It's working time now.

Ninety-nine percent of people who knew her stayed in the work unit.

There are too few people who have money and leisure to go shopping, and they may not come here.

When he came to the relevant store, Ding Qiunan saw at a glance that several Flying Pigeon chain boxes were placed there

All brand new.

Just the style she'd been dreaming of.

Normally Ding Qiunan would not dare to think about such things.

Because tickets are so hard to come by.

Anyway, it's not her turn.

Besides, more than 100 yuan, all her deposits added up are not enough for this amount.

This is not the first time He Daqing has come.

He found the salesperson directly, pointed to the bicycle and said, "Comrade, please give my wife a bicycle."

"Make no mistake."

"Just the Flying Pigeon Chain Box."

"Don't think about anything else."

While talking, he took out money and industrial vouchers.

Now this time.

Industrial vouchers have already been tested, at least they can be used in department stores.

The salesperson smiled all over his face, "So stupid! Just wait a moment!"

Ding Qiunan looked at the situation.

My heart was filled with happiness immediately.

He Daqing who pays out is super handsome.

When he got the bicycle, Ding Qiunan felt a little dreamy.

Incredibly fast.

Oh my goodness.

It's too easy.

The salesperson praised, "Master, your wife is really beautiful.

He Daqing said hehe, "That must be done."

Ding Qiunan couldn't hold back anymore, and quietly tugged at the corner of He Daqing's clothes,

"We haven't received the certificate yet."

"Who is your wife now?"

"The public, you have to pay attention to the impact."

He Daqing patted his head, "Oh, I forgot about this."

"Or else."

"Out of this door, let's go home and get the documents."

"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get things done."

"In the future, I will work with a license and drive legally."

Ding Qiunan's face turned red immediately.

She really didn't know what it was to drive.

However, the general meaning is still understood.

Ding Qiunan asked curiously, "'々What kind of car do you drive?"

He Daqing gave a smirk, and whispered in her ear, "This woman is like a car.

"Uncle, it's the driver."

"Then what is tantamount to driving on the road."

"It's okay if you get the certificate."

"If you don't get the certificate."

"That's driving without a license."

"It's dangerous."

This time, Ding Qiunan was so embarrassed that his face turned red to the base of his ears.

This old batch.

That's enough.

There is no occasion to make colored jokes.

It would be embarrassing if people heard about it.

She gritted her teeth and stepped on He Daqing's foot, "Bad guy!"

He Daqing intentionally yelled out.

The salesperson is also very envious.

This pair of handsome men and women is really eye-catching.

It's even here to flirt with and spread dog food.

Too much.

He Daqing took Ding Qiunan to store the newly bought bicycle first, and then took her to continue shopping in department stores.

Start buying, buying, buying mode.

Ding Qiunan also knew that He Daqing was not short of money at all.

(Good job) I didn't save money for him.

Turned around and down.

I packed up all my outfits.

I bought some of the cosmetics on the market separately.

This time, Ding Qiunan was so happy that he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

Girls are always beautiful.

But limited to family conditions.

She couldn't dress herself up to her heart's content before.

With He Daqing.

Then there is no such trouble.

Put on Bragi, small leather shoes, put on a beautiful headdress, and carry a small leather bag

Ding Qiunan was walking down the street pushing the Feige chain box, and the rate of return was high.

Sure enough, that sentence came true.

People rely on clothes, Buddhas rely on gold.

When He Daqing saw it, he immediately praised, "Daughter-in-law, you are simply the prettiest girl on this street.

"That's me and someone with a good eye."

"It was taken early."

"Can't take advantage of those other stinky men."

"Let's go, go home."

"Repair the equipment."

Chapter 248 The Infatuated Ocean Horse


He Daqing came out of Ding's house.

Facing the sun, he stretched himself.

Simply cool.

Ding Qiunan took so many benefits.

Out of face.

Repaired the equipment for him.

The subjective initiative of the workers in the machine repair factory has been brought into play.

Although the technology is a little worse.

However, at least it can achieve results.

Ding Qiunan sent him to the door, looking at the little old man with a complicated expression.

She doesn't even know.

Why, he boarded He Daqing's pirate ship in a daze.


It feels pretty good.

He Daqing's appearance and substance not only satisfied her, but also far exceeded her expectations

It's not over yet.

A happy life has arrived.

She couldn't help but said, "Remember to miss me."

He Daqing nodded, "Don't worry."

"My daughter-in-law doesn't even want to."

"Which family's daughter-in-law do I want?"

Ding Qiunan snorted, "I'm not serious."

"Who knows which daughter-in-law you miss?"

"Remember, you are not allowed to hook up outside."

"Otherwise, hum."

While speaking, Ding Qiunan made a gesture of chopping melons and vegetables.

He Daqing was happy.

This little girl is bluffing.

A majestic internal boxing master, let her be at his mercy?

Don't even think about it.

He Daqing smiled and said, "Understood."

"Uncle will come to see you when I'm free."

"of course."

"If you can't help it."

"103 misses Uncle so much."

"Go to the courtyard by yourself."

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