Life is tight.

Chapter 240 Apart from Marrying Uncle He,

Siheyuan, He's family.

Ding Qiunan was shaken.

She is a child of a poor family.

I have never seen so much money in my life.

Immediately was shocked.

No wonder Uncle He spoke with confidence.

It turned out to be so predictable.

Looking at the entire rolling mill, I am afraid that no one can compare with him.

There is no other choice! 【Seek full order】

Neither does the factory manager.

That's even worse for machine repair shops.

It was a small broken factory with few employees.

However, Ding Qiunan also has his own difficulties.

She really didn't want her future husband to be too old.

Over five years old is not considered.

What's more, He Daqing is twenty to ten years older than her.

This is totally unacceptable.


So much money lay ahead.

This may be the sugar-coated cannon of the capitalists.

Ding Qiunan felt that he was going to be overwhelmed.

Just say yes.

You don't have to get up early and work late every day.

It doesn't need to be under anyone's control.

Do whatever you want and step into retirement early.

Wouldn't that be nice.

She squatted down, picked up a bundle of big unity, and weighed it in her hand.

It's real money.

Heavy "one zero three".


Unexpectedly, Uncle He hid it so deeply.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to show it, Ding Qiunan would never have known in his life that he was in contact with a local tyrant

Ding Qiunan said, "Uncle He, why don't you give me time to think about it?"

He Daqing said, "You have no choice."

"If you go back on your word and refuse to marry."

"Also tell about Uncle's money."

"Didn't Uncle get into trouble?"

Ding Qiunan was shocked.

It appears to be so.

She was about to pee out of fear, "Uncle! You wouldn't kill someone to silence you!"

"I'm very strict with my mouth."

"I promise not to speak out."

He Daqing chuckled, "Guarantees are useless."

"Uncle knows your home address."

"Know your parents."

"Weigh the consequences yourself."

Ding Qiunan panicked, "Then what should I do?"

He Daqing said, "Have you read Water Margin?"

"Those good guys go up the mountain and have to submit a certificate."

"What's a vote of honor?"

"It's just going down the mountain to kill a lot of people and rob a lot of money. Since then, there has been a stain, so I have to become a bandit.

When Ding Qiunan heard this, he was about to cry again.

She has heard of Water Margin.

But I haven't seen it.

I don't even know, this shit voted for a certificate.

Usually at home, she would not dare to kill a chicken.

Of course, there is no such condition these days, allowing her to have chickens to kill.

And how is it possible to do that kind of thing?

However, this He Daqing is not a good person at first glance, the kind who does things unscrupulously.

This made the kind and cowardly Ding Qiunan feel a strong sense of fear.

Ding Qiunan hurriedly said, "Don't, don't do this."

"Uncle, we have something to discuss."

"What exactly do you want to let me go."

"I meant no offense."

"I don't want to offend you at all."

He Daqing spread his hands, "How many times have I said that?"

"If you marry Uncle, you will eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

"Be a noble lady and young mistress."

"Isn't it better than going to work and getting a dead salary?"

"Besides, you look so pretty."

"Too many people in the factory miss you, and uncle is worried."

Ding Qiunan: "..."

After all, this is the only way?

I'm so sorry.

I shouldn't be so impulsive this morning, but I took the initiative to throw myself into the trap.

If you don't come, nothing will happen.

Why did it come to this end.

He Daqing watched her face change, secretly amused in his heart.

Little girl, she actually wants to fight Uncle He.

It was hundreds of years earlier.

She bit the bullet and said, "Uncle, if I don't promise you, I won't be able to leave today, right?"

He Daqing smiled playfully, "You can say that."

Ding Qiunan's mentality collapsed on the spot.

If you don’t come to the courtyard house, nothing will happen.

When you come, you will send the sheep to the tiger's mouth.

How could she dare to care about it? He Daqing had previously spread photos of the two of them everywhere in the factory.

Let's escape from the devil's den of the He family first.

Seeing Ding Qiunan's expression, He Daqing smiled even more happily, "Xiao Nan, since we are husband and wife in the future

"Then, I won't lie to you."

"Except for cooks, antique collectors, and heirs of unrivaled medical skills."

"I can still kung fu."

Ding Qiunan was stunned.

What the hell?

Why don't you say that you are the leader of the martial arts?

The net rides on the horse and blows nonsense.

She said, "Whether you know kung fu, what does it matter to me?"


"Even if you really possess unrivaled magic power."

"How to prove it?"

He Daqing smiled, "Of course it has something to do with it, and it has a lot to do with it."


He Daqing casually took a deck of playing cards from the table.

Don't think that playing cards are a product of later generations.

In fact, the 60s have been around for a long time.

The one he took was produced by the Celestial Dynasty, and it was called the Golden Phoenix playing card.

Ding Qiunan was dumbfounded, "What are you doing?"

He Daqing took out another apple and handed it to her, "Here, put this thing on your head, and then you go to stand by the wall." Ding Qiunan had no choice but to do as he did.

She walked to the wall five meters away, stood against the wall, and then put the apple on her head.

Then, a whoosh was heard.

The apple was split in half and fell to the ground.

Ding Qiunan didn't even see clearly.

How did He Daqing make the move?

She looked back.

Good guy!

This poker card was not only accurate, cutting the apple in two, but also the follow-up momentum was very fierce, with a quarter of the card body directly inserted into the wall.

Ding Qiunan trembled.

He didn't even think of killing her.

He Daqing's skill is simply outrageously strong.

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