Ding Shengli is excited.

There is a saying that wine is strong and courageous.

Usually he is a strict wife at home, but after drinking, it's completely reversed.

Ding Shengli slammed the table, and the dishes on the table jumped wildly, "What are you talking about? I'm still not the head of the family?"

"He Section Chief, you can take a fancy to our daughter."

"That's our daughter's blessing."


"The He family's family is so rich."

"There is wine, meat and fresh fruit."

"On this condition, can our machine repair shop find a second one?"

"Nan Yi, who wanted to chase Xiao Nan before, can't be compared with Brother He.

"If we leave the old society, I will make a decision on this marriage."

"If Xiao Nan refuses to marry."

"I tied her to He's house."

Hearing this, He Da is so refreshing.

Say it early.

There is such a good thing.

Labor and management have already come to Ding's house for a long stay.

He quickly expressed his opinion, "Brother Ding, I love what you say."

"That's it."

"As long as Xiao Nan follows me."

"Then you are my old man."

"Wine and meat are enough."

"That's what I said!"

"I dare not say Tiantian Wuliangye, at least I can drink Xifeng wine every day.

"Well, it's interesting enough."

Ding Shengli was excited.

My ni-ma!

Xifeng wine costs two yuan and a bottle.

Count on one bottle per day.

After a month, it will cost at least seventy-five yuan.

This item alone is worth two months' salary.

That's not even counting the appetizers.

What is the standard of living?

The landlord Lao Cai's family is not so arrogant!

This prospective son-in-law is awesome.

"Okay!" Ding Shengli stood up abruptly, and staggered towards the back room.

Ding Qiunan quickly grabbed him, "Dad, why are you so crazy?"

"What are you doing?"

Ding Shengli shook off her hand and said, "Girl, Dad will get you two household registration books, puff! He Daqing spit out a mouthful of wine.


Steady as a dog!

This sold the daughter.

Exactly what I want!

Wang Xiumin was also stunned, "No, old man."

"You have to ask your daughter what she means."

Tomorrow, I will go to the civil affairs department to go through the formalities. "

"How can you be such a father?"

Ding Qiunan's eyes were red.

Just wanted to swear.

Good guy!Why didn't I see it before!

It turned out that there was a drunkard dad.

For this little appetite, he sold his daughter directly.

She was so pissed.

After Ding Shengli was blocked, his temper suddenly came up, "Don't stop me!"

"I will recognize this son-in-law."

"If you two disagree."

"Hurry up and find someone with better conditions than him."

Immediately, Wang Xiumin and Ding Qiunan fell silent.

Four-legged toads are easy to find, but top-quality ones like He Daqing are hard to find.

It is estimated that in ten years, there will be no one better than He Daqing in her circle of friends.

In fact, Ding Qiunan knew it in his heart.

He Da cleared the old and dregs, and everything else was fine.

What's more, there is another specialty that makes people blush and heartbeat.

I drop mom!

That's really one in a million.

At this time, He Daqing said, "Brother Ding, thanks to you for thinking highly of me."

"Brother is very grateful to you."

"Regardless of whether the matter between brother and Xiaonan is successful or not, we will be hardcore brothers from now on."

"If you want to drink and eat meat, go to brother's courtyard."

Ding Shengli was even more excited, "Good brother! I belong to Gao Pan!"

"That's settled then."

"Xiao Nan may have a hard time accepting it for a while."

"I'll do more ideological work for her when I have time."

"Forty-one flowers for a man, Xiao Nan doesn't understand at all."

He Daqing raised his thumbs with both hands.

I can't accept it.

In terms of cheating girls, I, He Laoshi, can't compare to this old man.

He said, "Come, come, let's go one more."

"Not much to say, it's all in the wine."

Ding Shengli also hurried back, raised his glass again, "Drink!"

Ding Qiunan was speechless.

heart said.

You two simply chop off the chicken head, burn the yellow paper, and sworn brothers.

I've never seen such a cheat on my daughter.

For a moment, Ding Qiunan wanted to pack his luggage and move to the factory dormitory, out of sight and out of mind

Wang Xiumin had no choice but to take her daughter away, "Xiao Nan, let them drink."

"No big deal."

"Your father wakes up tomorrow morning, and he doesn't even remember what he said tonight."

"Let him go berserk for a while."

Ding Qiunan felt much more comfortable now.

It's understandable to be drunk and crazy.

Furious, she glared at He Daqing, then went back to the boudoir on her own

He Daqing saw all this in his eyes.

He wasn't in a hurry.

It was easily won, it was not too challenging.


Ding Qiunan was relatively simple.

It's not as scheming as Qin Huairu's.

In addition, the appearance is still passable.

Being a wife is better.

While drinking, He Daqing assured Ding Shengli, "Brother Ding, don't worry, leave your daughter to me."

"I promise to treat her well."

"Don't worry about food, clothing and housing."

"There will be everything that should be there."

At this time, Ding Shengli couldn't listen anymore, because he got down on the ground after drinking, and got under the table directly.

Wang Xiumin hurried over to help her, "Brother He, you should stop in moderation."

"Drink like this."

"Is this interesting?"

He Daqing chuckled, "I'm sorry, my father-in-law crawled all over the floor after drinking."

"Then I'll take my leave."

"Let me, brother Ding, go to the courtyard to drink some other day."

He stood up, patted his buttocks and left.

Wang Xiumin was also a little speechless.

This prospective son-in-law seems to have an amazing drinking capacity.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Regardless of the subsequent changes in the Ding family, He Da counted a cigarette and rode his bicycle home.

When we got home, it was already midnight.

Then draw a lottery quickly.

The system prompts, "Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won [-] packs of betel nuts!

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