It's worth pondering.

Tsk tsk tsk, the city knows how to play.

At this moment.

Yan Jiekuang saw a similar face appearing nearby.

That's a copy of Cui Zhang's, that is, Zhang Cuifen is here.

She was soon on the list and saw her name.

Zhang Cuifen smiled openly.

very good!very powerful!

It's not in vain that Cui Dake goes out early and late to make money.

Yan Jiekuang looked at the dancing Zhang Cuifen, and was a little puzzled.

In an instant, he suddenly realized.

I go!No wonder it looks so familiar!

This is the younger version, Grandma Qin Huairu.

Once appeared in the courtyard.

Qin Huairu who was beside her also saw Zhang Cuifen.

She saw this name on the list just now, and thought it was the same name.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Zhang Cuifen himself.

Qin Huairu suddenly became vigilant.

what's going on?

She also has a share?

Could it be that she also played a game of catching mice with Uncle He?

Looking at Zhang Cuifen's slightly raised belly, Qin Huairu fell into deep thought.

The child in the belly of the mother-in-law and niece.

Whose is it?

Uncle He loves Cui Dake?


Qin Huairu was frightened by her crazy thoughts.

If so.

It is true to destroy the three views.

At this time, Zhang Cuifen also saw Qin Huairu, she turned her head to look at the list, and indeed found the widow's name.

Suspicion also arose in Zhang Cuifen's heart.

Qin Huai Ru He De He Neng, also got the regular quota?

Zhang Cuifen had heard about how poor the Qin family was.

I can't afford the 500 yuan at all.

Then the problem is coming.

What resources did Qin Huairu use to get this quota.

Shouldn't be.

Uncle He has been secretly the stepfather of the stick, right?

It is possible!

Uncle He is squinting!

Can you let go of a beautiful young woman like Qin Huairu?

That's harder than making wolves stop eating meat and become vegetarians.

Well, the answer is already there.

Good guy!Your circle is really chaotic!

The two women looked at each other without speaking for a moment.

Chapter 280 It's such a happy decision! 【Seek full order】

Factory gate.

Many people gathered.

It's all about the announcement list.

There was a lot of discussion.

After all, the lucky ones who got the regularization indicators are not so convincing.

If they are honest and ranked according to their qualifications and performance, at least [-]% of the [-] places must be rejected.

The issue is.

Everyone knows it.

Now Li Huaide has the final say.

This product has a bad reputation.

The reviews are too bad.

It's not surprising that there are shady and black-box operations.

Although saying, this was in the 60s.

And it is in a large state-owned factory.

However, ordinary workers can only accept it silently.

The days are still long.

Next time, it may not be their turn.

Zhang Cuifen looked at Qin Huairu and said, "Sister Qin, congratulations!"

She and Qin Huairu are close relatives, and her aunt has remarried to Nantai Commune, so it's not easy to determine "one twenty" in terms of address.

Just call me sister, that's about it.

Qin Huairu said with a sneer, "Cuifen, congratulations to you too."

"I have a chance to come to my house for dinner."

Zhang Cuifen hummed.

Want to ask but dare not ask.

There are people all around.

It is indeed a little inconvenient.

However, Zhang Cuifen had already guessed it.

Most likely, this widow Qin was in favor of Uncle He.

Without He Daqing's help, Qin Huairu still had no chance of becoming a regular.

Although I don't know what price Qin Huairu paid.

However, you can guess it.

Afraid of being slaughtered.

Look at the dark circles under his eyes, I'm afraid he didn't get a good rest last night.

Gee tut.

Zhang Cuifen's imagination was running wild.

Of course, she didn't want to expose her affairs.

She still spent 500 yuan in exchange for her own quota.

Not a small amount.

Yu Li and Yu Haitang in the distance also spotted these two.

The eyes of the two women are quite complicated.

The Yu sisters did not know Zhang Cuifen.

However, know Qin Huairu.

Especially Yu Li.

Tell her intuitively.

Qin Huairu was also given unspoken rules by He Laogou.

Who made this widow look so charming and beautiful.

Also being a woman, Yu Li was a little jealous of her.

But thinking of Qin Huairu's rough fate.

Yu Li felt much better again.

Sensing that someone was staring at him, Qin Huairu looked over according to his feeling.

Good guy!

It turned out to be Yan Jiecheng's ex-girlfriend.

Yu Li, who was unclear with He Daqing.

It is one of Qin Huairu's potential rivals in love.

Therefore, Qin Huairu didn't have a good face.

And cursed a few words in my heart.

This is a whore who sells her lust!

In the past few months, Yu Li was still unemployed.

Now, with He Daqing's relationship, he suddenly became a clerk in the logistics department

And straight up.

I'm afraid that He Laogou took advantage of it a lot, right? !

It must be so!Pooh!

Why don't you know how to be ashamed when you are young?

It was found that Qin Huairu's complexion was not good-looking.

Yu Li sneered in her heart.

Everyone is half a catty.

Why bother.

You Widow Qin is thinking about marrying Uncle He.

This girl doesn't think so.

Play by yourself.

Not to accompany.

Yu Li pulled her younger sister Yu Haitang, turned around and left.

Qin Huairu glared at the two of them bitterly.

It took a long time before I pushed the bicycle into the factory.

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