Therefore, Cui Dake also said, "Uncle He, this photo is scattered all over the machine repair shop, did you make it?

He Daqing closed the door and said calmly, "That's right."

"I did it."

"What's wrong, you two are going to kill me?"

Originally, the two of them thought that He Daqing was looking for an excuse to fool them and play with their IQs.

Unexpectedly, this old dog is extremely shameless.

He actually admitted it generously.

Nanyi and Cui Dake prepared a lot of provocative words, and there was no room for them to express themselves.

Nan Yi frowned, "What are you trying to do?"

"Have you considered Ding Qiunan's feelings?"

"How much it will affect her."

"How will she deal with objects in the future?"

He Daqing smiled playfully, "Teacher, you still miss Ding Qiunan."

"It's not appropriate for a man with a family."

"And Cui Dake, don't be serious there."

"Uncle's thoughts on the two of you, that is (adac) clear."

"Tell you the truth."

"Uncle not only fell in love with Ding Qiunan, but also met the parents with her.

"Her father Shengli agreed."

"I also said that I need to get the household registration booklet and ask my uncle and Ding Qiunan to register."

"It's all right."

"Just stare."

Nanyi and Cui Dake were dumbfounded.

Simply unbelievable.

My ni-ma!

real or fake? !

There is such a thing? !

Are you sure it wasn't He Laogou deliberately fooling you? !

Cui Dake almost suffocated.

No wonder Ding Qiunan and He Daqing took such an intimate photo together.

If the parents agreed, that would be quite reasonable.

The problem is that.

Why did Ding Qiunan's father agree?

There is no reason.

Ding Shengli seems to be younger than He Laogou.

Is this also acceptable? !

Nanyi's voice trembled, "No! Master, is what you said true?"

"Are you really with Xiao Nan?"

He Daqing was happy, "Isn't that nonsense?"

"Uncle is still single."

"The conditions are so good."

"It's normal to find someone."

"If uncle is twenty or twenty years younger, what kind of beautiful young lady can't be found?"

Nan Yi was speechless for a moment.

Although, He Laogou is a bit narcissistic.

However, it is true.

The condition of the surname He is true is not bad.

He is handsome and tough, has money on hand, and his status is good, so it is not difficult to find a factory to spend or something. If you say that Uncle He, who was young, got involved with Ding Qiunan, no one would be surprised.

The problem is that.

Uncle He is now five years old.

Although he looks young on the outside, he is actually a little old man.

Why does he press a pear tree against a crabapple?

Cui Dake held back for a long time, and finally said, "I don't believe it!"

He Daqing laughed loudly, "You don't need to believe me."

"I'll ask Ding Shengli to drink tomorrow."

"You can ask him yourself."

"Nowadays, a son-in-law like uncle can't be found with a lantern."

Obedient to these words, Cui Dake's heart turned cold.

Are you so sure?

meaning is.

The matter between Uncle He and Ding Qiunan is indeed beginning to emerge.

It can't be a blank sheet of paper with nothing.

Nan Yi said awkwardly, "What's the matter with the photo?"

He Daqing smiled playfully, "Teacher, use your clever mind to think about it."

"The parents agreed."

"However, the parties are still hesitating."

"Uncle, you have to take a dose of strong medicine."

Nan Yi suddenly realized.

Mom sells horses!

Sure enough, this old dog did it.

He even shamelessly admitted it.

Cui Dake patted his head and probably figured it out.

This surname He, I don't know what method to use to get Ding's father settled.

However, Ding Qiunan himself was unwilling.

At a young age, who wants to be with a bad old man half body buried in the ground.

Therefore, Uncle He deliberately tricked her.

This incident was intentionally made.

The purpose is to build momentum.

It is the "fact" that the cold beauty Ding Qiunan has a partner, and she is an old man.

Forced her to go nowhere.

He can only passively choose Uncle He.

This move is not even considered clever.

However, it is indeed quite useful.

Nowadays, it is almost crazy in the machine repair shop.

You can say anything.

Some people even said that Ding Qiunan was pregnant with a baby, and took a group of wedding photos with her, an old man, and planned to marry her with a son.

Therefore, even if Nanyi and Cui Dake knew the truth, it would be useless and there was no way to change the situation.

Because the two of them spoke lightly, and their words had no weight.

It's also impossible. If you catch anyone, you should explain to them that Dr. Ding Qiunan was tricked or something.

And they don't have that much free time, both of them are at work.

Especially Cui Dake, who had to go to Pigeon Market early in the morning to sell pigs into the water. Although he was anxious, he couldn't help Ding Qiunan.

Cui Dake was speechless, "Is Ding Qiunan still in the dark?"

"Yes, there will be a good show tomorrow."

He Daqing smiled, "You boy, I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic."

"Be careful if you offend uncle, take good care of you."

"Let you lose money and money."

Cui Dake was dumbfounded.

hiss!How did labor and management forget this!

Uncle He not only knows how to give needles, but also knows his upline who is a speculator.

When the time comes to deal with him, his source of income will be cut off, and he won't even be able to sell the pig.

Besides, his wife, Zhang Cuifen, was following He Laogou's advice.

If He Laogou is at Zhang Cuifen's place and "speaks nicely" for him, Cui Dake won't be able to stay at home.

Thinking of this, Cui Dake broke into a cold sweat, "Uncle! You have misunderstood! I absolutely dare not to talk to you! Let's go, I'll go home first, you two talk slowly!"

Chapter 239 Shocked Ding Qiunan for a whole year! 【Seek full order】

Cui Dake ran away like shit.

Nanyi couldn't sit still.

As an apprentice, he was already a bit shorter than He Daqing, so how could he fall out with him.

Besides, that's the end of the matter.

There is no way to undo it.

Even if Nanyi talks to He Daqing, it's useless to talk all night.

At that time, his [-]-pound fat daughter-in-law should have something to say.

Really nothing.

Nanyi also had no choice but to leave in despair~.

Those photos are gone.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him.

He just had a crush on Ding Qiunan for too long, and he couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Send these two away.

He Daqing also lay down and rested.

The one-on-one teaching with Li Yan'er just now was indeed a bit exhausting.

But, hey.

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