It means that the house is full of authentic works and genuine products.


The rich family.

It is estimated that Uncle He has another way.

if not.

I can't even get so much meat.

Being able to marry into this kind of family is similar to that of the landowners in the past.

Ding Qiunan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Take a closer look.

What three turns and one sound.

That's not a problem at all.

According to visual estimation, the He family lacked a hostess in 03.

Think about the meal you had last night.

Ding Qiunan couldn't help swallowing.

tasty!Absolutely delicious!

What to do if you can't eat it in the future.

You can't think about it every day.

She thought to herself, Uncle He must have done it on purpose.

Use delicious food to seduce people.

so bad.

It's just bad intentions.

at this time.

Qin Jingru has already finished her meal.

I washed the dishes again, wiped my mouth, and came to the living room.

She stretched out her hand, "Godfather, where is the camera?"

"I'll take a picture of you two."

"How does this thing work, I haven't used it yet."

"You teach others."

He Daqing put down his cigar, stood up slowly, and then took out the Zijinshan brand SLR camera from the back room.

this year.

The function of the camera is also very simple.

The function of delaying taking pictures does not exist at all.

Otherwise, He Dalatin Qiunan went into the back room early in the morning and started taking pictures by himself.

Seeing this, Ding Qiunan was even more surprised.

She did not expect that He Daqing actually had a camera.

This stuff is almost exclusively found in photo studios.

Chances of private ownership are too low.

Among the 1 citizens, it is not necessarily possible to have one.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

You know, until the production of this SLR camera was discontinued, only less than a thousand units were produced and sold to various towns in China.

Ding Qiunan felt more and more.

He Daqing is mysterious and unpredictable.

Always surprise her.

She also leaned over with Qin Jingru.

He Daqing briefly taught a few words.

Qin Jingru tried to play.

Fumbled a bit.

That's about it.

After all, there is no need for technical content to take pictures this time.

Ding Qiunan urged, "Hurry up."

"I'm going back after filming."

He Daqing chuckled, "What's the rush?"

"Jingru, let's start."

"Xiao Nan, stand next to Uncle."

"What are you doing so far away?"

"A little closer."

"hurry up."

"Hey, are you still shy?"

When Qin Jingru pressed the shutter.

Ding Qiunan suddenly found that He Daqing had put his arms around her shoulders at some point, and was almost touching her cheek, smiling brightly.


I fell into the trap!

Say good photo.

How did it become an intimate photo, like boyfriend and girlfriend.

This photo is okay if I keep it for myself.

Accidentally leaked out.

Then there must be a storm all over the city.

Ding Qiunan was in a hurry, and quickly broke free from He Daqing's hand, and shouted, "Jingru, I can't take this photo."

"Delete it for me."

"Yes, you can't keep it."

Qin Jingru said awkwardly, "How to delete it?"

"I won't."

"What if it breaks."

"Godfather didn't teach me either."

He Daqing smiled maliciously, "Come on, I'll delete it."

After taking the camera, he pretended to operate it.

Said, "Well, it has been deleted."

"Now you are satisfied."

Ding Qiunan was dubious, "Really?"

He Daqing simply handed her the camera.

Ding Qiunan took it over, looked left and right, but didn't know what to do.

Like Qin Jingru, it was the first time she came into contact with such high-end gadgets.

I'm also afraid that if I break it, I won't be able to pay for it.

So, I just looked at it, and was very worried, so I returned it to He Daqing.

In fact, the photos were not deleted.

With He Daqing's familiarity with this kind of equipment, it's easy to move a little bit of hands and feet. In short, the photo of him and Ding Qiunan's cheek to cheek is preserved.

Next, Ding Qiunan was very reluctant and took another normal photo with He Daqing.

The distance between the two is not too close.

It looks like two acquaintances.

Not a couple.

Ding Qiunan was sent away.

He Daqing was simply delighted.

This time.

This cold beauty is hard to fly.

For that group photo, he plans to make a hundred copies first, Ding Qiunan is in the machine repair shop, he is famous.If you look at the photo, you must know who it is.

This wave of scandals will explode.

Find a dark and windy night and spread it all over the courtyard of the machine repair factory.

At that time, she will be speechless.

Everyone also knows that the factory flower Ding Qiunan has a man.

Who is still chasing her?

Apart from marrying He Daqing, Ding Qiunan has no other choice.

Even if she finds another partner, He Daqing doesn't even need to show up. If he finds a chance to let this man see this photo, he will definitely not accept it.

These days, the atmosphere is terribly conservative.

thought here.

He Daqing couldn't help laughing.

The more you smoke the cigars get better.

no way.

The method is to work a little bit.

Character is a little shameless.

However, it is much better than fooling others and forcing the overlord to bow.

He Daqing feels that there is still a bottom line for being bad.

Obviously a small trick 103 can solve the problem.

There's no need to get that extreme.

Qin Jingru asked suspiciously, "Godfather, what are you laughing at?"

"It's a terrible laugh."

"Could it be that he wants to play tricks on Dr. Ding again?"

He Daqing smiled, "You little baby knows a hammer."

"Go and do the laundry."

"Godfather is busy developing photos."

Qin Jingru let out a groan, and had no choice but to carry the dirty clothes to the sink.

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