"A mask or something, that's enough."

"It's really hard for you this time."

"You can have dinner with Jingru."

"I'm going to find the broken man to drink."

Chen Xueru hummed, but did not continue to ask.

Looks very generous, very knowledgeable.

He Daqing knew it well.

She did it on purpose to make a good impression on Chef He.

This girl is quite thoughtful.

He Daqing went to Qin Jingru again and explained.

Then, go to the Soviet-style expert building.

Elena was delighted to see him.

Anyway, the two agreed.

Only see once a week.

Usually do not disturb each other.

Of course, learning the piano doesn't count.

He Daqing took out the ingredients and cooked a western meal for her.

After it's over.

He Daqing said, "Dear Miss Rose, here is a poor painter, I have a gift for you.

Elena was very curious, "Really? Hurry up and take it out."

He Daqing smiled and took out the mask.

Elena has never been exposed to this kind of thing.

It feels very novel.

He Daqing explained, "This thing is a good thing."

"Moisturizing and whitening."

"It also shrinks the pores."

"If you have time, apply it every night."

"It can be regarded as doing maintenance at home by myself."

Elena nodded and tried it on the spot.

feel good.

It’s just that when the mask is applied, the situation is a bit scary, like a white ghost mask on the face

She sighed, "My dear Jack, you have quite a lot of good things."

"It's the first time I've come into contact with this kind of mask."

"Did you invent it yourself?"

"Or where did you get it from?"

He Daqing smiled, "Of course it was obtained from a special channel."

"However, you have to keep it secret."

"Because there is none in the world."


"It's pretty simple to do something like this."

"I can teach you now."

Elena was surprised.


Can you make your own mask at home?

It means that the craftsmanship of this thing is very simple.

It didn't take long for her to experience the lesson.

It turns out that Ho's mask is like this! !

My mother!

The city will play!

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I came back from the Su-style expert building.

He Daqing did not go to Zhima Hutong.

Instead, go straight to the courtyard.

When we got home.

Shazhu and Lou Xiaoe have already packed their things, ordered another cart, and are about to go out

He Daqing was very satisfied, "Thanks for your hard work, both of you."

"It's troublesome to move around."

"I'll ask Jingru to give you two pork knuckles later."

"Supplement Xiao'e with collagen."

Silly Zhu was very happy, "That's great, thank you Dad!"

Lou Xiaoe also smiled along.

In fact, she was complaining in her heart.

This father-in-law is also unreliable.

At this age, I still refuse to settle down.

Disrespect for the old.

This time it's the White Widow.

I don't know which widow it will be next time.

Or someone's young lady.

Can't you just stop?

In case of life.

Old age or something.

At that time, the son will be younger than the grandson.

Then have fun.

Lou Xiao'e touched her belly that was not yet swollen, and looked at He Daqing contemptuously, who were also father and son.

Silly Zhu is much more honest.

The gap is too obvious.

Of course, on the surface, Lou Xiaoe has no reason to offend He Daqing.

If there is any dissatisfaction, just spit out a few words in secret.

Send these two away.

Qin Jingru came back soon after.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

He Daqing was lying on the kang.

Sip the red wine and continue reading the novel.

I read the story of Lord Wei.

I just saw that Lord Wei hooked up with Princess Sophia the Bear.

He Daqing chuckled (adac).


This old man Jin Yong really dared to write.

In fact, whoever I am, like Lord Wei, sacrificed the ego to win glory for the country.

Defended the dignity of the men of the celestial dynasty.

the other side.

Qin Jingru hugged the doll and ran to his room again.

Also lying down on the kang, Qin Jingru asked, "Godfather, I've always been curious about one thing.

"I'm sorry to ask you."

"Do you have time to answer?"

He Daqing chuckled, "Say it."

"There are no outsiders here."

"Your sister didn't come to listen to the wall either."

"Just say it."

"Could it be that you want to ask about your godfather and your aunt Chen?"

Qin Jingru shook his head.

Ask a hammer.

This beauty is not a fool.

I already knew that the two of you were making a fake out.

Poor cousin, this is not yet a long-distance relationship, and there is a green light on the top of her head.

Qin Jingru said, "I've been looking at this doll for a few days."

"It looks more and more like you."

"Tell me yourself."

"Is it sewn in your image?"

"What's the matter with this tail?"

"Who has ever seen a man with a long tail?"

He Daqing blushed.

Hey, found out by her.

This little Huniu is really not stupid.

He Daqing bit the bullet and said, "Then I don't understand."

"This is made by a grandpa's daughter-in-law."

"Go and ask her."

"I can't interfere with other people's creations."

"I don't care what people want to sew."

"in addition."

"Jingru, you still haven't studied too much."

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