Still have to cut him well.

So, He Daqing stroked his chin and said intentionally,

"Is this child in love?"

"Young people, impulsive."

"I made a mistake that shouldn't have been made."

"I cheated other girls."

"It's not worth spending money to eliminate disasters."

When Yan Bugui heard this, his face turned green.

 Fuck!There is such a possibility!

Little bastards don't learn well.

"I guess."

Let's see if labor manages to deal with him well!

Chapter 214 Yu Haitang's troubles! 【Seek full order】

Yan Bugui left in a hurry.

Go back and find your son to settle accounts.

He Daqing, on the other hand, was cheerful and cooked the meal himself.

It doesn't matter how noisy the Yan family is.

Anyway, Yan Jiecheng must have a hard time today.

some time later.

Qin Jingru is also back.

Coincidentally, Han Chunming brought his sister over for dinner again.

He Daqing added two more sets of bowls and chopsticks.

While eating, He Daqing said, "Chunming, do you know what a piano is?"

Han Chunming shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

He Daqing chuckled, "Sunday afternoon, you go to Zhima Hutong, Master will teach you to learn this

Han Chunming smiled wryly, "That's so troublesome, I don't want to learn."

He Daqing looked at him and said, "Cheng Jian-jun can play the piano, you can't lose to him, can you?"


"Su Meng likes to sing."

"You learned the piano, you can accompany her."

"At that time, in front of everyone, there will be a song "Let's Swing the Sculls"."

"You play, she sings."

"Thinking about this scene, aren't you a little excited?"

Han Chunming's eyes lit up immediately, "Okay! I'll learn!"

In fact, He Daqing knew it well.

Although Han Chunming and Su Meng are not very old, they already have a crush on each other.

Otherwise, the back will not come together.

What's more, Han Chunming and Cheng Jianjun have been competing secretly, and neither of them wants to lose to the other

He said so.

Han Chunming was definitely hooked.

As for He Daqing himself.

I have no interest in Su Meng.

There is no why.

This girl is too pitiful.

Although it looks okay.

But the princess is too sick, she doesn't trust the man at all, and she just acts like a demon every day.

In the end, when we fell in love, we actually talked for nearly 30 years.

Can this be tolerated?

Anyway, He Daqing was determined not to play with her.

It's totally inappropriate.

Zhou Xiaobai's single-minded, obedient and sensible person is more in line with He Daqing's wishes.

Han Chunyan was also surprised, "Uncle, can you still play the piano?"

"I don't see it."


He Daqing chuckled, "Uncle has a lot of things."

"Don't report to you little brats."

"Okay, let's eat quickly."

"Uncle will go out to do errands later."

"People are waiting."

Han Chunming and Han Chunyan nodded quickly.

Han Chunming said, "Then it's settled. Let's see you this weekend."

He Daqing nodded, "See you on the weekend."

"Forgot to tell you."

"The one who learned the piano from the master, and the two younger sisters, are very beautiful, so don't worry about it."

Han Chunming was speechless.

You old man, you are getting old, can you restrain yourself a bit.

Like shooting a bird with a sand gun.

Want to find more mistresses for me? !

Although he complained in his heart, on the surface, Han Chunming was still respectful, "Don't worry! It's nothing like that!"

Before Han Chunming and his brother left, He Daqing specially brought him two bottles of Xifeng wine, "Remember, these two bottles of wine are for Lord Guan, the admiral of the Nine Gates."

"Tell him."

"I'll find him for a drink when I'm free."

Han Chunming nodded and left with the wine.

He Daqing was not idle either, and ordered Qin Jingru to clean up the dishes, and then he went out.

Seeing him appearing, Qin Huairu hurriedly tried to run out to intercept him.

As a result, He Daqing simply ignored it.

Straight out of the compound.

Qin Huairu was so angry.

This is immortal.

Love the new and dislike the old.

With Ran Qiuye, have you forgotten about this beauty?

The old scumbag strikes again.

Contemporary Chen Shimei.

OK, let's talk to him when he comes back.

Don't let him go easily.

If Ran Qiuye dares to come again, believe it or not, this beauty will throw her out.

After a quarter of an hour.

He Daqing came to Yu's house.

Both father and mother went out for a walk.

Yu Li is also very sensible, saying that she is looking for a girlfriend, but she is not at home.

Yu Haitang is the only one left in the family.

at this time.

Yu Haitang has finished grooming.

He also put on a fashionable Bragi, revealing a section of his calf.

The whole body exudes youthful vitality.

He Daqing walked in and took a look.

Good guy!

This pretty girl even dressed up specially.


I thought she was going to meet her lover tonight.

Yu Haitang warmly greeted her, "Godfather, you haven't come for a long time."

"Is there a newcomer?"

"Just forget about others?"

He Daqing chuckled.

heart said.

The little girl is so smart.

Just a guess.

"That can't be done," he said.

"Which young lady dares to compare her beauty with you?

"Godfather is really busy recently."

"Where's the wine?"


"Let me see."

Yu Haitang hummed and led him into the boudoir.

There are several boxes of Moutai and Wuliangye piled up by the wall.

Dates of manufacture are all recent.

stay for decades.

That is liquid gold.

The price is expensive.

He Daqing smiled, "Not bad!"

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