched her arm subconsciously, and said with a wry smile, "You already know?"

"Nonsense, I don't post

Chen Mo walked towards Talula, and said, "What? Or do you mean that if I don't ask, you don't plan to talk about it?"

No, I'm just going to. "

Tallulah was halfway through, then sighed.

It seemed that she had given up on sophistry. After hesitating for a while, Tallulah stretched out her hand and rolled up her sleeves, exposing her arms.

Tallulah's skin is very fair, so the black origin stone crystal on her skin is very eye-catching.

Seeing this, Chen Mo frowned, walked up to Talula, then reached out and lifted her arm, stroked it with his fingertips, and then nodded reassuringly: "There is no trace of delay, What you can see on this watch, um, is only this one for the time being. If you simply judge, the degree of infection is still very light. As long as you don’t abuse Originium skills, although there is no way to completely cure the recovery, it should still be suppressed with drugs. Hold on, but the specific situation needs to be checked in detail before it can be confirmed, and then you turn around as soon as Talula. "Huh? "

Talula didn't think of going to other places for a while, she just thought that Chen Mo wanted to see if there were origin stone crystals in other places on her body.

So Tallulah turned around obediently, turned her back to Chen Mo, and said, "Brother? If the origin stone is crystallized, the only thing on my body is this one on my arm?!"

Before Tallulah finished speaking, Chen Mo slapped Tallulah's ass.

Well, it feels good

Chapter 095

Unlike Chen Mona who still has the leisure to evaluate the feel of the hand, Tallulah's cheeks are flushed now.

Although Talula had known for a long time that Chen Mo couldn't just be talking about playing with Yuan Ji, but when she was actually beaten, Talula still found that she was thinking too lightly.

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