"I have something to say to him."

While speaking, she stared at the main house.

Looking at the slightly discolored Double Happiness on the glass window.

His eyes were a little suspicious.

Qin Jingru hurried over, "Father! Mother! Get up!"

"Aunt Bai is here again!"

Although the opponent engages in a surprise attack.

However, Qin Jingru didn't panic anyway.

The title is correct.

He Daqing and Chen Xueru were also woken up.

Take a look at the time.

It's only five o'clock in the morning.

Fortunately, acting is a complete set.

Otherwise, it will definitely wear out.

This White Widow is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He got up, yawned and pushed open the door.

Said, "Xiuqin, what's the matter with you?"

"Want to come for breakfast."

"I'll give you the following."

"If you want to make trouble, you can't."

Chen Xueru also quickly got up.

This is a great opportunity to assert your sovereignty.

She will never let it go.

Wearing soft silk pajamas and holding He Daqing's arm, they also came out.

The white widow mother and daughter took a look.

Good guy!

It's really like a couple living at home.

It's not like pretending.


Even if they invite others to pretend to be husband and wife, they may not be willing to pay such a high price.

They all slept in one room.

How else to prove it?

However, the White Widow was still very puzzled.

She said directly, "The surname is He! I suspect that you and Shazhu are deceiving me!"

"You never remarried at all."

"Just trying to dump me."

"It's just an excuse."

He Daqing was stunned.


How did she figure it out?

Is there a ghost? !

Have we found a traitor? !

Chapter 192 Uncle He and I Are True Love!

Facing the questioning of the White Widow.

He Daqing was very depressed.

do not know.

In the end which link has a small leak.

It made her suspicious.

He Daqing said, "Xiuqin, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Xueru and I are a serious couple."

"Didn't you see that there are red happy characters pasted on the gate and windows."

Believe it or not! 【Seek full order】

"Look more closely."

"Hi words are not posted the first day, right?"

The White Widow snorted, "You old bastard!"

"Moral bankruptcy!"

"What can't be done?"

"I've asked someone about it."

"Silly Zhu just got married not long ago."

"You're never married at all."

He Daqing frowned.

Niang Xipi.

Unexpectedly, the White Widow did not give up.

Looking for someone to confirm it.

To know.

In the rolling mill, who doesn't know He Daqing?

He is a celebrity.

He was even called "Director Donkey" before.

There are too many lesbians, looking at him, there is something wrong.

Chen Xueru and Qin Jingru didn't expect it either.

It was revealed so quickly.

Sure enough, paper cannot contain fire.

If you can deceive others for a while, can you deceive them for a lifetime?

He Daqing said, "Zhuzi is not young, shouldn't he marry a wife?"

"I also want to hug my grandson soon."

"It's normal for him to be married."

"As for me, I like to keep a low profile."

"I don't like to show off when I do things."

"Even if I got the license from Xueru, there was no wine."

"Not to mention reporting to the factory leaders."

"They're too busy."

"You can't disturb them because of this little thing."


"I marry a young and beautiful little wife who is more than ten years younger than me."

"People should not be jealous."

"Secretly, I don't know how to talk about it."

"Why should I announce it?"

"I have no reason to make myself unhappy."

The White Widow mother and daughter were stunned.

What is the surname.

It's too quibbling.

He can tell him that the dead are alive.

What he said really makes sense.

It's not like flattery.

With Chen Xueru's conditions, she is only in her early thirties.

Very well maintained.

At first glance, she looks like a pampered young lady.

Proper Bai Fumei.

The little old man He Daqing married her.

True hatred.

And the hatred value is full.

How jealous the co-workers are.

It is reasonable to act low-key.

Still, according to White Widow's sources.

He Daqing did not receive a certificate.

I haven't seen him announce it publicly.

She also deliberately found a few more people to inquire about the situation and confirm the matter.

Although the White Widow is in Baocheng, she has a relative in Sijiu City, and coincidentally, that relative is a family member of a rolling mill worker.

There are not many acquaintances in the family.

Do the White Widow a great favor.

After the White Widow found out that she had been cheated.

Didn't sleep well all night.

Early in the morning, he ran over to fight He Daqing.

The White Widow simply stopped going around in circles, and stretched out her hand, "Bring it here!"

"Look at the marriage certificate."

"If you don't have a certificate."

"Then I'll go to the factory and sue you."

"Let the two of you, a pair of dogs and men, make a fool of yourself!"

He Daqing was happy.

This old widow is really hot.

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