He Daqing said, "You and I are as close as brothers, don't be so alien."

"Fang Zi can give it to that nobleman."

"However, let him keep it secret."

"Don't leak it out."

"in addition."

"Although this stuff is good, don't be greedy."

"If you take it too often, it will definitely hurt your body 0..."

"You have to remember to remind him."

"You will be well when the nobleman is well."

"Don't forget."

"The average life expectancy of ancient emperors was less than 40 years old."


Li Huaide nodded like a pounding garlic.

Hurry up and write it down in your heart.

This is no small matter.

In case that nobleman's joy begets his sorrow.

He lost a strong backer.

Wouldn't it be that he screwed up.

Probably after the negotiation.

Li Huaide is in a good mood.

He looked at the closed door.

Then, he got up and opened the cabinet next to the desk.

Two things were taken out.

He Daqing took a look.

It was ten golden yellow croakers.

There are two hundred industrial coupons.

Five bicycle purchase coupons.

I don't know where to get such good things at Li Huaide's salary level.

Even if it was, when he was hospitalized, his subordinates quietly sent him away.

Li Huaide said, "Brother, you accept these first."

"Maybe the money is indeed a little less."


"I make you a promise."

"Only when I am in office, you are an advanced worker every year."

"Also, as long as the conditions are right."

"The wages will be adjusted one or two levels for you."

"If brother, I am lucky enough to replace Lao Yang."

"Then you are the deputy director."

He Daqing listened.

Hey, this one can have.

Although he has no intention of becoming an official.

Not interested in participating in those intrigues.

But, even in a pond, be a big fish.

A bit higher is right.

It is impossible for others to easily punish him.

Especially that You Fengxia.

This woman's 0.2 is too arrogant.

I have to find a chance to clean her up.

Let this little aunt know that He Lao is very wet.

He Daqing smiled, "Brother, you are too polite."

"I'll take the things first."

"You bring a pen and paper."

"Fang Zi, I will write it to you now."

"Remember not to pass it on."

"It's absolutely good stuff."

Li Huaide smiled, "Okay! Received!"

After a few minutes.

He Daqing was carrying a briefcase and shook hands with Li Huaide.

He sighed, "This time, our cooperation is a win-win situation."

"You can go further."

"I also got benefits and benefits."

Li Huaide nodded, "Win-win! It is indeed a win-win!"

He Daqing said hehe.

Shit!Fuck you!

A win-win is to win you twice!

After abolishing you, Li Huaide, I still continue to gain benefits from you.

You win!

Chapter 201 Give Ran Qiuye an Acupuncture!

Come out from Li Huaide.

He Daqing was proud of the spring breeze.

Fortunately, labor and capital are smart enough.

An unremarkable broken prescription.

Surprisingly reaped so many benefits.

To know.

The small blue pills that became famous in later generations cost about ten yuan each.

This wave of He Daqing's is really making a lot of money.

【Seek full order】

A raise is a sure thing.

Promotion is not without hope.

on TV.

Later, Li Huaide did gain real power and became the number one person in the rolling mill.

Director Yang is also getting older.

Can't do it for young people.

Sooner or later it will come back.

Li Huaide's current position is now vacant.

Instead of making it cheaper for others.

It's not as cheap as I am old wet.

Anyway, my old Hetou is not a good person.

And it is also a time of prime of life.

The only problem is.

A few years later, it was a storm.

Ghosts and monsters from all walks of life appeared.

It's a headache.

Anyway, He Daqing's principle is.

If you really become the second in command of the rolling mill.

Then do as little harm as possible.

However, he didn't have much hope for this.

It's not that big of an official addiction.

03 noon.

He Daqing had lunch.

Quietly slipped out of the factory area.

Went to the elementary school where Ran Qiuye was.

In this elementary school, almost all the students are children of the rolling mill.

When he came to the guard, He Daqing gave the little old guard a cigarette and asked

"Is Teacher Ran Qiuye here?"

"Where is the office?"

The guard took the cigarette and took a look.

"Master, please inquire.

Di, amazing.

These are Daqianmen cigarettes.

Most people can't afford it.

It was a cadre who came.

Look at He Daqing's outfit again.

He was wearing a navy blue tunic suit with a pen in his chest pocket.

She wears sharp leather shoes on her feet.

Riding permanent [-] - a heavier version of the big bar.

The identity of the leader is gone.

The guard was flattered, "Which unit do you belong to? What can I do with Mr. Ran?"

He Daqing wanted to say, I am teacher Ran's boyfriend.

But when the words came to his lips, they became, "I'm from the logistics department of the rolling mill."

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