"So, I have to go to a regular hospital to have a look?"

He Daqing smiled maliciously, "That's not necessary."

"I, a barefoot doctor, can also show you."

"To tell you the truth."

"My ancestors also practiced medicine."

"It's from a family of Chinese medicine."

"Just give you two needles."

"For a while, don't delay things."

Chapter 202 Uncle is an old Chinese doctor,

Grade Office.

Ran Qiuye was dumbfounded.

Uncle He is just talking nonsense.

Obviously a cook.

The ancestors said that he was an imperial cook, and he was good at Tan family dishes.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly changed.

He became Doctor He again.

Who are you fooling?

Never brag!

Believe whoever loves you.

Anyway, Ran Qiuye doesn't believe me.

Ran Qiuye shook his head, "Just blow it."

"I've been to the courtyard house several times."

"I chatted with Jingru again yesterday."

"I know a lot about you."

"She didn't say that you are also good at medicine."

He Daqing laughed.

Qin Jingru?

This little tiger girl knows a chicken neck.

He Daqing said seriously, "You don't know something about this."

"The so-called art is not overwhelming."

"Who said doctors can't cook?"

"My medical skills are definitely better than cooking skills."

"If you don't believe me, look."

"what is this?"

While talking, He Daqing showed the box full of silver needles.

Ran Qiuye opened it and took a look.

Suddenly took a breath of cool air.

I drop a damn.

It is really the kind of silver needle used by old Chinese medicine.

The average person would carry this with him.

Isn't that crazy?

Uncle He didn't look like he was insane.

Just a little squishy.

She frowned, "So, you really know medicine?"

"I can't."

"I try not to look like it."

"Aren't you too versatile?"

He Daqing chuckled.

Could it be that uncle can play the piano?

Also good at picking up girls, I want to tell you too?

He said calmly, "You saw a lot of antiques and calligraphy and paintings in Uncle's room, right?"

"Those are all collected by my uncle."

"How do you explain this?"

"Cooks can't be collectors?"

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured."

"Don't just because uncle is handsome."

"I ignored my uncle's unrivaled talent."

Ran Qiuye burst out laughing.

This old dog really knows how to put gold on his face.

All right, let's pretend he's telling the truth.

Because those antiques and celebrity calligraphy and paintings can indeed be seen everywhere in the He family.

Most people don't have these at all.


Explain from the side.

Many things about He Daqing are indeed unknown.

Although Qin Jingru lives in the He family, she may not know it.

Ran Qiuye nodded, "Even if what you said is true'-O"

"I'll think about it again."

"Are you charging too much?"

"You won't cheat me, will you?"

He Daqing was happy, "It's free."

"Uncle He is not good at all."

"Only _has_ points."

"That's warm-hearted."

"Serve the people wholeheartedly."

"I'll give you two needles for free."

"Relief for your frozen shoulder."

"You may not know it yet."

"In the advanced stages of the disease, the muscles in the arms will even atrophy."

"That affects the image and life a lot."

"You think so."

"Teacher Xiao Ran is young and has a good temperament, but his hands are numb due to disease.

"How can this be done?"

Ran Qiuye's expression changed wildly.

Really frightened.

That scene was so sour, she couldn't even imagine it.

There is no woman who does not love beauty.

Everyone pays attention to her image, wishing others would praise her for her beauty.

If she really wanted to become that deformed freak, she felt that she couldn't live.

Ran Qiuye asked weakly, "So according to you, what should I do?"

He Daqing said meaningfully, "Is there even a need to ask?"

"Heal the sick."

"I'll give you regular injections."

"Relieve your pain."

"By the way, treat this frozen shoulder."

"A few more courses of treatment."

"It's settled."

"Do not delay your work and life."

Ran Qiuye bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind.

Because she does suffer from shoulder pain.

I've wanted to see a doctor for a long time.

This time I met a "good-hearted person".

If not, take the opportunity to treat it.

"How long will it take?" she asked.

He Daqing explained, "About ten to five minutes."

"However, close the doors and windows."

"Keep out of the cold or something."

"You think so."

"It's impossible to prick the needle through the clothes."

"The whole world doesn't make that sense either."

"You must take off your coat and change into a vest."

Ran Qiuye hesitated.

Is this appropriate?

In fact, I don't know Uncle He too well.

Wearing a little vest in front of him.

That is too unacceptable.

She hasn't talked to a boyfriend yet.

Seeing Ran Qiuye's expression, He Daqing said, "Why don't we go to your dormitory."

"It will take a while."

"I'll take you back again."

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