Yu Haitang feels like sitting on pins and needles.

I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well.

He must rely on He Daqing for help.

Back in the Publicity Section, Yu Haitang asked the section chief for leave without stopping, saying that she was not feeling well, so she asked for a few days of sick leave first.

Calling in sick is relatively simple these days.

Just say it.

It's not as troublesome as in later generations, and the doctor needs to write a note.

Wait until Yu Haitang leaves.

He Daqing returned to the logistics department.

Sitting in the office, blowing a fan, smoking, making tea, and reading newspapers.

at this time.

The young people in the department, some go back to the dormitory for a lunch break, and some just take a nap on the desk

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Yu Li quietly ran to He Daqing's place.

He Daqing looked up, "Yo, it's Lily."

"What's wrong? Want to be a godfather?"

Yu Li smiled awkwardly, and stepped forward to massage He Daqing's shoulders.

She whispered, "Godfather, Li Huaide has become the king."

"How can this be done?"

"I heard what Haitang said."

"In private, Li Huaide threatened to punish her."

"Kick her out of the rolling mill."

He Daqing smiled, "You are truly sisters."

"what do you mean."

"I'm afraid that Yu Haitang will be punished and you will be involved."

"You are also unlucky?"

Yu Li said with a sneer, "I can't hide anything from you."

"Haitang probably also looked for you."

"I want to ask for your help."

"Me too."

"I still want to climb up."

"If you offend the top leader in the factory, it will be a dead end."

He Daqing nodded, "You are right."

"If Li Huaide really made a move to punish your sister."

"You may not be unlucky."

"However, the future is also ruined."

"It's not your turn to be judged advanced, promoted, or become a full-time member."

"Those middle-level cadres are not stupid."

"It's impossible to offend your immediate boss for you."

"Is this the truth?"

Yu Haitang suddenly looked like a deflated ball.

His face was extremely ugly.

The reason is really simple.

Everyone knew that she was Yu Haitang's biological sister.

Although, he didn't directly offend Li Huaide.

However, it is also the object of being harmed by innocent people.

Those leaders in the factory, even if they cherish her talent and want to support her, they have to be scruples

As a result, Yu Li was thrown into the cold palace.

Once something good happens, it's impossible to be her turn.

It is even more impossible to give her such things as regularization and promotion.

So many people are waiting eagerly.

Just give it to someone else.

You said she can not be in a hurry.

Yu Li sighed, "Damn, why am I so miserable!"

"Godfather, you must help me."

"This matter, except for you."

"No one can save me."

He Daqing smiled maliciously, "Really?"

"That depends on whether you are sincere or not."

"Let's meet your Uncle Erqing first."

"Look at your performance, uncle will make a decision."

Chapter 229 It's so obvious! 【Seek full order】

Rolling mill, logistics department.

He Daqing is enjoying it.

Suddenly, a phone call came in.

He Daqing picked it up and listened.

Good guy.

It was actually Ding Qiunan calling from the machine repair shop.

How did she get the phone number here?

On the phone, Ding Qiunan was very polite, "Uncle He, are you there?"

"Come to my house tonight."

"My parents want to see you."

He Daqing was stunned.

What the hell?

The misunderstanding caused that night.

To be taken seriously by Ding's father and Ding's mother~?

What do they want to do?

Do you recognize this older son-in-law?

Or, to warn He Daqing not to get close to Ding Qiunan again?

He Daqing was inclined to believe that it was the latter.

He Daqing quickly shook his head, "No."

"We're not sure about our relationship yet."

"You don't need to be in such a hurry to see your parents."

Ding Qiunan was speechless.

Think beautiful!

Who wants to establish a relationship with you?

Looking for a boyfriend.

I can't find a little fresh meat.

I have to find old bacon like you, Uncle He.

Is this appropriate?

Ding Qiunan said helplessly, "Things always have to be made clear."

"Uncle He, you always come to pester me."

"And gave me so many things."

"It needs to be known."

"How do I find someone?"

He Daqing laughed and said, "Find someone to hammer, just stay with Uncle.

"Of course, Uncle is a little older."

"However, old and mature."

"Age hurts."

"And Uncle has another specialty."

"Guaranteed to shock you for a whole year."

"I can't live without it."

This time, it was Ding Qiunan's turn to be dumbfounded.

This old bastard is bragging again.

She also had contact with He Daqing several times.

I didn't find that this bad old man was different from ordinary people.

Ding Qiunan asked, "Then tell me, where is your specialty?"

He Daqing smiled, "It's not as good as this."

"You come to the courtyard tonight."

"Uncle will show you."

"Just don't be shy."

Ding Qiunan smiled wryly, "Uncle, you want to be a hooligan again?"

He Daqing said hehe, "Is uncle like that?"

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you."

"Uncle is a descendant of a family of Chinese medicine."

"Possess master-level medical skills."

"It will also be a unique skill in acupuncture."

"Don't you always want to go to medical school?"

"That's useless."

"If you want to learn the real thing, you have to learn from my uncle."

Ding Qiunan was stunned, "Really? Uncle, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

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