The reason is very simple, pork belly has a lot of oil and water.

This is what everyone needs.

To know.

At present, there is no pork supply in the market.

Tickets are not available.

You can only buy canned food as a substitute.

So, Qin Huairu really can't complain.

On this condition, it is already better than 90.00%-five people.

Now, she has resigned herself to her fate.

It doesn't matter whether He Daqing will marry her or not.

As long as you get relief supplies from the He family on a regular basis, often have meat to eat, and get good things, that's enough.

At any rate, life is not so tight.


Qin Huairu was still thinking about it.

"zero nine zero"

Wait until you recover.

Be serious with someone, even if they are a little older.

This old dog is so mad.

He Daqing over there.

Also went back to the house to rest.

Qin Jingru was still asleep, watching him secretly.

Said, "Godfather, catching mice is tiring."

He Daqing was startled, "Girl, what do you want to say?"

"Rats, don't look down upon them."

"Running around the room, always going into corners."

"It's not easy to catch."

Qin Jingru giggled, "I know."

"This is heavy physical work."

"You're sweating."

He Daqing was embarrassed.

What the hell!

This little tiger girl is enough.

Dare to connotate labor and capital.

He said, "Good boy."

"I still know how to feel sorry for my godfather."

"Next time I catch a mouse, I'll take you with me."

"If you can't catch it, you can't sleep."

Qin Jingru was dumbfounded.

I drop mom!

It's off-line.

This girl is very good, why can't she think about it, and want to mock this bad old man.

I really want to go to the little black room with He Daqing.

Can there be good things?

She quickly said, "No, you can do it yourself."

"I agree with you to keep a cat."

"Catch all the mice in the house."

"Otherwise, Teacher Xiao Ran wouldn't dare to come."

He Daqing chuckled, "That's about the same."

"Go to sleep now."

"Tomorrow you will be partnering with Poor Hou."

Qin Jingru nodded solemnly.

Holding that ugly doll in his arms, he began to try to fall asleep.

in fact.

Yesterday, Broken Hou collected more than 30 antiques.

Simply busy.

There is no one to help, and it really doesn't work.

As for where these antiques were stored later.

Qin Huairu didn't know.

She's just guessing.

He Daqing found another courtyard house, similar to Zhima Hutong, and quietly hoarded it, but he didn't care about it.

The only thing I care about is that I can prostitute a few old things for nothing every day.

In the blink of an eye.

He Daqing fell asleep.


Early in the morning, he just woke up.

I noticed that someone was wandering outside the door.

He Da counted a cigarette and lifted the curtain to have a look.

Good guy!It was actually Yan Jiecheng.

Judging by his anxious look, it's probably because he didn't get any money.

He was also taught a lesson by Yan Bugui.

It's almost on fire.

I had to pinch my nose and ran over to beg Uncle He.

He Daqing is not in a hurry.

After smoking all the cigarettes, he emptied the ashtray.

Then he opened the door slowly.

With a creak, the door opened.

Yan Jiecheng hurried over, "Uncle He! Good morning!"

"It's still about yesterday."

"Just be merciful and lend me 60 yuan first."

"It should be an emergency."

"Otherwise it's all over."

"Your friend's friend has spoken out."

"If I didn't fill in the gap today."

"There will be no way to do black market business in the future."

He Daqing chuckled, "Really?"

"Know that you are in a hurry?"


"Your shit."

"Why should uncle care?"

"Just because you stab uncle in the back all day long."

"I won't talk about the broken glass in Zhima Hutong."

"You miss Teacher Xiao Ran again."

"Run to Qin Huairu to fight again."

"What do you want to do?"

"Did uncle provoke you?"

"If you want to find someone, go find it yourself, you have to grab it from uncle."

"Respect the old and love the young, do you understand?"

"Didn't you have any ideological and moral lessons at school?"

Yan Jiecheng was so furious that his face turned red like a monkey's butt.


He can't either.

He wanted to prevent his girlfriend Yu Li from dating Uncle He, but they broke up.

Finally, he changed his target and planned to pursue Ran Qiuye, but He Daqing took the lead.

Even, inexplicably, he got crooked mouth and eyes once.

Yan Jiecheng was very skeptical that all of this was caused by He Daqing. …

However, he has no proof.

After finally finding a way to make money, a sudden misfortune happened and he lost hundreds of dollars. Yan Xiecheng felt that he was really unlucky.

It belongs to the kind that farts and hits the heel.

It seemed that something had something to do with Uncle He.

That would never end well.

Yan Jiecheng said bravely, "Uncle! It's all my fault!"

"I made you angry."

"Your prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, so don't worry about me, a junior."

"I assure you."

"I won't bother you again in the future."

"Mr. Xiao Ran will let you."

"Sister Qin, I will never talk to her again."

"Is this the head office?"

He Daqing was happy, "See what you said."

"What do you mean Teacher Xiaoran gave up to uncle?"

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