"Stay here with him later, read a book."

"Go ahead."

"Okay!" Qin Huairu smiled meaningfully, then waved his hands and made a goodbye gesture

He Daqing took a look.

Hey!There are tricks!

Something is wrong with these two women.

I'm afraid they have colluded.

After pouring himself a cup of tea, He Daqing had a flash of light in his mind.

Probably guessed the situation.

Ran Qiuye would never engage in a sneak attack for no reason today.

It is estimated that Qin Huairu tipped her off.

The problem is, Qin Huairu is busy with work in the workshop, and she must not be off duty during working hours. So, who is delivering the news is ready to come out.

He Daqing sneered in his heart.

Dare to put eye drops on Mr. He.

Qin Huairu, you are really awesome.

He stood up and said, "Teacher Xiao Ran, sit down first, I'll ask Jingru to bring you a plate of melon seeds."

"I'm in a hurry."

"Let's talk about it in the toilet."

After finishing speaking, He Daqing turned around and went out the door.

Qin Huairu has already returned home.

He Daqing didn't bother to look for Banggen, so he went directly to Liu Haizhong's house.

Liu Haizhong also thought that He Daqing had something to do with him and would point him to a way of making money.

Unexpectedly, He Daqing was looking for a pair of bad boys Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

Pulling Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu out, He Daqing smiled and said, "You two nephews, do you want to earn some pocket money?"

When Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu heard this, they were overjoyed.

The boss is here to take care of business again.

The boss is auspicious, and the boss gets rich.

Liu Guangtian hurriedly said, "Uncle He, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Just one word from you."

"I'll give you a good meal with this sticky haibian."

He Daqing was overjoyed, "Your brat is smart enough to become a roundworm in my uncle's stomach."

"You really know what uncle thinks."

"It's the way it is."

"Uncle suspects, the stick is behind the fire."

"But not sure."

"You two go ask him for uncle."

"This fifty cents belongs to both of you."

While talking, He Daqing quickly took out fifty cents.

That's right, not five bucks.

It's fifty cents.

These days, fifty cents is enough for the brothers to spend two or three days, without exaggeration.

After all, it only costs a few cents to go to the street to buy a sesame seed cake to satisfy your craving.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were overjoyed.

He ran out in a hurry.

Normally, the two of them often bullied the children nearby.

Cleaning up disobedient kids is their core business.

Less than 5 minutes.

Outside the courtyard wall, there was a cries of sticks.

This time, Qin Huairu was taken aback, the pretty widow came out cursing, and followed the crying to find her own child.

The two people who caused the accident had long since fled without a trace.

He Daqing sneered and returned to his home.

Ran Qiuye asked suspiciously, "Uncle He, why are there children crying outside?"

"It still sounds like a stick."

He Daqing smiled playfully, "How do I know?"

"Children are naughty."

"It's normal to have a fight or something."

"Jingru, serve the food faster."

"Teacher Ran is hungry."

Qin Jingru replied, "Okay! Right away!"

Ran Qiuye originally wanted to go out to see the situation.

Speaking of which, Sticky is still a student in her class.

If something happened, she had to be concerned.

However, on He Daqing's side, the door has already been closed. The reason is that it is too noisy outside and affects his appetite.

Ran Qiuye didn't care.

I could only bite the bullet and sit back in my seat.

It's time to eat.

She was speechless.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Same ingredients.

He Daqing made it delicious.

Qin Jingru's standard is much worse.

Basically, it is the level of an ordinary housewife, who can barely swallow it, that's all.

Qin Jingru also knew that her cooking skills were still poor, so before the food was served, she made a special statement and apologized.

Ran Qiuye was eating.

One side thinks.

It would be great if there was a man in the family who was as good at cooking as He Daqing.

At least when eating, it is to enjoy rather than suffer.

Ran Qiuye's own cooking skills are terrible, worse than Qin Jingru's.

However, the chef is not so easy to find.

If possible, Ran Qiuye didn't even mind, and went on a blind date with Shazhu, a top-notch cook.

The problem is, Shazhu is not only married now, but also has children.

She is depressed.

0??? 0..

After dinner.

He Daqing got a reclining chair and came over.

He smoked a cigar and read a novel.

It's quite pleasant.

He was not afraid, Ran Qiuye told about the cigars.

Anyway, ordinary people nowadays have never seen such a thing, and it is hard for people to describe it

Ran Qiuye was eating melon seeds while watching The Deer and Ding Ji.

That is called a relish.

I almost forgot the purpose of coming today.

It was about 08:30 when she suddenly remembered.

So, looking at He Daqing, he asked, "Uncle, do you know a doctor named Ding?

He Daqing was taken aback.

Sure enough, I guessed right.

Someone stared here and broke the news to Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye was originally unwilling to contact He Daqing, but fell into a routine.

At best, he has a slight liking for He Daqing, that's all.

However, a competitor appeared out of nowhere.

She was impatient.

So I ran over to find out the truth.

He Daqing was like a mirror in his heart.

Already figured out why.

He chuckled, "Doctor Ding?"


"They even treated me."

"Am I obliged to say thank you?"

Ran Qiuye groaned inwardly.


What disease?

Isn't this bullshit?

Who are you, He Daqing? You are much stronger than the young man.

What disease can there be?

It is estimated that it is astringent disease.

On the surface, Ran Qiuye said politely, "Really? Then I really have to thank you."

"excuse me."

.0 ...

"What's wrong with you?"

"Can you tell me?"

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