to the place.

Broken Hou is basking in the sun, sipping tea.

It looks very comfortable and enjoyable.

Qin Jingru was beside him, fanning him.

Seeing He Daqing, Potty Hou teased, "Hey, again?"

"Is our rolling mill on holiday, or has it stopped production?"

"You are too idle."

He Daqing smiled slightly, "That's right."

"Close the stall today."

"Let's go back and drink."

"Wait until the drink is good, I have something to ask you."

As soon as he heard about drinking, Potty Hou suddenly regained his spirits and said, "Jingru, didn't you hear that?

0.2 "Hurry up and pack up your things and go back."

"I'm a big dog eater."

Qin Jingru was also surprised.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in He Daqing's gourd.

Go back to Rouge Alley.

It is already one o'clock at noon.

He Daqing cooks himself.

Made several hard dishes with wine.

Then, he took out two bottles of Wuliangye and drank it with Poor Hou.

Poor Hou's alcohol addiction is greater than that of He Daqing.

There is such a good wine again.

It was wine till the glass was dry, and I had a good drink.

After drinking for three rounds, Broken Hou said, "Old He, tell me, which piece of my collection do you like?

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be."

"Your collection is dozens of times mine."

"That's what you want."

"So, you got your eye on that one?"

He Daqing chuckled, "The tea is fragrant, let's go back to the building after drinking."

"These three precious bowls."

"You make an offer."

"Or in cash."

"Or grain and meat."

"Or barter for other old objects."

"Something must be given to me."

Chapter 361

Rouge alley.

Hearing He Daqing's words, Poor Hou was dumbfounded.

It didn't even occur to him to kill him.

He Daqing will miss these three small bowls.

And it will be so solemn.

what's going on?

Looks like it shouldn't be.

You know, it's not an exaggeration to say that He Daqing is No. 1 in the collection circle of Sijiu City.

, Gather friends, and go back upstairs!

It doesn't make sense to just stare at these three small bowls.

In fact, in the eyes of Poor Hou, the three precious bowls are just one of many collections.

There is no special meaning.

If in normal times.

He certainly won't sell it.


Today's tattered Hou.

Because of being next to the big tree of He Daqing, there are nearly a hundred more pieces in the collection, so I had to rent a house as a warehouse to store these antiques.

He even had an extra watchdog for safety.

Poor Hou frowned and said, "No, Lao He, you have to tell me the reason."

"Why exactly?"

He Daqing explained, "It's okay to tell you."

"Admiral of the Nine Gates is about Shan, he is my good buddy."

"He has three sworn brothers."

"The family are descendants of tax collectors."

"Then, there were four small bowls left in total."

"Nowadays, about Shanshou, there is only that little bowl called Juyoun."

"He dreams of putting together a set. 03"

"In memory of a deceased brother."

Poor Hou finally understood, and said, "You mentioned it to me before."

"These three bowls were stolen by my father."

"I have a grudge with others."

"Well, it's not my fault."

"It's all about the previous generation."

He Daqing nodded and said, "That's right."

"The tea is fragrant, let's go for the wine, and then go back upstairs."

"These three are dispensable to you."


"If people can't make up a set about Mr. Shan, I'm not exaggerating to say that they will die without saying a word.

seems to be considering.

He Daqing struck while the iron was hot and said, "Don't even think about it."

"Take it out quickly."

"Just as I say."

"Actually, I think so."

"You are my brother, and Yushan is also my brother."

"Everyone has nothing to drink and make friends."

"Discuss the collection of antiques."

"It's also a pleasure."

"How can there be so much hatred."

Poor Hou poured himself a glass of wine and said, "No, I think I've lost money."

He Daqing laughed out loud.

He knows tattered Hou.

This person is a knife mouth bean curd heart.

Actually quite righteous.

In the TV series under Zhengyangmen, Poor Hou later became close friends with Mr. Guan

There is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Look away, let it go, it's about the same.

He Daqing said, "How about that."

"I'll make it up to you a little more."

"Let Jingru worship you as a teacher, recognize you as a godfather, and learn antique collection from you."

"Look, such a beautiful and juicy girl, calling you godfather every day from now on, aren't you happy?"

Broken Hou was startled, slapped his thigh and said, "Okay!"

"I quite like this girl, Jingru."

"People are honest and do their jobs."

"It's much better than my own daughter, Su'e."

"This child, Su'e, is very disobedient."

"Too disturbing."

Qin Jingru heard it.

Immediately also dumbfounded.


However, she didn't mind.

Because she has been collecting antiques with her partner, Poor Hou, and she knows that this little old man is not a bad person.

At least he was more reliable than He Daqing.


She vaguely remembered.

He Daqing once mentioned it after drinking.

There is a lot of room for these antiques to appreciate in the future.

If he worshiped the tattered Hou as his master and recognized him as his godfather, there would definitely be benefits.

At that time, casually, a few old things from Hou Dianchen would be enough for her to eat and wear for a lifetime.

Qin Jingru's mouth was very sweet, and she called her godfather on the spot, and poured tea and wine for the broken Hou.

Coax the little old man to smile.


He Daqing knew.

Broken Hou has a good character, he doesn't seem to care much about female sex, he is just obsessed with collecting.

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